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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1913)
i Mt II: 11 Y V1 r ' R "4 ' lit' R ER THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LKA L. BARE, Publlfllior. . TERMS, $1.25 IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA OUR NEIGHBOR MARS. Now comes tho famous aBtronomcr PmfosBor Worthington, to support Professor Lowell's Idea that Mars Is Inhabited by a superior raco of be ings; that they aro far ahead of tho human raco that people- tho earth. They must be entirely different, for all the physical conditions aro wholly unlike thoso on tho earth. Water thoro holla at 110 degrees, and tho at mosphere Is less denuo and both aro Hlowly disappearing. This fact, ac cording to the evolutionary ldoa, will causo tho physical nntures of, tho peo plo thoro to clinngo or It will soon bo a dead world. Its destiny Is very In teresting to us, for what will becomo of tho Martian peoplo will becomo of us. This wholo unlvorBO started with mind. Its first objcctlvo forco was light; and then on to every form of matter. Mara Is going back to Us Jlrst estate, and its dwindling mate rial forces aro being succeeded by Hplrlt. Tho receding air nnd water havo excited their Intelligence to the utmost to provldo physical conditions in harmony with tholr needs. This very effort 1ms lifted htcm up to a higher Intellectual plane. So Mars teaches tho doctrine, from matter to spirit,, nnd probably, some day, tho pnrth will learn tho losson. CandloB In birthday calces Is a Gor man custom adopted Into this country. Tho candles aro equal In numbor to tho years of tho celebrant. A thick one In tho middle Is called tho "loben flllcht" (the light of Hfo). Only ho or sho who celebrates his birthday may put out tho "light of life;" it Is un lucky if dono by nny other member of tho family. Wo Beo in tho lights tho Bymbols of Hfo and Its portions tho years; and what sign for them could bo moro beautiful than light? Death was represented by tho ancients as tho genius with a turned down torch. Whon wo rofor to n man living too last wo nay "ho Is burning tho cnndlo at both ends." Ono of tho folktales collected by Bochstoln shows death In troducing a man into a cavern and showing hltn n number of candleB burning, some nearly burnt to tho end. TheBO candles roprosont tho lives of mon. Macbeth, speaking of life, Bays: "Out, out, brief candlo." Undoubtedly light being taken as tho symbol of life was tho suggestion of candles for tho birthday cake. American architccturo Iiob two dart ing points tho homo nnd tho ofllco. In both It has dono much copying and experimenting, and mado not a fow mistakes. But In both it Is winning to solid ground at last and achieving now, beautiful and lasting work. Tho typical ofllco building is tho steel sky scraper. This, when troatod nB a sky scraper, is ono of tho moBt ImpreBS Ivo forms of architccturo on earth. Not to mention local examples, tho Went strcot and Woolworth build ings In New York, havo a beauty all their own a towering grandeur which owes Jittlo to buildings of any cnrllor ago. No Blngln typo of building will becomo universal as a homo In a country as vast ns America. Tho colo nial bouse, tho "mlsBlon" houBo, tho bungalow and many other forms aro used by progressive architects. Tho French chateau has loft a lasting Im press on tho designs of moro costly homes. But tho ngo of Imitation Is past Homos nowadays aro bolng built for comfort and beauty, not In sorvilo copy of "clasBlo" styloB. Judging by tho amount thoy aro al leged to expend for muBlo it would seem that tho Inhabitants of tho United States, of all people In tho world, should bo froo from inclination to "treason, stnitogom and Bpolls." For why? Because thoy havo muslo in their souls! John C. Fround, tho vet eran editor of Musical America, do claros that tho AmorlcauB spend for muslo tho enormous sum of $000,000, 000 por year. Mr. Fround BoomB to think tho aggrcgato coat of maintain ing tho army and navy in tltno of peaco la $100,000,000 por annum. In fact, in 1012 It wns half as much again, or nearer $300,000,000 por annum. Per haps his estimate of tho cost of muslo 1b as much too high as his ostlmnto of tho cost of tho army and navy Is too low. A unlvoralty girl In hor commence ment oration declares "freedom has do Generated." This Btatoment from such a sourco will, no doubt, mako tho leaders of tho nation sit up and tako notlco, A sea serpent with n head as big qs & barrel has boon sighted off Long iBland. This fact bIiowb that not withstanding tho tconoelasm of tho ago, tho old famlllary tradltlona aro firmly rooted In tho affections of tho peoplo. A billy goat hold up Broadway traf fio for '12 mtnutea tho other day be fore it could bo captured. Generally speaking, Now York does the job much quicker than that fcWOO ON'T come Into my parlor," aid till housc-wlfo to tho fly; Tlicro'a n. ncrccn at overy window, and your cntrnnco I defy Thoro nro microbes In your foottcp and a crust upon your head, Which, If not microscopic, would All our hearts with dread. "If you enter, I havo poison all prepared for you to cat. And paper spread to tanjjlo your Rcrm- laden wings nnd feet. I will poison, trap or emanh you If you do not leavo my door; For our modern sanitation will endure your calls no more." Adalonn V. Dyer. 8UQQE8TIVE HELPS. A trained nurso prevented all disagreeable- after effects of chloroform after an operation by tho ubo of vino gar, Causo tho jpatlcit to inhalo tho funics of vinegar from a saturated cloth. She sold sho had novcr known it to fall. To clean a Bilk or net waist, put It Into a two quwt fruit Jar nearly filled with gaHolinc. Let It stand over night, and In tho morning, shako It back and forth. If quite soiled it may need rinsing in frosh gasoline, When Btnylng ovor nlgbt In a strango hotel, look for and locnto tho wny to tho flro escape boforo going Into your room. Placo a book or chair on tho 'floor under tho electric light fixture, bo that it will bo easy to find tho globo. Thoso of us who havo groped for Bovdral minutes for a light fixture Vtiow howi annoying It can bo. For a bruised linger nail, dip It in cold water and hold It upright for an hour and your nail will not turn black. Opon tho faucet at tho bottom of tlho hot water tank and lot tho water run off. This will rcraovo tho accumu lation of rust In tho plpoaf tho stove. DrosB shields ebverod with Bilk Hko tho lining of tho coat aro not noticed and double tho wonr of tho lining be sides giving it tho protection of tho shield. Sllco tho orangos on u potato chip slice for orango marmalade, and thoy vlll bo as thin as tho famous Import ed marmalade. Ono careful housokeoper keeps her plato racks always clean by washing sno with ench regular dish washing. Whon carrying threo or four bookB, Blip tho cover of ono Insldo tho other, which will keop thorn from slipping. Thero la an ugly kind of forjflvoness In this world a kind of hedgehog forgive ness shot out like quills. Men take one who has offended and sot him down be foro tho blowpipe of their Indignation and scorch him and burn Ills fault Into htm. and whon thoy havo kneaded, htm suffi ciently with tholr nsts, then-thoy for Elvo him. Henry Ward Bcecher. MEATS. Tho Gorman Bour meat Is not well known among other nationalities, and Is so altogether good that it should bo better known. German 8our Meat. Add to a half cup of vinegar a cupful of wntor, ono onion and n tcaspoonful of wholo all Bplce, ono tablcspoonful of EUgar and salt to tciBte. Put a piece of meat for roasting In this, turning It often; let Btnnd threo days, when It in ready to brdwn In fat and roast, using tho plcklq to bftsto it when roasting. Sour Batten. Tako a nlco pleco from tho round, lay In vinegar, with an onion, nnlt, allspice- and popper, with ono bay leaf; let stand threo to flvo days, depending on tho amount of tho mont. Brown tho moat In a deep fry ing pan, pour In tho vinegar and suf ficient water to covor tho meat; sim mer until tho meat Is tender. Strain tho gravy from tho Bplccs, and thicken with flour boforo serving. Mutton With Peas. Cut mutton In serving sized pieces, brown and put to cook In a small amount of water; whon nearly dono add 'a can or pcnB nnd season well. Servo with tho peau poured ovor tho mutton. Brown Stow, So fow people know how good a brown stew may bo. Cut tho meat, which u.ay bo tho tougher portloua of tho round or a piece for Btowlng. Cut up in small pieces and brown In a Uttlo hot suot which has boon tried out. Add a Btnall chopped onion, nnd lot It brown with tho meat. Droilgp with flour, which will givo tho gravy thickening, and cook with boll ing wntor, Just kopt at tho slmmorlng point until ihp meat 1b tendor. Servo wiih uuhuu potatoes, tho seasoning way bo given boforo tho flour Is added to tho meat. Hamburn Steak. Season hamburg steak with n chopped onion, allspice. Victoria's Musical Voice. Tho royal apocch dopondB mainly upon dollvory for Un improBstvcncBs. Queen Victoria's first speech drew praise from Frnncoa Anno Komblo, who was provided by Lord LanBdowno with a Boat In tho houso pt lords. The quoon'B voice, aho declared, was ox quUtto, "nor havo I oVor henrd aw spoken wordB woro musical lu tnelr gontlo distinctness than tho 'my lords and gentlomon which broko tho breathless ellonco of tho Illustrious RBSombly, whoao gaze was riveted cloves, paprika and Bait. When ready to serve pour over a cup of well sea soned tomato sauco. Ono chicken will servo a Ematl fam ily for Bovoral meals. Fry tho blta liked best, stew and havo biscuits and gravy with tho larger portions. Tho reason that cooking ro falls of Its purpose. Is that Its prnctlco Is far bolow tho rank of other human Industries, nnd thrreforo oftcnor more of a. hindrance than a help. HHen nichards. SPANISH DISHES. Spanish cookery is qullb simple, the moHt important lngrcdlont used Is the fiery popper. Spanloh Omelet. Tho sauco must bo prepared first, to servo with this dish, which Is n meal in itself. Fry a good sized onion until golden brown, add a quart of tomatoes, four or flvo red peppers, two tablcspoontuls of butter nnd a pinch of salt, and set tho mixture on tho back part of the Btovo to Blmmor. To prepare tho omelet, pour a cup of warm milk over a cup of bread crumbs, add two tablespoon fuls of butter and b!x woll beaten egga, tho yolka and whites beaten separate ly. Pour tho sauco around tho ome let when It hnB bcon placed on tho hot platter. Mexican Scrambled Eggs. Roast a dozen fresh green peppers, peel, re move tho skin and seeds, and chop, then boll In a very llttlo water until tender; season well with butter. Beat six eggs, add seasoning and the pop pers, and cook for a moment In hot butter. Mexican Stew. Put a pound ol round steak through tho meat chopper, mold Into small balls. Into a hot fry ing pnn put a minced onion, a cup of tomatoes, two or threo peppers and n quart of water. When It bolls add tho meat balls and slmmor for half an hour, then add two or threo diced po tatoes; season with salt and popper nnd servo with toasted bread. Chill Con Carne. Proparo a dozen fresh chillies by putting them on to cook In cold water, bring to tho boiling point, and when tandor plungo In cold water; removo Uio skin, seeds and whlto veins. Cut In pieces a pound ol beef, brown In a llttlo lnrd, season, add an onion and n clove of garlic, add a tablospoonful of flour. Simmer In u llttlo water with the poppers. Tho highest duty of tho stato If to so legislate and minister as to makb good homes, for It Is only n larger home, and for the tamo use, that the stnto exlBts. Ellon Richards. , BROTHS FOR THE SICK. Broth Is a liquid containing the Juices of soluble parts of meat and bono which havo boon extracted by long, Blow cooking. Whon cold, It is moro dr less solid, according to tho gelatinoua naturo of the Ingredients. Tho chief object In making broth Is to obtain tho largOBt possible amount of nutriment from the meat, so wo cut it In smnll pieces nnd soak It in cold water, using tho water as well as tho meat in tho slow cooking which follows. A tightly-covered kettlo which will retain tho steam Is desir able, othorwlso much of tho flavor Is lost by evaporation. Mutton Broth. Mutton broth is tho accepted kind for tho convalescent. Wlpo a pioco of tho neck weighing two pounds, cut off all skin and fat and cut tho meat In small pieces. Put the bonoB into tho kettlo with tho meat, add cold wator and let thom stand na hour to extract tho JuIcob. Heat grad ually to tho boiling point, Benson with ealt and pepper and slmmor for two hours, but do not allow to boll. Re movo fat nnd Btraln through a coarso slozo. Servo hot. In re-heating, ubo u doublo boiler. Threo tablespoonfuls of rice or bar loy may bo added; Boak tho barley ovor night, add" to tho b'roth and cook until tho grains aro tendor. If tho broth Is mado tho day boforo and cold, tho fat may bo oaslly removed. Nutritious Beef Broth. Cut three pounds of solid moat from the shoul der or shin In small pieces, put tho cracked bono Into an oarthon Jar, cov or with cold water and cook slowly with tho meat ton or twelve hours In a slow oven. A flrcloss cooker la an Ideal placo to proparo this broth. Strain through a colnnder, add salt and cool quickly. When cold, removo tho fat. Servo cold as a Jolly or heat to 170 degrees; not hlghor, as boiling lnjuros Its vuluo. Egg Broth. Beat tho whlto nnd yolk of an egg separately and add tho yolk gradually to a cup of hot hoof broth, stirring constantly. Add snlt and fold In tho whlto of egg, rehoat carofully and servo hot. upon that fair flowor of royalty. Tho enunciation wns as perfect as the In tonation wns molodloua, and I think It la Impossible to hear a moro ex cellent utteranco than that of tho queen's EngllBh by tho English quceu." Cocoanut Butter Industry. Marseilles annually exports about $10,000,000 worth of cocoanut butter, tho business having boon developed slnco 1897. Most of It gooa to Eng lnud, Holland and Scandinavia. THREE PRETTY MORNING DRESSES ri'lirillHllilll'Ifll ' si' i dWf i "! Models of flowered material and black and white checked voile. Laco and tailor collars with sashes of taffeta. EXCELLENT FOR TENDER SKIN Victim of Sunburn Will Find Relief In This Preparation, Which Is a Homo Remedy. A preparation that will suit most tender skins or skin that has been sunburned is mado by mixing togeth er four ounces of pure almond meal, an ounco of powdered orris, two ounco3 of powdered castllo soap, one half drachm oil of bcrgamot, four drops of bitter ajmond oil and n quar ter of a drachm of extract of musk. Only tepid water should bo used on tho skin and nfter wetting1 It rub on somo of tho above preparation in stead of using soap, using the hands to mako tho application because a wash cloth usually causes friction and this, added to n sunburned skin, would mako it Boro and tender. More wator Is used and tho skin Is cleansed with tho hands and finally rinsed sev eral times and with old Boft towels patted dry. Thon a mero suspicion of cold cream is massaged into tho skin and so left for the night. Any girl or woman who will bo careful to protect her Bkin nnd care for It as just described even though It is naturally of a dry texturo will not burn or tan nearly as quickly as will tho girl with tho oily 3kln. One would think that a girl with oily Bkln would not burn as readily as tho girl with tho dry skin on account of suffi cient oily moisture, but nevertheless It has often been proven that sho burns oven moro quickly. "Why this is so Is because of the difference in tho skin tissues. MART TAILOR-MADE SUIT Model of black nnd whlto checked Bhephord goods with cutaway Jackot Long lapels and shawl collar. Black Evening Gloves. Black gloves for evening wenr are comlug back into fashion, ns aro dark gray and brown Instead of whlto as accessories for afternoon woar. Tho novolty In ths now black gloves lies In tho fact that many are buttonless, while others havo fancy buttons from tho wrist to tho oxtrotne edgo of the gloves, only a fow of tho upper ones being used no fastenings, f -?. flRXSBsBHUfiSBFBfl 'k j as iaj,ji j6fc.3 i: Bftyj;73 ,i ,V fc3 Bfel 1 Mr 8 BlSl Li1 m ii'i1 i AmMmr'' m'lii i ' BETTER THAN ANY COSMETIC Combination of Repose and Relaxa tion Is the Only Beauty Secret That Is Worth Knowing. Thero Is a beauty secret, not found In cosmetics, and which does not lin ger in tho perfumo-Iaden hangings of tho parlor of tho masseuse. It is a secret which any woman can possess, nnd its ( magic effect is almost In stantly noted Tho secret is merely a combination of leposo and relaxa tion. A restful woman always appears to advantngo. Thero Is culturo in a re pose of manner that makes itself felt both at homo and In public. Thoro Is a suggestion of reserve intellectual strength, moro impressive than the uneasiness of the womap who feels that her tonguo or her body must bo In motion to let tho world know sho is in it. At tho same tlmo, tho wear and tear ( will leave tho marks of strain on complexion and figure, which no creams or lotions can remove. To grow old gracefully and beautifully, learn to tako things easy. Repose is more beautifying thnn rouge, and re laxation moro body-building than massage. LgbIIo'3 "Weekly. For the Rose Jar. Tho following mixture has kept its fragrnnco foe twenty" yoars: Gather the roso petals on a sunny day, In tho morning. The common, sweet-scented varieties are best. Let stand in a cool place for two hours, toss them and put Into a bowl or covered dish in layers. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Keep nddlng to these until you have enough "stock." Into a largo glass jar place two ounces of crushed cin namon; then put In tho stock, which has been shaken up every morning for two weeks. When all is In tho Jar, let stand for eight weeks, cov ered. It is now ready for tho perma nent jar. Add two ounces of lavender flowers and ono ounco of shredded (not powdered) orris root. Mix well, put into rose jar In alternate layers with tho rose stock nnda fow drops of oil of roses. Over this pour a wino glass of good cologne, and from time to tlmo add frosh lavender flow ers and roso petals. Draped Lace Tunics. Although, perhaps, tho laco tunic has a tendency to ago its wearer, It has compensating merits which rec ommend It "to women of mlddlo age nnd even younger women who havo a tendency to stouthess. For tho closo fitting pointed tunic of black laco cut with the upper part In tho form of a coat tends to mako tho figure look slim in a manner that many, alas, find eminently deslrablo as years como fast upon them. Tho favorite laco employed is Chan tllly, and when ono knows how to drape artistically nothing can bo moro elegant. On tho contrary, nothing can bo dowdlor than a drapery which seeks to be artistic and falls lament ably in tho attempt. Put Loop In Hat. Women know what a hard task It Is to hang up their hats. The ofBco girl finds a now placo every day for hor hat. It 1b on tho desk, tho shelf or pinned on tho wall with big hatpins. A new wny, Bays tho Los Angeles Ex press, Is to tako a pleco of tapo or baby ribbon, mako loop about four inches long, sew it to the gathered part of tho lining of your hat and that's all. Hang up your hat by tho loop on tho rack, nail or any available place. Buttons as Trimmings. Porcelain buttons decorated with pompadour designs In dainty colorings aro used on small vests, and linen dresses aro trimmed with whlto por celain buttons with tiny figures of tho same color as tho dross. - COCA COLA HABIT, A GHOST. Wo hnvo all heard of ghosts, but nono of us have ever seen one. It's the samo way with coca cola "fiends;" you can hear about them but you might search for thom until doom's day nnd you would never find ono. Physicians who havo troatod hundreds of thousands of drug-habit cases, including opium, mor phine, cocaine, alcohol, etc., sny that they havo nover seen a case whero tho uso of Coca-Cola has so fastened itself upon the individual ns to constlluto a habit In tho true sense of tho word. Al though millions of glasses of Coca-Cola nro drunk every year, no Coca-Cola fiends havo over made themselves vis lblo at the doors of tho sanitariums for tho treatment of drug habits. The Coca-Cola habit is analogous to tho beefsteak habit and to tho straw berry habit nnd tho lco cream habit People drink Coca-Cola first becauso they seo it advertised and thereafter becauso It tastes good and refreshes their minds and bodies. Thoy drink It when they can get it and contentedly do without It when they can't get It If you had ever witnessed the ravings of a real drug fiend when deprived of his drug, if you had over observed tho agony ho suffers, you would nover agnln bo so unfair as to mention Coca Cola in tho samo breath with the "habit-forming" drugs. Adv. Square Meal. Jones, who is somewhat of a phi lanthropist, wont to his favorite res taurant at noon for lunch. "Say," he began, addressing tho manager, "a poor fellow came to me this morning asking for food, as ho said ho was starving. I gavo him my card and sent him to your res taurant and told him to get a good, squaro meal and I would pay for It How much Is tho bill?" "Flfty-flvo cents, sir." "What did th poor man have?" "Nino beers and a cigar." Important to Mothers Examlno carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a eaf o nnd Buro remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it H earn tho Siaturo of CMTr A. V& For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoriia Canaries Warn of Danger. Canary birds aro now part of the equipment of very well regulated mines. If the atmosphere Is ques tionable the birds aro carried Into it and they show signs of its effect at onco. Going Away. ' i, "You seem sad. Family going away for tho summer?" "No; tho cook." Red Cross Ball Blue will wnsh double as many clothes as nny qther blue. Don't put your money into any other. Adv. Love may mako tho world go round, but sometimes it takes marriages to squaro it 6t Than Sorry" It is far better to give the Stomach, Liver and Bowels some help at the beginning- than to keep putting it off until sickness overtakes you. Be wise, and keep HOSTETTER'S handy and take it prompt ly. It helps overcome all Stomach, Liver and Bowel Ills, also prevents Malaria, Fever and Ague. RHEUMATISM CURED Br remedy guaranteed nndorFood and Drags Act, dellrered at jour homo, whore It will glYeluiniedl ato roller. It jou lUCer from Uhouinatlsm, tills Is your chanco to got cured. Wo liaro nevor known of n caao wbnro our niae&f failed to clro entire satis faction. It tt doesn't satisfy you, we ubsoluusly Kiiurantee to refund your money. Unsolicited testi monials and bank reterencei. If you want to lx cured at small cost, send (or particulars, Dtnoil's RhcumMic Liniment Co., Norlh YtUnu.Wuh. DAISY FLY KILLER &' "rfSS; .!. ales, neat, clean, or. nmental.conienlcnt -cheap. Lasts all staaon. Made of metal, can'tsplll or tip OTeri will not soil or Injure anything, Guaranteed efTcetlTe. Alt dealers oresen eiprers paid for I1J30. HAROLD 80UEBS, ISO DsEslb Ats., Broollyn. V. T. TANGO Tit m Wfciti Striped Midru Jde Silver Cbllar to.r.UJCt.,Mikra,TnT.IM. STS TROUBLES INDICEOTION CONSTIPATION BLOOD IMPURE AND ALL AILMtNT tCKAIMC THFStrROM .W.WI Mb inw. wuu iru. sun A OHUCLCSS HOME TREATMENT RtMOTS Tilt CALt Of TUt D1SCAW. A AUMKATING AND M IUTJ4AT1NG WOCttS UAKts un. woam wiuu. acainVor tho Amjcrm NO DRUGS HO MCOICIN8 THE BELFOUR COMPANY, Milwaukee, p' ' B" "A, Wisconsin !& !EYE WATFRft)'il.;T""'-5 JOJIN L.T.oail'MN SONS is CO.,'rfoy.N.Y. WntaonK,CciTeman,t?asn lotjton.U.U Jlooksfn. Hlfb est nfemwes, ilest rraaiu. v ? : :v 1 ,- 1,1 i"n, (flsT&iinnsHtiwiatfv-tfi vtoHfatfid tmm-tfimmmrTttMmi n