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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1912)
3nto rll-Jtotloil SocUty Vt ; nttt 9hm-WbM$ Unburn tf TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE ai, 1912. No. 4'2 J2 TyT tfee Mtttth W -V ft w, j ; 5ji , iyw--''frr7jTt?it,rTv-t t,M ,y: vsgay taqrOTga1frTFKgt5mpiraTl;V,2aga l!S,&'TOFKE255Bi?r':' :: J iSrew.W'SwaS zrai5fd-v'Z'KvNSar'r; ifrS5? ';2KSKSSi. RWriFTFR'flni s f flTOr. 1 14 . Jl JUJLE M U A , Al J hI.SSKl Trv'WiS' .vi m CJI1F !OLLJy iJ fyacsisawss fo.Vis5K&3fSfcl "Murder will out" so goes an old saying1, and when we cut prices kill profits and endure losses to promote a bustling, Saturday Night trade the news of such proceed ing were bound to spread. Jones tells Mr. Smith about the wonderful bargains she got last night Mrs. at "Wilcox's After Supper Sale and advise Mrs. S to go next week lm going she says" come along with me." Mrs. Smith goes- and is so delighted and surprised as was Mrs. Jones- she tells her friends about it and so on and on the good news spread. By the way, if you haven't met Mrs. . or Mrs. S, take our advice and come to this sale, you won't .be sorry, we promise you. Misses Oxfords made of whito canvas style n lace size 11& to li After Supper Price... OVC Ladies Lisle Gloves colors black or white openwork lace back After Supper Price ?17c Bleached Turkish Towels good ones sizes 19 x42 in After Supper Price 19c Misses and Children Oxfords and Pumpsr 4 r size 8J to 2 After Supper Price $ 1 ,ZV Mens Calf Shoes style blucherpcoodstylishm i last After Supper Price $Z,Ii Mens NecktieloU new patterns and latest styles After Supper Fnce 19c Ladies Net Waists one of the very-newest things; out mis seasun uu sizes niiui ou ;ucic Price. :$M8 Wilcox Department Store. 1 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS it Miss Mabel Hayes, who visited friends the first of the week, has returned home. Miss Jennie Cox, of Hershey, is the guest of Mrs. EveretfYork- this week. Rev. T. D. Sullivan, of Elm Creek, was the guest of Revs. McDaid and Gleason on Wednesday. Genuine double bristle ideal hair brush for $1.00. Rincker Book and Drug Co. Mrs. Con Walker and daughter Ger trude are expected home this week from an extended stay in Rochester, N. Y. Weather Forecast: Fair tonight and Saturday, wanner tonight. Highest temperature yesterday 84; a year ago 90. Lowest temperature last night 52; a year ago 61. Henry Schrieber returned last night lrUIIl WIUUWIIWH Y.oiw ... w- -... He went to Hot Springs, Ark., and took treatment for a month and then visited towns in Oklahoma, Mississippi and othor southern states. He returns much improved in health. Lost A string of gold beads between the Keith theatre and 209 West 2nd St. Return to this office and receive reward. Chartor No. 34. Report of the Condition of the FIRST 'NATIONAL BANK, at e3t52,O10.52 379.50 50.CO0.00 1.000.00 17.000.00 1.000.00 - 128.S27.M 21.800.00 1.R50.00 250.09 2.411.94 1250 00 229.97 at North Platte. In the State of Nobraska, the close of business. .Tuno 14, ISM. Loans and discounts... Overdrafts, secured and unsecurod U. 8. bonds to socuro circulation TJ. 8. bonds to secure U. 8. deposits Othor bonds to socure U. 8. deposits Premlumson U. 8. bonds Ilonds. socurltlos, etc. . Banking house, furnli turo and fixtures Othor roal estato owned Duo from state and private banks and bank ers, trust companies, and savings banks...... sorve aeonts 57.910.55 Checks ana otnor casu Items .;; Notes of othor national banks Fractional pa percurron o.v. nickels and conts.. Lawful Monor Hoservo In Hank, vlr; nnajn Cnoclo 80.418.40 Ee wl-tondor notes 67bO.00-99.257.S5 Itedemptlon fund with U.S. treasuror (5 per ..,,, cent of circulation).... Z.5W.00 Total I6S3.2J1.87 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In... Surplus fund.. .......... Undivided profits, loss ozuonses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding....... T1..C tr Et.m nnn nrivfim banks and bankers 19.527.S0 Individual deposits sub- Ject to check 313,030.81 Demand certificates of ,..,., deposit 19.531.12 Time cortlllcates of do- posit 115.429.41 Cortltled chocks 40.00 Cashtor'a checks out- standing ............... vtni United Statos deposits. j? ,,, ,in,. Postal Savings Deports. 9,9j1.84- 161,240.24 J. Pizer, of Hastings, is the guest of his brother Julius this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and children went to Omaha today to visit relatives. Mrs. Campbell returned to Lexington this morning after spending a week with Miss Grace Mooney. - E. P. Wright, traveling agent for the Canadian Northern railway, spent yes terday here on business. Have you tried the new acorn sanitary fountain at Rincker Book and Drug Co. The Fourth of July committee has completed its program, andfromOa. m., when the big parade starts, until 10 p. m., the eagle will scream in very wild and very loud tones. Features of the day will be the lire races, motorcycle races, Japanese day fireworks, the Indian feat and the pyrotechnic display. The representative body of thirty of the Omaha Stock Yards and South Omaha Live Stock exchange will spend a half hour here tomorrow afternoon while on their way back to Omaha from Alliance where tne JNenrasKa btocK growers meeting was held. They are due here at 5:00 o'clock and as their time is limited would be pleased to have the business men and stock dealers meet the train. They will be entertained while here by the Chamber of Commerce. Wide tire wagon for sale. J. H. Van Cleave. 40-3 If bicycle riders would all be decent in their actions no great objection would be made to riding on sidewalks, but they are not all decent. It isn't fair to have a rider come down the center of a sidewalk and force the ped estrian off the walk, to which treat ment this writer has been subjected dozens of times, and many other citi zens make the same complaint. All that is demanded of the bicyclist is that he recognize that other people have some rights. Pays Last County Bond, County Treasurer Durbin last Wed nesday paid bond No. 13 of the North Platte bridge issue. This was the final , bond of that issue and was also the last I bond outstanding against Lincoln county. In other words the county has now no outstanding indebtedness. There are precincts bonds, but no county bonds. This is certainly an excellent showing for the county, and one in which we have reason to congratulate ourselves. Buick Model 36 Was driven from Staploton via Gandy and Myrtle to North Platte on high gear, with two passengers. The dutch was not slipped nor was the gear lever touched during the trip. The engine was perfectly cool at all times ana less than half a tea cup of Water filled the radiator to overflowing upon its arrival in North Platte. No water was put in tho radiator enroute. This is believed to be a record per formance between the points rhontioncd. J. S. Davis Auto Co. North Platte, Nebraska. Violin Recital This Evening. ; .The North Platte School of Music E resents Carl Frederic Ssteckelborg, ead of the String department of the University School of Music, in a violin Vectial at the Masonic hall tonight at 8:30. Mr. Steckelberg is undoubtely an artist of the highest order and is sure to delight all hearers. He has sujecois fully toured the United States and parts of Europe, always winning tho highest praise. He can be heard at the Masonic Hall tonight. Admission 50 cents. Tickets for sale at Clinton's. J100.000.00 50.000.00 1.191.03 50.000.00 Total $083,231.87 Btate of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, sss I, I L Mooney, Cashlor of tho abovo named bank, do bolemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to tho best of my knowl edge and belief. PiLMooYiCMblor. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 20tb day of Juno, 1912. Jambs O. MoinisusjtAD, Notary Public. fYrri.t Attest: IUyO. LANarOBD Yost Gets $15,000 Verdict. The many friends of our genial coun ty clerk Will Yost will be pleased to learn that his damage case against the Union Pacific railroad company, which has been in litigation for the past nine years has been cettled by a decision by the supreme court ot Missouri, attirm ing judgment. Ho is in receipt of the following telegram from Wb attorney, C. W. Yosti North Platte, Nebr. Supreme Court today affirmed your judgment, on condition that we within 10 days reduce the judgment to $15,000, we shall of courso comply with this con dition immediately. Accept heartiest congratulations Mr. Lorey and myself, J. C. ROSFNUERGEU. Directors Would Stop Kissing The Milwaukee Physicians' association will prepare a bill for the next legisla ture intended to stop tho practice of kissing and stamping tho habit as a blot on civilization and a menace to health and decency, i The actjon was decided on at a meet ing at which n dozen or more papers were read on tho subject. A substitute for the practice offered was that of rubbing noses or foreheads, this being held moro decent by tho physician. Auction of Range Horses. On Saturuay, Juno 22d, I will sell at the old stock yards in North Platto two cars of range horses. There arc several broke and a number of halter broke horses in tho bunch, also two gentle young ponies. If you need horses be sure to attend this sale. Salo begins at 2:00 p. m. sharp. C. A. MooriE. For Rent 5 room and Lincoln Avenue. cottage, west 6th Phone black 229. Not less than 1,000 bushels pf cherries were harvested at the annual cherry picking at Wnston's ranch Tuesday when some 2,500 people answered the call of Manager Charles Lancaster for help to pick the cherries. The retail dealers' association held a banquet et the Palace Cafe last evening, about twenty-fivC attending. After being served with a fine meal,' several subjects pertaining to local business conditions were discussed. Initial correspondence cards and envelopes'. Rincker Book and Drug Co. Af tor .having made an extended trip over the Nebraska lines and after hav ing throughly investigated the reports of the agents, Charles J. Lane, general freight agent of the Union Pacific, be lieves .hat the Nebraska wheat crop will be fully up to the average of for mer years. He places the yield at 40, 000,000 bushels and would not be sur prised to see it rench 44,000.000. Cards were received by local friends this week announcing the marriage of Miss Hazel Stryker and Mr. Waldo Davis, of Omaha, at the home of the bride in Lincoln on June 12th. Mrs. Davis resided here two yenrs ago and was well known among the young people. Mr. Davis holds a position with a lead ing Omaha wholesale house. Ideal Hair Brushes 65c Stone Duug Co. The interest on the part of those at tending the meetings at the 'Gospel Tent, Cor. Locust and First, is increas ine. The sneaker last eveninor drew n vivid picture of the future eternal home of the saints. From tho-scriptures cited we learned that this home is to be located on the earth after tho annihila tion of sin; that the inhabitants will build their own homes and inhabit them, plant their own vineyards and oat the fruit of them, and that there will be no sickness, pain, sorrow or death. He also showed that the capitol city of the new earth will have streets of gold, and a wall of precious stones tnree hundred and seventy-fivo miles square encl6sing an area of more than a hun dred and forty thousand square miles. Tho subject as announced for tonight is The Personal, Literal, Visible Coming of Christ." Everybody is cordially in vited. Detroit Vapor Stoves, best gasoline Btoyo on the market, self generating at reduced prices at Hershey's corner5th and Locust Sts., phone 15. The Nevita Club met at tho home of Mrs. Otta Wiel Wednesday whero the memuers spent a very pleasant after noon. The rooms were very prettily de corated in pink, whito and green the club colors and tho same color scheme was carried out in the elaborate two courso lunch served on small tableB, each guest finding her place bv the hand painted place cards tied with bows of pink and green ribbon. The favors were sprays of green tied with pink ribbon which the hostess brought from her recent trip from Colorado Springs, tho green being gathered from near the grave of Helen Hunt Jackson. Tho prizes woro pretty hand painted cups and Bauccrs and were won by Mrs. Thos. Austin and Mrs. Andrew Yost. After six o'clock the guests dopartrd for their homes, each voting Mrs. Weil a capital hostess. Ice. Puro distilled water Ico cun now bo secured. Wo nre prepared to mako daily delivery to all parts of the city. Distilled water ice is manufactured under tho most sanitary conditions nnd absolutely pure and clean. This pure ice costs no more than other kinds, last longer in the refrigerator and is more satisfactory every way. Phone us your order. Price 50 cents a 100 pounds. E. T. Keljhek Ice Company. Plenty Water Promised. In a letter to Water Commissioner Palmer, of Hershey, Supt. Willis, of Mitchell, says: The Pathfinder reservoir Is about full and the inflow is now about 14,000 to 16,000 socond feet and likloy tocontinuo until the 25th at least. Just received a report from a Govern ment Forest Range located at Wnlden, Colo., stating there is considerable snow in the mountains and with wnrmer weather there will be lots of water flowing down the North Platte river. Since the Patefinder will bo full in about seven days (by the 20th) the dis charge over the Pathfinder may reach 8,000 to 12,000 second feet before the first of July. t Corn Flakes, 4 pkgs. Lemons per dozen Apricots in heavy syrup, 2 cansfbr... Grocery Special FOR SATURDAY. .-;tf..,.. 25c 35c 29c 25c 19c 25c 17c 17c Wilcox Department Store. Pumpkin 1 gallon can for.-. f'.fyr . . Griffins Seedless Rasins 16-oz size, '2 pkgs Calvmet Baking Powder, 16-oz can... r Swifts Vhits Laundry Soap 7. bars for. 1 Miseltoe Hams per lb Swifts Premium Ham per lb. Clash at Chicago. The republican national convention opened in Chicago Tuesday at noon, and from the opening hour up to the latest bulletin thore nas been a contin ual clash between the Taft and Roose velt forces. Tho lie has frequently passed, threats of bolting have been made, and part of the time the confu sion has been beyond the control of tho chairman. Wednesday Roosevelt openly recommended a bolt of his followors, but his managers, or least somo of his most prominent followors, declined to participate in such action. , So far the Taft followers hove triumphed, but only after the most ox citing fighting. Senator Poot, the Taft candidate lor temporary chairman was electetl over McGovern, of Wis., who supported by both the Roosevelt and LaFollotte followers. The second test of the Taft strength came Wednesday when tho convention by a vote of 563 to 510 retained the ninetv-two Tart contested delegates and to transfer the light to the credential committee, this committee went into session yesterday afternoon, nnd will probably report this foronoon. The adoption or rejec tion of this report will renew the strug gle, and the most bitter fight of the convention may bo expected today. Undoubtedly the majority of the re publicans throughout the country would prefer to have both Taft and Roosevelt dropped and have a dark horse taken up, nnd such may yet be the result. Notice. All accounts due the firm of Ginn, White & Schatz Co., must be settled in full positively by July 15, 1912. All those knowing themselves indebted to us will save considerable trouble and expense by calling nnd settling their account before the above date. Ginn, White & Schatz. The Man With a Bank Booh Enjoys many favors accorded by a bank to its depositors, Establishes a valuable acquaintance at bank, Establishes a credit, which is the best kind of business insurance. Makes his payments by checks; svingv time trouble, and possible losses, , Contributes to the working capital of the com munity, Enjoys a prosperity which he helps to dreate. Open an an Account Here and Enjoy These Privileges. McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTEJ NEBRASKA. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stuart left for an extended visit in Aurora, today 111. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK TnE McDonald State Bank, of North Platte, Charter No. 64T Incorporated, In tho State ot NobrasUa, at tho cloio ot business Juno lUh. 1912. RESOUROE3. Loans and discounts.... Overdrafts.....,.., .. Ilonds, socurltlcs. Judg ments, claims, etc. . . Ilanklnir house, furnl- ture and fixtures Duo from natn'l, statu and private banks J78.0J9.83 Checks and Items of ox- chaniro 019.3S Currency 28.VMW Oold coin 7XS.00 Silver, ulckuls and cunts. 0,258,43 318.B74.H9 l,2tti.02 15.600 00 15,000.00 Closing Out Sale. Beginning Saturday, June 22d, My Entire Stock of High Grade Millinery '. i 1I4.U41.C3 Total LIAHIMTIES Capital stock paid In a Hurplus fund.,.., ', - Undivided profits .. ., Individual deposits sub Jecttochcck 20't,5A07 Demand certificates ot deposit 14.183.07 Time certificates of de posit 07.271.02 Duo to natn'l, statu ami prlvato banks 20.203.01 Depositors' Kuarantcu fund rilW.02l.5l $100,000,00 &.0O0.UO 8,87(1.47 aM.l02.S0 1,012.27 $160,021.61 Consisting of Pattern and trimmed Hats inclutti flowers, Chiffons, Ribbons and Etc, to bcclpsed out regardless of cost. This will be a chance to get the greatest bargains in new up to date millinery, that were ever offered in North Platte and it will pay you to lay in a good supply at rediculous low prices quoted following. Larpe assortment of pattern and trimmod hats worth up to $16, your choice of tho lot at , $2.75 .29 .27 Flowers worth up to $1.00 per bunch each , j 50c end 75c Chiffons per ynrd. 50c and 50c ribbons per yard. Nothing reserved. Come early for choice selection. MRS. ED W. BURKE, 300 East Third Street. PARLOR MILLINERY. Total Stato of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss. I, w. II, McDonald, Cashier of tho above nauiod bank, do hereby swear that tho above statement Is a correct and truo copy of tho report mado to thoHtato liauklntr Hoard. W. II. McDonald. Cashier. Attest; Ciiab. McDonald, Director, J. li. McDonald, Director. . Subscribed and sworn to before mo this VSOiti day of June, 1912. J.O. II. THOELECKE. Notary Public, Joseph Schatz went to Sidnoy last night on business. Mrs. Will Allen, of Omaha, is expected next week to visit her mother Mrs. John Weinberger. Tho Indian Cnrd Club will meet with Mrs. W. II. Munger, BM West 4th St. Wednesday afternoon. Milton Doolittlo oxpacta to go to Lincoln tho first of tho week to transact business for a week or longer. Henry Abshire, formorly of Suther land, but of late located in Idaho, visited friends in town tho early part of this woek. Local dealers aro now selling $1,500 worth of gasoline a month, or $50 adny. This consumption, however, is not all lnpnl' mnnv tourists nnssincr through make this a supply station. Yet $50 a day is some money for gasoline. I U Jl-U 51 PAT njJTRONIZE THE I II ' House of Good Show When in Norlh Piaffe. Motion Pictures. Runs Everv Night. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. .i 10 CENTS. DR. HARRY MITCHELL, Graduate Dentin. Telephone R&l 456 60SK Dowcy St, North Platte. Nebraska. I ff t