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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
The City of North Platte Educational Advantages, Church Conveniences, Public Improvements and Splendid Homes. Various Features of North Platte Pictured and Described. Nestling In ond of tho fairest sections of tlio state, at the Junction 01 tho North and South Platto rivers, on an excellent townslto, Res North Platte, tho county seat or Lincoln county, one of tho host stock raising Alfalfa and farming districts of Nebraskn, a city richly dowered Indeed and tbo worthy prido of nil our people. It is not a villngo of which we speak, nor yet a metropolis, but a throbbing, vigorous, bustling city of 5,500 in habitants. There Is but Httlo pauperism in city or county; crlmo is kept down to a minimum and the total city Indebtedness Is but $20,000, while tho value of tho taxable property is over $2,000,000. Tho telephone company gives adequate sorvico and tho Chamber of Commerce Is a most effective agency for tho advancement of the best iutere3ts of ono and all. Located on tho main lino of tho Union Pacific, with many passenger trains dally, and tho Burlington soon to build through tho town, wo have n ilrot-class moll and train service. Our various mercantile establishments, tho $7C,000 monthly pay roll, our mill, lumber yards, three banks, four garages, cemont plants, etc., employ a largo number of men and give North Platto tho bustling appearancq which "looks good" to the stranger. We havo a fine alfalfa stock raising and general farming country, and the Irri gation canals are making this section blossom as tho roso and add riches to our coffors. Wo have a splendid High school, five graded schools, and we aro second to none in educational facilities for a town of this size. Local society com pares with tho cultivated communities of the east and the Kallroad Y. M. J. A. is a strong factor in the moral bottoTraent of the town. Briefly, religious, educational and social features are well represented, for wo have seven well maintained churches, lodgo halls of leading organi zations, a fine theater in tho Keith, two moving picture enterprises, the varioua women's organizations, and whatever a progressive, up-to-date town of this elzo should havo Ib found here. Tho cllmato Is mild In winter, pleas ant in summer, and lhoro is vigor and llfo in the air, making the blood tingle and stimulating all to tho best endeavor. North Platto may well tempt Uie descriptive pen, but we will paps from -word-painting to tho various features of Interest in this gem of the prairies, this progressive, wide-awake town of 5,500 boosters and pushers for their city. Good fortune smiles on our community, smiles through sunshine and rain and growing and developing and improving men, women and children of greater promise than those who went before. Here nature and art would seom to minister to man and provide a city that meets every requirement and expectation. Tho broad prairies in our famous valley, smiling with the queenly alfalfa, golden grain and tasseled con whee North Platte lives, moves and has her being, havo built up a flourishing town that makes our prosperity sure In deed. Tho pioneers of early days wrought bettor than they luiew In casting their lot on this fair expanse of God's creation, and all honor to them, for we reap in increasing measure from their toil and hardihood. Standing on the solid rock of past achievement, endowed with all the requisites necessary for legitimate, rapid expansion, North Platte, with just pride In her self and faith in her destiny, presses forward to gather the fruit fast ripening for her hands. Not many years ago the red man roamed these plains, but' now all is changed. Tho magic touch of tho passing years has wrought wonders in truth, and transformed the scene into ono or beauty, prosperity and progress, Yhorein education and culturo abide and a high type of American citizenship Is found. North Platto offers superior advantages not only In commercial and railroad pursuits, but to thoso who are in search or a desirable home, re moved from tho strife and turmol! of tho great centers, yet enjoying all the advantages of urban life. We havo a high moral tone, modern, beautiful homes, the best educational advantages, churches of the leading denomina tions, and refined, agreenble society. North Platte Is well lighted by elec tricity; the city owns the wnter works, and wc never lack a plentiful supply of the purest water. The $75,000 monthly pay roll of tho Union Pacific is a big help to our merchants and the commercial Importance of tho town and tho extensive machine shops, round house and tho largest ice storage plant in the world are weighty factors in our prosperity. Our $100,000 post ofllce and court house Is the pride and ornament of our city; a government postal savings bank has been installed and the sewerage system is of the best. Hero is the United States court, United States land ofllce, United States weather bureau, and of course wo are the judicial seat of the county. We havo excellent business blocks, several having been put up the last two years, and our three banks carry more than $1,000,000 In deposits. The Masonic, Odd Fellows and Elk lodges havo lino homes in this city, ranging in cost from $25,000 to $40,000, and our Carnegie library is valued at $15,000. The stato experimental farm, three miles south of the city, consists of some 1,900 acres, and has Improvements of $G0,000; It does tho best of work In showing tho wonderful fertility and adaptability, not only of the soil of the valley, but also In tho uplands back of it. From sixty to seventy-live new dwellings a year have been erected tho last live years, and enterprise and progress are tho order of tho day. Our sanitary conditions aro good and streets and lawns aro well planted Tith fruit and ornamental trees, where sweet singing birds build their nests, rear their young and till tho air with melodies. Civic pride is always in evidence; wo have considerable musical taste, ns our bands, orchestras, including the Philharmonic, and excellent music teachers, testify. Aspirations for a city beautiful have always round expression In North Platto and public opinion Is ever responsive. Tho result Is that wc havo artistic, modern homes, with environments of great attractiveness so that North Platte may well be called a city of homes and preeminently so. Our local building and loan associations flourish and do much good. lergymcn officiating. Sundny school for tho lltt'.o folks is held by all do minations. Aside from tho various churches, thero aro nlso churches In 0 other towns of the county and In the rural districts nnd North Platto nd Lincoln County mnko up in all an enlightened, God-fearing community hero tho acts or the peoplo as a whole, nnd ns Individuals, are governed y a keen sonse of right. FRATERNAL ORDERS. Speaking or frntornnl ordors, North Plntto Is well to the fore with lis Urong brnnchos of tho Masons, Knights of Columbus, A. O. U. W., Eagles, I'oomon, Knights of Pythias, Redmon, W. O. W., Maccabees, Odd Fellows,' "Silts, G. A. It. and Womon'B Relief Corps. Actlvo lodges nro maintained In !8ch organization and tho hoarty cooporntlon nnd good fellowship promoted isve a beneficial offect on the citizenship of our city. Tho Masonic, Elks' and Odd Follows' hoinos are the prldo nnd ornamen' 3f our city, nnd wo havo nlBo flourishing, well managed railroad organlza tlbns, conductors, trainmen, engineers, flromcn, switchmen, machinists, ' bollermakers apd carmen. THE NEWSPAPERS. Whllo n city orw community may have many Individuals and rosourc. to which It owes much of Its prosperity, wo must not lose sight or the fan j that the newspaper Is a highly Important factor In tho development of th city, county and state. Tho knowledgo tho outside world has or Its op portunitles and advantages comes largely through the columns or tho press. Settlers nnd Investors have been brought from nil sections to n laim I extent through Information furnished by the nowspnpera of tho existing I chances. Tho newspaper 1b among the pioneers of every town, bearing tho brum of the battle on nil movements claiming to ndvnnco tho best interest ot ho community. Our various journals aro a credit to their publisher nnd n season and out of season thoy aro boosting. They give their best to tin advancement of their townB and enjoy tho confidence vof the people. WATER. Without good wator a town Ib handicapped, but wo havo tho pure, Hweet, wholesome kind, and there is no end to" it Our wells nnd streams novcr glvo out and North Platte and Lincoln county nro fortunate in this nnd many other respects. OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT. The lire laddies glvo us excellent protection and we havo u first-class quipment. Tho department Is particularly efficient and It Is said that the average time It takes to get out after tho first alarm Is Bounded Is but a nlnute. Many times a start can bo made In even less time nnd It is the work of only a few minutes to extinguish the ordinary blaze. Our chief and his boyB deservo all kinds of credit. BANKS. The character of a city as a business center nnd the buccohb of its oinmercial nnd Industrial enterprisers depend In a large degroo on the qunl ,ty and volume of Its banking fncllltlea. In fact, banks aro Important factors, indeed, In tho struggle for wealth and supremacy. Ono of our many advan tages Is the completeness of the racllltles enjoyed In this respect. There are few cities of this size more favorably circumstanced In respect to bank ing nnd none in which the business stands on n higher plane. ' The First Na tional, tho McDonald Stato and the Platto Valley are towerfi of strength and command the confidence of all. They aro conducted on proper, const-native lines, their deposits exceed a million, nnd nothing Is left undone by the enterprising officials of these banks which will in any way inure to the benefit of the peoplo and which Is within tho scope of banking effort. CLIMATE. We have a healthful, salubrious climate, vigorous nnd bracing, the kind that puts the bloom on the cheek and mnkes for health and happiness. Tor id heals and bitter colds we seldom know and we are Just tho right olo vation above soa level with no swampy lund to breed malaria. Autumn das a delight Indeed; thero are cooling breezes In summer and wo bao .m early spring when all nature seems to rojolce and beckon the tu"l Jius bandmen to sturdy toll. In short, cllmato Is ono of our best assets. REAL ESTATE. J H. VAN CLEAVE. ( Dlackcmlthlno, Wagon Works, Fancier urn urccucr none oomo rtnpac Island Chickens. Mr. Van Cleave has built up a largo buBlneBB on the basis of excellent valuo and tho Bquare deal, therefore In referring to his lino In our town nnd county wo wish to hand him a fow well deserved boqucts. Ills building which ho owml is a substantial brick structure, and hero wo find tho finest machinery and nn Investment representing sovernl thou sand dollars. Mr. Van Clonvo puts tho best of material and tho finest workmanship In all his jobs and If tho work In not dono right ho will make It right but ho has never had any Job to do ovor yet. Everything In tho way of black smithing, horseshoeing nnd wood working is put through, charges nro right nnd Mr, Van Clonvo has always plonty to do. Ho has been with us a long tltno and wo nil know that thero Ib not a mora roltablo placo In tho county. Ills patronage grows from year to year and an establishment of this kind would got trado anywhoro. He keeps up-to-dato In his business and a hundred cents In valuo Ib given for ovory dollar taken In. His men aro all experts and Mr. Van Cleave has u largo personal and business ac quaintance In this section. Wo would add that ho Ib a fancier and brooder of Rhode Island Chickens, Robo Comb, and has mado qulto a suc cors of his off oris In this line. Mr. Van Cleave Is a hustlor and a pusher and makes a winning of overy undertaking to which, ho puts his hand. J. S JOHNSON & CO. Dry Goods and Groceries. Ilratieh stores at North Platto, Kear ney and Schuylor. K. Morian mahagcr North IMatlo store Tim business men of North Platto and Lincoln county aro in the main enterprising, liberal and up-to-date, pushers for tho best Intorestsof tho town, and always willing to put their shoulders to the wheel in overy move ment that will tend lo advance this part of the stato. Mr. Morinii though not long with us ib certainly in this class and ho bus mado a decided winning' of his elfotls hem. The wilier found this gentleman :i ilenMint, energetic In I' nl'd 1 i' kindl. gave all tho infi 1 mill inn uMiueeted. if ftp is handled dr, jrooils, clothing", i not isms and (rorcilc!-, all of which Real estate is on a sound basis and buyers and Investors rocognlzn ourlJiM ppitthe ptoplo ! Is'tulh l'latto town and county as excellent points. We offer a home to the merchant I1111' J'1 triKio loimory. ,. 1, , , , . I,, , . , . , vr , Uiiiv-vi arc down to as low a point artisan, railroad man, laborer, tanner, Irrigator and stock raiser and Norih ),,,, j (,nem finding penults and tho Platto attracts tho sturdy, progressive element. Real estate transactions ywdw nio wi-ll displayed and up-to- show considerable activity; farm lands are moving; now homes are pohv; IdHte. A .uf store at Kearney also up fast and contractors are among the busiest men In town. Tho reel es tate and land field present unusunl opportunities for progressive thv:lop ment as North Platto will grow very rapidly the next ten years and w hn'r the natural advantages, the railroad payroll and other features that wil' bring this good town to the front with a rush. Great. Indeed will be tho reward of those who cftst their lot with us nnd invest in city property or farm lands. a dollar should go outsldo this com munity for anything needed In the dry goods, clothing, notion or grocery line as long as this storo is with us, as competition lias no terrors for this gentleman atid all business is dono on honor. All demands of customers aro mot; prices aro fair to both parties and ono o( tho largest stocks in tho county Is kept. The stum-re deal Is always working and Mr. Morian keens his trado and adds new names to tho list right along. Thero Is no trouble In making satisfactory selections hero as all goods are standard and high giade. AVhothor the purchase bo largo or small, the scrvlco Is tho bi'st, and the limit of value is always given. This store keeps io the ft out with tho now ideas in business and their methods command the confidence and good will of our folks. Mr. Morian Is always on duty huro and makes a fau)iable Impiesslon on our peoplo by bis honesty and enter prise. Mr. Johnson resides out of the oily and Is a Hist lins merchant and a winner In tho general mor liiaudihu lino. The gentleman Is an honored 0. A. It. veteran and served faithfully all 1 liiivtmr f;i ol 111 Ips ivmiwil, lu nvcolliwl tlirniurh 1,ho trrenl, con Hint and was in .'..i...,. ............ ............ -,v v. .....,.. ........ rt- rt' " : 1 r .mil the bargains you get hero aro tho the urst call or tno immortal Lincoln 1 one at clu.lor aro operated so tho gouulnu kind and Just as represented This Is a favorite trading point for 1 economical folks and thoso who want the limit of value for tbolr money ns Mr. Morian makes a dose study of the wants and wishes of patrons. Not for 75.000 troops. He came to Iowa In 18(1(1, homo steaded in Nebraska in 1809 and has bad an oxlensho limning and busi ness experience. Ho is a loal booster and we're glad bo's with us. SCHOOLS. Every resident of our city takes pride in our schools nnd our educa 'tioual advantages mako a strong appeal to parents. Our peoplo lay the greatest stress on moral training and education and liberal appropriations aro gladly made, every dollar being expended on progressiva and thoroughly sound principles. Upwards of $100,000 represents our Investment In schools and equipment; tho board or education enjoys the full confidence of the taxpayers and Is making nn excellent record for nconomy and careful, Ulcient administration. Our school buildings nro handsomo, well appointed structures, tho best of methods are In use throughout our High school and tour graded schools, and tho young are given ovory opportunity. Tho schools of the county glvo the youth of tho mral districts all the advan tages that nro to be had In rural districts anywhere. Tho high school lanks with tho best nnd Is on a par with Institutions in much larger places than North Platto. It is on the accredited list or Institutions or higher learning nnd graduates can enter without examination many or tho largest colleges nnd universities of tho country. Our scholars shine In athlotlcs, though not nV the expense or mental attainment. Tho school spirit Is ex cellent and wo havo nn earnest, enthusiastic, competent corps or teachers. Our boys and girls mako a fine showing at tho state university and rortunato indeed nro those whoso training has been received at our schools. CHURCHES. Tho religious atmosphere or a city Is or no llttlo Importance, both ns 3 its effect locally as well as for Its value as a keen Inducement to thoso who contemplate moving to ,lt from other localities. Wo havo seven ihurches whoso spires point tho way to tho higher, better llfo; a spirit or broad, Mberal Christianity pervades our peoplo and an appeal to tho relig ious or charitable sentiment or North Platto rolks Is never mado in vain. Our church buildings havo no superiors anywhere ror a town or this bIzo, aud pulpit utterances aro characterized by scholarship and practical holp- I rulnoss. Wo havo with ub tho Baptists, Roman Catholics, Christian, Episco pal, Adventlst, Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian, all maintaining pcUvo parishes and holding regular services in their edifices with resident Interior View of the McDonald Clothing-Store. Bert M. Reynolds, Architect. Mr. Reynolds is our architect and his work here and elsewhere proves that he is a capable gentlemen indeed in his profession. His designs show that he is an expert in his calling and he is thoroughly versed in all that pertains to architectural and building affairs. He draws plans and specifications for all classes of buildings and cheerfully supplies estimates when so desired. Mr. Reynolds has had n thorough academic as well as professional train ing as he is a graduate of the Wesluyan University, Lincoln and also took technicnl nnd engineering courses at our University.HIis course of study, we would note, at the Wesluyan comprised eight years. Mr. Reynolds designed the Baptist church. Dickey's Sanitary Laundry, Maxwell school, Hershey school. Morsch building, Lock gorngo, Hoxie residence and other im portant structures and has no less than four big contracts on hand now. We have no busier man in this part of the! btato and his reputation extends far beyond North Platte and Lincoln county. We would point out that he practiced his profession for some time in Lincoln before casting his lot with us. Mr. Reynolds was tho first to ii ply I to send complete nlnns and description the diagonal nystem of lighting in j " a invention. There is no doubt that l,i i, I, is,.,,. .i ,i...,. :. .... .1 ..i.i ' ufiin- runny tuura ineri; win not uo n S,tW.,,trTo5dim,e revXtlSz'i'Strr "nywho" WUhUt chool building conatiuctlon Th oHi!"rf',t"-,.l... .. , .. , are so arranged that the light comes And this will be no small feather in from tho left and rear, th- proper mI i lh" V "f Mr. Reynolds. scientific way, we would n(ld, and th . This pentlrmun enjoys the beat of editor of the Scho l lt .ir' .li unml, Oicr,Un lini: lit-rw unci It a very agreeable leading publicati in in i' field in ;h i divldu-il to come in contact with, in a country, has requeitrd Ah. Reynolds IiujIih-xs or ocial way. George E. Prosscr, Cleric of the District Court. In securing dnta of tho records of our various county officials for the Homo Industry & Improvement edition of tho Tribune wo made tho acquaintance of Mr. George ProBser, n elenn cut. nlert, pleasnnt gentlemun, who received the writer courteously and made a favorable impression on him. Mr. Prosscr has been with us since '8(5 and long ago demonstrated his moral worth, competence and proven relia bility in every lino of work in which he was ever engaged. He has always done his part as nn energetic, public sniritod citizen and his personal and political friends aro numbered in tho hundreds. Mr, Prosser wan for some time in the mercantile field and insurance business, wus also connected with tho lund office and his services were always satisfac tory. Before his election to his present oifice, ho waH deputy county treasurer and no man has a better knowledge of county nllairs from every angle. He is serving his third term as Clerk of the Court and it is not too much to say that he is well adapted in every re spect for tho work. He is prompt, thorough, and always accomodating in his mothods and the public interests aro given his best and most zealous efforts. Mr. Prosser keeps up to date, Is rock bound in integrity and honor, and his efllcincncy and excellent standing with all classes of our community are gen erally admitted. He never falls to do his part when there is anything atirring to help North Platto and Lincoln county. hi BhMbBbSBbASbIbW VBa m lELBBf'MBBSBaSiSBBKWnBBuT LJSBlKslSMSMSSfc''JBT' A if Jl.a h'T tf TB flsKriMBruQIbt'tmll ijlbml m AWjt & 1 Kbttfli jfflsiARi ssssl JssHMHsTk vjVJRIsbbbw sssssssssssbDhFjr aMIiHsmti Ci sVlTsr uVwCsHl ujbtQf'issH ' ,JjiUtish"' f. " Al