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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
"' 3SU"T,. 1 W I , I NORTH Our flno federal building which 1b at onco tho pride and ornament of our city and the admiration of every vis itor to North Platto, 1h our principal architectural feature and a valuable addition to tho town. Tho need "of fluch a building has long boon felt and to Congressman Klnkald tho lndofatlgablo Congress man Norrls, then chairman of tho ommltteo on Appropriations, Bhould ho awarded much of tho credit for roaring this beautiful Btructuro In our ommunlty. Othor public spirited ItlzeiiB also contributed their share hut theao gentlemen did yeomen norvlco Indeed and today thoro Is not a town from coast to coaBt of this nlzo that haB n better equipped, moro attractive or finer federal building than wo have. Costing approximately $100,000, tho Urat Bpadeful of earth was dug in July 1911, and work proceeded stead ily till tho doors wcro thrown open to tho public a fow weoks ago. Tho front Ib noble Indeed, the flat olumns producing a lino effect, and kho proportions are mujostlc aiid beautiful. Sand mold red brick was largely used, also Hertford stone and Vermont granite likewise Colorado TMi: o k wui, it ILD1NU OTTO WEIL, Vienna Cafo and Hotel. , , In wilting up tho cafes, restnurantB and hotels of North Platto and Lin coln county, wo would bo remiss if wo did not point out tho Vienna as ono of ur most nourishing and well man aged establishments. Mr. Weil liao iiiiulo a distinct suc cess of IiIb efforts nnd there la always plenty of bustnoBu going on lioio. Ho Ib always on hand himself to see that patrons goi proper attontlon and verythlng In season 13 put on his tables. Thlo gentleman knowB this lino like a book and though always willing to loam, thoro Ib vory llttlo In tho hotel nnd cufo lino that ho does not already know about. 111b IdeaB aro up to tho mlnutonnd progressive and IiIb patron ago Is largo and growing. Ills tradu aro given all that can bo secured in Mio lino of modern accommodation and In connection with tho cafe a hotel on tho European plan Is oporatod, Tho rooniB aro furnished in first class tylo, tho mattresses aro the best, and M - 4'iiM. ,-1 4''tfiii fflTJJMRS vt3ftV i MKHHBhu... JB,tfp 'wiwRrSaHBTOi3r'HH I J.-V!J"GV- "'('l "' BwJwfcntw'HMtK,tfaiiLljW.iUt I UeJUencc on tol IPLATTL'S NKW FEDERAL BUILDING. marblo and everything in tho entire building from top to bottom is of Am erican origin or manufacture. Tho first floor 1b dovotcd to post of flco pUrpoBOB and Postmaster Davis kindly escorted tho writer through every nook and corner df tho structure and It seems that tho Government waB down-to-the-Bccond in this work, as tho lntcst and best has been installed. Tho building 1b wired throughout for electricity and gas; thoro aro power plugs In overy room, also a complete tolophono system and tho clocks aro regulated by electricity Thero 1b an electric alarm system for burglar protection and tho con struction Ib llro proof In overy way. Electric elevator will bo shortly In stalled; every safo In tho building Is burglar proof and as an instance of tho care used In guarding tho public funds, would noto that thero aro no less than five locks that must bo opened before tho post olllco money, stamps or money orders can bo touched. Separate vaults aro used for the tl'c rnonov order and qthor depart ments of tho post office busi nosa. Thero Is amplo lire protection on every floor nnd the furniture is not only of tho best of tasto and of tho l ii a lu-re mij ti jturo cuitrlbut i in; u il'f comfort of guests. Theso uniis ire equal In point of comfort o nj iu Lincoln county. Tho kltclion of the Vienna is largo, cloan, nnd well equipped fiom inp to bottom wltn ovory medorn feature. Ico chests pra te t tho perishable and dollcito articles of good and tho rnngo is pro aided over by a llrst clnsa chef. A'll tho uppllnncoB for sorving and pioduc nig the most exacting demand aro In use. Wo find countors also tables for Indies nud gentlemen In tho dining apartments nnd tho entlro establish mont Ib Inviting and attractive. All night long tho Vienna is In operation nud this is ono of tho leading and popular establishments of tho city. Mr. Well owns tho entlro promises, ono of our most valuablo properties, and no man In Lincoln county watches his business moro cldsoly than this gentleman or Is more honorable or up-to-date In his mo'ods. Tho conse quence naturally Is that ho has worked up a flno patrdnngo and ho Ib a llvo, go-anettd citizen, who Is favorably Know n to all, I .nel Cotly'fi Knucl. finest construction but also built much moro solidly than tho furniture ordin arily used In business houses. For employes wo find marblo tiled bath rooms, shampoo arrangements, of tho very latest In this way. In sum mer, thero is an automatic systom for heating water and our post office boyB could not got better accommodating In theso respects, If they enjoyed mem berships in first class Now York clubs. On tho second floor aro quar tered for tho United States district at torney, grand Jury, petit jury, post of flco Inspector, bailiff, clerk of the court, marshal, judge and a largo sized federal court room. Nothing .has been forgotten that could expedite public business or contribute to tho comfort and convenience of theso gentlemen in tho discharge of their public duties. Tho register and receiver of tho U. S. and ofllco have tho third floor and tho equipment Is tho best here, too. Every room Is spacious and flooded with light and tho furniture and fit tings throughout tho best for tho tnonoy expended that tho United States government could procure are all hero nnd it is ovldont that a fine and complete job was dono when our federal building was erected In our thriving, progressive city. REESE'S PANTATORIUM. Established 1905. Tho dyeing and cleaning business Is an Important Industry and wo are for tunate In having with us this estab lishment as no better work is dono anywhero in tho West, and In fact, Mr. Heese and his assistants aro as skilled In this line nt the Omaha nnd Chicago experts. Tho writer in ills rounds writing up the various enterprises here called on Mr. Hooso and found a busy place In deed. Several employes were working uwny, tho shop was full of work, and It was evident that his enterprise was flomlshlug. Mr. Heese impresses tho stranger as an obliging, hustling, porson and the largo trado ho has developed shows Mint ho won tho confidence of our folks. IIo uses tho famous Fronch dry cleaning process, no othor method comparing with It, nud no fabric is too delicate or costly for Mr. Heese to handle. Everything in tho way of cleaning and renovating of ladies' and gentlemen's clothes is dono and people who want tho best for an honest price and like to doal with responsible, up-to-dnto folks, patronlzo Mr. Heoso. In fact,- ho gets a largo trade here. His patronago has grown steadily overy yoar since its establishment in 1005 and Mr. Heese Is ono of our most energetic business men and' a firm be liever in printor's ink and publicity. Tho stranger Is not long in town be foio ho knows that Mr. Heese Is a factor In tho cleaning nnd renovating lino nnd this gentleman can refer to any bank or commercial houso in our city as woll ns all his patrons. Mr. Heoso deserves great credit for tho trado ho hns worked up but ho merits success, aB you get full return for your money from him and ho oper ates his plant honestly nnd by tho best system. Ills trado extends oast to Brady, south to Curtis and west to Bridgeport and Northport. Mon'B suits, $1.00; LndleB' tailored suits, $1.50; Men's overcoats, $1.50; Ladles' long cloaks, $1 50. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, Julius Morganson. Tho liveries of our town and county should bo duly mentioned In theso pages as this Is an Important lino of .business and Mr. Morganson operates a urst class establishment. It Is woll lighted, drained and ven tilated nnd Mr. Morganson knows every dotnll of this business from tho ground up. Ho koepB good stock, drivers aro sobor, reliable, and obliging nnd when you patronize Mr. Morganson, you got all that Is coming to you. Ills building U woll adapted for tho purpeso and ono of tho largest In this part of tho Stato. Mr. Morganson gets a largo part of tho trado in IiIb line and deals with ono nnd all in a strictly honest, ac commodating way so that you will como back. IIo is an oxport horsemen, keeps up with tho times and his livery Is on tho right kind of business prin ciples Tills barn has always borno a good inmo and Mr. Morgan Ib woll worthy of reBpoct and rruBt as he "deltvorB tho goodB" and 1h u booster nnd a pushor for Noith Platto and Lincoln county. Pilcoanro alwnyB ronsonnblo and tho barn lint Is bettor than Morgan son's will havo to' "go some:" fell' IBHHHyLN : Hf t HHHfnHHlHflHHI V Tho North Platto schools are housed In flvo buildings, throo brick and two frame. Tho Central School Is a modern, throo story, brick structure of good appearance and well designed. It accommodates tho High School and two rooms of tho grade school. It is equipped with steam heat, electric lights, a gas plant, shower bath, toilet and lavatory facilities, firo escnpo and ante-panic exists. Thero are 27 rooms in this building used as follows: 1 Auditorium, 2 laboratories, 1 library, 1 typewriter room, 3 offices, 2 class rooms, 7 recitation rooms, 2 book rooms, 2 supply rooms, 2 toilet rooms, 1 dressing room, 1 bath room, 1 janl tor's room, 1 furnace room. Tho Washington School Is a modern brick building containing eight class rooms, domestic science and manual training rooms, library, ofllce and toilet roomB. It la heated by steam, lighted by electricity, ventilated by in direct radiation, practically lire-proof and equipped with sanitary bubbling CLINTON, THE JEWELER, Established 23 Years. A special edition of the Tribune that would not dwell on this excellent establishment and its Importance in the business Interests of North Platto and Lincoln county would bo wanting indeed and we take pleasure In stat ing that Mr. Clinton is a progressive, up with tho times goiitieman who gives ub tho be&t in the jewelry line and his store is a cicdit to our city. Ho has tho deft touch and artUtic tasto that characterize the born jew elor and hero we find the latest artisi ic flnlbliings and turnibhings that wo .vould expect to see enly In a mucn larger town than North Platte. So we enn truthfully bay this is a motropol itan establishment. Mr. Clinton is in a position to supply ua with every thing Ae need in the way cf Jewelry and j on will be disappointed at least In quality and 'genuine value when you go beyond our town for anything In his line. Only those goods Mr. Clinton knows personally to repieseni the utmost value and can bo thorough ly guaranteed aro handled and wc would point out that it is not what we pay but what we get that counts, especially in bujing articles of this nature of which tho average man cannot be expected to have expert Knowledge Mr. Clinton.- we wish to emphasize strongly, luys great stress on th quality of his offerings This gentleman knows every deMl cf tho business, and as ho baa been hero many years, our folks know his woid Is as good as his bond. Here we find precious stones, Jewelry, of all kinds, silverware, optical goods, clock, watchos nnd no ono is loo critical a buyer for Mr. Clinton to pleaee. A large watch tepalrlng business io done, this Is a favorite resou ior the railway boys, and no time piecs u too complicated oi too costly for Mi. Clinton or his ofllcient staff to handle. Prices aro as low as honest trade prin ciples permit and nothing Is wanting that a high class, successful Jewelry emporium should have Tho stock is well displayed and all bufinpps is done on honor. Mr. Clinton ieports an increased volumo of business every year and you aro peifectly safo when you buy hore. His son, C. P. Clinton, an excellent and capable young man, assists in the prosecution of the busi ness. Mr. Clinton bulks largo in our busi ness afTalrs and he Is upright and af fablo with one and nil. IIo haB won out hero because ho deserved to win and you will alwuys find him on tho rope when North Platte is being pull ed ahead. We would npto specially his exten slo cut glass Btock, one whole half A type jyjfjf1 tB BBHMhP wiT i 8 JrajJBMBBij f MBf r'"?3Blw ft NORTH VLATTK HIGH SCIIOOL fountnliiB on ever floor. Tho Lincoln school Is an exact counterpart of ue Washington school In ovory essential. Tho East school Ib a four-room frame Btructuro which Is to bo Biipplnnted by a new eight-room modern school building, bonds to tho amount of $20, 000 having been voted and plans hav ing been adopted. Tho Baker school Is a one-room building meeting the needs of a small part of tho district ly ing juBt west of town. In all 112 teachers glvo full time to the work of the school. Tho total en rollment for tho year up to January 1st was 130,1. This enrollment Is divided between the High school and Grado school as follows: High school 215, grado school 105G. In tho High school 8 teachers glvo full tlmo to teaching not counting the superintend ent. A Normal course leading to a County First Grado cortlflcato Ib car ried under tho direction of tho state superintendent and supported in part by tho state of Nebraska. A Busi ness course of four years and a Sten- we night say of the handsome store being devoted to this display and this ent in establishment is a most inter esting place indeed for a lover of the Uautlful und artistic In jewelry nnd kindred goods to visit. RAILROAD Y. M. C. A. C II VWLI - I 1 p. crcmr The North Platto Young Men's Christian Asboeiatlon hah ueen in e.. !-trnrn about twenf live years, and !i . iw.i.8 fill -d i in fie com munity life. OI lute e-rs it has w t beon filling ilie large place that it should because of a lack of the prop' i equipment. The past year has been much Ilk sevoral proceeding years In the life ( f the Association. The prosent memb. r ship is 144. (Privileges provided fr members aro games of various kind1-, a good leading room and library, .uh rooms, dormitories and a placo U spend a social hour. At a meeting of thoso inti rzV d held a couple of weoks ago a commit too of twcnty-flvo was appointed to bo licit Hinds ior the election of a Y M C. A', bulld'ng to cobt not lo-s t an thirty-five thousand dollais. Tho time for a now building is ripo, and K is confidently expected that the needed funds will bo promptly subscribed E. T. TRAMP & SON, Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Dry Queensware. Mr. Tramp has made one o'' the greatest successes hero and he is one of our old-tlmo merchants, dating from '79, therefore wo desire to give this concern all that is coming to them n3 we describe tho mercantile interests of our city nnd county. This Is one of our busiest nnd best general merchandise establishments of the many modern homes in North ographers' couro of two years equip students for entering many lines of commorcial work. A Classical and Scientific course admits stud6nta to tho University of Nebraska and to any school In tho North Contral Associa tion of Colleges and Secondary schoolB, without examination. Stu dontB wishing to take training on pi ano or othor musical instruments may receive full credit for tho work if dono undor tho instruction of teachers ap proved by tho Board of Education. All teachers in tho city schools have t City Certificates issued by tho State Superintendent of Public Instruction and most of them aro Professional Llfo Certificates secured by examina tion or by graduation from tho higher courses of an approved college or Nor mal school. Tho total bonded Indebtedness of the School District of North Platto Ib $59,000 with $20,000 mdro authorized but not Issued. The assessed valua tion of all property of tuo District la ier $1,000,000 and tho right ideas and principles aro evidently In force as customers alV j seen In this store at all times. j Our people have long Bince grasped J tho fact that this Is a store of progress U as Its constant aim is to meet the most insistent and most critical public demand. '1 ramps Is headquarters Ior 1 oui folks who want the best, tho full 1 weig'.t and measure and tho square 1 deal. t..ory thing in tho line of groceries, dry goods, hardware and queenswaro j tui the'e is any demand can be h d ,.ud tho Tramps Handle tho gooda cf trustwetthy, up-to-date firms only, .ho projitietJin lully appreciate the needs and wishes cf our neonlo and jth'ir fine s-nd oxtcn3ivo stock Is chob- en acctrdingly. No customer need 1 cave thl3 ttcio dissatisfied and ho de- ind of all pu.-bes and tastes are net. Clerks aio. skilled and ex- , perienced, obliging and active and all giocorloB are always the finest and tir-,hctt. hior.Uhing is handled in a tlctn, up (c dte manner and no de- t il i 1 cuitu,' t'.Kt will add to the con- vruiencD f.nd comfoit cf patrons. The s- (xc3 cf il se ijcntlrmm p.hows that "(dern l i no a methods, piactical- ' applied, coupled with courtesy and integilty, will alwajs win. Thero aro no dull days heie and Messrs. Tramp &. Son operate an establishment which is meeting with unqualified success They are merchants of the right kind, pushers for the town, and we will put the O K. sign on them any time. This firm will deliver dry gooCs 1 parcels posts free of charge. H. II. McMiehnpl. Building Contractor, I M Plntte. Y I