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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1895)
r v i1 THE "NORTE PLATTE- SEMI-WEEKLY- TRIBDffi: I'RIDAY EVENING, NOY1MBER 22, 1895. C ni Exclusively k m CteKvTwcwty-Qwe Million Peopk wems t-airurouoas Universally accepted a the Leading nee Ceffee of tfc Worlds JOHN HERROD Sells tjb.e above Coffee together with a complete line of staple m w mm. Prices Always Seasonable, HIGHEST MAKKET PRICE Paid -For Country Produce. Smoke Wright's Royal Sports and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars. Reece Lemon has accepted the ""position of niglit clerk at the Hotel Keyille. A part' was given at the Har rington residence on Wednesday evening, A girl baby was born to Dr. and Mrs. Northrup on Tuesday morning last. Rev. Stearns will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday. -Ev erybody welcome. 0' Presiding Elder Leonard was in Kearney Tuesday attending a meeting" of the Kearnev district ministerial association. The evidence in the Wallace land case was completed last even mg and the case is to-day being: arjrued by the counsel. The case will go to the jury this evening. A mandate issued Wednesday from the supreme court orders the execution of James-Walker, the Dawson county murderer, on Jan uary 10th. The claim is made that Walker is insane and an effort will be made to nave tue governor exer cise clemency and change the sen tence to life imprisonment. Mayor Bakerhas issued a proc lamation designating and setting apart Thursday next as a day ot public and solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God for the manifold blessings bestowed upon the muni cipality and citizens,, and request ing that all places of business be closed upon that day. The procla mation was received at this office too late for publication to-day, but will appear in full in our next issue. Yesterday morning the air was balmy; to-day the cold north wind whistles through your whiskers and the mercury hugs the zero mark. The storm which, originated in the great northwest reached here last evening, as predicted by the weather man at Chicago and as signaled by the local observer. Winter is here, and fortunate is the man who has full coal bins. The Smith Sisters, who com pose the Ariel Sextette, came in from the esst on train JSTo. 3 early this morning, and will appear at Lloyd's opera bouse this evening in one of their exceptional concerts. There is no discount on this com pany; it is first-class. It has been a long time since North Platte has had an opportunity to hear such talented vocalists, and the citizen who fails to attend the concert to night will miss a very rich treat. C. S. Clinton has, to use a hack lieyed expression, taken time by the forelock and already laid in his stock of holiday goods. Andthey are fine. There are an innumerable number of articles in sterling silver, both for ornamental and useful pur pose, and all suitable for Christmas gifts. He also carries an elegant line of cut glass, any piece of wbich would more than please the average housewife. Mr. Clinton always delights in showing his goods, and will be pleased, to bave you call. All persons owing us old bills must now call and-settle with cash or approved note. We want this outstanding money to enable us to dis count our bills and thus com pete with cash stores. HABRINGTON & TOBIN. flBCof flcheutising ADVERTISING TTRACTS TTENTION. BRIGHTENS . ACKWARD "-' ' USINESS. ' rATCHES IRCULATING- voiNr- THE TRIBUNE is-thC; BxST-tAdyertisi g- Mea t dmm. in- Western Nebr. S. P. Delatour stopped over in town yesterday while en route home fronf trip to Omaha. W. J. Roche has just completed laying a very substantial sidewalk in front of his property on Fifth street -VonGeotz's delivery team got a little gay last evening and ran the away doing some damage to wagon. t f George Nafiman was in Max well Wednesdayand purchased ten head of fine-beeves from "John Mc Cullough. ' ' "t "The Fast Mail" is. 'due at Lloyd's opera house on the even- ing of December 10th It wil brine an evening- of "amnsement to all. .. W. W. Lemon,, a brother o; Reis Lemon, is in town this week in the interest of tfie World's Mutua Benefit Association, and will prob ably succeed in organizing a inNorth Platte. lodsre Colonel Cody will devote about a month-to looking after his irriga tion enterprise in the Big. Horn ttt rri . i 1 1 oasin in Wyoming:, xne t-oionei expects this enterprise to-prove ten-strike. - ;' -rrUgaiaiia lias Deen chosen as the place for liolding : the next annual meeting of the Western Ne braska conference of the M. E. church, and the people ojktbat vil lage rejoice by reason ;o-the selec tion. , V Mr. Ripley, the celery raiser on the W. L.- Park farm. is shipping quite a- large. amount ofpiis crop to the Omaha "market xLastf season he raised 60,000 plants; next season lie will cultivate twentv acres or 600,000 plants. At the meeting of the Nebraska Red Men at Aurora this week, E B: Warner was elected Great Proph et. - Con Walker attended the meet as one ot the delegates from this -city, Claude Weincrand- not being in position to attend. The Carlson brothers, of Goth enburg, were' in town yesterday for the purpose of looking over the Keith hardware stock with a view of purchasing it and continuing the business at the present location. It was not learned what conclusion had been reached. The friends; of Emma Ander son wijl be pleased to -learn otjthe "dime social" given for her benefit by the Junior League next Satur day afternoon from 2:30 until five o'clock in the K. P. hall. The Juniors have prepared a good pro- and promise a pleasant afternoon to all. For rent, two furnished rooms. Inquire of Mrs. A. H. Church. Mrs. Jennie Armstrong, who moved - her restaurant to the Ormsby block on Front street a week age, has very agreeable quarters. The room was repapered and painted and presents a very neat and invit ing appearance. Mrs- Armstrong runs a bakery in connection with the restaurant and makes a special ty of home made- bread, pies and cakes. Orville A. Hostetter .and Miss Emma Hawley were married at the lome ot the bride in Sutherland on Wednesday . evening last, Rev. Snavely officiating. Mr.- Hostetter is a prominent young man of Suthi erland, being engaged in the -hard ware business. The bride is well mown in North Platte, having ived here the greater part ot her ife prior to removing to Suth'er- and. The couple have The Tri bune s best wishes. Regular services at; the Pres- "4-byterian church next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., to which all are invited. In the morning" Rev. Graves will speak on "Psy chological Phenomena, or Capaci- ies of the Human Soul," and in he evening on "The Immortality of work done for God." 'Nebraska Day" will be observed by the C. E. society. A -program will be ren dered, and a collection taken for his work. The exercises begin promptly at 6:30 p. m. Dec. 5th is the date. Mark it on the calendar. "Mose" McFarland, the well; known U. P. brakeinan. was mar ried at Julesburg on Saturday last to Miss Lillian Burston, who for two years has beeh-head waiter at the Pacific hotel at Sidney. Im mediately after the ceremony the couple left on a wedding trip to Denver and other points, and ar rived in this city yesterday morn-1 ing. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland are- receiving; the congratulations of numerous friends, and "Mose" is of course the happiest man on earth and this he has 5aright to beJ? Shake. , -- ; Studebaker Wagons an& Buggies at Hershey & OoV I Dc Sawyer Dear Sir: I eaa y MVk plooonre ! that I have bienWag yoar e4iei&e, ta -rill ree I omraond it to all ea&erlog ladies. Xrs. W.. W. WeathersWe, Aafet, G-s. geld by T Utmie?i TSZ CODY J ALL. The north wind blew strong and cold last evening, but it did not prevent a larere-attendance at the first annual ball of the Cody Guard held at the opera house. The gal leries were filled with spectators, and about seventy couples took part in the grand march. The decorations on the stage were magnificent, the handsomest ever displayed in the hall, anct re flected credit upon the designers, Messrs. -Hammond, Gress and Yost. The centre piece represented a large shield, surmounted by a rich design of national colors with "Co. E, 2d Regiment, N. N. G.,Nov. 21, '93 Welcome" printed in gold letters and the capbristling with keen pointed payonets. In the centre of the shield was a large portrait of Colonel Cody which stood out boldly by the medium of a bright light placed immediately behind the picture. Extending to either side of the stage were streamers artist ically drapedsfnd the stage filled with stacks of arms. At 8:30 three sets of fours of the Cody Guard fell into line and under command of First Lieutenant Evans went through a drill which elicited applause by reason of the excellent work performed. The Guard was arrayed in its new uniforms white helmets, long blue coats and white duck pants and presented a very handsome appearance. During the inspection of arms, the Gordon silver cornet band, wearing their fine white uniforms, played a selec tion. - At the close of the drill partners for the grand march were called. Drum majors Hartman and Master Gordon Laing lead the march, fol lowed by the members of the band and their ladies-44e. members of the Guard and their ladies, and then citizens and ladies, the whole presenting a very fine appearance. Half the numbers of the program were danced prior to midnight when an intermission ior supper was given, after which the dance was renewed and continued until about three o'clock. The ball was certainly a brilliant success socially, and we trust equally financially. The Tribune congratulates the members of the company upon the Tesult. THE EPISCOPAL FAIR. The fair, supper and entertain ment held at Keith's hall Tuesday evening by the ladies' guild was exceptionally vvell patronized. The demands for supper was greater than could be supplied, but the ladies succeeded in serving" about 200. The sale ot fancy work was also very satisfactory, only a few of the articles remaining unsold. The farce entitled 'The Jack Trust." twhich was given on the stage, proved to be- a neat and amusing play, hose assuming characters .were Misses Lottie Kusterer, Mattie Donehower, Mabel McNamara, Fanny VdnGoetz and Annie Kramph and Dr. DeBerry, all of whom admirably rendered their parts. At the conclusion of the stage performance the young people took the liberty to enjoy a little dancing. The ladies find that after paying expenses, tney nave a balance or over one hundred dollars. NOTICE. Members of North Platte Gun. club are hereby advised that the regular shoot for the "club badges has been changed from- Saturday, Nov. 23d, to Thursday, Nov. 28th. at 2 p. m. Order Board of Directors. The accounts of respon sible people who settle their bills once a month are re spectfully solicited, We want your trade. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. We are the People who have The BIST FLOUR, The BEST COFFEE, The BEST TEA, c The finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line in the City; always fresh and at prices that CLE FY COMPETITION. HblrEBSfGTON & TOBIN. ffew and Pretty Manicure Sets, Scissors, -Photo Frames, Button Books, Hat Pins. Cane;Markersi' Card Cases, : ; Pocket-books, Blotters, Glove Buttoners, Key Ring Markers, Umbrella Markers, Bag Tags, Cigar Cases, and many other pretty and useful articles. CLINTON, The Jeweler. VIl 1J13 i Call arSLve can convince we are rriakmg reduced prices for Cath an 71 PEOPLE "WHO COME AND GO. Mrs. Fred Marti was an Omaha visitor this week. C. C. Hawkins is in from Well fleet to-day. Milton Doolittle made a business trip to Kearney yesterday. Bert Davis of Sidney is visiting North Platte friends to-day. Mrs. W. "W. White returned yes lerday from a visit in Grand Island. Mrs.,D. W. ,Crane, of Ogalalla, was a visitor in the city Wednes day. H. D. Rhea, df Lincoln, is attend ing" the present term of district court. Mrs. M. E.. Watts and daughter Miss Mamie are visiting" friends in Springfield, 111. Mrs. M. C. Harring-ton left last night for a protracted jjsit with friends in Chicago. Mrs. S. P. Delatour, of Ogalalla, visited North Platte friends for several days this week. Mrs. John McMichael is visiting relatives in Omaha, having left for that city Wednesday morning. Mrs. Dr. Stowitts, of Sidney, has been the guest ot Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Beecher: for several days past. miss .famine iveen, ot uenver, is the gfuest of Mr. end Mrs. Ernest Tramp, having arrived night before last. ' - Mrs. W. H. McDonald and Mrs. Chas. McDonald left yesterday morning" for a visit with frieiids in Omaha. Revs. Suavely, Coslet and Leon ard left yesterday morning for Wal lace to attend the district conven tion of the Epworth League. D. C. Stapleton, formerly of Wal lace precinct but now interested in an Omaha loan and trust company, was in town the early part of the week attending court. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Welch & Co. will close out their entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Tinware, and Holiday Goods at greatly reduced prices, beginning Nov. 20th. All who wish to get these goods cheap will now have the opportunity. Call and bring your neighbors and friends. boarders' WANTED. Comfortably furnished rooms with good board; moderate terms. Mrs. S. E. Douglas. J. 0. TT. A. M. Attention All members of Pride of the West councel No. 13 are earnestly requested to meet at the Cody Guard Armory .Hall opposi te Y. M. -C. A. Sunday evening" at 7 P.M. sharp to march in a body to the Lutheran church. E. S. Davis, Secretary. Gifts- Sterling Silver Ut)d Cut Qlass. .Paper Cutters, . Belts, Key Rings, Match Boxes, Hat Markers, Tie Holders, Tooth-pick Cases, f If T t- X X Cash is an inducement to'us j Are prices to .you l , .. if so, ' you. that t Tipton Stfartlioul F5 XAILXOAD XOTATION. Switch engine 1201 came out of the shops this morning. John Hanlon entered the machine shop as an apprentice Tuesday. Railroad men" can find presents for their wives and sweethearts at Clinton's. Supt P. J. Nichols, accompanied by his two niece and a nephew, were visitors in the city Wednesday. One of the switch engines ran short of rails in the yard yesterday and delayed worlc for several hours. Ed Taylor, who was an employe of the Union Pacific shops here a dozen years ago, is in town this week. Bob Finney, who is one of the train crew callers at Sidney, came down yesterday on a visit to his parents. It is unofficially announced that trains No. 5 and 6 will shortly run through to juiesburg, thus reiiev- iti-kiinr1 f nine r 1 1 ir rv Incr thp fhrnnrrli f rains nf Iruvil wnrlr. Deputy united states Marshals Vizzard of Omaha and Tobin of Cheyenne, both of whom look after the Union Pacific's interests, were in town yesterday. A conductor on the Fourth, dis trict seemy to ljave forgotten the new time-card yesterday morning- and started out with a freight train to meet No. 4. The trains were stopped before they made the tempt to pass on the same track The conductor backed riis trai Che3'enne, walked into the dis patcher's office and hande-J in his resignation, which saved the trouble of a discharge. Things are not running one bit smooth under the new time-card. Up to date the fast mail from the east has been late reaching this city every niglit, we believe, since the card went into effect. Last niglit this train was nearly three hours behind, by reason of engine 888 with Manning on board fail ing to steam. To:da3: No. 2 from the west was split in two sections, the first being over an hour late and the second about two hours. And winter has only begun.! ' "Dr, W. A. DeBKRRY, DENTIST, Office in First Ntl. Bank Bldng. The Lexowing in progress in Philadelphia indicates that the Quaker city municipal combine can give Tammy a few points on shear ing lambs. The selling of flowers is now prohibited in New York City. This move comes perilously near prevent ing the working of the contribution box tm Sunday. The Seward Reporter publishes this one: "At a prayer meeting near Ulysses recently an illiterate but good man made the following prayer: "O Lord, thou knowest that we are thankful to Thee that our souls are sate trom that fare that quencheth not. If a man loses his horse Tljou knowest that he can buy, another; if he loses his house Thou knowest that Jje can build another; if he loses his wife. Thou knowest that he can get another, but if he loses Iris soul it's goodbye John." Pale, thin, bloodless people should u?e Dr. Saw yertsCkatino. Zt is the greatest remedy in the world for making the weak- strong. Tor sale by T. H. Longley. ( FOR SHLE Cheap, the John Baieraska .house on west Fourth street. Four rooms and everything in good repair. For particulars inquire at this office. Advertised .Letter. List of Jetters remaining uncalled for in the post office at North Platte, Neb.,- for the week ending iSoveaioer 'si, l&to. Cox, Frank Martin RD Harnnetoa JT Sbaw, I O . Hershberger, J M Thornton, 0 C KeJIemer, Sallie VanBuran, Vm Moore, Jonn . Wetzel, G C Persons cfclBbrforabore -will pIomo ear "adve'rted;"- M. W. Ciais, Pctm?ter Washburn's Has no superior no equal. provement in milling; machinery .the product of the hard;" cclICUU wiicdt ui uic nurtn. ir you are not usm tnc. Washburn Flour, JOHN HERROD, A V e m IF NOT, B Others save money by buying, goods M of us. Why don't A No. 8 all copper wash boiler for. A joint of stove pipe for A common stove pipe An adjustable stove pipe elbow for A Madole hammer for l.. 2 1-pint tin cups for 6 engraved tumblers, for L 3 A one-half gallon pitcher for- A set of handled tea cups and saucers 42 cents. 3 Underwear and. Hosiery well come 3 anci see for yourselves our prices ands 1 L I qualities talk. We fc: , i -vr , - tnan ever 01 in onons, Tinware, jrurmsii- g ing Goods, Crockery and the largest 3 e stock of Glassware and Lamps ever in 3 '2j North Platte. Oorne and see us.- if Wilcox :Dep't: Store! (one door south of Streite' drug store,) iiUiUiUiUilWUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUliiliUiUJUiUiUiiiiUiiiiil TMniving ; Will soon .be here and. you will have special use for ouc Apple Butter at only 8 cents per pound. Mince Meat at only 9 cents per pound. Fruit Preserves at only 10 cents per pound. These goods are made from selected-fresh fruits, are ricfv audi very nice. A Feast Fit for & Kifig Can be prepared easily bv vou if vou use our: New Orleans Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Green Apples, ugai, vuiaiuail VHIUII, New Figs and, Nuts, Cabbage, McDonald's Cash Grocery. I Just Opened with a Fresh Stock of II Groceries, -Provisions, 1 FLOUR AND FEED, ' 1 GiveuscaU MOST o DELICIOUS COFFEE IN THE o WORLD 4 tfHPkw HARRIKQTON & TOBIN, SOLE It Pays to Advertise in The Tribune. When Buying Minneapolis FLOUR , Why not get the BEST? Superlative It is the result of studied inu are not try it. It is solcl by SOLE AGENT. I WHY NOT? you? We sell you: 3 . 1.89. 3 ...15 cents. elbow for 1 -10 cents. ..-15 cents. 55 cents. 5 cents. 13 -25 cents. 3 .20 cents. 3 JL have a larger stock m -m . -i OWCCL J. UUUUCb, Weill UCrriCii, Sardines, Crackers, etc., etc. EES OS ii The Best Goods in the Market at the Lowest Prices. MOCHA ACTS,' NORTH PLATTE, NEB J4VA 3 -A i