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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1912)
13 IE ,. i V im I.. ' r ' I ' I J 9 mm liaiMttlMaHanHHHiMnanaMMiHfanMMeHMi Chance to Carry on WASHINGTON. liaising bamboo for tho market is a new industry that the department of agriculture has succeeded In launching. Tho re port of tho flourishing condition of tho bamboo plantation has como from Florida to David Falrchlld, chief of the bureau of foreign plant Introduc tion. Tho establishment of tho crop is the result of more than four years' hard work. Tho department also has found a way of Bhlpplng tho bamboo bo that tho young plants will grow, nnd this has been tho hardest part of tho problem. Raising bamboo commercially has been a flourishing Industry in Japan for years. It was felt for a long time that It was a business that ought to do well here, becauso it furnishes a quick growing timber that Is suscep tible of a number of special uses. There Is as much difference between fiffj ISr ila whim' rail I JfiSirS Rods- VWiMVAAMAAVSAAMMnnVA Sent His Glass Eye to the Laundry A LITTLE white light on tho tele phone switchboard In a local hotel tho other day gleamed brightly for a moment. Then it began to wink rap idly, as if the person at tho other end of the wlro was Jangling the tele phono hook In great perturbation. "Operator," called tho young wo man at tho board. "Send mo up a bellboy. Quick! Hurry! I've lost something!" ex claimed an agitated voice. "O-oh, what Is it, burglars? Shall I send a houso detective?" "No, Just a bellboy. Hurry up." A bellboy was dispatched posthaste and found D. A. Malcolm of Uutte, Mont., greatly excited. "I left a valuable artlclo wrapped in a white handkerchief on my table," bo exclaimed, "and it must have been taken away In the laundry. It is very valuable. Find it for me. Here's a dollar. Hurry up!" The bellboy, with Inward mutterlngs at the carelessness of guests who leave diamond necklaces or gold cuff links wrapped up In handkerchiefs, hastened to tho package room. "Did you see a Httlo bundle wrapped up iiVa handkerchfef?" ho gasped to the head porter. "Saw a handkerchief all wadded up. It's Just gono to tho marking room. What's tho matter? What was in it?" But tho boy had fled. MMtfWWWVWtfMMtfVIVMMVWMV Unique Experiences in Filibustering PAID ME TO HME LITTLE ARV A VETERAN Washington , corre spondent of a metropolitan news paper was telling somo of his experi ences in tho national capital to a group of friends tho other night. Dur ing the conversation ono of the group happened to mention that the great est and most spectacular of all scenes In a deliberative body Is a flllibuster, and this drew forth tho following com ment from tho newspaper man: "Whenever the organizers of a fili buster forco have an all-night session it Is a picnic for tho denizens of tho national capital, who flock to tho big temple of legislation in tho hope of seeing and hearing sensational epi sodes. "In tho days when Tom Reed of Maine was speaker filibusters by tho Democratic minority were far moro frequent than now and wero marked ..r-r.7r mh-Ay in'Zt jH S U7Ml a k nyBm Two Races Compared in Mathematics THE relative mathematical abilities of boys and girls and of tho whlto race as compared with tho black aro among the subjects taken up by tho United States bureau of education. "It seems to bo tho general opinion that tho average boy shows moro abil ity In mathematics than tho averago girl, but also that ho does not work so faithfully," said tho bureau. "In a mixed class this greater ability of the boy nnd tho greater faithfulness of tho girl react most advantageously on each other. "Another fact that Is noted Is this: In elementary algebra tho girl does as good work as tho boy; in geometry not nearly bo good. In advanced al gebra and trigonometry, the boy sIiowb nn ability which is far ahead of the girl. Yet, wa aro freo to confess that bis greater natural ability is often outclassed by the steady, patient en deavor of tho girl. Perhaps it would bo safer to say that tho girl does not show nB groat an ability as tho boy, even though she may have It, "In regard to tho relative tendency )f boys and girls to choose electlvo FPWJ IP Fishing Rod Farm tho ornamental bnmboo commonly grown here and tho timber bamboo ns thero Is between n dray horse and, a polo pony. It haB nover been accu rately determined Just what tho struc tural strength of bamboo Is, though tho strength Is immense for tho weight. Somo tests aro to bo mndo of tho now government crop at tho bureau of standards. The wood is al ready much used In tho manufacture of aeroplanes, and when it is known Just what can bo expected of it thero will bo oven a greater demand for it It Is used very largely in Japan for houso building, though It is not ex pected it will be in much demand as a building timber in this country, ex cept In restricted localities. But there aro other uses for It. Tho wood makes tho lightest strong furniture known, and, although It haB ndver been very much used for that purpose hero, It Is thought that tho hard, na turally polished bamboo will mako bedsteads that will have all tho ad vantago of brass, besides being qulto as handsome, much cheaper and o great deal lighter. One of tho Important uses of the wood that has been found abroad Is for cheap, subsurface irrigation pipes. &$& flSaMwrtY &g$ Following tho lad to tho marking room, tho porter was Just in tlrao to hear: "Yes, I sent it into tho sorting room," and to see. tho bellhop, now thoroughly aroused with tho spirit of the chase, disappear Into tho sorting room. This tlmo tho porter was near enough to hear tho boy informed that the Httlo wadded up handker chief containing tho mysterious but "very valuable" something had beaten him to tho laundry tub by about four Jumps. Ho hastened thither and, seeing tho boy frantically pawing over tho soiled linen, watched him until the youth til umphantly pulled forth the object of the search. "Give us a look," cried tho porter. "What was you so crazy about?" Without replying tho breathless bellhop gingerly pulled tho handker chief open and disclosed Mr. Mai corn's perfectly good blue glass eyo. with greater bitterness. During one of theso seances, a gigantic represen tative from Texas, Buck Kllgoro by name, growing hungry and thirsty, too, no doubt, concluded that ho would bo better off at homo and, forgetting tho locked doors, started to execute that idea. It chanced that ho sat near tho only partition that separated tho speaker's lobby, and that was a flimsy door of grqen baize, and though tho faithful minion of the J houso had locked It, tho Tcxm, with ono mighty kick of his right foot, en cased In a No. 12 cowhide boot, burst the slight affair as easily as though it had been of paper and out he marched to the steps that led to free dom. "Tho Incident was duly chronicled and Kllgoro awoko to find himself temporarily famous. Tho sublime nervo ho manifested set tho whole country to laughing. The thing turned out very happily to tho kicker in a way that ho had never Imagined. From every part of tho Union enter prising manufacturers sent him hoots of tho most expensive kind, accom panied by pollto notes pegging to bo allowed the privilege of naming a brand of footgear after him. &&L courses In mathematics answers to inquiries Indicate that boys aro much moro inclined to elect such courses than girls are." In investigating tho relative mathe matical ability of fho negro race, an examiner was sent to eleven well known negro schools and colleges in the south. "Five of tho schools feel that thero is no dlfforenco duo to race. Two aro of the opinion that negro students generally aro not tho equals of whlto Btudonts. One school was not able to mako any comparison. Threo did not reply to tho question regarding a com. parlson of tho races. Replies wero mado by both whlto and negro teach ers who have had years of experlonco In negro schools and In some cases In whlto Bchoola." WirJ1 (71 55u "1 yS) (mKi fsi53 Latest in 1 '" ' '' Hi& V& JWrff- rij lv hr - Mr 7 Iff 1 1 mm if Iff If lfJllf4 V tmi I BIW Thoto, Copyright, by Underwood & T'ndctwood, N. Y. An odd shaped parasol Is tho "peak parasol" of unlquo design. It Is of a de"ep laco edging mnde of the same material as tho Httlo laco Jacket worn by the model. Tho Jacket is worn over a gown of changeablo silk. It is for seashore wear and worn without a hat. COMPLETE COSTUME. gy Natty blue cashmero Is used for this costume; tho Magyar bodlco and sltlrt aro cut together, and fasten at bach; tho square neclt Is filled in with a yoke of piece lace. A fold of mate rial is put down left side to represent a wrapped seam, buttons with braid are sewn Inside this, a aimplo embroi dery pattern trlmB front. Tho undcr slceves aro of piece lace; tho waist la drawn In" by gathers that aro covered by a stitched band of material. Materials required: 2i yards 4C lr.ches wide, yard laco 18 Inches wide, 1 dozen buttons. Glass Buttons. Glass buttons aro quite tho fashion, and come in all colors and sizes; they aro a distinctive mark of this season's suit wherever Been. Red nnd black ones are shown In two sizes; theiO havo tho appearance of bone; others rehcmble clouded amber beads, nnd nro appropriate for the most dressy gown; others como in transparent crystal of all shades, dark and lifht blue, green and black; and In black thero aro thoso which look like bhoe buttons. Mother-of-pearl buttons aro also largely in demnnd, square and round; the largo squaro ones with flat surfaces, are 25 cents each. Serges Are Popular. Serges aro prime favorites for tho tailored suits. Polret UBeB theso mod ish materials for a number of his best creations. Whipcords In two-tono col ors In a great varloty of qualities nre also popular. TanB, grays and dull blues are tho loading nlmden. Tho Interest in whlto, cream and fancy woven serges increases as tho season advances. 3&L t - afeS5l&. ' illi - Parasols PLAIN LINES MOST POPULAR This Season's Linen Suits Are Made With None or Very Little Trimming. Whllo tho coarser linens nro used, those mado of tho finer twisted thread are liked qulto as well. Very Httlo trimming Is needed. Tho luco collar and cuffs or tho llngerlo frill at nock and wrists sulllco, though, of course, buttons and buttonholes, laco and cm- broidery may flguro as trimmings. Oddity of cut Is, however, tho only . tho only thing necessary for thoso who wish something different. It Is surely dif ferent enough to havo tho back of tho coat and skirt cut across on tho bias or otherwise manipulated. Yet, such manipulations offer no difficulties to tho laundress. Theso suits may bo made coat and skirt fashion or In tho cont nnd dress effect. Both styles havo their good points, many consid ering tho former tho most economical, slnco a fresh blouso may bo donned as often as tho wearer pleases. And sleeves and necks do havo a way of becoming soiled before it 1b necessary to send tho cntlro dress to tho laun dry. Many dresses nro being mado, too, In linen and kindred weaves. Tho se verity of theso all-In-ono gowns 1b be ginning to disappear. Whllo tho puffs seen on taffotas arc not avallablo thero aro pipings, Inlnylngs nnd bands In contrasting fabrics. Fancy linens and linens with open work borders aro effectively utilized, though ono who is at nil clever at de signing will bo able to achlovo very fine suits with tho plnln sorts. It's the design, cut and finish that counts, also tho accessories. Ono girl, for ex ample, Is to look smart In her whlto linens this summer: tho only color , 8no jB to al( B Sapphlro or coral, as tho spirit may move her. Whether alio chooses tho blue or tho odd pink shade she will wear It In tho shapo of silk stockings, ribbon watch fob and nerktle, and no other color will ap pear except she chooses to carry a parasol In tho color she Is wearing. Wired Feathers for Hats. Aa the hats aro all trimmed very high wired feathers arranged to bow on hats may bo purchased, and flow ers also In pompon effects. Ono of theso fenther tower effects costs $4.G0; others nro near tho ono dollar margin; the price varies according to tho qual ity and kind or feathers. Aigrettes aro aro Btill In evidence, though moro In whlto than black. In buying whlto OHtrlch feathers of tho less expeiiBlvo grade It la well to run one's hand gently down tho length of tho quill, pressing bnck tho feather to aee that it has been properly dyed, as theso nro apt to show the blown of tho nat ural feather In tho outdoor light and the breeze. For the Summer Resort. Tho very thin negligees nro so de lightful that ono sometimes forgets they mny not bo practical, for many summor resorts aro cool at night and in tho early hours of tho day, and for theso places It Ib bettor to tako some thing of heavier weight, Biich ub an albastrosn negllgeo. Theso may bo had with a deep collar of dotted Swiss, made with Valeclonnes iuocrtion crvl edging and in pastel colors. Tho sleeves aro finished with a doop cuff of dotted Swiss and laco. THEIR MOST JOYOUS MOMENT Of the Trio, Probably Rcpreientatlvo Redfleld Had the Best Occa sion to Smile. Tho talk In ono of tho cloak rooms of congress turned to tho thought of tho happiest moments in ono'a life. Senator Bailey tald his camo tho day ho voro his first pair of trousers. And Paul Howland of Ohio declared his big moment of Joy was whon ho was permitted onco to drlvo a chariot In n pony and dog show parade. Representative Redfleld, who la n wise chap, oven If ho does hnll from Brooklyn, said It was when ho was going to school nnd trying to mastor long division. Threo or four aisles over from whoro ho sat a boy yawned It was not nn ordinary yawn, but ono of such gcnulno expression of feeling toward things In genoral that it at tracted Redllold's attention. Ho was fortunato In having a paper wad right at hand, ready for any emergency, and ho aimed this at tho boy's caver nous mouth. Tho wad went right Bquitro Into tho goal and well, Fourth of July fireworks nro tamo to tho stunts that boy did In tho next fow minutes. Ho says ho almost smiled onco on ship board when tho vessel gavo n lurch and threw a platter full of beefsteak, gravy and all, over tho open-faced shirt front of a pompous passenger across the table. THE PEEVISH CHILD NEEDS TREATMENT When a child sulks drowsily, or is fretful, it is UBunlly duo to Bomo Blight disorder of the digestive organs, and a mild laxative Ib very often all that is necessary to restore cheerfulness and buoyancy of spirits. In cases where tho uso of a gentle, effective laxatlvo Btlmtilnnt is indi cated, many of tho best physicians aro now prescribing Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This preparation Is admitted ly tho perfect laxative, being mild, yot positive In lis action on tho bowels, and far prcferablo to violent cathart ics and purgatlvo watorb. It is very pleasant to tho tasto and is an Ideal remedy to regulate and strengthen tho Btomnch, liver and bowels. Its easy, natural action mnkes it especially de sirable in tho caso of children, a doso at bed-tlm being sure to have tho do slred result nexj. morning, with no at tendant unpleasantness or discomfort. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is sold by druggists evcrywhoro In COo and $1.00 bottles. If you havo nover tried this splendid remedy, wrlto to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Mon tlcello, 111., for a sample. Ho will bo very glad to send a trial bottle with out any expense to you whatever. Naturo Faker. ''Tommy," queried tho tcachor of a m ,, boy , th juvenn0 class, "what i .,,.... Is a swan?' "A swan," replied tho youthful ob server, "1b an animal with a turkey's body nnd a giraffe's neck and a goose's head." Colr'n OnrboIlHnlve Rellcvrs and curi-H ItchliiR, torturing dls taneH of the nkln and mucoux membrane. A nupcrlor Pllo Cure. 25 and CO cents, by flniRirlHlB. For free nample write to J. W. Colo A Co., lllack Itiver Fall". Wis. And Very Quickly. "Tho building of nlrshlps is bound always to bo a success In ono way." "What's that?" "It makes tho money fly." If tofttlmonlms received from thoto ulti(r Oarfleld Tea oro of liny value, Ourlleld Tea docs what wo claim for It. Enough kuld. Ab soon as women aro ours, wo are no' longer theirs. Michael do Mon tatgno. lUn. Wtnslow'n Soothing Syrup for Children tc ctlilutf. BoItenn the KUtnn, reduced Inllamuia tlou, ulluyn pain, cured wind colic. SOc a bottle. You nro wasting tlmo every you tell your sorrows. tlmo ' We have something that every home needs. At less than the cost to manufacture. We have purchased from Chicago's largest dealer. We will save you in this sale fully 50 per cent, of the regular retailer's price amounting to anywhere from $125.00 to $300.00 on an instrument, it will pay you to travel 600 miles to attend this sale. SALE NOW GOING ON HAYDEN BROS. OMAHA, NEB. RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs) Tcmpleton Regained Health through Lydia E. Pinkhom's Compound. Hooper, Nebraska. "I nm very plod to tell how Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegotnbla Compound has helped mo. Forfiveycara I suffered from f emalo troubles so I wan Hcarccly oblo to do my work. I took doc tors' medicines nnd used local treatments but was not helped. I had such awful bearing down pahm and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sltup nights to Bleep nnd my friends thought I could not Hva long. At my request my husband got mo n bottlo of Lydia E. Pinkhom's Veg etable Compound and I commenced to tako it By tho timo I had taken tho seventh bottlo my health had returned and I began doing my washing and was a wcllwoman. Atono timo for three weeks I did all tho work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old troublo return ing. Many havo taken your medicine after seeing what It did for mo. I would not tako $1000 nnd bo where I was. You havo my permission to uso my name if it will aid anyone." Mrs. Susie Tem PLETON, Hooper, Nebraska. ThcPinlcham record is a proud and peer less ono. It is a record of constant vic tory over tho obstinoto ills of woman ilia that deal out despair. It is an established fact that Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegeta ble Compound has ro- Etored health to thou sands of such suffer ing women. Why don'tyoutryitifyoui needsucho medicino? Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fall. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner ois- tress-curc ' indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature menUl.conrenlent, cbcap. t&itt all men. Made of nieUt.cfcii'tiplllortlp oreri will not loll or Injurs anything. Ousrantecd (TrctlT. Sold by dealers or ttnl prepaid for It. HAROLD BOMERS, Its DiXalb At., Brooklyn, H. T. MAItOAlN, WOOI1HUN COUNTY, KANHAB. ZOO n. Improved: brat loll; layi fine; Uerman at.; & m town: H5 u. : terms; ak fordeicrlp. YutM tVr.'er I.und Co., Ynte Center, Knn. W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 25-1912. COME TO OMAHA s of Piano: f5 I ytym Jm 1 -ADTFPS HrHP hitti r jBbKT llVER JUmw Spills. V -v wammm r .At--'Mf " LIVE STOCK AND 1 I MISCELLANEOUS g Electrotypes J IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE iAT THE 1 LOWEST PRICES OY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION I Kl-331 W. Adams Et, Chicago I DAISY FLY KILLER , .r2.7.V tmarr ilium Mi-rrsTTBti nli. Net. clen ott ilP " . ...-f IRSSMiZmiU nl