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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
2a feWttiiiJilillilii'ji'JwS IImwwwwji The Bennett Co. Purchased Carload after Carload of Richmond "Exhibit" Pianos I ' A number of the pianos purchased by us from the exhibitors at the Richmond, Va., Convention, held by the National Piano Dealers' Association during' May of this year, have been reserved for a apecial July showing and selling in Alliance. Having purchased these favored instruments at a huge discount, from makers who would rather advertise their makes through the Bennett Co., than tQ reship them back to their respective factories, we shall have some tempting prices to offer yPH in July. Every instrument, mind you, has been exhibited to, and admired by, America's foremost dealers. That"Herald Con test" Piano is a t "Bennett" piano, so it HUST be all right. Hiiii fAy L. T C!iSi5rt2j 1 - Wait until you've seen those "Ex hibit" Pianos in July, Never any thing like them 1 11 "':J:MuJB: 0 ...OTfmsmii SttM -. J& s fKXjik "& riany of those "Exhibit" Pianos took prizes at Richmond. "Blue Ribbon" Winners. i The Bennett Co. positively cannot be undersold. .." - It has been tried in many, many cases H iPi Ti ? s y y ill iipras r5 H """If liT IJMBgtjizggg .-v-" -- "- "C I iMVWOT ' ' I ITWM LHajjjjjTJlffiBl fiitiiit iHii l)MlJ!ii-il MJaa: jjsgpl ill iilgil o, Mo is the most popular young lady? Better hustle in your votes. RICHMOND PIANO DEALERS CONVENTION3. AVAY 16-1" O The more votes the merrier. Now, if70 is going to get that "Herald" Contest Piano? Bennett's District Sa 1 e s ilanager will sell many a Piano in Alliance in July. Wait! Every Piano exhibited, at Richmond, Va., at the National Piano Dealers' Convention was a masterpiece. Makers tried to outdo one another in point of tone, finish, action, style and construction. So, of course, these exhibition instruments really cost MORE to produce than 'ordinal' "stock" instruments. And yet, during July, you will buy these very specially built "Exhibit" Pianos, many of them "Blue Ribbon!', winners, at LESS than the price of ORDINARY in struments. We don't wait for large profits. Our plan is to move Pianos quick, for less, Mrs. Wiker will tell you more about those ex quisite "Rich mond" Pianos. "Blue Ribbons" Remember, many of those"Exhibit" Pianos you'll see in July are "Prize Winners" H H i w i.'.,.m;r-?-:i.'-i jAui.w struments. " ---- tm C V - "f s ' 1 y " i i ii I vtn r' irr i i err-r -r , , i r t ; vx ;1 The Bennett Co, Every "Bennett" Piano is sold on honor. Thous ands of users will tell you so. The Herald want ed a GOOD Piano for its voting con test and have surely got it. Deal direct with "Bennett's" - ttt2 western fountain head for trust worthy Pianos. Jog Your Memory It's very nearly "deciding time" on that "Voting Contest" Piano. Get Busy! If you've a Piano to buy, purchase it at the concern that sets the pace for the entire west-the gigantic, fair-dealing "Bennett's" .. - Mrs. Wiker, our local representative, and our district sales-manager will see to it that you get an attractive proposition and extremely easy payment plan on any Piano selected in July. And July will prove the time to buy Piano Players, Organs, etc. The Bennett Company, Alliance, Nebraska Headquarters at Omaha, Nebr, Stores Throughout the West m l Tfc I i j