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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1913)
8(ate iiUtctical EcfctW m mi-WltM fflribaxm. TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 29, 1913. No. 63 Mtttth w4'l4"l"l"' Local and Personal. Wm. Madison, of Mayflower and Emma Brownoll, of this city, were married by County Judge Grant Wed nesday morning. Messrs Dick "Baker, Louis Tobin, and George Gibbs havo rented '.he Schatz residence on Eatt 5th street and will move thera today. Joseph Dinney and daughter Bertha, of Marselle, III., who were guests of the former's sister Mrs. Anno Guil liaume, left for home Tuesday evening. Miss Ethel McWilliams returned Tnesday afternoon from Salt Lake City where for three months she was the guest of an aunt. Mrs. Johanna McGraw who wont to Sheridan recently to mako her home, was notatisfiod'with the new location and has returned. Miss Helen Gleason who spent the greater part of this summer with her father in Chicago, returned home Tues day afternoon. Itb. M. H. Douglas and nieces Dorothy and Helen Armstrong went to Grand Island Wednesday morning to visit relatives. Mrs. Jessie Morant and daughter Maybell returned Wednesday morning from Yellowstone Park where they spent a month with friends . F. J. Dienor & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Farm and city property for sale. tf Harry Dixon left early in the week Chicago to attend the jewelers conven tion. Before returning ho will trans act business in several eastern cities. Mrs. T. C. Lemphere and daughter, of Lnramio, who were called here by the death of the former's mother the late Mrs. Lathrop, returned home Wednes day morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, of Kau kauna, Wis., are guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Wood White this week whilo en route home from a pleasant visiti at Colorado points. Mr. Watson is an engineer on the Chicago & Northwest ern railroad. In. the case of I. E. Trout vs the city of North Platte for salary for one month after the council considered him dis charged from tho police force, Mr. Trout was allowed $32.00 in the county court Tuesday after the arguments of the attorneys. Before investing, see what I am of fering in west end lots. 0. H. Thoeleckc State Auditor Howard, through the attorney general, will again ask Lin coln county to pay a little debt of five thousand dollars which the county owes tho state for the keep of insane patients prior to 1891. Every year or two this bill is brought up, but so far has not been paid. Howard insists that suit for the collection of the amount be institu ted. Many other counties are likewise indebted in varying amounts, IT mmmxsssBsmszaBBBsm'i To consider your This Specialty Women's Wear Store has surpassed "Itself" and will present for this Fall Season hy far the most distinctive styles in Suits, Dress es, Coats, Skirts, Waists and other ready to wear garments. They are arriving daily. s a Source of Satisfaction to purchase early when you can he among the first, gives you a long first seaso7i's wear and always a better se lection of styles and fabrics. Try it this season. Be a "Style Starter,'"' Buy it early. I jy 111 ly LSI I 11 Q . I North Platte's Exclusive Women's Store RfflSQUBi Master Archie Lloyd will go to Ogal alla next week to visit friends for ten days. Miss Harriot Dixon will leave next week for Omaha to attend Brownell TTnll I Wanted Girl for general housework. Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 West Fifth street. Miss Fern Perkins returned Wednes day evening from Omaha where she spent several days. Miss Loona Marovish, who has made her home in Port Arthur, Ore., for sev eral months, is visiting local relatives. For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column tf Miss Mabel Martin, of South Omaha, is spending n week with Miss Alice Fitzpatrick before going to Ogalalla to take up her duties as teacher. Miss Mario Mc Cabe nnd brother leave next week for Omaha, the former to attend Brownoll Hall and the latter Creighton College. G. G. Davis and. Charles Vaughan, of Waterloo, la., who spent this week with tho former's brother E. S. Davis, while enrouto home from a three weeks' visit in tho mountains, left this morning- A meeting will be held at Brady Sunday for the purpose of completing the organization of a troop of state cavalry. Forty young men have en rolled for membership in the organiza tion. Elegant residence lots from $150 to $300 on Third, Fourth and Fifth streets. These are choice bargains. O. H. Thoelccke. Have you tried the Topay Hose, bast on earth. E. T. Tramp & Son. Miss Cora Scarf has returned to North Platte to again assume her position as trimmer in the Leader mil linery department. She comes from the Chicago market and is well qualified to give you the latest and most up-to-date fads. For Sale Gras3 on four quarters near Somerset. Can winter stock or place if desired. Thomas E. Doolittlo, North Platte. Tho Union Pacific has made a number of official changes recently. J. P. Carey is made first assistant superintendent at Omaha, displacing J. H. Stevens who succeeds Vic Anderson as assistant superintendent at Grand Island. Mr. Anderson was slated for assistant superintendent at Sidney, but preferred to tnko his old position of chief dis patcher at the Island. Shoe Repairing, We announce the opening of a Shoe Repairing department, nnd solicit a share of the patronage of the public. Good work guaranteed at reasonable prices. Forstedt & SunnDY. Harness shop on Locust street. NOW Fall Garments liggMMBmB3lsaMaflsaesaffi Mrs. L'cstcr Walker Injured. Mrs. Lester Walker, Sr., wan ser iously injured Wednesday afternoon when she slipped on n rug at the Hal ligan residence nnd in falling suffered tho fracture of a bone in the left hip. Doctors Wurtcllo and Drost were called, Mrs. Walker carried home lon a cot, and an examination developed the injury td be somewhnt complicated. Today an examination by the x ray will be made in order to ascortain the exact conditions. In the mcantimo the hip and limb have been tightly bound in splints and a weight attached to keep the hip rigid. In addition to the injured hip, Mrs. Walker's loft wrist was badly bruised. Following the accident and whilo tho examinations were being mndeWednes day night nnd yesterday, Mrs. Walker suffered much pain, but last night rested comfortublv. Under most favorable conditions it will probably be soveral weeks before Mrs. Walker will bo able to got around. The accident is re gretted by many friends. Base Ball Dope. The Kansas City Red Sox returned 'from their western trip today and will play the local team another series of ifour games today, tomorrow and a .double header Sunday afternoon. Tho gomes today and tomorrow will be cal(ed at 3:30; on Sunday at two o'clock. Monday tho Bloomer Girls come for a game; not nil the team are girls, but a majority are and it is said they put up a good game. Four games have been scheduled with the Nebraska Collegians, a vory fast amateur team. The dates are Fri day, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 5th, 6th and 7th, with a double header,! Sun day. Manager Cummings is in correspon dence with tho Columbus team of tho state league and hopes to secure games for Sept. 12th, 13th and 14th. He is also in correspondence with other teams of the state league for games for the tournament which will bo held during the fall festival. Tho state league sea son closes September 8th, and if the teams do not disband for u week or so it is believed at least four of the state teams can be secured to participate in the tournament. Ralph Belcher Shot. Ralph Belcher, who lives in the Fourth ward and is employed as ucar repairer, was brought to town the early part of tho week suffering from a bullet wound in his left side. The shooting o:curred Saturday evening just over the line in Logan county. Belcher and his wife had trouble and she left him and went to the home of her parents in Logan county. Belcher later followed her, and it is said, tho quarrel was renewed. Fearing that Belcher would do violence to his wife, a brother of Mrs. Belcher picked up a 22-calibre riflo and shot Belcher, the ball entering the left side and lodced in the back, where it still re mains. No complaint lias been filed, against the young man who did tho shooting, but yesterday Belcher was served with a warrant to keep the peace by the sheriff of Logan county. Mrs. Bel cher evidently fears retaliation on the part of her husband when ho recoyers. If your idle money is not earning 7 and 8 per cent semi-annual interest in safe first mortgage loans, based on less than 50 per cent values and backed by good, responsible parties, see Bratt & Goodman. Auto Turns Turtle. Friend Carpenner, lof Hershoy, had another automobile accident tho early part of the week, the second for this season- He started out for Sutherland at a rapid clip and reaching the turn at the Presbyterian church the car swerved and turned curtle. he was thrown under tae car, several of his ribs wero broken and he was otherwise bruised. Edwin DeLong was also in the car but escaped injury. Mrs. Daley of Florence, who visited Mrs. Thos. Long, left today f of Sidn .-y Misses Esther and Sarah Kelly left this week for Kearney to visit friends for several days. Aunt Diana and her girls will serve hot buckweat cakes and maple syrup at the Prosbytorinn carnival Sept. 11. The W. C. T. U. will meet at tho homo of Mrs. V. 1'. Banks 008 west A Tuesday ufternoon at three o'clock. Good program and nic freshments. Public invited. Real Estate Loans. Buchanan & Patlprxnn tinvp nlcntv IS ' of money on hand to make real estate oans on farms, ranches and city prop erty. Loans closed promptly, no delay Rates and terms the most favorable. 'Sji jt3yf ! Lierk-Sandall Co. WJ Everything we is fresh. In package goods especially we have 'avoided the habit of carrying too large a supply on hand. Small orders frequently placed mean Chase and sanborn Tea Coffee. Kellogg's Corn Flnkos." Red-E-Cut Macaroni. Gold Label Sardines. Campbell's Soup. A Order a package of today. Kellogg's furnishes the most ample of how freshness improves food. Bratt & Goodman continue writing many policies in the Great Mutual Life of New York. See this policy and you get anxious to secure one. Local and Personal Mrs. "William Brosuis, of Gandy, is visiting her mother Mrs. George Chir3t. The Lutheran Aid Society will meet at the home of Mis. G. S. Huffman next Thursday afternoon. Two apprentice girls wanted at Mrs. Sailor's Millinery Emporium at the Loader. tf Christion Science service, Subject: "Christ Jesus," Sunday at 11 p. m., K. M. hall, Dewey, St. The record keeper of the Ladies of the Maccabees will be at Newton's story tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Huntington, 321 south Locust, will entertain tho Degree of Honor social next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Magnolia Duko will leave Sunday for Lincoln whero she will havo charge of the Spircllo Corset Booth at the State Fair. The Brady Chautauqua closed ihis week with $25 in the treasury after paying all expenses. The receipts were $513.00. Frank Dameron. of the Maxwell sec tion, was kicked in tho face by a horse a low days ago and is now in a North Platte hospital receiving treatment. Wanted Apprentice girls at tho Leader Millinery Emporium, tf Tho Lady Forresters tendered a fare well party to Mrs. Charles Martini yes terday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. J. I. Smith and presented her with n sot of hand painted cups and saucers. Nice refreshments wore served. They all tell the same story. Read how Bratt & Goodman settled the Albert Haspel loss. Judge W. H. Munger and Mrs. Munger will arrive Sunday from Omuha The Judge will spend a day shooting prairie chicken prior to tho opening of J tho fall term of federal court. They will guests at the homo of their son Hortofl Munger. For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list n another column. tf E. F. Sedberger, Dr. Dent and Ar thur Hoagland leave today on a trip of recreation in tho north Hand hills, ex pecting to bo absent several days. They will remain until after September 1st, expecting to shoot a few prairie chick ens. Misses Maiio Holt, Fayo Wayne and Master Chester Wayne returned last avoning from a two wooks visit injDen ver and Choyenno and will finish there visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Graham before returning to their home in Alabama, Money to Loan oo real estate, on long time and easy payments. Bratt & Goodman. carry that should be fresh fj and Cream of Rye. New Honey. .Fresh Fruit and Vegetables every day Rjpe Olives. Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, shining Next Monday being Labor Dry tho banks will be closed all clay. Havo your fortune told by tho gypsies at the Presbyterian carnival, 'Sept. 11. Miss Lillian Sturgos has returned from a visit at Colorado points of in terest. Jlrs. Thomas Long loft this morning for Sidnoy to visit friends for a few days. Miss Minnie Stairs of Oconto who visited Mrs. A. J. Frazior, left this morning. y The prettiest, henlthiest and most popular babies will be exhibited at tho Presbyterian carnival, Sept. 11. Miss Ora Den of Brounvjllo who has been visiting her brother John Den nnd fnmijy for three weeks will loavo Mon day. Mrs. John Bloomor, formerly of this city, i9 visiting" Mrs. A. Z.' Frazier whilo en route from Choyenno to Oma ha. Mr. and Mrs. J. ). Jackson returned last night from Deliver where thoy spent tho lost threo months with thoir son. Mrs. Frank Buchnniuj, assisted by Mrs. M. E. Crosby, will entertain tho Twentieth Century club next .Tuesdoy afternoon. . , ,, Miss Gladys McAfeo came down from Oshkosh Wednesday to visit tho Miss es Kelloy. She left Wednesday for Kearney. Miss Grace Payne entertained a fow friends at a dinner party Tuesday even ing as n farewell for Miss Alice Wilcox who will leavo Sunday for Porto Itico. Look at all advertized bargains in real estate and you will finally buy some of those offered by Bratt & Good man. Fair tonight nnd Saturday, rising temperature. Mndorato southerly winds. Highest temperature Yester day 87, a year ugo 91; lowest lust night CI, a yoar ago B8. Foil Sale Good milch cow, Rhode Island lied chickens, kitchen range, Detroit vapor gas stove. L. E. Roach. 715 west Second. Alonzo McMichael, accompanied ty Mr. and Mrs. John McMicheul leave Tuesday evening for Siloam Springs, Ark., whore thoy will visit friends for several weoks. Assistant atotumjjineor Mason came from the east today and with County Surveyor Cochran loft for Sutherland, where they will look over tho aito of the new bridgo to be constructed across tho rivor. P. H. N. Schlossinger who formerly made his homo here came this morning from Gothenburg to spend three weeks. Ho has just botm discharged from the hospital whore he was ill for fourteen months. ' Axel Peterson, the Sutherland drug gist, roturnod from Omnha today ac companied by a bride, who was for merly Miss Veronica Wotzell, a former sciiooi teacner or me butuerianu sec tion. Tho couplo wero married in Om alia yesterday. i A xmmr. " a.TPPWswisw htso-kw - 3tHM! IS tmfm ' fl 1, MM Y M?i& I'M W J 1 r f5l 35 II if Jkk IlifeS ex Jc-)8 Americans Leave Mexico Amelcnns in Mexico nro heeding President Wilson'a warning to get out and State dopartmont officials believe that two wooks henco there hardly will ho 1,000 of them left In tho troubled southern republic. Although many had refused to consider leaving before tho word camo ,'of tho president's' urgent advice, hundreds have been starting for homo or abroad during the last threo weeksanditis estimated that nearly 10,000 or about as many as still are In Mexico, havo gotten awny. Of those now preparing to leavo 4,000 will need help. from the government, so the $100,00 appropriation asked for by Secretary Bryan some time ugo to aid refugees will bo needed immediately. Of the 4,000 about 3,000 will como out by tho oast coast ports und tho north ern border, tho other 1,000 through west coast ports. Insurance against loss by fire, light ning; tornado, cyclone and windstorm in the best standard companies written at lowest rates by Bratt and Goodman. Sevoral horses havo died on the south side the past few weeks, and others aro very sick, enough so that tho situ ation is to an extent becoming alarm ing to tho residents. S. J. Koch ha lost one and has several sick, and Gus Koch hns lost one, and other reports' aro coming in. A veterinary is. to bo called to go over tho nituation,fr-Her-shey Times, '", Mrs. Velmar, known np the silver touguod speakor of Mexico will -speak in this city early In September "ihder tho auspices of tho W. C. T.v '11; THE MUTUAL BUILDING fcVLOAN ASSOCIATION. The asseta of this association exceed the sum of half a million dollars. The reduction of tho rato of interest to bor rowers has increased tho demand for 1 loans; nnd in order to meet this demand the asboctntlon will issue a limited amounted of its PAID UP STOCK. Money invested in this paid up stock draws six per cent interest, payablo semi-annually, and may be withdrawn at any time upon thirty duys notice, such notice being waived where there aro funds in the treasury to meet the withdrawal. T. C. Pattekson, President, Samuel Goozee, Secretary. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that tho city council will receive bids for tho con struction of permanent sidewalk and ap proaches und street crossings to bo luld by tho city for tho fiscal your 1913, Bids must be based upon the specifi cations of the city engineer nnd general sidewalk ordinances, which aro on file in tho ofllca ot the city clerk. , ;ui oius must no in ny o:uu p. m., on the 2nd day of September, 1U1. Tho council reserves the right to re ject uny nnd all bids. .C. F. TEMH.E, City Clerk. For Sale. 1913 Model Motor Cycles and Motcr Boats at bargain prices, till makes, brand new' machines, on onsy "payment plan. Got our proposition beforo 'buy ing or you will regret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich.