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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1912)
HARD FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. I V f l:t If II IN f r! fe' I1'! IH. Id. $W"' , COPYRICHT 1909 Bt 3,OUIfr-JQSEPH 3-!C J " fe V 8YNOP8I8. Tho ittory opns at Monto Carlo with Col. Torenco O'llourko, a military frco lunco and BomothliiR of a gambler, In hln hotel. Loaning on tlio balcony ho neon a bnuutltul girl who sud-only enter the clovator and pnaaes from Blent. At tilt' KamliiK' tablo O'llourko notlceH two men watching him. Ono In tho Hon. Iinrtlo Olynn, whllo hln companion li Viscount EJes TroboB, a ducllHt. Tho viscount tolls ilm tho Kronen Kovornmont linn dlrcctnil iltn to O'llourko an a man who would undcrtako a secret mission. At IiIh npurt rnont, O'Rourko, who had airtepd to un dortnko tho ml.inlon, finds 11 mysterious lottor. Tho viscount arrives, hands a Boalod jmckaRo to O'llourko, who li not to open it until on tho ocoan. A pair of dainty slippers aro Been protruding fron Under a doorway curtain. Tho Irishman Cndn tho ownor of tho mysterious feet to o his wife, Beatrix, from whom ho had run away a yonr previous. Thoy aro reconciled, and openlnir tho letter ho finds that a Rangoon law linn offors him 100,000 pounds for a Jowel known as the Pool or Klamo and loft to him by a dy fnir friend, but now In keeping of ono named Chambrot In Algeria. O'llourke worsts tho nobleman In a dual. The wlfo tilda O'llourko farowoll and hn promises to soon return with tho reward. Ho dls. covers both C-lynn and tho viscount on board tho ship. As ho finds Chambrot thoro Is nn tittnek hv bandits and his friend dies telllm? O'llourko that ho has left tho Pool of Klamo with tho Kovernor Konoral, who at sight of a sljjnet ring Klvon tho colonel will deliver over tho Jowel. CHAPTER IX (Continued.) "Quito right' echoed O'llourko with dBBumoil Indignation. "Ho quiet, Ilor Uo. Children should bo aeon and not hoard. Mind your uncle." And, "Oho!" ho commented to hlinBolf. "And thoy know I didn't havo tho Pool of Flame! Lot mo think. . . . Oh, faith, 'tis Juat blufllng thoy nro!" "You say," tho vlscomto continued alowly and evenly, "you'vo destroyed tho letter." O'llourko took up plpo and tobacco. "I told ye," ho replied, ttlllng tho bcwl, "that tho lottor waH non-oxlBt-cnt. Now, mo man," ho continued, with an Imporcoptlhlo change of tono, "drop tho mo. bnn 7V,,rn " ?'8t01 aW.? fl'm1 Well I know that yo won't snoot, for It yo did yo would put boyond your roach forovor tho Information that would win yo tho roward al ways providing yo had got possession of tho ruby, bo hook or crook. 'Twould Lo crooks, I'm thinking.' Ho lit a match and applied tho ilamo to tho tobacco. "Thoro's mo last word on tho subject," ho added In distinctly, putting and eyeing tho pair through tho cloud of Binoko. Tho rovolvor wavod in tho vicomto'a band; -ho was livid with passion and disappointed, yet amcnablo to roa uon. Qlynn bont and whlsporcd brief ly In his oar, nnd tho Frenchman, nod ding ncqulcsconco, laid iiBldo his .weapon. Tho Honorablo Bortlo con tinued to ndvleo with him In whlapcrs until O'llourko, though qulto at Iobs to understand this phaso of tho affair, saw that tholr attention was momen tarily diverted nnd, with a swift movo mont, leaned over, snatched up tho ro volvor and, with a flirt of his hand, flung it out of tho window. I Qlynn started back with nn oath, hln hand going toward his pocket; but O'Rourko promptly closed with htm. A iiroath lator a second pistol was eject ed from tho carrlugo and tho English- pinn was sprawling ovor tho knoes of tho vlcomtc. Thoy disengaged thomsclvos and, mad with rago, stnrtod up to fall upon and oxtormlnnto tho wnndorer. I think It must havo boon thn vorv llmportlnonco of his nttltudo that linado tiiom pauso In doubt, for ho had resumed his seat as calmly as though nothing at nil had happen r ed and was pulling soberly at 'his plpo. As thoy hesitated ho re- tnovod tho latter from hia lips and .goBturod airily with tho atom. "Sit yo down," ho Invltod them, "and tnko ItenHy, mo dear friends. Tho mischief's done, and naiisut that yo can do will 'ropalr It. Faith, I said I'd not 'strlko back unless yo crowdod mo. I ro- mombor mo words to tho letter. Your guns mado a crowd out of this happy reunion, l'vo merely dispensed with them; I cnll yo both to witness that yo havo neither of yo suffered. Sure, I'm as pouconblo as any lamb. Bit down, sit yo down and tako it llko little men. Tho situation's unchanged, save that Ivo put temptation 0ut of your roach." And as thoy wuverod, plainly of two minds, O'llourko clluchod tho ar gument of his nttltudo. "I beg to call your attention," ho remarked, "to tho fact that yo havo left mo own bruco of rovolvors horo at 1110 feet, when yo so Joyously turnod mo bag lnstdo out I'm not touching thorn, mind yo, but tnlnd yo further: I'll brook no non eciiBo. It yo mako n movo as if to at tack mo, I'll . . . Thoro! That's much bettor. Wiso lads, yo aro, both of yo: graceful in defeat. Let mo sco: Wo'vo a long rtdo together, though yo did como uninvited. I trust yo will help mo bcgullo tho tedium with flocloty chatter, mo friend," with a ; twinkle (it tho discomfited vlcomto. "I'm in danger of forgetting we man- nern. Pardon me, I pray, but but I trust your noso la convalescing?" In high feather with himself, O'Rourko cntortalned his companions with u running (Ire of pleasantries for tho balanco of tho darkened hours. And ho. touched both moro than onco with tho raplor-polnt of his wit nnd Irony, and had tho pleasuro of seeing both squirm In Impotent rage. They cut wretched figures, two against ono, yet falluros, whllo ho taunted thorn in ono breath, with tho noxt declared hlmsolf tholr captivo. Toward tho end tho' rcBervo which tho vlcomto Im posed upbn tho Honorablo Dortlo was worn down: tho Englishman turnod with raw norvos upon hlB tormentor. "You damned asa!" he stammered, all but Incoherent "You sit thoro and and gloat, damn you! When all tho tlmo wo'vo got tho uppor hand!" "Do quiet!" Intorpoaod tho vlcomtc. "I won't!" raged tho honorablo. "Ho thinks himself ho Internally clover! What 'dyou say, you Irish braggart; If I told you you'd never sco tho Pool of Flamo ngaln?" "I'd say," roturnod O'Rourko, "that you wore olthor lying or ti fool. In either caso a fool. If, as yo scorn to bo trying to make mo bollovo which I don't for ono instant yo havo suc ceeded in stealing tho Pool of Flame, I'll hunt tho pair of yo to tho ondB of tho earth, If need bo." Ho eyed them reflectively during a moment or two mado Interesting by Olynn'a desporato attempts to blurt out indiscretions against tho prohibi tion of tho vlcomto: something which tho oldor man onforcod crudely by clapping his hand across tho English mania mouth, ns well as by whlspor Ing savngoly In his ear. "But thero'U bo no need," continued Mm Trlnhiiinn ivlinn fll vnn wnu nnlm "Ufa'con-Mor tho matter dlspasslon ,,., nrnB1111Iina,,irr Mint ,, fhn Btono. Well, what then? Yo dare not attempt to soil It 'twould result In InBtnnt detection. It would not pay yo to havo It secretly cut up Into smaller stones tho loss In valuo would bo Btupondoua, tho wholo not worth your whllo, as I say. Yo can not tako tho Pool of Flamo (don't got excited: I'm not going to toll yo whoro) to claim tho roward, for yo don't know whoro to go. 'Tls n whlto olophant It would bo on your hands." "It does not Boom to strlko mon sieur that thoro aro other ways of finding out who offers tho roward," tho vlcomto suggested Icily. "I can seo yo wnndorlng around ask ing somebody pleaso to relievo yo of tho Pool of Flamo nnd pay yo n com mission. I wonder how long yo think yo'd Inst. But 'tis no use trying to hoodwink mo: I don't, bollovo ono word yo say. I'll wait until I And out tho truth boforo I bother mesolf with yo." . f Tholr porslstonco in hinting that thoy had gained possession of tho ruby porploxed and discomfited him. Ho did not bollovo it; 'twas incon ceivable: yot ho had known stranger things to happen. Still, without a duo, to havo fltumblod upon tho bo crot, to havo mado off with It from under tho vory noso of tho Govornor Gonoral ! No; It was not renson ablo to ask him to bollovo all that. Novortholcss, whon ho urrlved nt Algiers, his anxiety had grown so overpowering that ho called n cab and deslrod to bo conveyed post-hasto to tho Palaco do la Government. CHAPTER X. It was high noon whon O'Rourko drove up boforo tho Palaco of tho Governor-Gonornl. Wenry, dusty and travel-stained as ho was, ho hosltatod no tnstnnt about Bonding In his namo and requesting an intorvlow with tho representative of Franco's sovereign power. Disappointment awaited htm at tho vory outBet; disappointment In tho shnpe of word that hla oxcolloncy was away. But tho namo of O'Rourko was ono well and favornbly known In tho province, nnd socurod him nn Invita tion to ascend to tho Governor's otllco and stato his bualnoss If ho cared to do bo- to tho gubernatorial secre tary. Upon consideration ho accepted, nnd a llttlo later was seated In n broad, low, cool room In tho old Moorish palaco, tho affable Bocrotary u young, lively and engaging French mansolicitously sounding him as to his orrnnd. It was obviously tho otllco of a man of great affairs, presenting an eminent ly buslness-llko look for all Its Ori ental setting. To ono sldo, Bet in tho solid masonry of tho wall, was a mas slvo snfo with doors njar, exposing n cavity woll stockod with docuiuonts. It occurred to the adventurer that -such a safo might onslly havo boon tho placo of security solccted by tho Oovcrnor-Gcnoral for anything ho held In trust Ho built upon It a theory whilst ho listened nor lost a point nnd replied to tho secretary. Tho lattqfr regretted excessively that his excellency was absent: his oxcolloncy would undoubtedly bo deso lated when ho returned nnd found ho had mlsBcd Colonel O'Rourko. "IIo'll bo back soon, monsieur?" "Alas, no!" with n shrug. "Ho Is en routo for Paris possibly arrived by this momont on matters of stato." "And ho left?" "Several days slnco, monsieur." "You know nothing of this package, Indorsed with the nnmo of Monsieur Chambrot?" To tho contrary: tho secretary know It vory well. Ho could placo his hand upon It nt any moment monsieur would nppreclato that he- durst not surrender It without tho Governor's authority. O'Rourko drew a long sigh of relief and was abruptly conscious of fatigue and a deslro to get away and rest. "I'm obliged to ye." ho said alowly, rising. "I'll havo to wait until tho Governor returns, I preaumo. . . . By tho way, aro yo bo any chance ac quainted with Monsieur lo Vlcomto deB Trobca?" But cortainly; the vlcomto was a great friend of his excellency's. Ho had dined with his excellency some thing over a week since, Just prior to tho lattor's departure. "And I tnko It yo havo seen nothing of tho gentlcmnn slnco?", "On tho contrary, monsieur: tho vl comto called hero but two days ago." It appeared that ho had desired somo trifling iuformatlon, with which tho secretary had obliged him. "Yo didn't happen to leave him alono In this room?" Tho Recretf.ry, plainly much per plexed by this odd catechism, ad mitted that such had been tho cose; tho pursuit of tho desired data had necessitated his nbsonco from tho Gov ernor's room for a matter of somo ton minutes. "But yo say yo enn put your hand on this package?" "But certainly, monBleur." "Would yo mind making suro 'tis safe. 'Twould savo mo a deal or waiting, perhaps " With alacrity and a smllo that de precated his visitor's anxiety over so trifling a matter, tho secretary rose, went to tho Bnfo and confldontly enough thrust a hand Into ono of tho pigeon-holes. Tho hnnd camo forth empty. A frown of bewilderment clouded tho secretary's face. "It must bo hero," ho announced with convic tion. "It was In plain sight nnd la boiled with tho namo of Monsieur Chambret . . ." Ho turned. "If Monsieur lo Colonel will but return In hnlf an hour, I undortako then to show him tho pnekot itself. I shall by then havo found it but nssurodly!" "Yo nro jrory courteous, monslour. I will return." This ho did In two hours. Tho pneket had not been found; tho sec retary, in a flutter of nervos, confessed that through somo culpablo negligence It must havo beon misplaced. An ex tended search was oven then in progress. It would surely como to light boforo ovenlng. "Thank yo; I shan't be back," ro turnod O'Rourko grimly; and went away, downcast) for tho first tlmo since tho lncoptlon of tho ndventure. "Faith! and to think I would not bo llovo tho truth when they slnppcd mo face with it! And nil tho tlmo, bellko, 'twas In tho vlcomto's own pocket! . . ." But ho had no vocabulary ade quate to tho task of expressing his solf-contempt. Disconsolate, conceiving hnt he had proven hlmsolf a blind, eg'eglous fool, ho plodded with heavy stops and a hanging head back to his hotel; whoro tho crowning stroko of tho day was prasouted to him in tho shape of a note, by tho hand of a black Biskrl porter. "Monslour lo Colonol Torenco O'llourko. Bo hand," ho conned tho address. "Faith, and what's this?" "If Monslour lo Colonol O'Rourko will do Monsieur des Trebos tho hon or of dining with him, at seven or oven-thlrty this evening, nt tho Villa i'Orlenns, St Eugcno, an arrangement satisfactory to both hlmsolf and Mon slour lo Vlcomto may bo consummat ed. "R. S. V. P. Tho bearer waits," A trap? A subterfuge? A trick to throw him off tho scout whilst tho two blackguards escaped with their booty? Tho adventurer frowned darkly ovor It, dubious. Then, in a flush of rwk lossness, ho solzed a sheet of pnpir from a near-by desk, scrawled a formal arceptunco of tho strange invi tation, and handed It to tho Blukrl boy. "All to guln, naught to loso," ho sum med up tho stato of mind which had dictated his rosponso; and at six- thirty, with brow and eyo sorcno, he loft tho hotel in a cnrrlago bound for the suburb of St. Eugene and hoavon knew whero besides! CHAPTER XI. Tho Villa d'Orloans proved to bo a handsome house of white stone, situ ated In extensive and well-groomed grounds, on a height outside tho town, overlooking tho Mediterranean. So complete and elegant seomod tho es tablishment. Indeed, viewed from with out or within, that O'Rourko's suspic ions were stimulated and his certainty that ho was bolng played with resolv ed Into a pr,etty definite conviction, as ho waited in tho broad hallway. It was Inconcolvnblo that a man llko Des Trebos, so reduced as to bo un der tho necessity of stealing even of stealing so considerable a sum as a hundred thousand pounds could main tain so Imposing an establishment His unoasy conjectures wero Inter rupted when tho vlcomto appeared to welcome his guest. Suave, dressed properly for tho occasion, showing traces neither of fatigue nor of his antipathy fof O'llourke, blandly ignor ing tho peculiarities of tho situation which his own inexplicable invitation had created, ho presented himself In the guise of a gracious host. "Monslour," ho declared, bowing to O'Rourko (but with a caro not to offer his hand), "overpowers mo with his condescension nnd punctuality. 1 can only regret" with a significant glance at tho bulge of the adventur er's coat "that ho thought It wiso to come armed." " 'Tis a habit I find It hard to break meseir of." O'Rourko offered tho in adequate explanation In a dry and coollsh tone. "It was unnecessary, I assure mon sieur." "Faith, I'm convinced 'twill prove so." Tactfully tho vlcomto digressed from tho unpleasant topic. "I havo asked you hero, monsieur," he said with an nlr of deprecation, "to confer with mo on business after wo havo dined. I trust tho arrangement Buits your convenience." "I'm content, monsieur." "I regret that circumstances pre vent mo from receiving you under 1115; own roof-tree. Tho Villa d'Orloans la tho property of n dear friend, morely loaned mo during my stay In Algiers." "Ye'ro fortunato in your cholco of friends." Ovor his noxt remark De3 Trobes faltered a trlflo, with a curious smllo that O'Rourko foiled to fathom. "Mon sieur Glynn," ho said, "Is ah a trifle Indisposed tho sun. Novertholoss, I believe ho will Join us during dinner, If you will bo bo kind as to excuse him?" "I could do very "well without him." A Frown of Qewllderment -I ZTl y flfk 'is W 111 I' WW u&) - l c f&Jt V;fflmlHi Jr v Si olii isittt IIP rnrni 'tipiw M!V 1 1 Ofe.U 'UW Hill I f1PI PIJm4 V ISIiiliiil Ks3sjsH2A ' Tho vlcomto caught the eyo of a servant, and, "Dinner is announced," ho said. "Do mo tho honor to ac compnny mo to tho table." In tho course of tlmef as tho vicomte had predicted, tho Honorable Bertie Joined them; and on sight O'Rourko diagnosed tho "indisposition" as plain Intoxication. Tho Englishman wns deep in his cups, far too deep to ape the urbnnlty of his host. He favored O'Rourke with a curt nod and a surly look, then slumped limply into a chair nnd called for champagne, which ho drank greedily nnd with a sullen air, avoiding tho vlcomto's eye. Before dessert was served ho passed into a black humor, and Bat mutely glower ing at his glass (what tlmo ho was not unsteadily filling It) without re gard for either of his companions. When tho cloth was cleared and tho servants had withdrawn, Des Tro bes definitely cast aside pretouce. A cigarette between his lips, he lounged In his chair, eyelids drooping ovor cyeB that never left his guest's while either spoke. A cynical 6tnlle pre faced his first words. "So," ho said, "tho farco is over. Somo regard for tho conventions was necessary before the servants of my friend, tho owner of this villa. Now, wo can be natural, Monsieur lo Colo nol." "Bo all means; I cannot say I found tho play diverting, despito tho skill of your friend's chef. I gather yo wish to get to business? Well I'm wait ing." O'Rourko pulled at a cigar, honoring tho man with a cat-like at tention. He had no longer to watch the honorable; tho latter had wil fully relieved him of tho necessity. "You have been then," pursued tho vicomte, without further circumlocu tion, "to tho palaco of Monsieur lo Gouverneur-Generale?" "I havo unfortunately a fow days too late, It seems." "You nro satisfied?" "I'm satisfied that the Pool of Flamo has beon etolon." "Then you will probably believe me whon I declare myself the male factor. It was an easy matter: I purposely brought up the name of Chambrot in conversation with the Governor and by him was informed of tho oxlstonco of tho packet which, of course, I had already surmised. Afterward . . . the secretary was absent, tho safe open, the nnmo on tho packet stared mo In tho fnce. What could I do?" "Precisely. I'm convinced that, bo lng what yo are, yo did only what yo :ould." Tho vlcomto bowed, nmusemont dickering In his glance. "Touched," 10 admitted. . . . "Well ... I nave the Jewel, you tho Information." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Realization usually comes as some thing of a Jolt, after anticipation. Clouded tho Secretary's Faco. It's hard enough to keop house- if in perfect health, but a woman weak, tired and suffering with nn aching back has a heavy burdon. Any woman in this condl tton has causo to suspect kid ney trouble, especially If tho kidney ac tton s 0 0 m a d i sordorcd. Doan's Kidney Pllla havo c u r 0 d thou sands. It 13 tho best rec ommended special kidney remedy. 1 Mrs. John Robinson, 908 Burnoy St., Modesto, Cal., Says: "My back was so lamo and soro I was prnctlcally helpless. My feet and ankles swelled, puffy spots appeared beneath my eyes and I becamo so dizzy I had to grasp something to keep from falling. Relief quickly followed tho uso of Doan's Kidney Pills and It was not long bo foro I was enjoying good health." "When Your Back Is Lamo, Romember tho Name DOAN'S." GOc, all stores. foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. He Could. A northern visitor In tho south tolls tho following story to HluBtrato the taciturnity of tho southern nogro I He had nsked Stevo, a typical darky of the region, numerous questions con 'cernlng a certain plantation, and to each the negro gave tho invariable re jply of "Yahs, sah." I "Stove," asked tho somewhat oxas iPeratod northerner, "don't you Bay Anything but Ynhs, sah'? Can't you Bay 'No, sir?' " I The negro blinked his eyes indolent ly for a moment and replied, "Yahs, sah." Judge. Flattered Him. A llttlo girl four years old wanted a nickel one day and thought tho best jway to get it was to say something nice to papa. So climbing upon his lap sho said sweetly: 1 "Papa, I love you better than tht devil." I When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eyo Remedy. No Smarting Feeli Fine Acts Quickly. Try It for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illu trated Rook In each Package. Murine It compounded by our Oculists not a "Patent Med Iclno" but used In successful 1'hrMaluns' Prac tice for manr years. Now dedicated to tho Pub lics ana snia or unigKisis ai zoc anu ouc per jiomo. Marino Kye Halve. In Aseptlo Tubes, 2ia and 60a Murine Eyo Romody Co., Chicago 1 ' Tho young man who tells a girl sho Is a dream is likely to bump up agalnBt a rudo awakening shortly after mar riage. i Red Cross Ball Blue gives doublo valui for your raonoy, goes twlco as far as anj other. Ask your grocer. And somo people never forgive as long as their memories are in work ing order. Garfield Tea promotes and ensurei health. Try It to bo convinced. Drupgists keep It. 1 It's tough when love's young dream dies of old ago. Most homely women aro clever probably because they havo to be. I Yo You Need not suffer from the effects of a weak stomach, lazy liver or clogged bowels when there's an easy way to get rid of such troubles quickly by taking 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I HOSTETTER'S .STOMACH BITTERS Try it and just no- tice its toning and b strengthening effect on the entire digestive H system. Your food will be properly di- gested and assimilated b and you'll feel better all over. Commence 1 Right Away 1 laa3BBM Bm BBPBB-B-I B-B-BBBB9am B-BH OHO BBS. HHI-RH PARKER'S uaid mi Aia Clunni and lesatiflu thi lu! -;" tw"iui grvia. iow u io jiesiore urar Pre-entt balr falltor. ww. -nn yi mt past SO with bona and buggy to sell stock condition powders, t'operinontb. Address Itoom 'J, 1108 Karnam Street, Omaba, Neb. SWataonR.ColPmnn,Wash. iDKton.D.U. Jloolcstroe' High est references, Jieat reanltn Nebraska Directory FREF One Modern SelMIeatlnfj Iron and outfli r "-- srlTfnfreetoonelndylne&cliconirmiiilty Wrlteforpartlculara.BigelwC-iliitC.,L!acoUiNtl THEPAXK OTEL Omaha, Nebraska CIIDnnriu n. ... Rooms from $1.00 up single, 75 cents up double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE STACK GOVEBS ScottTent&AwnIngCo.,Omaha,Neb. IIL! nS n """' DRAG THE ROADS "g """"..;. rod mep, Dii. , Write today count in quanutiei LININOER IMPLEMENT CO., OMAHA. NEBR (..