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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1913)
V ""tU,ta, Wat "TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.,- AUGUST 12, 19x3. No. 58 Mwth vi V'. ir MS' ll AS " &' An Important Convention. A convention of more than ordinary importance will be held in this city on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. Wcyrofer to The Great Plains Co-operative Association and the American Society of Agronomy which will bring to our gity somo of the most noted agriculturalists of thu:ot)ntry,e3 peoially of the country west of the Missouri, as vellas one or moro from th agricultural department at Wash ington. The sessions will be held in the court room of the federal building. The Chamber of Commerce has ap pointed a committee to look after the entertainment of the delegates, who will be furnished an automobile ride to the state farm and be entertained nt a .smoker at the Elks' home. The com mittee will also look after the hotel ac commodations. The full program of sessions will be published in Friday's issue. Boy Shot in Leg. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Tho3, McGovern was nccidently shot through the right leg above the knee yesterday afternoon while handling n 22-calibro gun. The youngster in company with a Loudon boy had been using the gun when a shell stuck, nnd in ateempting to extricate it the weapon was dis charged. The bail struck McGovern on the inner side of the leg, was deflect ed by the bono and plowed its way around the bono and emerged en the opposite side. Tho wound is a painful though not dangprous one. The Lutheran Church Picnic. Tho Lutheran Brotherhood will hold their annual picnic on Thursday after noon and evening at Dillon's grove in stead of Doolitte's to which the church and Sunday School aro invited. It will be a basket picnic. Ice cream cones will be served by the men. Supper at 7 o'clock. Games and sports for all and a base ball game for the men. Be there .at 3 o'clock. The Committee. The Mutual Building & Loan As sociation has for sale at a bargain, lots 3 and 4,.bIock 23. Large eight roomed , house, nearly new and large barn, this is in a locality fast appreciating in value, a small first payment and the rent will buy it. FROM THE STORE QUICK 763 jSK TELEGRAM TO MR. AND MRS. CONSUMER: We have just received a shipment of California and Colorado Peaches. Thoroughly ripe, sound and in splendid condition. They will go fast at 90 cents to $1.05 per crate. You should have some of these. An swer quick. Lierk-Sandall. Headquarters for Mason, Seal ast, Economy, Fruit Jars. PEACH CAKE. Sift one pint of flour, one-half a teaspoonful salt, two teaspoonfuls baking powder and one-half cup of sugar. Add three-fourths cup milk, one beaten egg and three tablespoonfuls mel ted butter. Spread in well buttered shallow pans and cover with peaches, pared and halved. Sprinkle with sugar and bake about thirty minutes. Serve hot with cream and sugar. PEAR SALAD. Peel large ripe ones; cut in halves; remove core and drop in water. Chop one cup of walnuts. When ready to serve, wipe pears, place on lettuce, fill hollows with nuts and pour on French dressing. Lierk-Sandall Co, BWIUH Granite Harvester Oil A heavy-bodied, free-running oil, for farm machines, that goes on bearings and stays on. Especially good where boxes and bearings are worn. Never rusts, never gums. Granite Harvester Oil is supplied in gallon and 5 -gallon cans, barrels and half-barrels. For sale by all dealers or Standard Oil Company iMn J,,!' Local and Personal Mr. end Mrs. Harry Moore aro visitors in Denver this week. Let us help to make you happy with a Leather Hand Bag, Friday or Satur day, E. T. Tramp & Son. Miss Edith Wendeborn left' Sunday night for a visit with friends in Port land and other northwest points. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould and son and Miss Pearl Koontz expect to leavo the Inst of this week for Denver and other Colorado points. Mrs. J. J. Halligan ontertalned ten girls Saturday afternoon in favor of Christino Gengo of Greely, Col., . who with her mother is a guest njr the Halligan home. Miss Hannah Keliher will entertain forty ladies at cards Thursday after noon. If the weather is fair the tables will be placed on the lawn. This will be the first of a series of functions Miss Keliher will give. Frank Pielstickor, who made a trip to Wallace Sunday, spys that corn on sandy land is in fine shape and will produce a good crop without rain. That growing on hard land is not so good. At Grand Island last Friday Clara L. Hutchens was granted a divorce from Win. C Hutchens, now and for many years past a-resident of this city. They wero married in North Platte ten years ago. The plea was desertion, Claus Mylander is building n 24x3G silo on his farm southeast of town, and at tho experimental farm an additional one is being erected. Several farmers in different sections of the county are building silos in the hillsides, the ground forming three sides of the silo. Today's Bee says: The long drouth which has prevailed oyer the state for tho last month or six weeks, has been practically broken in most parts of Nebraska and reports from railroads and towns indicate that somo corn will be harvested in nearly every county in Nebraska. Inthe country north of tho Platte an average corn crop is assured, while south af the Platte, where pre dictions made Saturday of last week were of very pessimistic nature, the railroads and farmers now expect to harvest from 30 to 50 per cent of an average crop of late corn. OF GOOD TASTE SERVICE Omaha, vsf,''s0e The Fall Fair and Festival; Arrangements for tho fall fair nnd festival which will bo hold in North ' Platto September 17th, 18th nnd 19th aro being rapidly completed and tho in dications point to n very successful agricultural exhibition as well as three days of amusement and pleasure for those who attend. Tho promium list will be printed and distributed next week, and with the lists will go a folder describing the nmuscment fea tures. Tha Lloyd opera house will bo used for the exhibition of the products, and from the committeemen in the precincts in tho county it is learned that tho far mers aro tnking commendable interest in the fair and will respond liberally with exhibits Included in the amusement features will bo aeroplane flights, two of which will be given on each of tho three days. Thero will nlso be a baso ball tourna ment with two gameseach day. It is exported, that teams of both the west ern and the state league wil play. In addition to theso features theio will be minor amusement attractions, and with the exception of the ball games nil the features controlled by the committee will be free. The Cream Trade. The shipment of cream from points along tho North River branch is in creasing and even now forms an im portant item of traffic. Tho daily average for 'some time 'past hns been forty-eight cans, nearly all cf which is shipped to Denver. Add to this the cans received from sections tributary to North Platto, and you have a total that would justify the establishing of a small creamery at North Platte. In this connection, a gentleman was in town a week or so ago looking over tho town with the view of establishing a cream'ery, and "arfnounced that he would ask no bonus of any nature should he decide to locate here. Will Install Elevators. Mr. Gillette, a representative of the firnr which will place a passenger ele vator in tho federal building nnd a freight elevator in the McCnbe building arrived from the east last night and will at once begin the work of installation. The fdral building elevator is being un loaded from the cars today. Mr. Gillette statedlt will take about four weeks to got the elevators in run ning order. Returns from the Ea3t. Harry Block, of tho Block Outfitting Co., returned last night from a visit to to New York, Cleveland and Chicago. The object of his trip was to purchase fall and winter stock for his store, and he assures us that his offerings to the ladies of North Platte this fall will be on a larger scale than has heretofore been attempted by North Platto mer chants. Everything will be tho latest modes and tho prices well you cnow the prices at Block's are always satis factory. 4 Drugs. For all acute or chronic diseases, tl'e indicated Homeopathic remedy, always tho safest, quickest and best. Twinem's Dhug Dept. John H. Day and son Dave who have been making a trip in the northwest, have leturned to Sheridan, Wyo,, where thoy aro now negotiating for the pur chase of a cigar store. They are highly pleased with the appearance of Sheri dan, it is a very snappy town and buii neSs is always good. Senator Hoagland 'will go to Curtis Friday to attend the dedication of the state agricultural school, A number of Btate officers and othors equally promin ent will be presont, in addition to a large number of people of Frontier and adjoining counties. Money to Loan. Will lend $1000.00 and if on well im proved farm lands from three to five years at 7 per cent. Why pay a commis sion when you can borrow direct from the man who has the monoy, you get vour loan at once. No delays. Address J. Harrison, Tribuno Ofilce, North Platte. How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keen your bowels regular and you will avoid tkese diseases. For sale by all dealers, ' 4A 'ran 1 pecial ter I Tramp Ivp!f You have always paid 0 JJ S &1 ImXmrnmk &1 we guarantee each and every one of them. They cannot help but please the ffl it T.nrlios. MisRRR nnrl flhilrlrin AV will to fnTri nlnncnrn in ctinttrinrf flmm T& s ..:::::.::;;;: 1; yuu utuiiy time uuu win uc gum tu acu muni iu you jrriuuy ana oaturaay. Another Special for this Date. 4 Bed Spreads, Full Size large enough for any bed Jh over, "it pays" to secure our bargains. ' - . - Keguiar g Still Another Bargain. fit A Bunch of Remnants you know what that means. Value received fa yi and then some. We won't attempt to tell you about them. See for your- 2ft ga SThp TVsinnr Dry flrmrla Fliarf & -w &.AAAjr J mwm.v mrpr..M iT Railroad Notes. Train No. 98 was derailed at Broad water Friday, the engine und eight freight cars wore on" the track. The wrecker and wrecking crew went up to rectify matters. Dispatcher Zentmeyer handled tho special trains with unusual dexterity Sunday, being in high glee over the ar rival of a son that morning. Mother and the boy are doing nicely at tho P. & S. hospital. The last of the score or more special Knights Templar trains passed through yesterday afternoon. These trains were handled over the Union Pacific without mishap of any kind, and while the de mand for motive power was heavy, it was sapplled in each instance without delay. Freight traffic is heavy for this sea son of tha year, 1,000 more cars being handled through the local yards last month than during July,1912. Shipments of California green fruits have not, up to date, been as heavy ns last year, but it is said that for the next four or five weeks this class of traffic will behoavy. A special train of twenty-five car of stock came down over the branch Sun day and hurried through to Omaha that night. Fifteen cars wero shipped by Ranchman Yodor, who lives in Wyo ming about fifty miles west of Haige, the end of the branch, tho cattle being driven to the lattor place and shipped on tho guarantee that record time would be made into South Omaha. October 1st is now set as the date on which the new round houie and coal chutes will be put in service. Tho grading has bean completed, the work trains having boon pulled ofr yesterday, and the track laying will bo completed this week. The painters are about through with work. Tho work of laying the block pavement in tho round house will soon begin, this woik having been delayed by the contractor, who does the work, being kept at Evanston longer than was anticipated. Part of the machinery has been installed and the remainder will be placed within in the ntxt two weeks. Real Estate Loans. Buchanan & Patterson have plenty of money on hand to make real estate oans on farms, ranches and city prop erty. Loans closed promptly, no delay Rates and terms the most favorable. " 1&. n 1 rnday and auuudi iom ana Dry Goods Dept. Hand Bags. A new novelty assortment of Hand Bags. All leather bags, leather lined, for these days only 89c. twice this price. This bag :::,.,:. "i:.r" ;::";; 's.r a- $2.25 Values $1.19. Local and Personal Roy Ames will attend the agricultural school at Curtis, which opens this fall. Investigate the special bargains for Friday and Saturday at E. T. Tramp & Son. Mrs. Graddy, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. A, Jonos, leaves to day for hor homo iu tho east. Mrs. W, J. Stuart and son Harris, who havo boon spending the past six weeks at points in California, will re turn homo this week. Wo always offer you bargains, but not always equal to this Hand Bag prop osition. E. T. Tramp & Son. Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, of Wallace, wero guests of friends in town Sunday, milking tho trip in their car. Judgo Hoagland has boon at York for several djiys attending a meeting of tho board of trustees cf the Odd Fellows' home, of which ho is n member. Miss Minnie Sioman was called to Omaha Sunday morning by tht sudden illness of her sister Alice; who waa opo rated upon that morning. For Rent Modern rooms for roomers or light housekeeping. Mrs. Mario Sur ber, 420 South Pine. G8-2 Otto Mesamer, who lives on tho Schmaizried farm northwost of town, brought in the first homo grown water melons Saturday. Ho will market anothor lond Wednesday ov Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Drnnc, of Pitts burg, aro tho guests at the homo of Senator Hoagland. Mrs. Drano was formerly Mrs. Wnmsley, who frequently visited North Platto. MHHIHHiHHMHHHnHHi 1 i nMrSmU in. i h daturday, iom, 18 K is not a humbug, and 1ft Good Quality. Look them fif . rr & Weatbor Forecast Generally fair tonight and Wednosdny, not much change in temperature. Moderate vari able winds. Highest temperaturo yes terday 87; a year ago 04. Lowest tem peraturo last night 0G; a year ago 01. Havo you over worn tho Topsy Hose? Perfect satisfaction found in oach and every pair. E. T. Tramp & Son. Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipation and indigestion and spoilt hundreds of dollars tor medicine nnd treatment,;' writes C. H. Hlnes, of Whitlow, Ark "I wont to n St. Louis hospital, alsoi to a hospital In New Orleans, but no cure WHI nfTrrll. On rntltrnlnrr li'Amo T - gnn taking Chamberlain's Tablets, nnd wurncu riKv niong. i used tnom tor somu time and am now nil right." Sold by all dealers. For Sale. 1913 Model Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand now mnchines, on easy payment plan. 'Got our proposition before buy ing or you will regret It, also bargains In used Motor Cycles. Writo us todny. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich. EMPRESS THEATRE Our Programs are al ways good. Come and see and be satisfied. Special Music THE WAY WE DO IT Impresses most people with tho way we hnvo tho Implements and-" the "know how" when it comes to repairing automobile. Hurry up orders is what we like, and wo keep enough men to repair your car in record time. Your orders please, J. S. Davis Auto Co. 1 42JBn w. I ...fca:'KtiwtKUH4i..J.U3