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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1910)
"wwu.ii,iwili(T rrwwtwml'HinimBKWTf , j - jtm i jy Inlrt TTMorlcnl SiMoty V ' Official Publication of Box Butte county. ERALD Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. '' VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY1, FEB, 24, 1910 NUMBER II Alliance . . MONEY' $ A ): t ) W S Almost every one knows how hard it is to get MONEY Few people know how to SAVE Money Start an account with the- First National Bank. The Savings habit will grow and the account will grow To Save is as easy you We receive accounts of any sizJe. We want yours The First National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY NOR TONS ANNOUNCE THEIR 1910 SPRING EXHIBIT A Complete Showing of the New Models of Krippendorf-Dittman Ladies" Oxfords PUBLIC SALE I will offer at public sale at my ranch twenty miles due south of Alliance, ten miles east of Angora, Section 32, Township 22, Range 48, on FRIDAY.IVSARCH11 commencing-at 10 o'clock: 55 Head Horses ranging in age from one to ten years old. These animals are all good boned liotses nud all that are old enough are broke to work. Purchaser can lead his horse away. Also two registered Percheron stallions 5 ZE3ea.d. of ilcta. Ccws Mowing Machine, Hay Rake, Sweep and Stacker, Harness and Saddles, Household Goods, other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch rft Noon TERMS OF SALE: All sums under Sio cash in hand. Overgioeight months' time, interest at 10 per cent, purchaser giving bankable paper WTC. THOMPSON Col. F. L. Wright, II. P. Coursey, Aucs. nil iWPlHll l&i'Utl We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. spend, once OUR DRUGS are all of the highest qualitv we can get and ate all examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. as to start As to Advertising The Herald enjoys a liberal advor Using patronage, but we would not have our readers think that we publish all the advertisements that nro ofTerod us for publication. The fact in, we turn down as much advertising as some local papers publish. Of course, this makes a serious cut in the income of the business, but as long as our policy is endorsed by the home patrons of the paper we shall continue it. It is customary with many local papers to cut prices to "foreign" ad vertisers, that is, advertisers outside of their home town. This is done on the theory that anything picked up outside of the town where the paper is published is just that much "velvet." We have steadfastly set ourselves against this policy. We rely piiuci pally upon home merchants for our business, outside of subscriptions. To charge them a higher rate than is charged outside parties we do not be lieve to be compatible with the "square deal" for which The Herald stands. Our readers may have noticed that no proptietary medicine ads are published in this paper. So far we have not found it necessary to refuse to publish them- We simply hold them to our regular rates They are so accustom ed to getting space in local papers for from one-fourth to three-fourths the price charged home merchants that when we refuse to cut prices to them they go elsewhere for their advertising. Some advertising we refuse ut any price, such as the boiler plate stuff sent out by the so-called Merchants & Manufacturers Association of Omaha, etc., and for firms that we know to be irresponsible. It is our intention to favor the busi ness men of Alliance and Box Butte county, in preference to outside parties that have no interest here further than the trade they can secure. We ar&j .. not sure that we can absolutely refnKvl.j. advertising because of location. In the latest issue of the bulletin, "The Postals Laws and Regulations Pertain ing to the Second Class of Mail Mat ter," published by authority of the postmaster general, a list of publica tions that are not entitled to second class entry is given, among which are those "which contain the price lists or advertisements of certain business houses while refusing similar adver tisements from competing houses," We have written the thiid assistant postmaster general, under whose im mediate supervision matters of this kind come, asking for advice whether we can under this rule exclude adver tisements of mail order houses. If the repiy is lavoraoie 10 so aomg, as we hope it will be, we shall decline adver tisements for such houses selling goods that are handled by local business men who advertise in The Herald. We do this for several reasons: In the first place, we believe the home merchants, who ask for their neigh bors' trade through the home paper, are as a iiilc more reliable and their goods more dependable than those at a distance. And there are good reasons for thinking so. The local merchant depends upon building up a permanent trade, and must have a repetition of orders from the same parties, in order to establish a successful business. He deals to a great extent with acquaint, ances. A man disposed to succeed by chicaueiy and selling inferior goods will usually select strangers for his victims. Besides the above, and other reasous which wo could name if space permitted, our observation has led us to believe that usually, it not invari ably, the home merchant will give you better treatment and better goods than the firms that have no interest iu build ing up your home town and its institu tions. Another reason for giving the prefer ence to home advertisers is that we prefer that whatever profit there may be in the trade influenced through the columns of The Herald shall go to those who are helping to build up the town that we are trying to help build up, ana are also Helping to develop the country that we are helping to de velop. During the past year The Her ald has received a liberal patronage from the business men and firms of this citv and county, and we appreci ate 11,. auu snail euueavor 10 snow our appreciation while this patronage con tinues- Proseut indications ate that this patronage will inareftw. Wu have a subscription clientela that makes tho paper an excellent adverti sing medium. While wo could gut plenty of outside advertising, wo do not want it for business that is proper ly represented in our advertising col umns by local mon and firms. Wo charge ton cents per inch, column mea surement, for space except on first page which Is twenty cents. Since the last issue of tho paper, we have re coived from a Council Bluffs lumber firm, an order for a ten inch ad, store olypo plate furnished, to be inserted on any page except tho first, at eleven cents per inch- We are declining the ad for the reason that two reliable local lumber yards are represented in our advertising columns, and wo think there is no necessity for sending to Iowa or any other state for lumber. ; In short, wo ate giving the busititt 'men of this city a "square deal," a better deal on the advertising propo sition than they ever had befotc. Wc .shall continue to favor them so far as wo can without losing our second cIobb mailing privilege which of course wo 'cannot afford to lose, as it would 'mean much additional work and an ad ditional expense of about twelve dol lars per week. We sometimes make 'mistakes, as do most mortals, but wo are willing to acknowledge and rrctify ;tho same. Last week, for instance, an older was received for a thirty-lour inch ad at our regular rate of ten cents per inch per insertion. We preferred to not publish it as it was from a mail order house, but believing we had no authority to refuse it, unless we knew the firm to be irresponsible, wc placed the copy in the hands of the printer. We ackowlcdge our mistake. We should have investigated a standing of the firm before adveitising for them, but in our rush of work, failed to do so in this instance. We supposed at tho me that the firm was responsible, but circumstances have since arisen which cause us to be in doubt in regard to this, and wc wish to put our readers on their guard. We shall continue to accept advertise ments from responsible outside parties whose business does not conflict with that of local advertisers, but hereafter will defer publication until we can sat isfy ourselves as to the responsibility of the parties wishing space. 3 LOCAL PARAGRAPHS uUh Miss May Shrewsbury of Mollring's store was quite sick last week but is able now to attend to her duties. Floyd and Howard, tho two sons of W. E. Lotspelch, are recovering nicely from their recent attack of measles. Miss O'Brien, who has been the guest of Miss Ethel Nolau for several weeks, returned Monday to her home at Stuart, Iowa. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lester has been very sick for several days. We are glad to say the little man is improving. A. T. Ross, traveling salesman for the Bennett Piano Co., Omaha, has been unable to go on the road for a few days because of ill health. There is a slight improvement in the condition of Mrs. J. B. Denton, who has been seriously ill the past two weeks with pneumonia and a complica tion ot diseases. Tuefadav, the 22nd, was observed as a legaj holiday in Alliance. The post office and other business houses were closed a part of the day, and all school children were given a half holiday. Mrs. A. Baschky, who has been re siding with her children near Craw ford, will change her residence to Alli ance, where she will spend a year with her son, George. Crawford Tribune. The Royal Neighbors held a very pleasant social meeting at the home ofl Mrs. U. N, Hoskins Saturday after noon. The next social meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Mamie Pierce. The Ladies of the Maccabees will give a ball at the opera house March 17th. The Joy orchestra will furnish the music with Mrs, John Wiker ut the piano, which is a guarantee of a fine time. , T. J. O'Keefe left on 44 Tuesday on a week's business trip to eastern Ne braska, with a probability of going McCluer's At $7.50 and $10.00 Beautiful Silk Petticoats in all the new shades, Klasfit, fan pleated, full underlay and dust ruffle. The season's best values Black and Brown Hcatherbloom Petticoats, bias fold, ruffled or embroidery trimmed, Klasfit or dross string belt $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 over into Iowa before rcturni :, Grand Island and Omaha are two the cities to bo visited. Mrs. Edna Gray, formerly book keeper in Dr. Bellwood's office, has accepted a like position iu the grocery store ot wauace & bwauson and en tcred on her new duties Wednesday morning. H. McClellan writes The Herald from Boise, Idaho, requesting that his address be changed to R. F. D. No. 1, Caldwell, Idaho, from which we take it that he hns removed from the capital city of that state, Tom Giiffith, who is confined at the Alliance hospital because of an injury received some time ago, was the re cipient this week of a beautiful boquot of pink and white carnations, the gift of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men. As will be seen by his ad in this issue of The Herald, John Hassenstat) east of town will have a public sale on Tuesday, March 8th. He informs us that he intends to move to Alliance, and we are sure he will bo welcomed as a resident of our city. Miss Mayme Tyson, who for some time has been bookkeeper for Wallace & Swauson, has resigned her position and will go cast soon, where she has a more lucrative position. By her ac curacy in her work and her kindly ways, Miss Tyson has made many friends who will be sorry to seejier go. S. C. Boon and family moved into their new lAuse at 323 East Montana street almost before it was completed, and have had some finishing work to do since, which is now about all done except painting, which will be com meuced as soon as the weather will permit. The second W. C. T. U, silver medal contest was held at tho Baptist church last Friday evening. A very pleasing program was rendered, consisting of songs by choir and congregation, in strumcntal and vocal solos and recita tions by four boy.s, Paul Campbell re ceiving the medal, Louis Shave of Dent, Idaho is visit ing his uncle, Geo. Douglas, also at the homes of Bliss Sturgeon and Mr. and Mrs. Otto ot Lakeside. Mr. Shave i lived in Alliance some four jears ago and thinks the city and surioundiug country have improved wondarfully since he last saw them- Rev. J. T. Ellis, formerly of Hem ingford but now pastor of tho Presby terian chinches at Lisco, Eastwood and Broadwotur, residing at the labt named place, passed through Alliance Tuesday, enrouto to Hemingford. He favored The Heiald with a pleaaut call while in the city. Conway F. Williams, who has been holding a position in the local freight office, has received a well merited pro motion and is now doiiiR clerical work jn the ofiicapf Div,Supt. .W.eidenham er. He receiven the promotion last Saturday and began work In his new position Monday morning. Chas. Moravek, Joe Kennedy and Bert Langford of Canton were attend ing to business in Alliance the first of the week, coming down from Heming ford on the train Sunday, and return ing on 43 Monday. They favored The Herald with a call while in the city and gave us a substantial boost on subscription, j Dr. Bell wood n turned Monday from a ten days' trip to Chicago. Mrs. C, W. Krcamcr is a now cm ployo in the Mollring store. Mrs. Lew Mackoy of West Lawn has been seriously ill for several dayB. Mrs, Eldred, who has been at the hospital, has so far recovered that she has been taken to the home of friends. Rev. C. H. Burleigh of Lakeside was in town a short time Monday. He reports no improvement in Mrs, Burleigh's health. Invitations are out for a 500 party at the Beckwith homo Friday after noon. Thoso fortunate enough to so euro invitations are planning on a fine time. Mrs. Nellie Heath who recently pur chased the David Miller property on Toluca avenue, now occupies bur nnw home. A nice large barn now adorns the premises. Wc all detest a mean dog, and like wise admire a nice one. There isn't a nicer bunch of dogs, so far af wo know, in this part of Nebraska than Dick Waters' grey hounds. A few more similar kennels here would mM intr. est to tho chuse, a line of sport that is badly neglected as compared with other sports. Harry Kelley, traveling salesman for tho International Harvesting Co., came iu from Sidney and spent Sunday in Alliance with friends. On Monday he went to Crawford to finish moving his belongings to his new headquarters. The change fioni the confinement of office work has been very agreeable and so far Mr. Kelley has been very successful. ! .-:-H"::?:-:--:-H"K-:-h-:-:- ,:, I KENNEDY BROTHERS!' L)h.NjLlSTS. j-Oflice in Alliance National Bank Blk ; wver rusiowce. 'Phone 391. X"::x-s...k-.i- 33. zl. -EPerr's Brown Leghorn Eggs 831 per 15 i-year-old liens, $1.50 each 924 Box Butte Ave. Alliance, Neb GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Glaze (Vlarb.3 Works Chas. Glaze, Prop. Hemingford, Nebr. A FULL LINE OF MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES Note the following: By buying of us you have no extra freight to pay. We buy our stock in car load lots and do the cat ting in our yards at Hemingford. You can examine your work before accepting it. We guarantee satisfaction i