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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
r J V -JL NORTH TIATTErEMaSKArilDAY EVENffl NOVEMBER IB, 1895. A TOL. XL :r J)m1ft Iftate - 1 THE GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE BOfTQN 6j DRY GOODS DEPT. 10 pieces, all colors, all-wool, 46- inch wide, imported Serge, worth $1.25,: for this" sate hfc G7 cents. Ten pieces, all colors, 40-inch all wpol, silk finish Henriettas, , 1.25 per yardrfor this sale at:G7i-p-' Ten pieces Ladies' Cloth, 40-inch wide, worth 90 cents, for this sale at 57i cents. Xen pieces' York, made Novelty goods, worth fifty cents, foh tliis sale at 25 cents nervard.v Ten. piecesSultana Smtings,'da'rk or ngnc, ac ru cents, worm nireen. Russian flepce at 9 per yard. Canton Flannels from five cents per yard and upward. HOSIERY and MITTENS. Ladies1 fast hlack seamless hose at sighteen cents, regular price twenty- nve: laaies nose at eigne cen in, reg ular price 12i cehtsjladies'woolf li hose at twenty-two cents, ..regular thirty cent 'hose imported cash mere hose at 35 cents, -worth fifty; children's woolen bose'frbin 12cls. and up: ladies' fleece-lined hose at 25 cents, worth 35 cents. Mittens from 25 cents and up. . . UNDERWEAR. Ladies' all-wool combinatiohsuils at 1.00, worth 2.2q;: Jadies1 ribbed .fleeoe-llned combination .suits at 1.05, worth 1.50; fifty dozen-ladies' ribbed ahirts and nants at-37 cents, .reimlar pripe fifty-nts) .lajlies1 rjhr ! We offer our entire stoejc of men's youth's, boy's and chil dren's suits and overcoats, to close out regardless of cost, as we want to go out of this line. We need the room for other purposes. We offer 6o men's blue anTHbTackTevermer coats, sizes from "34 to -42, for $5 . 5 6 regular pfice $ 10. We offer fifty men's long ulsters, allsizes, at 3. 50; regular price 6.00: we offer forty youth's chinchilla overcoats, sizes from.1 twelve to eighteen years, at for tbeonthbfNov.-, commencing the 12th. We finoursdlfcwfth too many Winter GLoods, and we must reduce it from now on until the 1st of December. ? . - PlREnQURPRLGE'LlST! Out this ad. out and bring it to the store so that you may see we sell as advertised. The Boston Store, 1 J. PIZER, SPECIAL HOE AT5 Otten's Shoe Store. PRICES CUT "IN TWO.4 In order to swap shoes forWoneyewill offer our ladies' 'A ' fine Ludlow Shoes, Regular price $4,00 to $4.75, at $3.00. Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little money. AUour.Merrs $3.50 Shoes at $2.25. All our Bqy's-nelaqe and b,uttori 12,56 Shoe at liQ5 $1,65 Shoe Hi. . - : r hUvki line of todies', Misses' and Children1 Slippers will be sola at prices mat wui Ss-yeiyou 1-3 to 1-2 of your money. ChUdrenls hoes&e best goods that money can buy, will ' be slaughtered 'at the same rate. Otten 35t:e2 w irv:E:R3r jistjd peed st-A-IBe (OZd Van DoraTi JStsaTolo.) i listen Jt Yl 5. - -iFJ a- m STKorthwMt corner o Courthouse STORE bed fleece-lined shirts and pants at 25 cents, worth 85 cents; children's" underwear from fifteen cents up. GENTS we offer, toclose out, twenty- dozen of-nil sized "shirts and drawers of the very finest natural all-wool at 2.88 per suit, can't be duplicated at less than 4.00 per suit. CLOAKS, CAPES and JACKETS. We have sold mauy of them, but we still have a large variety left. You can buy a ladies1 jacket frdm us for 3 50 worth $7. We still have sixty childrens1 cloaks left, but we want to close them all out. We offer-any o these cloaks for 1.75 the linings and trimmings are worth tlie money for which we offer t!fe entire garment. Shawls!-Shawls! Double and sin-; of the-very best quality made, not one m the lot,, worth less than 0.50, up to$10 pick, your choice for' 5.35. . BLANKETS and QUILTS . at a "rent reduction. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS AND ARCTICS. We are offering these goods at 25 per' cent less than their value. Come and see cur ladies1 1.35 fine shoe; cur children's Young Ameri can school shoes, and our calf boots. You wjll aflmit tie prge,and guali- ty has no equal 4.50, regular price 8; we offer men's all-wool suits, in all sizes, at 5.75, regular price 10; we offer men's suits at 3.85, worthy; we. offer youth's all wool suits, sizes fourteen to nineteen years, at 5. 50, worth 10; hoy's three-pirce suits at 2.85, worth 5; children's knee j suits trom four to twelve years jat 1.05, worth 2.25. Mens and boy s pants, caps, gloves, mittens and furnishing goods will be closed out .at roqkrbot tom prices, " Proprietor. shges, the bes,t mae, t . s Shoe Store. Iff. U i"C t -.Tfcf.-f ; ELDER & LOOEv square. RAILROAD ROTATION. "Workmen yesterday put up.some new smoke-stacks for the Pacific Hotel. Dell Bonner took the 1804 out this morning on No. 7 for the first trip upon passenger here. A. W. McKeown had his caboose "jacked up" in the Sidney yards one night this week. Gus Chamberlain and Charley Seyferth, who left Torx the west Sunday night, have both secured positions in Cheyenne. Foster Libby, a machinist form erly employed here but who has re cently been ranching up in Keith couuty, again entered the shops here this week. Stuart or Douehower must have been "stringing" the editor of the Ogalalla News in great shape. The last issue of that paper states that the 1813 weighs 180 tons. If the 1800 class of engines re ceive the big driving wheels, as is contemplated, they will have to be pastured but in the yard or else the round-house will have to be en larged. A letter was received a few days ago by a friend of fireman Hodges, a former employee of the company here. He is again married and the past season has been farming over near Shenandoah, Iowa. He is de sirous of again railroading. The engineers who will manipu late the throttle and reverse lever of the big'pigs" of the passenger trains under the new time-card may not have as much' comfort as some ot their more fortunate brethren, but at the end of the montli their pay checks will"have a more sub stantial air. J A baggageman who r-uns down in the eastern part o,f thg stat who was on his. way o the "healer" in Denver, Y3s interrogated by a friend iu this city as to what ailed him, "Not a darn thing! I am just going to Denver in order to be in the push,' " quoth the gentle bag-age smasher: Engine 888 was brought down from Cheyenne by engineer Kingel ty to be put in passenger service here under the new time-card. She is claimed to be the largest-passen ger type of locomotive in the U. S. She is so tall that she could not oe taken into the round-house without removing the upper portion of her smoke-stack. Instead of haying the whistle placed upon top of the steam dome, as is ordinarily the case, it is placed at the rear of the same in order to reduce the height of the uiacljine. A trio of secoud district engi neers one day this yeek leased three bikes and visited the Grand Island sugar factory. Of course this item would not be of much interest were it not tor accident which befell one of them. He who is considered an expert in handling the air upon the machine on which he daity rides had the misfortune to ride squarely into the Palmer house 'b,us and R? recked the steed with ribs ot steel upon which he was mounted. Thus is another iris.tncg afforded p,f w-her.e the tftp; handling of air has got a man into trouble, It js said that Jack Nelling, round-house foreman, was healed by the "Mexican Messiah" through the medium of a "blessed" handkerchief on Wednesday night. A.ny way it is certain that his dis abled ankle was in some way cured so that he was able to get around as usual vesterday, althougrh it took him nearly one-half hour to walk home the night before. Still there be skeptics who. think that a "Diessea wopien sntrt wpuia give a, inan more comfort these cool Rights than a handkerchief, Cer thinly it is larger and should be able to hold a greater amount of blessing. The ' accounts of respon sible people who settle their bills once a month are re spectfully solicited. We want your trade. HARRINGTON & TOBiN. Advertised Letter. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at North Platte, Neb, for the week ending November 15, 1895." Bohatn, Bazil ' Mackie, 51 ak Fletcher, B S Smith, Luches 0ravell, Henry Sysimons, Thomas LADIES. Vancock, Allie. Persons calling for above will please say "advertised." M. W. Clair, Postmaster CklldreB tritk pals, Wsisk oeiaplexiess, lseat- tse a&resee of ue resKMered g)es is the fetowJ "-hoBja Uie Dr. Savjw's Ulnuae. For sel r, by XI- Lcwgle;. KICH0L8 AST) HEESHEY KEWS. There will be a dance iii the Mac cabee hall at Hershey Friday even ing. The revivalists closed their meet ings at Nichols Monday evening and departed for other fieldsof la boh . J. G. Feeken and Martin English are loading baled hay at Nichols. Prayer meetings have been re sumed at Nichols and are now held at the new school house every Wednesday evening. M. Spicer, of North Platte, painted the roof of the new school buildingHhis week. Mrs. R. W. Calhoun has received word that an aunt who recently died in Minnesota had lett her con siderable personal property. The goods will be shipped to her soon. Vecy few, if any, conu 'fields in the valleys but that have more or less sottcorn in them. Xaviej Toillio has aXhis corn husked and in the crib.1 He had one of the finest crops in the valley. People in this section were some what surprised upon arising from their beds last Wednesday morn ing to find the grouud covered with snow, wiiicn delayed corn -nusKing several days. F. L. Terry -is reported as worse at this writing with butiaint hopes of his recovery. A box social will be held in the the new school buildingat Nichols on Friday evening of next week. Net proceeds will be. devoted to purchasing new singing books for the Sunday school.. Everybody is invited. Many minor improvements Iiave been made by the termers of the valley in tlje wa.y of outbuildings this fall. Several North Platte sports have been looking for game in this coun try lately, but with verypoor suc cess. Word has been received-by the Toillions from a sister in Illinois to the effect that her family had all been down with typhoid'-5, fever and that one girl hacT died" with ' IV The others are convalescing. If the weather will permit Rev. Coslet will meet his appointment at the Platte valley school house next Sunday afternoon at the usual hour, and at Hershey in the even ing. S. I. Funkhouser is having hauled to his farm near Hershey the hay he purchased qf the ditch company at this plSS. J. M. Qwyqr is harvesting a fine crop of pop corn from a field con taining several acres. J, B. McKee will do the "court ing" for this precinct as a juror at the coming" term of court. Pat. Dr. Sowyor Dear-Sin I can pay with pleasuro that I have been using your medicine, nud will rec ommend it to nil suffering ladles. Mrs. -W. W. Weathorshee, Augusta, 6a. Sold by F II Longley. It doesn't pay to slander." The women of Middleport, Ohio, set the tongue of gossip waging concern ing the bachelor. p,rqp,rietor- of the iron rn,ill at thf plce. Gossip turned into rumor a.nd rumor was jransforn.ed nto slander and the consequence is that the proprietor secured a site at Columbus and moved his mill awaj Now the husbands of the gossips are out of work and the town is dead. This is a severe lesson but a just one. Pale, thin, bloodless piople should use Dr. Saw yer's Ukntlne. It is the greatest remedy u tho world for making the weak.strong. Fbr sale by F. H. Longley. ' A negro clergyman who was coin pelled to leave his compartment in the -Pullman car when it reached the Texas line, and take a seat" in n ordinary coach set apart for col ored pepple, hs won a ten thous and dollar suit for damages against the company for puttiug this indig nity upon him. He purchased a first-class ticket in St. Louis fori Galveston, with Pullman accommo dations. No obiection was raised to him occupying a seat in the Pullman car until he reached the Texas border. The court held that having been sold a first-class passage to Galveston it was his right to right to ride through un der the same conditions. The jury was so charged and a judge ment in his favor quickly xpfef&: The law in th Iv.cuie Star state setting apart oe-half of each com tnon coach for the use of colored pppe did not contemplate the possibilities of the color line in the Pullman cars and the railway com panies will have to avoid lawsuits of this sort by some other means. Council Bluffs Nonpariel. Dr. A. P. Sawyer: Dear Sir: I have been suffer ing witlt rick headache for a loog Use. I issed your TaaUy Care and now aa eatirely relieved 1 aot do witkoat yoar ed!eiGf. Mrs. Ci. X.Xttter. SoW by F. K. Imgley. 1 BEMIES COST PEIOE SALlr Will;, coiithme during the :mouth n of Kovembei Fine Bo to NEBRASKA. NOTE 8. v . Township organization carried in Burt county. It isn't very ex pensive under the new law. Several sick people of Kearney claim to have received benefit at the hands ot the Denver healer. The populists of Custer county celebrated their local victory in the old-fasioned w5y. An ox was roasted and all the people invited to eat their fill. Proceedings by the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance' Cor to ob taiirthe foreclosure of its mortgage upon the Kearney opera house have been instituted in the United States district court. Efforts are being made- by the Commercial Club ot Omaha to se cure the stopping over in that city for a few davs of Schlatter, the- Denver healer, on his way east. Kvery man on the democratic ticket in Thomas county was elect ed, and those who were lately rejoic ing at the overthrow of democracy view with alarm the signal victory it has 'achieved in Thomas county. Boot-leggers distributed red lie nor to tne voters at (iandy wiio wanted it, and candidates for office footeh the expense. The local paper freely denounces the outrage, and demands the prosecutisn of all parties concerned. A number of toivnsvln Nebraska are agitating the question of the establishment of beet sugar facto ries. With the low percentage of sugar obtained from the beets this year, it is thought that some dif ficulty will be experienced in en listing the necessary capital , in these enterprises. Mr. T. D. Thatcher of Sharon township, who has been quite ill for more than a year, and on several occasions his life despaired of, says the Gibbon Beacon, visjte.d the so called "healer" t Denver about the middle at last .month and feels greatly-benefited in health. He is able to work and says he has not telt so well for years. Thomas Gass, who was recently stricken with paralysis, left Sun day evening for Denver to tryj Schlatter. He returned this after noon and in conversation with him it was learned that he had not x ceived any benefit trom him. He stated that three thousand people were in line yesterday and that he paid three dollars for a. place near the frout of the line yesterday after noon and consequently only waited about fifteen minutes until he was treated by him. He also states that it appeared to him that in or der to be cured of any disease by him a person must have a great amount of faith or else be very su perstitious. Kearney Hub. Dr. Sawyer; Dear Sir: Having used yonr Pas tilles, I can recommeud them to tho pablic. I haTO been attended by four different doctorv, bat one and n half boxes of your medicine has done mo moro good than all of them. Yours respect fully, Mr?. Maggie Johnson, Bronson, Branch Connty. Mich. Sold by F. II. Longley. Charles Lease, druggist and husband of Mary E. Lease, the noted Kansas lawyer and politician, j 1 is constructively; a prisoner in Wicuita., hnvni"1 been arrested on- complaint of the president of the State Board of Pharmacy for vio lating the state pharmacy law in that he refused to pay the annual 50 cent fee prescribei by the stat utes for the support of the board. Mrs. Lease advised her husband that the law was unconstitutional and she will defend him in court. Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: A.ter Buffering four years with female weakness X wt iermsded by it friend to try y,onr "PusiiUes, a-ai after asing- tkem for one yeart.! a my I am eatirely well. I can not rgcafftaeml tbera too Mgkly. Mrs. H. 8. Brook SraasoB, Sctbel Brach Co., Micfa. for al br I. 1 iL LoIey. . Dress Goods ReniiieJsaud-Save Money; over our Great Clothing, Gents' Finishing Goods, Boots, ShoesrHats, Gaps, Gloves and Surmised, First at the Large Assortment"-' r ,l Second at theJSiiperior, Qualify; f! u ' ? ' v;7's. -. We have been some time in .getting1 these Sur prises here and ready for you, 'but at lastkre able to announce . . , m , Bargains all Through the House. ! : f We solicit a comparison of Goods. and Erices, ; knowing that you will find Cheapesf."'"' Clothin WEBER & YOLLMERvPi'0ps. C P. LUMBER, AND GRAIN. Order by telephone from School Of all C. m: NEMTOM'S; ; jH A Tablet 5x8 inches for one cent. The 'largest and best 'five;cent Tablet sre brought to North Platte Thefinest'linef of 1L grades' 'dP. Tablets. A ruler or lead pencil given with evefy'5 an'cl ib cent:Tablet.f 1 ' iff' b"f .if W. JL1JL . kUli 2STORTH JPTjAJTTJS, -j E. A General Bankmsr. it Stock of- ' i ' jVIittens, "V rt !? Third at the Ira mense Variety . Fourth at the Low Prices. 1 our stock the Best and irthef,; r Newtons'Bo'o'k Store. - ; v: --t:. : x, T ' Supplies "I? P it. tiff kind si atr O JS ? J V Xi. LUl.W " ' f : " '-it . ffi:,;;HQU;Ser IDDINGS, COAL Capital, - - $50,000.00.- vSurplusi '.7'x. Lrib7'ffiM' 'L M: J?. .LTSFEKJCf, K j 1 ts.'fl CashieK I .. Business 'TransacM i 4 4L