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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1895)
, - S -"at .-5.. ,f . , . . VOL. XI. ' " IfORTH PLATTE, KEBRASIA TUSEDAY EYEMMf KOTOMBER 26, 18.9.5. -' M"9k : . . H v a 'A r 4 I - - THE GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE SOTIITSOKTKE EEKDWOQB CA3TAL. The Birdwood canal lias furnished an abundance of water sinceits Sidney, when the Fawcns murder! case vein be heard. As Jude Grimes was one of the counsel in TON STORE for JtHe 4onth Nby-cdiunencmg the 12th. BOS completion and has proven highly this case, as well as in other cases. satisfactory to its patrons. It will he will not preside, but will call be built further east in the earlv ludo-& frnm snm ofTior- Aidx I - O- UiOLUV probablyJndgeKinkaid, oftheFif- Albert Cooledge has- his new resi- teenth district This term will be dence nearly com pleted. He is also called sqme time in February. Sid- i i ney TelegTaph. Under the new time table no pas- erecting- a large barn. Loreri Sturges received a few days ago from the state fish com mission, fine lot of catfish with bed neece-ltned shirts and pants at 25 cent'?, worfh 35 cents; children's underwear from fifteen cents op. GENTS we offer, to close out, twentv dozen of all sized shirts and "drawers of the very finest natural all-wool at little has been marketed- as yetfrom this side. George Long has been marketing part of his crop in Den- j ver. A. Hubartt is baling his hay and storing it. H. J. Hansen has a force of men at work ditchinjr his low lands. j w- L. D. George is erecting a new house for one of his tenants. We find ourseif "with too manv Winter Goods, and e must reduce It from n6 w on until the 1st of December. wlck to stock his lake. Owing to the low price of hav but , QUR PRIGE-LIST ! DRY GOODS DEPT. JO pieces, all colors! all-wool, 46 inch wide, imported Serge, worth $1.25,, for this sale at 67 cent. Ten pieces, all colorst 46-inch all wool, silk finish Henriettas, worth 1.25 per yard.Tfor this sale at G7c. - Ten pieces Ladies' Cloth, 46-inch . wide, worth 90 cents, for this sale at 57 cents." Ten pieces York made Novelty goods, worth fifty cents, -for this sale at 25 cents per yard. Ten pieces Sultana Suitings, dark or light, at10 cents, worth fifteen. Rnssian fleece at 9 per yard. Canton Flannels from five-cents per yard and upward. HOSIERY and MITTEXS. Ladies' fast black seamless hose at sigh teen cents, regular price twenty- J hve: ladies hose at eight cents, reg-' mar price 12 cents; ladies woolen. nose at twenty-two cents, regular thirty cent hose; imported cash mere hose at-3a cents, worth fifty; children's woolen hose from 12cts. aird up: ladies' fleece-lined hose at 25 cents, worth 35 cents. Mittens from 25 cents and np. Major "Walker and family con- 2.88 per suit, can't be duplicated at template moving to North Platte m dependent less man 4.uu per suit, tne nearmture. Frazier& Ritner are feedinir a CLOAKS, CAPES-and JACKETS, carload of steers for the earl vsorine- We have sold many of them, but market. D. B. McXeel is alsofeed- senger trains reave Gothenburg-i going east after 7:30 a. m. until one a. m. next" morning, consequently we have no- show to get east for a period of seventeen, hours, and it is fully as bad going west. This will make a harvest for thelivery stables as there is virtually no railway accommodations between North Platte and Lexington, a distance of sixty miles, and the travel ir men who make the towns between these points will have to drive from one to the other. Gothenburg In- v a Rennie Closing out his Millinery POSITIVELY AT ONE-HALF COST. ir miu js xeiu m our miiimery ueDartmeat dosi- timely goes at One-Half Cost. Bargains you never M 1 f1 i T- -TT--r--r--i " saw ueiore au xxJdJiN IN iJji'b. - ... o PER CENT OFF ON OUR COATS AND CAPES. RENNIE, Tfie Leader. UNDERWEAR. Ladies' all-wool combination suits at 1.60, worth 2.25: ladies7 ribbed fieeoe-Jlned combination suits at 1;05, worth 1.50; fifty dozen ladies ribbed shirts and pants at 37 cents, regular price fifty.cents; ladies' rib- we still have a Targe variety left You can buy a ladies' Jacket from us for 3.50 worth ST. We still have sixty childrens' cloaks left, but we 1 1 -1 tl II TIT waut io ciose cneni an our. ve offer any of these cloaks for 1.75 the HniDgs and trimmings are worth the money for which we offer the entire garment. Shawls! Shawls! Double and sin gle, of the very best quality made, not one in the" lot vorth less than G.50, up to 810 pick your choice for 5.35. BLANKETS and QUILTS at a great reduction. ing a fine bunch of steers. W. C. Ritner has finished har vesting his large crop of potatoes, and is irrigating his laud for spring seedinjr." A petition has been circulated and signed -by mostrof the deposit ors of the State bank asking that no receiver be appointed to close up the bank's business- until January 10thT 1896. The petition sets forth the fact that the appointment of a receiver at the present time would Maior Walker is teedins-hislarEre--.-j-- - - .... , . . . . a tuicduv incurrea. ana mat a. re ceiver could not collect anvthimr crop of corn to hogs and will there fore realize a same. pended large sums of money in Col orado. Ltalr, Montana and Calf- fomia for location of sites for stor ing water. All JNebraska got out of the large appropriation how deep is your well, how much, was i the cost. The first trial -wells in tlie Saint Luis valley were made by an ap propriation and now they, have over oOO wells from a. 10-inch .to 4-inch ! bore, and about 700 feet deep. The -over our Great Stock of- good price for the untn fhat tim& and thafc .f report shows that in that valley BOOTS. SHOES, RUBBERS AND ARCTICS. . We are offering these goods at 25 per cent less Inau their value. Come and se1 cur ladies' 1.35 fine shoe; our children's Young Ameri can school shoes, and our calf boots. You will admit the price and quali- L has no equal. Izaro. HICH0L3 ASD HSSSHET ITEWS. Iy. E. Jones made a business trip' to Brady Island the latter part of the week. Several farmers are haying their new corn shelled prior to shipping. tension was "ranted the hank- directors think they could re-onen and pay up all depositors in full. Gothenburg Independent. J. D. Wells, of Burt precinct, was in Gaudy last Saturday getting signers to a petition asking the . jT tiitta. ui xonu jiatte. We offer our entire stock off 4. 50 regular price 8; we offer men's youth's, boy's and chil dren's suits and overcoats, to close out regardless of cost, as we want to go out of this line. -We need the room for other purposes. We offer 60 men's blue and- -black- beaver over-i 10; boy's three-phrce, suits -at coats, sizes from 34 to 42, for 2.85, worth 5; children's knee $5. 50; regular price $10. We j suits trom. four to twelve years 'o'ffer ftttyrmen s lonsr ulsters, fat r.cK, worth 2.2. - - Men's men's all-wool suits, in al sizes, at 5.75, regular price 10; we offer men's suits at 3.85, worth 7; weoffer youth's all- wool suits, sizes v fourteen to nineteen years, at S-o, worth all sizes, at 3.50; regular price 6.00: we offer forty youthj chinchilla overcoats, sizes from twelve to eighteen years, at and boy s pants, caps, gloves, mittens and furnishing sroods will be closed out at rock-lot- torn prices. Out this ad. out and iring it to the store so that you may se we sell as advertised. The Boston Store, J. PIZER, Proprietor. . ;. SPECIAL SHOE -SAiZjIB 4, Otten's Shoe Store. " PR-ICES CUT IN TJitfO. In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies' - - fine Ludlow Shoes, ' - Begular price $4,00 to $4.75, at S3 .00. U Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little monev. Rev. Stearns: pastor of the Bap- STvernor to pardon his father.Lewis tfst church at Kearney vas ap in Wells' wno was coTicted or this locality last week. tlie murder- ot a man named Gilker- It is generally understood' by the SOn WeIIs has served- about four better class of voters m the country years of an eIeven Jear sentence, that the overseer of hin-hwavs as but has for sereraI months been in well as all other precinct officers the &osPital for the fasaue at Lin should be qualified in every respect CoIn Ke has abont recovered from to transact any. or all business con- hi& mental troubles'and the super- iuicuucnt 01 toe nospitai recom- - mends that he be pardoned on his has been on a. hunting exnedittnr. aiscnarge irom that institution, in- i a 3 r t. 1 - . sslcuu 01 oemg- returnea to tne peni tentiary. Aboug-ht eig-hty names are signed to the" petition, and there is a letter on file with the governor written by A, H. Chnrchr the trial judge, recommending pardon. The matter will be heard before the governor in a short time. Gandy Pioneer. 610,000 acres are irrigated: onTr llo,000 of them are watered bv streams. If we could not fret tlm o water from our streams on our land perhaps we could by artesian wells, as our survey shows that our water north is 150 feet higher than on the; south side. It may be that there; our welt problem lays. The most pressing need ot man ; is food and raiment and that is what? out farmer needs. The general government can help to solve this; problem by aiding this struggling people and would restore confidence. I for one would urge Mr. Thurston to prepare a bill and introduce it mte congress and work for. an yiupriutiun: ana ne wouia receive Clothing, Gents' Famishing Goods, Boots Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Glomes and Mittens. Surprised, First at the Large Assortment? Second at the Superior Quality: Third at the Immense Yariety;. Fourth at the how Prices. .1 ' : We have been some time in getting these Sur prises here and ready for you, but at lastare able to announce Bargains all Through the House. We solicit a comparison of Goods and Prices. ap- knowing that you will find ounstock the Best and the, ive i . - - - ,... in this locality the past week. We understand, that from some cause not publicly stated the erec tion of the M- church at Hershey has been indefinitely postponed. ' Mr. and Mrs. Andy Struthers from Sidney passed through here on No. 4 last Sunday evening en route for Omaha. They will return to-morrow and spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Struthers' people at this place- They were accompanied W0EK T02 SEITAX0B THUEST0IT. Editor Tribuxe: I see by the the blessings and thanks of thous ands. Gentle reader, don't kick at this proposition; push it alongr it is a good thing. See the Argentine Republic; they spend $18,000,000 on iroigation. England . spend $15S. 000,000 on irrigation in West India and by doing it they have prosper- . itvathome. Respectfully yours. C. W. Cheapest. Star Clothifl! House, WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. this far on their way to Omaha bv P111"5 a convention is called at their three children. " Sidney for irrigation purposes. For A partv from uo the line wn; wuat purpose? I. A. Fort has been organizing irrigation societies for the past two years. What has been TEASZSQI7ISQ PX0CLA3CATI0F. Whereas, the President of the United States and the Governor of State of Nebraska have issed their respective proclamations, designat ing the 28th day of November A. D. PEOPLE- MUST EAT, dealing out beef to the people in this locality last Thursdav. Ed Gibb'ens is balino- ha v for accomplished? Will it ever amount 1895 as a daJ for Public thanksgiv- a 2 - - 1 . 1 - parties from Perkins countv who to anything at its present gait? As inS"; put it up on canal land near this SOOIL as a senator or congressman Mayor ot the City of North, .Platte. I . I X.T' station. It is being shipped to the ls eJected he will prepare. a bill that eorask-a, m narmony with said Chicago market. We understand Wl11 benefit large corporations. Ev- proclamations and by virtue of the that it nets' them about S4.50 tier erT one looked to the Akers bill, autnonty vested m me as Eea if times are a little quiet and dol lars rather scarce. They must have Groceries, Provisions and FIouf and they want good goods at low prices. All our Men's $3:50 Shoes at $2.25. All our Boy's fine lace and button shoes the best made, . $2.50 Sho at $1.65 $1.65 Shoe SI. A large line of Indies', Misses' and Children's .Slippers wilt be "sold at prices that vjH " '"-' Save yon 1-3 to 1-2 of your money. Children's Shoes, the best goods that money can buy, will . . be slaughtered at the same rate. grand Otten's Shoe Store. Jbii W , Prices Xi V .hJieYT J35TJD PBBD STA"RT (Old. "Tslxjl Doraix JBt"fclo.) H3roodLrJrea,vds9 L Comfortaie JEL'T i SmUt iiCMm&tki fc tit 1mm per ton upon the cars. Win. H. Snllivan bad finished pulverizing the sod that was broken upon the Aveline farm the past sea son just previous to the recent freeze. It is now in a fine condition for'a crop next season. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Thompson are entertaining an old time friend from. Michigan, who, we understand, will visit Denver before returning uome. "Pat 2O3GK20SH00D EEWS. Ten thousand fish were distri. bnted in. Cheyenne county last week by the State fish Commissioner. I During the session of the state irri gation association to beheld at Sidney Dec 17th to 19th, the state commissioner will give a piscatorial display. There has been quite a skirmish this week" among the creditors of i George Diebi, whose whereabouts has been unknown to them since about the first of this month. One creditor failed to find all th stock mortgaged to him and proceeded to foreclose oa that part he could, find, and others took possession of prop erty under attachment and chattel mortgage. Gandy Pioneer. The Harrisburg bank robber made' his escape from the hotel where he -was located receiving treatment for the wound. - received, at the time of his capture. The sheriff was sleeping in the next room as a guard and felt not a little "chagrined when he discovered that he had allowed a man wearing a spliat two feet long to give him the slip. At last accounts he had not been heard from. Sdaer Poniard. The first tens of ccwrt in this district next year will be held in Here is an opinion formed on the same: "Both the water and the lands of the arid regions are rapid lybeing aggregated in the hands of a lew persons or in possession of great corporations. Thus a result hereby designate and set apart THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1895, as a day ot solemn and public thanksgiving to Almighty God for the manifold blessings bestowed upon our municipality and citizens, is being secured unfavorable to the" and 1 earnestly request that all welfare of the great body of people Pces of business be closed and who perform the labor on the farms that the people suspend their usual the actual farmer themselves." avocations and employ said day in Senator Rusks Report to Congress, thanksgiving to God in such man On the plateau of western Kansas neras hall be approved by their and Nebraska the land will produce consciences, remembering that you anything that will grow in its lati- 0:111 nonor Creator and benefi tude in the utmost profusion if it cient Giver by deeds of charity only has water during the growing tovvard those less fortunate than season. There may be opened up joanselyes. a literal garden of the gods that In witness wherofl have hereunto can feed the earth. There is but sulscibed my name and caused the one key to unlock this, vast store- seaI of Clt7 to be afiixed this house of the earth a ditch with 21st daJ of November, 1895, flowinsr water. Wp ; Attest O ' 1 lUk, the and lands. Experience shows that the rainfall is insufficient for agriculture. The settlers had years of disaster; they mortgage their lands and cattle for the need of their familvand at last they leave their farms. This brings poverty to the farmer; also to the money lender. The writer of this thinks that the fostering care of the is a day for public thanksgiv- T I J T" J j t- i TL fT t Now therefor, I, D. W. Baker, V V C UOIl I JDIOW MUCil, But when it comes to selling fresh and - - " clean goods for little money we are "in ifcust as extensively as any dealer. We're after Tradef That's what we are here for and we so licit you to call and "look us over." We are confident we can please you. V. VonGoetz. Th n t j wi I W V w I j Ottenstein Block. School Supplies Of all kinds at C mi NEWTON'S, -v The largest and best five-cent The finest line of all grades of I C. F- SCHARMANN. City Clerk. seal D. A. Baker. Mayor. general gov ernment snonld be extended to all states of the union without distinc tion. Other states receive approp riations for rivers, harbors and other improvements. Nebraska, has received nothing. Would it not be even handed justice if we ask "for aid to carry on this great work of irrigation? Now, would it not be a good for our J. M. Thurston to introduce a bill into congress making an ap propriation to further irrigation on Our aplandsr either by storing the water, or artesian wells, or by pumps? The government has ex- A Tablet 5x8 inches "for one cent. Tablet sre brought to North Platte. Tablets. A ruler or lead pencil given, with every 5 and 10 cent Tablet Rev. John Wesley Brownrrector of St. Thomas' church. New York, was to read the service at the Paget Whitney wedding last week. Either he had marked the wrong place in the prayer book, or the singing dis concerted him; at any rate the wed ding party was amazed to hear his rich, full voice utter the words, "I am the Resurrection and the'Xife." Heavens and earth 1" ejaculated Bishop Potter in a whisper behind him. The rector at once awoke to the fact fhat he was -readinjr the burial service anH nfti-nrtf fiTvH-t -r ww j less second he proceeded with the' proper ritual. j- C. M. Newton's Book Store. ftirst rational NORTH PLATTE, Dr.SaTrjftr; Dear Sir; Having ased jcar Pa.i "lies, 1 caa recommend uiesx to tke public I i treec attended by four different doctor but one and a naif bozu of yrmr medicine ham dam me sore jjood than all ol tfcesa. Yor? repect fallx, 3tn. Xaggie Johason. Brmiaoir, Braocll Qmsttj. XJckSoidby T. H. Leakey. Capital, - 50,000.00. Surplus, - - 22,500.00 AETHUE McNAilAEA.; " ' - . . CasHer: A General Banking Business Transacted,