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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
l-wJ&4&f321br&i . .Wli.'SSKSPt-Tr-"- - n ,--. Zmt "JjtnUi aJC - " ,.- ST'S j- i-,,.,,,,. ,i Our Lincoln Letter 3 i u w i 1 n I P ;i US Useful Houshold Articles GIVEN AWAY ,Wc have just received some of the newest of household Articles and desire to put one in ever)' home in this vicinity. We are not go ing1 to sell them but are going to give one with your next purchase of A pair of shoes. i - i - -. . SEE OUR NICE LINE OF Boys' Suits JUST RECEIVED AT Colburn's Cash Store ) Twenty-five of the Many Points of Superiority Con tained in The FREE Sewing Machine Sews Fasten Runs Light. Lasts Longer. Is More Beautiful. Has Less Vibration. Easier to Operate. Makes a More Perfect Stitch. The Most Beautiful Sewing Machine Made. Mort Rotary in Movement. Vibrating Shuttle. Ball-Bearing Rotoscillo Movement. Automatic Thread Controller. Automatic Tension Release. Positive Self-setting Needle (cannot be put in wrong). Short Needle. Rigid Feed (bearing directly under feed points). Positive Four Motion Feed (without springs). Shuttle Ejector. Self-Threading Shuttle. Six Ball-Bearings in Stand. Revolving Spool-holder Case hardened and Adjustable Bearings. Automatic Head Latch holding head to stand. Automatic Drawer Locks. Automatic Lift the simplest and best. The FREE Is the only Insured Sewing Machine. It is insured for five years against breakage, wear, fire, tornado, lightning and water This means that if your home burns and The FREE sewing machine is destroyed or injured, we will supply a new The FREE sewing machine with out cost; that if in a cyclone or flood, your machine is rendered unfit for use, we will replace it without expense to you, that should you through accident in moving or otherwise break any part or the whole machine, we will replace that part, or the machine, gratis; that If you break a needls, if you break a belt, or if cm wears out; if you break any attachment, we will replace these parts to you absolutely without cost In justice to yourself you should, at least, see ''The FREE" sewing machine FOR SALE BY Geo. D. Darling Alliance, Neb. Liverpool, .oudnn ami Ololm lux. Co. York. ilartford Fire Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia. (Icnniui American Ins.. Co., New I'hoeulx otuioowiyn. ew York. :sew iiuropbire Ooutlnental of New York Olty. Columbia rlro Insurance Company, Niagara tiro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters, Conncctleutt Klro I'hoenlxlns .. Itimford. Conn Commercial Union Ansumnce Co., UmdouKlremaiis Fund Insurance Co, Sermunla Fire Ins. (Jo. KixMiestortieruian Inn. Co. (tutu of Umuha office Cn-Stulru. Fletcher Mock. Governor Shallenbergers administra tion is less than two years old, yet since he assumed the executive office the state has not only finished paying ofl its debt, but in addition to making appro- Eriatlons that should hare been made y republican administrations for the care and comfort of the state's wards, has accumulated upwards of 8100.000 in the general fund for which investment is now sought. Let these important facts be burned into the minds of the taxpayers of Neb raska. Attorney Oeneral Thompson has ac cepted an appointment as solicitor of the treasury department and expects to remove to Washington about October 1. It is not liltelv that Governor Shnllen- berger will appoint a successor, but will allow the present ofllce force in the at torney general's department to carry on the work until the attorney general to be elected in November assumes the duties of his ofllce. Mr. Thompson has rendered elflcient service to the people of Nebraska, and his muny friends, re gardless of party affiliations, will con gratulate him upon his deserved pro motion. There have been no pardon scandals connected with the present administra tion. The only criticism republican organs have been able to make ngainst Governor Shallenberger is that he has accepted whenever possible invitations from his constituents to address them. Mr, Hitchcock has declared that he will not accept the filing of his name for the congressional nomination in the second district. lie is a candidate for the senato only. WilPrheiTPay ? That is the question that is asked so many times by doubting ones who would like to carry insurance but they allow their doubts and suspicions to cheat them out of one of the greatest blessings bestowed 'upon man or wo man. The following testimonials will set at rest all doubts in the mind of any sensible person: Alliance, Nebraska, June, io, igto. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado. Gentlemen: I received your check in full payment for my recent illness and wish to thank .you for same, and the prompt manner in which you responded to my claim. Fred E Morrison, 220 W. Wyo. Ave. Alliance, Nebraska, June 9, 1910. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado, Gentlemen: I hereby acknowledge receipt cf your check covering my recent illness in which I was operated upon for appen dicitis. ' I shall ever speak a good word for the Western Life and Accident Co. Mrs. Geo.-C. Hall. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado. Gentlemen: My claim in your company amounting to $56.00 for accident was re ceived promptly and wish to thank you for your prompt method of helping your members when in distress. Thomas Jackson, Alliance, Nebr. Western Life and Accident Co,, Denver, Colorado. Dear Sirs; My claim against your com pany received and I want to thank you for your kind attention which was satis factory in every way, and for the small cost of policy. I think it is something everyone should have. Respectfully yours. John Hard Alliance, Nebr. We pay while you live: others pay when you die. Which is better? See Dr- Willis Coyle, General Manager, 211 E. Wyo. St., Alliance, Nebr. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPHE8ENT8 THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. This man will be here permanently Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. Spring Wagons for Sale We'now have Five New Hand-Made Spring- Wagons ready for. delivery. They are better made, more durable and will give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price. If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are all :"taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn. i LEOAL NOTIOK lu the County Court, of I tax Itutte County, lit tlio matter of tho 1 ri-iio- ... 1.0., ..!.. .smith, dttotraxHl. J Hunt account. Now on this SWli day of June. 1810, camo i-'hiuh A. h id I Ih. uxucutrlx of suld estate, nncl prays for iciivo to render tuvouut as such oxoculrix. It Is thtiefore ordored Unit the ?'illljl;iy of July, 11)10, nt tell o'clock n. m., lit tny omve in AiiMnee, in alil county be hxwl 11s tliu time nud place for examining and ul lowlni; fetich account. And the heirs, of suld deceased, unit nil i.ersons interested lu wild etulo, lire resulted to appear at thu time mid place so designated itnd idiow cause, It such exist, why said account should not be allowed. His furtherordered that Mild Surah A Smith, executrix, give notice to till persons interested in said estate ly causing a ciipv of tiiU order to Ixi published in the Alliance. IleriUd, 11 news paper published ami In goural circulation In said County, three successive weeks, prior to tho duy t for suit! hearing. Hated June SO, 11)10. L. A. IIehiiy Seiil County J ude. July 7-3w NOTICE TO CREDITORS Donoan & Son In County Court; within and fcr Hex llutto county, Nobntukii, Junes?. 1P10. in tho mutter or inn eaiaio or .1111110 1:. tayiorueceaMii. 1 'lo the creditors of said estate You are I hereby notified, That I will kit tit the ( oiinly Court Itooio In Allianco In nhl county, on the 27th day of December. 1M0. at one o clock p. in., to receive atid examine all claims against uld KsUle. with u view to their ad justment am) allowance. Tho tune limited for tho prostitution of claims apaiust said Kstate, ' Is six mouth-, from the U7 day or June a. U. lOlO iitid'tho ttuio limited for payment of debts is one iear from Mild S7lh duy of June 100- Vltues mv hand and thoSal of mid I'ounty (tfiurt. thH n7 day of .lunn ipm. SMr L. A. UciWl, 1 ouuty .;ude. Va Off One-Fourth Off Regular Price of any SUIT in the House 322 Box Butte Avenue KfiniK ml III VB I gm Be sure & start your vacation right b y getting a K O cJ a k: from us. We are the agents and guarantee them PRICES FROM $1.00 TO $2000 HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW $1.50 Nickel Watch . cl.BOcn &S5 AND THE $5.00 Gold Watch AT HOLSTEIS'S. WE HAVE WATCHES TO SUIT EVERYBODY FROM $1.00 UP HOLSTENS Drugs and Jewelry (1 I B.2I3I wmmmmmmmmmiJ K r y ( '.