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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
'''JtitommwiLty mi " Mir " V'tttlMSWBtlaMllUr.ll wuM,"iuyWBPmuut.iiiuyuwuiuLmi - r:-.r.i ..- M$ -V- 'lift'" Wife, -' I V?f I oo ' i South Omaha Stock Yards Scenes j v la v- i - 9 M UBnnmMHBnB9HnBBnBHBp599BVavaHVBVaVaVI O.nihi Paz'sin? Cd. and Armour Packiig Co. Plants Feeder Division. rT5 . 5 Brennan's Corner DRUGSisJEWELRY We are now prepared to do all kinds of Jewelry and Watch Work This department is in charge of an expert and all work guaranteed v Our Prescription Department is kept up in the best manner possible, our drugs are always pure, and all prescriptions - are carefully compounded . Don't Forget the Place BRENNAN'S CORNER DRUG AND JEWELRY STORE The Bee live Unloading Chutes, Hog Pens and Exchange Building The Alliance Racket Store 4' 210 Box Butte Ave. ll"l"l't'H"frilV'i1,l"i"i"."."llVV'fVVI". I 1 NOTtS AND PERSONALS Fireman Tritikle is Tiling the switch engine now days. Fireman Bailey troin the east entl has been transfened to Alliunc;. Engineer "Dail" Hurst of Crawfotd Hill came down to Alliance lur "His Doin'a." Conductor and Mib. Llvde Bullock returned from their liotievmuoii Wed nesday. Brakeman White, who has been hern several mouths, ha reined and gone to Denver. DiiniiiiiK re-tinii- tor the Mr. and Mis. F A turned from Denver in convention. Mrs. Deleluie mother of Mis. Char. Grothe, came in fiom the ranch to spend the 4th. Owing to llic itiMi oi Itusuif t-s oiil a Jew of tlie rnihoad men were in town for the big celebiatiou. Conductor Bob Evans has Ihiinil ton's car and ciew. Mr. Hamilton I rat. sickness in his family. Brakeman John Burke luft Moudav night for a visit with telatives in Liu coin and Friend, Nebr. It is rmnoied that there will be a surprising change among out ofhcials here in the near future. Fireman Ravuioud. who has l.etn herding engines at Ardmoie spent Sat urday and Sunday in Alliance- Mrs. James Mewhirtei and little daughter came up from Uaveuua to spend the 4th with relatives heie. Miss Mabel Duncan has resigned her place at the store hout-e. She will now keep books for the Duncan Groceo. The bos on the Ardmore work train were given a vacation the 4th mid 5th. Conductor Burnuht and K. h, McKeu spriit. hjs Foiu th with his people in ilemitiginiu. Hrakciiiau F O. Kiw i eujoiii'4 u visit lioin his wite and s-isier whn are living on a claim near Mitchell, Ne r. Mr and Mrs. Hoatd Slioil and little sou of Sluter, Mo., aie heie, the liiieMs ot Mi- and Mis. Tom Camp bell. Mm Cld Millrr. Mis. Mohifi, Mih- M ubel Moihiet and Mi?..- Flvua Williams spent five dns last week in Den vet. Kos Hale, foiinerly a s-utchman h-ie hut now a I'luwjeioitH liiiicliman neai Aurora, spent the pal weeK in Al'iauce. Aiiibiu-r Canol, furiueiU a m c m est heir but now of Uanine, iscon:i. i- lieic visiting his relatives, the Nlc Nuttev's The reception given lafet Fiida evening l Mr. and F. A. Du nini; ws wel attended anil beaitilv ri j iked lit all. Mr-. A E Nelson met wiih ipn paiiilul accident Fiidav. While nk in4 peas in her garden sin cut lit- right hand on a piece of glasi Mis. liiezeiiuottle and daughtet I have gone to Hot Springs where thev will spend a mouth. Hugipeer Hizeu. bottle now had the Hot Spiuigs run. Sulniday was the lat day of the drawinn at the Famous. Foi the fourth time Mrs. U. S. Hoskins held the ticket that drew the five dollar gold piece. nJit back making thu round trip in about til teen hours. Mrs. Chas Matheas and little daugh let ot Maislaitd are in Alliance, the uest of Mr. and Mis. Dick Waters Mi. and Mrs. J. S. Ward passed tlirotith Alliance Saturday night on then win fiom Denver to Sturgis, S. D , whete thev will visit Mr. Ward'9 relatives a tew davs. When they come In me ilie will yo to keeping house in the Deleline llollce. A. !" Norton, who has been car internal! heie since March 1 resigned Jul i- Mr. Notion will go from here to the (Hack Hills where he will spend a tew dns and Irom there will go to the I'rfcine roast. Mr. Norton was verv lunch suiptised to be waited on by t delegation ot the car men who pre tented bun with a tine gold watch and chain mid an expensive Fagle charm 1. n t.keii of their appreciation of Mr. s'.irt.iu' vork while here. Mr. Nor u i . suriirised he could not say 1 the iiniM tiling's he felt towards the m u lie had vtntked with Big Stock of New Goods at Prices Lower than Elsewhere E. I. Gregg & Son's Big Premium Offer We will give a special premium of Ten Dollars ($10.00) .to the winner of first premium on best loaf of bread at the Box Butte county fair this year, if the bread was made from flour bouyht of us. To the winner of second premium on loaf of bread we will give a special premium of Five Dollars ($5.00) on the same conditions. Vow Is the time to commence practicing with this flour. We handle the CURTIS HIGH PATENT Finding a Leak is sometimes a dangerous and dirty job unless you are a Practical Plumber. If there is any trouble in the bath room or heating apparatus Mc-INTYKE ACQUITTED WVdiifidav evening the jury in the iiiinJer uase at Mullen returned a ver dict ot not guilty, making Mclntyre a tree man. Che defeiident, with his wife and twin babies sitting beside him tluoiiKiioiit thu day, was perfectly calm and unmoved during the whole day's pioccediugs- Only when shak ing hands with the jurors did Mclntyre snow- auv emotion. Then tears stream ed down his face. Taken fro'n Rock CnunU Leader. Tw.iveaisago Mr. Mclntyre with his familv weie residents of Alliance. Mr. MclntMe is the father-in-law of w ell known yard Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason able charge. We do pood work and guar antee it. RI.Gregg& Son xie came to Alliance. Mrakemnn Hack ' have gone to Kdgement and turned A section foreman at Uuiuford had a ver nairow escape June sS at 8:30 p. in He was on the track with his speedei at the mail cratie west of Ard-1 Koss Pairish, the more when an extra east struck him. ' master at Senrca. He was thrown ajiout nftv ards from the track and wa"s badly bruised but no bones wet e broken. The speeder was 11 total wreck. Business has been rushing on the road the last few davs. Several crews Fred Bren nan House phone, 336. Shop phone, 744 T HE LEADER J.J. VANCE Cement Contractor Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds Phone 551 716 W. Dakota St. Alliance, Nebraska We desiie to thank all' who so kindly assisted us in caring foF'ottr darling wife and mother in sickness and death. Mr. S. O. Cark. Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Carr. Mk. and Mrs I. R. Wii.coa. W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical BlacksMithtftg and Wagon Work. HwseshiH a Specialty SUf m BkU St, httima Box Butt Md Larmfo Avtroes, AHiuce , tab. gsg&imgi&g& nmmm ORDER A CASE OF POP $j with your next grocery order. The following grocery firms will deliver at your Home 24 bottles, any flavor, for 75c: , Nailery Grocery Co. Alliance grocery co. James Graham A. D. Rod iters BB5F Manufactured by GOLDEN KO BOTTLING WORKS Si S. H. Desch & Co. Geo. W. Duncan Son Phillips Grocery Co. Watson d? Watson I Hl- i I FgJ