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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1913)
Jv ty 'r. Ht c'fit . i m mi i .TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST $, t9i3. No. 57 I mkt JWlt Mt tmi Wttlh r-j v V Many Special Trains of Knights Templar. At least twenty-four special trains of Knights Templars will pass through North Platto to Denver next Sunday and Monday. These cdmmanderiea aro scheduled to pass through nt approxim ately the following day and hour: Louisville, Ky., commandery, soven cars 125 people, about 10:30 a. m., Sat urday. Sioux City commandery, eight cars 125 people, 8:00 p. m., Saturday. Bayard commandery, Chicago, six cars 100 people, 6:00 a. m., Monday. SJloam commandery, Chicago, twelve cars 200 people, 10:00 p. m., Sunday. St. Bernard commnndery, Chicago, nine cars 150 people, 8 p. m., Sunday. Columbia commandery, Chicago, ten cars 150 people, about 8:00 p. m., Sun day. iWood Lawn commandery, Chicago, ten cars 160 people, 1:00 p. m., Sunday. Milwaukee commandery eight cars 100 people, 11:00 p. m., Sunday. Detroit commandery iiftecn cars 250 people, about 3:00 p. m., Sunday. Cincinnati commandery eight cars 125 people, about midnight Sunday. Omaha commandery eleven cars 200 people, about 11:00 p. m., "Sunday. Indiana commandery eight cars 100 poople, 10:30 p. m., Sunday. Hazolman commandery, Ohio, nine cars 125 people, early Monday morning. Ohio commandcries twelve cars K0 people, about 3:00 p. m., Monday. Chicago commandery ten cars 200 people, about 8:00 p. m., Monday. Montjoio commandery, Chicago, nine cars 100 peoplo, about 7 p.m., Monday. Syracuse commandery eight cars 100 people, about noon Monday. A number of commanderies that go west via Kansas City will return over the Union Pacific, these passirijthrough North Platte on the 16th and '17th. Banker Chamberlain, of Maywbod, has placed his order with the J. S.. ""Davis Auto Co. for a new 1914 model" "37" touring car with electric starter, to be delivered September 1st. Misses Jessie, Louise and Grace Baldwin, of Omaha, who spent several weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt, left for home Wednesday morning. For Rent A four room house on 10th St. Inquire at 520 East 11 St., or Phono Red 540. 56 2 i Noble Anderson, of Gothenburg, has placed his order with the J. S. Davis AutpCo. for a new 1914 model "25" touring car wLh electric starter, to be delivered September 1st. 4 For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column. tf A California man writing for infor mation relative to the opening of the forest reserve is anxious to know whether -'the rush is to be on foot or on horseback. If it's on foot, I stand a pretty good show, for I am a fast sprin ter." Inquiries ubout this opening are being received from points as far east as Ohio and west to the Pacific. Your Choice of entire line of SKIRTS in white and linen while they last at yoG v Come Early to Secure Best Style and Fit, fllniiipsipsinl fhmHmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmwmmmKmms Local and Personal William Englcs, of Ft. McPhorson, is visiting in town with friends. Miss Atchison has accepted a position as collector for the J. S. Twimon office. F, O. Bnughn spent Wednesday in Hershey on business for the W. O. W. Wm. Sheody left' the first of this week for Cheyenne to ' spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, of Grand Island, aro visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Burney. ' Vernon Hoontoon, of .the Gilbort barber shop is spending his vncation in Omaha. Merle. Ross went to Cozad Wednes day nftornoon to visit relatives for a week or more. Miss Anna Simpson and daughter loft Wednesday afternoon for Hershey to visit friends. ? A delegation of Yeoman from this city spent Wednesday in Stapfijtoh organising a lodge. t Mrs. John Guin am ro turned to Pax.1 ton yesterday afternoon aftor n visit with local relatives. George Roger3 cru3 lied .his hand Tuesday while at work on a pump in the water works plant. Mrs. Thomas Axtell went to Lincoln, yesterday morning to visit frieritls and relatives for several days. Miss Bessie Graham returned yester day morning from Gothenburg where she visited friends last week. Attorney W. V. Hoagland returned yesterday mornlg from a business visit In Omaha and Lincoln this week. John Bratt will fre among thoso who will represent the local lodge of Knights Tomplar at tho conclave in Denver next week. Mrs. Beecher Parker, of Rawlins, who was called herelast weok by tho illness of her mother Mrs. Theordore Lowe will return home today. Mr. and Mrs. Terrance McGovern, of Ogdon, who were called here by, the death of tho formers mother lastweek, reiurneancme yesioraay morning. Mrs. F. J. McDonough nnd son, of of Omaha, are expected here the latter part of this month to visit her sisters, Mis. Kato Daly and Mrs. Mary Dunn. MissNMinnie Lowe of tho W. E. Shu man law office, is taking her summer vacation. Her duties at the office aro being performed by Miss Mildred Mc Keown. The Mutual Building & Loan As sociation has for sale at a bargain, lots 3 and 4, block 23. Large eight roomed house, nearly new and large barn, this is in a locality fast appreciating in value, a small first payment and- the rent will buy it . For Sale. 1913 Model Mcjtor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy payment plan. Got our proposition before buy ing or you will regret It, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Writo us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich. Will Organize a Bar Association. On August 27th a meeting of tho .attorneys of the Thirteenth nnd Seven teenth judicial districts will meet In tf(Is city for the purposo of organizing a bar association composed of lawyers of the two districts. Tho Thirteenth district is tho ono presided over by "Judge Grimes, and in tho Seventeenth Judge Hobartt, of Scotts Bluffs is tho presiding judge Twenty or more counties are included in tho two districts. f Tho olSject in forming the association is for tho purpose of bringing tho at torneys of the two districts in closo re lation professionally and socially. All tho attorneys have been notified of tho meeting nnd it Is expected thirty or more will bo present. End Draws Near. The tennis tournament is near the close, the only players not yet elimi nated from the contest being Hallignn, Hunger, Birgo and Otten. In tho con solation round yesterday morning Al bert Schatz defonted C. F. Chapman G 0, 7-5. Tho same evening Munger bont Arthur Bullard 6-2,7-5, and Inst evening defeated Milledge Bullard 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. Halligan plays Birgo nnd tjio winner enters a final contest witji Munger. The winner of tho final then plays Will Otten for tho city chnmnionshin. nnd who holds tho cup since last season. $15,000 More State Taxes. ' The state levy taxed against Lincoln county for 1913 is $41,60S.40, as compared with $26,685. 82 for 1912, nn incroase of $15,000. This is tho heav iest increase in years and is accounted for by tho fact that tho expenses of the state aro incronsing rapidly each year wnllo the assessed value of property in creases slowly. This increase will not be relished by those who feel that taxes are already too" high. North Platte Takes Two. In the opening game Wednesday with tho Omaha team, tho North Platte team secured an easy victorv bv n rnr of Boven to one. Tho visitors wore out classed in all departments. Omaha se cured threo hits off McGinn wMi North Platte touched up the Omaha pitcher for nlno safeties." Tho .rat was dovoid'of sensational plays. North riauemado three runs in tho first in ning, ono in the second, two in tho Jifth and ono in the sixth? Omaha's one score was made in tho fifth on a t.wn baggor by Vanous, who went to third on a sacrifice and reached homo on a passed bail by Catcher Dnnze. Yesterday aftornoon tho Lexus boys put up a somewhat better game, but lost out by a score of threo to six. Make City Levy. ThejMty council held an adjourned meeting last night and passed tho low and appropriation ordinances. The fol lowing levy was mado; Gonoral fund five mills, street lighting threo mills, sowor bond interest two mills, fire department five mills, library fund ono and one-half mills, parkjund one half mill, sower flushing one nnd one half mills, interest on water works bonds three mills. Complimentary to Mrs. Eva Baldwin of Lincoln, Mis. Helen Whito enter tained twenty laJioa yesterday after noon. It was a gathering of old time friends of tho honor-guest and proved exceptionally pleasant to each. An elaborate lunch was served at six o'clock. r The U. S. Civil Service Commission announces an open competive examina tion Sept. 30th, 1913, for filling vacon- ui in (jusiuons mac require tno quali fications of stenography, typewriting or stenography and typewriting in the clQHannri nrvlin Mrs. W. II. C. Woodhurst enter: tained ten ladies at luncheon Wednes day. Out of town guests were Mrs. Baldwin, of Lincoln, Mrs. Jones, of Chicago, and Miss Baker, of Detroit. Carrol Lewis, of Maxwell, was ser iously injured yesterday by falling with a telephone post which broke off while at the top. The accident happened at tho south end of tho Maxwell bridge. Attorney Albert Muldoon returned Wednesday evening from Saratoga, Wyo., where he enjoyed fishing for two Weeks. Mrs. R, D. Birgo entertained eight adles at bridge yesterday aftornoon. interesting were the games and enjoy ablo the refreshments. Mrs. A. B. Hoagland and two child rnn returned yesterday from Salt Lako, whoro they hod bet-n visiting relatives for saveral weeks. Mrs. Charles Wier and daughter nnd Miss Esther Kolly went to Cheyenne this morning to visit friends for a week or longer. Tho hnl! ,vn.. .. l .. t... played at Ogalalla and Sutherland this week, have been cancelled. Goorge Brewer and family leave this week for Illinois to visit tho former's mother for several weeks. i Killed in the Yards Last Evening. Carl W. Wilson, nn omployo of tho Union Pacific, wns killed In the west end of tho yards last evening at eight thirty whilo coupling cars. The acci dent wns seen by somo of tho yard men, who wexc unablo to roach tho unfoi tunntomnn in timo to save him from boing struck. 'Death was instantnneoua and the body was badly crnshed. Undertaker Mnloney was called and tho romnlns taken to tho sndderiod homo on west B. street Tho funeral arrangements have not been complotod but Rov. Kliowles will havo charge of tho ser vices. The deceased man wns about forty years of ago, hu loaves a wife and six children, tho oldest twenty-two nnd the youngest four. They nre Leslie, Lawrence, Bruce, Mae, Dorothy, and Maxinc. Mr. Wilson nnd his family camo to this city two years ago from Illinois and had many friends who are grieved to learn of his sudden demise. Local and Personal. Mr and Mrs. Hilligas went to Her shey last evoning to visit friends. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Colo the early part of this week . Miss Ida Carroll has resigned her position in the Dickoy Ico Cream Par lors. Major Woodhurst, who has been ill forsomo time, is reportod to bo im proving. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Shnnernro rejoicing over tho arrival of n baby boy nt their home yesterday. Frank Albro loft yesterday for Fre mont, where ho was called by the illness of his uncle. Conductor Powers, of Omaha, spent yeslerday in town while enrouto home from California. If you wish to Bee a real Western Drama, sffo Tho Trappor and the Indians atlhe'Empress to-night, . Mrs. Frank" Dontlor, of Denver, who visited local friends this weok, went home yesterday afternoon. N- Mastor Glen Waltomath went to Lin coln Wodnesday afternoon to visft for a couplo of weeks with friends. Miss Nell Hnnifin and Mrs. Harry Gutherldss went to Ogalalla yestorday to spend tho day with friends. Mrs. Bonham nnd family, of Suther land,, will movo to this city next week and-occupy tho Greeson house. Mrs. Sam Morant nnd daughter left yostorday for Yollowstono Park to join a party of friends from Kansas City and spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tlarkc. of Fre mont, nro guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mungor. Jr., ,whilo enrouto home from a wedding trip to Colorado. Misses Opal and Blanche Monetto, of Stella, who spont three weoks with their aunt Mrs. A..E. Timmermnn, re turned homd last ovoning. Mr. Loonhnrdt, piano tuner, an nounces ho will bo in North Platto about Aug. 10th. Ho has no successor. Loavo order with Mr. CUnton, Jowoler. 56-3 Tho Luxus ball team, who played on tho local grounds two days this week, left this morning for Gibbon to fulfill an engagement with that team today. Weather Forecast Fair and continued warm tonight and Saturday. Moderate to brisk southerly windB. Highest tem perature yesterday 92; a year ago 78. Lowest temperature last night 61; a year ugo 52. , For Solo Eleven hens and eighteen pullets; thoroughbred Rhodo Island Reds. They can be seen at tho corner of E. and Cottonwood streets. Mrs. Phillips. 56-2 Tho Vestry and the Ladies' Guild of tho Church of Our Saviour will tender Rev. and Mrs. Chapman a farewell re coption at tho rasidoncoof Mr. and Mrs. T, C. Patterson Tuesday oyening, August 12th, and thoy extond to every membor of the Parish a very hearty in vitation to attend. ( 56-2 For bargains in choice residences sec Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column tf Pnr 5nln ... W..IV. f Baptist pursonago, 1009 weBt 4th St., for sale or exchange for property nearer tho business section of the city.'lnqulro of Rov. J. L. Barton or phono Black 88 1. 53-4 Costly Treatment. "I was troubled with constipntion and indigestion and spont hundreds of dollars for modicino and treatment," writes C. H. Hines, of Whitlow, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis hospital, nlso to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure was oirectod. On returning home I be gan taking Chamberlain's Tablets, nnd worked right along. I used them for somo timo and am now all right." Sold by all dealers. Car Colorado Freestone Peaches SALE Saturday Grocer. 90 Cts. per Crate. DOLAN FRUIT CO. HERE The 22x100 foot room at 2 IS E 6th for rent at reasonable - remuneration per.. Who wants it? see LEMASTER. J Local and Personal Miss Marguerite Roddy loft n few days ago for Denver to visit friends for n week. Miss Carrio Weil loft this morning for Omaha and Lincoln to visit relatives and friends. Christian Scionco Bervico Sunday nt 11 n. m. Subject, "Spirit." K. P. hall Dowoy street, Mrs. C. P. Carson loft this morning for CoiumbUs to visit relatives for a couplo of weeks. J. C. Hompfiill crushed Cwbfinardrs on his left hnniTyesterdny nt'work in the Union Pacific yards. Mrs. Harry Porter and children went to Cozad this morning to visit Miss Helen Mny Allen. Julius Pizor loft this morning for Hastings to spend several davs visiiincr and transacting business. Mrs. M. J. Neary left Wednesday night for a visit with friends at Ster ling, Denver and Chayonne. Louis ,Tobiu returned today from Donvor whero ho snont several dav Visiting his mother. Doputy County Clerk Alien woars nn unusually board smllo. It's n boy, ten and onc-hnlf pounds. Mrs. Rush Dean, and daughter Ethol and son Clarsnco loft today for Ogden to spend a couple of weoks. William George, of Brady, has pur chased an irrigated fnrm at Twin Falls, Idaho, and will movo thoroto this woek. Mrs. G. E. Carpenter of Ovorton who was tho guast of Mr. and Mrs. M. ( E. Boardmnn for sovoral days loft this morning. " In a card to Tho Tribune Henry Cordes, now visiting nt Rhein, Ger many, sends his kindest regards to North Platto friends. Tim ' '' iiiwii " Air-Tight Jars Yeur preserves must be air-tight when you Bet. them away if you want to avoid mould and, formentation. Dip your jars in UXMOWtM& Puro Refined Paralino Absolutely air-tight. Inexpensive. Easy to u. Pound and half-pound cartons. To make washing easy use Parowax. Just shave a little into a bollerful of wash. It cleans and whitens without injuring tho clothes. Standard Oil Company 4PIK iiiMiiiiiiBiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMaMwmiiwwiiM ! nn .ijiiiwiiii,! in n i inwumwrtui Paul Roddy oxpocts to lenva Sunday for Denverjto spond a few dayc. Mrs. W. J. Shlnkio, who has had, a severe case of blocd poisoning in nor left thumb caused by cutting It with n knlfo will submit to nn operation nnd Imvo tho first jplnt of tho thumb taken ofT. Drs. McCftbo nnd Sadler'wjirpre form the oporation iri Hershey Saturday. It is sincorely hoped tho rest of tl'o thumb may bo saved. -Horshoy Times. ' M. E. Church Sundny School 9:45 a. m. Preaching by tho naator nt 11:00 a... in. Subject. "Tho Troubio of Tlilngs.,M,wEpworth League 6:45 p. m. Preaching 8:00 p. m. tfils will be a shortEvnngelistlc service. , J Remarkable Cure of Dysentery. S "I wnsnttneked with dysontory about July 15th, and UBed tho doctor's modi- ' . cino and other romodlos with no rolief, only getting worsa all tho timo. I was milium io uu nnyming nnu my wolglit mu irom no to vat pounds, l sui fored for about two months whon I was advised to uso Chnmberlaln's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of it and itgnvo mo perma nent rellof," writos D, W. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For snlo by all dealers. EMPRESS THEATRE Friday Night Tho Trapper's Mistnko. a big , two reel spocial, Western Drama, Path. A Groat Metropolitan Nowspapor. Edi. Saturday Night Tho Only Way, Vit. Tho Unsoon Dofenco, Sollg. Coffee Industry in Jamaica. Zob, Zank and Zulius. Special Music, OwEajia 9 . V wri ai -,aKp$-. w J. (, j&uik4fyt a, jrfajaaffijimfa aiwtfctet&ajfefcg: