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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
' ilHHH Aft. :!KfliBBiiEc 'jurain'. iT' Clins. F. Temple, C. F. Temple, Real Estate, Loans, and Insurance. In noting tho various elements that mnke uo a city wo would point out that tho land and real eatat" men are important factors as their efforts tend to locate newcomers among us and their constant endoavor in season and out of season is to mako better known the ad vantages and resource's of our section. In fact, it is not too much to say that these wostern prairies would not bo blossoming as tho roso today were it not for the rigorous advertising and publicity inenBurcs of these gentlemen. Mr. Templo belongs to tho reliable, energetic, woll equipped typo of real es tate and land mon who reflect credit on tho business and ho has ample capital, long experience and all other facilities necessary for tho prosecution of this work. IIo makes a specialty of city property but ho operates all over the western country, too. Ho is nlao a bonded abstractor, handles all kinds of insurance and Mr. Temple has achiuvctl marked success at ovcrything to which he ever appliod himself. Ho is tho solo agent for tho Cody Addition, Ruffalo Dill lota and it is but truth to say tho lota aro going liko hot cakes, no less than 121 having been sold thus far, and W. W. BIRGE, Lumber, Coal, Building Matcriul Lumber constitutes tho most neces sary branch of all building operations. Iron and stool tnlco important positions but lumber la and nlways will bo an es sential oloment. Tho demand for lum bor, coal and building matorinl is well taken caro of bv this concern which is ono of our pioneer yards, having been in continuous operation since '81. A fine business has been built up nnd ovcrything In tho way of lumber, eoal nnd building material Is carried. The samo price nnd n fair, honest price to nil, is ono of tho curdmnl principles of this house and no yard in tho state en joys bettor repute. Tho patrons of Mr. Hfrge, stay with him, now onos are frequently added and correct principles nnd up to date methods tiro found hero always. Tho mercantile career of Mr. Birgo lias boon nu honorable nnd pros perous one and he is ono of tho bus'ness bulwarks of this community. His son, R. D. Hirgo, n bright, capable young gentleman assists in tho mnnngement of the yard, and la nii'importiint factor in its success. The, Birges push atondily nhond nnd thoro is no bettor lumber yard in tho county. Victor VonGnctz, Photographer Wo desire to mako due mention of tho loaders in the various linos of business in Lincoln County and North Plntto and therefore Mr VonGootz, our photo grapher, deserves more tlinn passing notice This gentleman has lived In this section ainco '81 operating tho gallery sinco '90 and ho has always done well and enjoyed high standing with all classes of tho community. Thoro nro somo photographers who nro merely mochunlcul in their work and othors who are genuine artists and Mr. Von Goetz is surely In this IntteV class. Honco his pictures satisfy the most critical and his mountings aro tho latest and best. There is nothing in photography with which ho is not famil iar and his work is known far beyond North Platte. Our folks realizo when thoy sit for their plcturo here they are in the hands of u truo artist. Mr. Von Gootz has traveled extonsivoly on tho continent abroad as woll as in this country and he is a woll informed, highlylntolllgent gontlomnn of tho best personal character. IIo is making a decided success of his studio and ho is much esteemed here. He always docs his part in boosting our town and countv. Geo. E. Dilllon, Chiropractor, Your health and happiness depend on the condition of your spinal column and and nervous system. Chiropractic is the art, science and philosphy that has thoroughly tested and proved that disease is caused by the interruption of mental impulses as thoy pass through tho nerves at the intervertebral foramina where tho vertebrae are not In perfoct alignment with eaeh other. Such conditions are called subluxations which impinge tho nerves that pass out through these openings thereby Inter fering with the mental impulses and consequently causing disease in tho organs or tissue in which the nerves end. Chiropractic further proves that scientific adjustment will bo followed sixteen were disposed of tho morning the writer cnlleu. Those lots aro ex ceptional vnlue, being all high level, with very few exceptions, and is tho continuation of the best residence sec tion wo ha.u. Tho lot" commence nlong the U. P. road, just three blocks from the new round house, south of tho Union Pacific tracks and running south and they nro Ideal sites indeed for homes. Prices rango from $75 to $150, nnd terms aro from $10 to $15down and $5 a month, ten per cent discount for cash. We think there is no better buy in tho residence lot in the State of Ne braska and Mr. Temple's success shows that no better man could have been chosen for the handling of them. Mr. Tomple has a woll equipped, up to date office and oyory day is n busy one for this gentleman. Ho hns been In this lino many years and ho has long Bince established n reputation ns an ex cellent citizen and competent, accom modating gentleman who takes a back seat for no ono in his lino in Lincoln county in personal character and effi ciency. In all enterprises aiming to advanco tho best interests of North Plntto nnd Lincoln countv vnn will nlurntra.ftti1 in.. Temple doing his full part. Ilia word ; un Kooci as nis uonu anu ne grades high in all tho relations of life. by return of health. Chiropractors do not use medicine, drugs, knifo or any thing that is usually used to treat effects. Thoy do not nib, massngo or use olectrirftv. r!liivnifnnti ia ., magnetic healing, osteopathy, faith euro, christian science or anything else but chiropractic. Thoro ia probably no field Of invpntlmiMnii tli. if I. no 1, ...... .. diligently plowed and harrowed, m-uiuiL-u unu rcsenrcucu an that or tho healing art. No sot of workers, inves tigators or practitioners have received more commendation or more disapproval than those who mako this art n pro fession. Then. Mr., ninni. .. medicine and each doprccnteB the ukui-ia uui uie people caro not n jot by what name it is rnll.vl nr tin. mtiinri V?C'(,J. tl,oir """"erlngs are relieved. Mr. Dillon can fairly clnim to have a complete system of practice that anyno can accept with aatis faction. Tho average 'physician 1ms '"'.' "" anxious nour wondering Whether nr nnt tlmlnot .!,,.. ,.r v-...n..!V ho ndininistorod ia going to euro or kill w.viivjineaH -no wuo iurnea to mm in his hour of pain. No sunh thoughts over come in tlm mvir.iitinr...D t !...... prnctic,. Immediate nnd favorable le suits almost invariably follow tho an- V ," " "i l"u ."V'j"n"viis WlUlOUt tho after cfFects that so often follow tho uso nf drugs. Mr. Dillon does not uso drugs but ho restores by adjusting tho cause of tho diseaso nnd aiding naturo to do her own work. Ho has successfully restored many cases that wore (rivnn nn liv tlinon m.i .nii...i - y- I W'J -.-"w , i,j &UUUU U( mediclno mnilMr. Dillon deserves woll of our people. Ho stands well h'oro, Clin 11(1 Rnfnlv rnnnmmnnrln.l n.1 1. .. conscientious, honorable cnpnblo gontlo- mnl nt nil limnM A. F.Fink. Harness and Saddlery. Wlllln llntllllf flin vnrlmiD K..,.l., . . ..n v..w ....nun Llllllli;) enterprises or tills progressive town, wo stopped Into this establishment and made the acquaintance of Mr. 1'lnk whom wo found as busy as a bee. IJoro wo Ihul an up to date harness and saddlery manufactory and every thing necossary for clothing or adorn ing a horso can bo had at this concern. Ti IV""' ""' 01 uiisKimiuosorvos all tho good things wo can say for It liml Mr. Kllll In ItlnL'ltlrr n .)nnl.l.w1 winning of his olforts. A strict and winning K'''ii'eo goes wiin every purchaso made and his name bo hind an artlolo moans tho best in harness and saddlery at tho price. The help Is very olllclont and when you buy your harness and saddle here, you gtita hundred conts In value for every dollar you spend. Trade Is always brisk with him and ho transacts all his buslnosa on tho lines of honor and enterprise. Mr. Fluk hasbeon runnlngsomo time and you got all that Is coining to vou hon you buy your harness andsatldlo here. Mr. Kink Is woll up In ovory dotall of tho business and his name Is al ways down when North l'latto and Lincoln county aro to bo benefited by any enterprise. lid In mitltlpil tn Mm urncnorlfv lm has met with as ho is on the lovol uirco iiuutireu and slxty-JIvo days in the vear and a. trnnri himliuQQ mnn f- boot, The Sanitary Steam Laundry Edmund Dickey, Prop. While inspecting the lcadinglndustrics of North Platte in the various lines we were at once attracted by this establish ment which is indeed a great credit to the city. Wo would in fact expect to find such n laundry plant only in much larger town than ours. The building is n well constructed cement nnd atone building, pleasing to U.e ye and we might add an ornament to the town. It is owned and occupied exclusivity by Mr. DlckoV and bis Sanitary Steam Laundry. There are twelve persons em ployed here; every part of the estab lishment ia lightsome, well ventilated and sanitary throughout nnd here we find the very latest nnd up to date machinery. Every package ib returned without a scratch, tear or burn, the delivery nnd collection system is oxcel lont nnd patronage ia growing right nlong. No chemicnls ure used tnit would harm tho choicest, most delicate fabric nnd we do not think that the laundry work done hero cou'd bo sur passed in Chicago, New York or San Francisco. The help aro high grade nnd wo note that an automobile is used in the delivery and collections. The Eeople of North Platte get tho very est in the laundry way from Dickey, tho charges nro fair and squaroand Mr Dickey is a top notch business man, the right kind of a citizen and nlways a pusher for North Platte. He has a largo personal and business acquaint ance and is strictly all right every day in tho ycai Howard R. McMichael, Contractor and Builder. There are contractor and contrac tors but we desire to point out thoso who aro thoroughly responsible, do a large business una are well thought of generally. Mr. McMichael hns bson here many years and every building he puts up represents tho maximum of value. IIo knows all about tho contracting and building business and when your con tract Is In his hands, you do not havo to worry a particle. Ills word is never broken and ho gives you just what the specifications call for. Ills reputation rests on the solid founda tion of honest, effective service," fair and bquare prices, and up to date ideas and no contractor or builder In this part of the state can be trusted more fully. His planing mill Is equipped with all necessary machinery and Mr. McMichael is ono of our most energetic men. He will not do a poor Job at any price as ho considers his reputation as his best asset and hoalways puts through all his work In tho most satisfactory manner pos sible. Among tho lino residences ho has put up wo would einphaslzo the Derryberry, Tramp, Iioxic and others of this class and ho also so erected tho Public Library and Baptist church. Mr. McMichael has done well here because hi Is a top uolcher lu every dfiiattin'Mil of uiulriii'llng and bulldln, liisini'ss, in square in eer way, and ranks among our hustling and honorablo citizens who are always in favor of putting our town and countv a notch or so higher. IIo Is well worthy of confidence at any and all times. A. E. Huntington, Contractor and Builder. No man earns his living more honestly than the contractor. He works with his mind ns well as his hands and builds happy homes that shelter happy families. There is no more useful citizen in a community and in drawing attention to tho lending contrncti rsand builder of North Platte and Lincoln countj, we wish to say a good woid for our pioneer in this line, Mr. A. B. Huntington. This gentleman has boon with us since 187U und his record in thia community hns been nn honorable and successful one. His craftmnnship is excellent in every respect nnd Mr. Huntington has always given one hun dred conts in value for every dollar ho ever roceived. He can givo youpointeis and hinta of great vuluo when you aro going to build and he has erected scores nnd we might say nundreds of t.uiidings of all kinda in this part of the statu. Among the fine homes he put up should be mentioned the Payne, Crydorman, Coates, Cox, the three htory dormitory at the state experimental farm and he nlso had tho contract for tho .v orsch block. His shop is well equipped; the befit tools are used and he k. i p3 up with tho prrcssion in every w i. Mr. Huntington 13 absolutely hornet in his dealings, very competent in his line and his standing in every respect is very creditable. No contract ia too big for him to undertake and he has always plenty of work on hand. Korth Platte Produce Company E. A. Stensvad and G. C. Tomisl r. Proprietors. Wholesale Poultry and Eggs. 422 W. Front St. Specialty Fancy Dressed Poultry. Thia is n home industry that is "making good" in every respect and it is proving an important addition to the business interests of North Platte. Therefore we desire to recommend it in these pages. We needed just such an institution and Messrs. Stensvad & Tomiska havo shown they are the right men in the right place. Wholesale poultry and eggs, they also make a speciality of fancy dressed pouitrv and their trade has increased four times over sinco they started. They aro well equipped in every respect, having a spacious cement building, well located, three rooms, measuring respectively 24 by 44, 44 by 44 and 24 by 44, and this is one of the busiest places in town. Though not long with us, Messrs Stensvad & Tomiska havo come to the front fast and they are thoroughly familiar with every branch of tho busi ness. They deal fairly and liberalh with ono and all nnd the success of these gentlemen shows what can he done in North Platte by the right kind of folks with tho right kind of an en terprise. The wiiter was courtdously shown through this extensive plant and Wns surprised indeed to find such a large and growing concern in the line here in so small a town. Messrs. Stens vad & Tomiskn aro to be congratulated on their success and they are "liye ones" nnd straight as a string at all times. Hartman Cigar Factory. As this special edition is devoted mainly to the boosting of homo indus tries in our town and county, we will lay special stress on tho importance of this cigar manufacturing establishment. It is doing n large business but the reason is plain. Mr. Hartman is a high class man in the line, knowing every end of the business and his goods chal lenge comparison with the best. He hni a large outside as woll as local trade, shipping B3 far ai Rawlins. Wyoming una Grand Island nnd though Mr Hart man appreciates his large home trade, still, we venture to think there are still too many out side cigars okl hero His brands, LnSecutidad in four aires. Elk, Statement and Elmo, represent the limit of value for the price and hi1 fnctory is sanitary throughout, his staff working at the prevailing wage and under ttie best conditions. No less than eighteen nro employed and there is no home industry more worthy on its merits of liberal support When vou deal here, vou got as gnu if not better value than by patronizing the outsider, your money remains hero to help the town and indirectly you get bnclc part of it and there is no better way to help the city nnd attract new entorpnaes thnn by generous patronage of those already here. Mr. Hartman operates his factory in just tho right way, fulfills all "the duties of goou citizenship nnd ho ia win ning becnuso he delivers the goods and is on the square three hundred and sixty-five days in the year. The yearly output for 1912 was 900. 000, thia year he will double almost. The pay roll from between $200 and $250 a week. The Owl Cafe, Mrs. Ida Lemon. In writing up the hotels and res taurants of North Platte nnd Lincoln county wo wish to aay a good word for this cafe as it does a iarge business apd you are well served hate in every respect. We would point out that only white help are employed and the entire es tablishment is kept as neat and clean as a pin. Only the best is put on Mrs. Lemon's tables and the list of customers is in creasing fast. This lady understands every detail of the business from kitchen to cashier's drsk and onco you begin patronizing the Owl you will have no reason to change. Here we get tho good things that "mother used to put up'wand the ser vice is prompt and courteous. Regulur meals and short orders aro served and cleanliness is tho order of the day here. Many traveling men pacronize the Owl and a large local transient trade is likewise done. Mrs. Lemon ia an industrious Indy, business-like and always on hand her self to see that the Owl is properly conducted and we are glad to note sho is making a success ol her efforts. Tho Owl will nletise tho most partic ular and we v. ou'd err poaMze the fact that prices ate ilwuis moderate, therefore wo take pleasure in recom mending this establishment. THE PAT PICTURE THEATRE P. II. Lonergan. Entiro Change Every Night Thrco Shows Daily. Two Specials Weekly. Exclusive Pictures. All Service Un der Ihirty Days. Tho wonderful strides that photog raphy, eapecinlly motion photography or tho production of moving pictures has made in recent years is equaled only by electricity. Moving pictures reveal to the scientific searcher of earth nnd sky many wonderful truths. They bring to us beautiful nnd interest ing things of different lands and pre Btivr with fidelity the scenes, forms anu .. Lures We lovo so well. Moving pictures aro shown in all parts of the civilized world. In the largest vaude ville theatres they aro featured and thousandj of theatres large and small have been built in all parts of tho United States that are devoted ex clusively to tills form of entertainment und these exhibitions nre enjoyed by nil classes, rich and poor. Press and pulpit are unanimous in their praise of good clean moving pictures for they aro not only an education in themselves but nmusing and instructive as well. Wo have in the "Pat" of North Plattu I a high class moving picture house that renects great creuit on its proprietor, Mr. P. II. Lonergan. It has been suc cessful from the start and there iq no better machine on tho market. It does not flicker or tire the eye as so many of tho machines do. Tho utmost care is used in the selection of the subjects and tho prico of admission is but ten cents. Ladies and children are specially catered to and mothers can come any time or sond their children and be suro thut nothing will bo seen or done that could offend tho most particular. Pic tures aro changed every day and the "Pt" is quite an institution in our town, providing an inexpensive, whole somo and desirable form of entertain ment for men, women and children, tho whole family in fact. Thore is seating capacity for two hundred, tho estab lishment is sanitary throughout; plenty of exits and the air is ventilated nnd pure at all times. Mr. Lonergan was born in this county but has traveled a greatTdeal and hat had a wide and varied experience. Ho returned to North Piatto about a year ago and started his present enterprise which has been a decided success. His policy is to keep up with th times to tho minuto, to advertise extensively and operate a model moving picture theatre which will bo a credit to tho town and to himself. The large patronage he is receiving shows that ho is on the right track and progross and enterprise rule at his establishment, The service at the "Pat" is excollent and you get tho bast of valuo for your admission fee here. Mr. Lonergan is well regarded here, knows thia lino of work from the ground up and he is very attentive to his business and tho natural result is that ho is succeeding. Honorable in his dealings and a worthy citizen in all respects. Wo take pleasure in enroll ing this gentleman among North Platto's best and you can count on him at all timoa to te rerrpsonted when there is anything stirtingto put this good town a .toten or so higher in the scale of prosperity and advancement. s Interior View of Dickey's Bakefy und Ice Cream Parlors. ROBERT R. DICKEY, Bakery, Wholesale and Rotall loo Cream, Confectionery and Cigars. This establishment deserves on its merits all tho commendation we can give It as It la one of our most pros porous undertakings and a handsome, complete and thoroughly appointed enterprise such as would expect to find only in much largor towns than North Platte. Mr. Dickey has always been tho leader in his line and he op erates his business on broad gauge, far seeing, progressive lines. Ho cast his lot with us November, '01, ami built up his largo trade from very small beginnings. Tho fixtures, gen oral .plan of tho store and everything connected with It was this gontle mon's own design and construction and ho surely secured the bust lu the market as nothing is lacking that good tabto and knowledge of the bus iness could Buggcst. There Is nothing cheap o.' out of dato hero and our pooplo by their liberal patronage havo shown Mr. Dickey that thoy appre ciate an establishment of this kind. He gets a largo sharo of the worth while trado and tho clerks are ahvavs busy as bees here. His Purity ico cream sells to Cozad on tho east, Kimball on tho west and to North port on the branch lines and enor mous quantities are shipped. This depaitment of his business alone foots up into the thousands every year. IIo also does an extensive shipping business In bread and other bakery goods and the most exacting domands of tho trade are mot here. Tho re tall department also does a lively trade and In tho spacious, neat, artis tic dining room aro-served tho best tea, ehocolatoand colleo in tho city, light lunches and tho various kinds of Ice cream, soft drinks and such beverages that aro generally handled In first class drug btores and places of that kind. Every pound of candy sold, except tho box sort, Is made on the premises and tho best and purest of Ingredients aro used. Ills soda water fountain Is one of our most popular resorts nnd the general aspect of this establish ment Is ornamental and attractive Parties, receptions, banquets and social functions aro catered to and accommodations aro at hands for a function or spread of any kind. Mr. Dickey believes there 1 nothing too good for his patrons and tho friends and customers of this gentlemen aro numerous Indeed. A largo stock of cigars and tobacco Is likewise handled and no man in North Platte Is more attentive to his business than Mr. Dickey. The writer was conducted through the entire establishment from top to bottom and ho was surprised indeed to find such a large and well equipped place In a town of this size. The ico machine makes six tons of ico a day, tho latest dough mixing and cake mixing machines are installed and everything that can be done by ma chinery Is done. An automatic car bonator Is here too, we believe tho only ono In this part of the state, and wo wish to emphasize the fact that the most absolute cleanliness pre vails throughout. Mr. Dickey Is always on the alort to Improve his plant but we fall to see what more could be added to it as everything here Is the latest and best. His premises measure 140 by 26, There Is alo a commodious basemen t and the entire establishment is op erated on a system that Is well nigh perfect. This sketch would be Incomple un less we made special mention of the sorvlco as tho young ladles in atten dance are neat.obllglng and thorough ly familiar with their business In every respect. Mr. Dickey Is increasinghls.i list of patrons all tho time andhwj vnoit'aio Lranc is in a uourjMili: condition. &:. rni.i. ...ti i i n.. i i.Ff . "ff in in Kuiiijt-uiuii ia in miu uesu QifrMH pute witn an our people as no mewmi "live" i;inu or merchant that a gtMafci munity needs and his personallttM agreeable. He may be found atHW piace oi nusiness tnreo mindredl sixty-live days in the year, ai iiutio uiiu eiiueiivoring uj tain lils enterprise at the est standards. He Is a charter member ofJJfatir "I booster (Jiun and his name Is always thero when there is any properun-' 1 uuriamiiK uu juul U) pill tills gOOU Hi town further ahead. fffl,' -3C.T3