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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1910)
mmmmmmmmmmwmj fllalonMorU'ci1 SvMely ) The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, FEB, 17, 1910 VOLUME XVII. NUMBER 10 iw Mmmimm-mwmmjmm 1 m l! ' I',- I h HEl'OHT OK THK CONDITION OK The First National Bank, CHA.KTBK NO. 4SM. At Alliance, In the Stnto of Xebnuku, nt tho 1omj of uuslntw, Jimuary 31, Il'IO- nEOUItCI: Loiinsntid dUconnts. $40St.7i" 1" Overdrafts, secured and unwcurctl SlPTtl U.S. bonds to vpcuroflrculntlou.... 50,000 00 U. b. Honds to secure U. 8. Deposits 1,000 00 Itnnkluu house, furniture and Ux tures,. 10.000 00 Duo from National liauks (notroservo ngents) 3,(21 25 Duo froui State and Pri vate Hanks and Hunkers. Trust Companies, and Savings Banks 4,120 2S Duo from approved re serve agents. 06,42775 Checks and other cash Items .. 164SS Notes of other National Uunka 3,93000 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 3(0 30 Lawful money reserve In bank, viz: Bpecle 17,014 65 Legal tender notes. 2,545 00 20,459 M Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,500 00 Due from U. S. treasurer 2 60 101,721 81 Total fC3J,758 74 MAMMTtES: Capital stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided prottu, less expenses and taxospald.. 19.608 SI National bank notes outstanding... 60,00000 Duo to other National Banks , 17.KB27 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers ...... 3,010 51 Individual deposits subject to check... 209,105 42 Demand certificates of de posit 7,434 00 Tlmftcertlflcatesof deposit 134,898 73 United States Deposits... 1,000 00 402,050 63 Total 1632,758 74 STATE OF NEBRASKA, . Count or Box Bdtte. S I, S. K. Warrick, cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. , , S. K. Wahhick, Cashier. Cojiukct Attest: 11. M. Hamitojj. I A. B. ItCEO, Directors. Uhas. E. Foni. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of February, 1910. ISEALl EUOESE BUIITON. 1 Notary Public. My Commission Expires July 7th, 1012. Bank The statement of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK shows it to be a remarkably STRONG INSTITUTION. Its strength lies not alone in its large capital, sur plus and resources, but in the character and fi nancial responsibility of the men who conduct its affairs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. r rM"W-l"4;'X' r ; KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. I Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phone 391. r-M-H4!-M'5-WW-W' Many Moves Made The completion of the new Ruiner Block is the occasion of the removal of a number of business stores. F. J. Brennan has moved from tho rear of the First National Bank building to the corner room of the new block, and is getting the same fixed up so that it will be one of the finest drug stores in the west. L W. Bolte occupies the north side front of the same room with his up-to-date jewelry store. Next Saturday Geo. A Mollring will take charge of the north room, which extends the entire length of the build ing and also across the rear of the cor ner room, opening on Box Butte ave nue and on ' Wyoming avenue. He will begin moving Saturday night and by the first of next week will bo ready for business in his new location. All of the new fixtures that have have been ordered for this room will not be here for some days yet, but that will not interfere with the transaction of busi ness. When fully equipped this will no doubt be one of the finest dry goods stores in the west. The triple room just vacated by Brennan, the druggist, will be separ ated by partitions into three rooms, each opening o-i Wyoming avenuo. The Bennett Piano store has been mov ed into the middle room, and in charge of Mrs. J. T. Wiker. We call atten tion to her advertisement in another place in tins paper. The Bee Hive store, desiring more room and a location that will be more convenient for their trade, will move about March 1st into the room on Box Butte avenue to be vacated by the Mollring' dry goods store. W. B. Parker has made a trip to Chicago, where he went to order a new stock of goods which will arrive in time to be installed at the time of moving into the new location. There are other moves to be made about which we will tell our readerB next week. Sad News Standing of the Candidates Following is the standing of the candidates in The Herald Piano Contest up to and in cluding Feb. 1 6th: Mil: Attls Snow, Alliancs 5,675 Jessie Geigir, Hemingford 5,600 Anni Dalnton, Alliancs 5,300 Blancha Wiliy, " 5,150 Ainu Ro$enbtrgr, Hemlnjford 5,100 Date for Closing Contest "We cannot yet announce a defi nite date, for closing the Piano Contest. "When the total number of votes cast represent a sum of money equal to the value of the premiums, a date will be decided upon, the same to bo not later than the end of the month fol lowing. Coming ! ! Chicken pie supper and sale to bo given by the M. E. church and Ladies' Aid society, Tuesday, Feb. 22, at the McWhinney building. Sale begins 1 p. m., dinner 5:30 p. m. Following is the menu: Chicken pie .with cran berry sauce ami home made jelly, mashed potatoes, Boston baked beans, cabbage salad, pickles, bread ami but tef, cherry sherbet, hatchet cookies, coffee. Price, 35c Almost Unanimous Sheriff Cox left on 44 today for Fair- bury, having received a dispatch convey ing the sad news that his father died last evening at his home there, He goes to Grand Island, and thence over the St, . & G. I. road to Fairbury. His father was possessed of a robust constitution,- -but1 was well advanced in years and for some has been ailing. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved friends. Havelock held a special elec tion on Tuesday of this week to vote on the question of adopting the Initiative and Referendum, the proposition carrying by a majority of four to one. The vote stood 327 for and 77 against. Mrs. M. O'Brien and J. W. HamiL ton returned this morning from Chi cago where they spent the past week purchasing the stock for tho store Mrs. O'Brien will conduct in the Bennett (Avino room on .north Box Butte avenue. The stock includes the most desirable articles, and we will have more to say next week. BIG CLOTHING VALUES Our determination not to carry over one dollar's worth of merchandise from one season to another has prompted us to make one final cut in prices on this season's goods that will appeal to every careful buyer. When you stop and consider the fact that our clothing is marked with a small profit in the first place, these re ductions will appeal to you as the exceptional values which they are. Hen's Overcdats- -Our entire stock of winter weight Overcoats that -sold at from $10.00 to $35.00, are placed on sale at a reduction of 13 Off Ladies' Coats 35 Coats in a varied assortment of -j colors and styles that sold from $10.00 to $20.00, we offer the en tire lot at 9 nee Ladies' Suits 20' Suits' in a complete range of sizes, all the season's styles, that sold from $15.00 to $35. 00, go in this sale at 1 3 D nee Men's Suits -One line $27.50 to $35.00 Suits, highest class tailoring, all new and nobby styles and weaves. These are from the best tailor shops in the United States -One line $22.50 to $25.00 Suits, high est class tailoring, newest weaves and Jatest styles. Exceptional values at -One line $17.50 to $20.00 Suits, riot an old pattern in the lot, up-to-the-minute styles, especially priced at $22.50 $17.50 $14.00 -One line $13.50 to $16.00 Suits, just the thing for office or business wear, (ti 41 large assortment to select from at 1 11 1 the low price of 1 ! JJ -One line $7.50 to $10.00 Suits, good dependable merchandise at the price, we offer in this sale at $6.65 NINE DAY. SALE FEB. 17 TO 26 !, NORTON'S McCluer's We are offering this week a new and full line of India Linens, Guaranteed Bayles Bleacheries, 31 inches, at 12c, I5c9 20c, 25c and 35c Also a line of TOOTAL'S FANCY BATISTE in stripes and figured at 3 DC and 30c. These goods are in high favor now for Tailored Waists Axw.NVVvVVAV.'.v STALLION SALE THE CELEBRATED PERCHERON STALLION ALEUTIAN 21,977 3? will be sold at public auction at Al liance, Neb., to the highest bidder, at 2 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, Feb. 2610 Pedigree Shown on Day of Sale Squaw Mound Horse Co., Owner W. I OOXJRSICY, Auctioneer AvvvM,,vvA,AAvv'vvv I BUSINESS LOCALS. If you need your cream separator repaired bring it to the Alliance Cream, ery, where is kept a full line of repairs for all makes of machines. gt Wanted to trade for or buy, small house and bam, to move. Call 615 Blue. 8-tf Money to loan on real estate. Reddish. F. E. 3-tf. Wanted Sewing by day or piece. 117 Sweetwater avenue. 8-tf I have 300 tons of good hay for sale J. D. Hagerty, Bridgeport, Neb. 8tf Two houses for sale. Mrs. S. J. Holdridgc. For Rent. Enquire of 8tf OUR DRUGS arc all of the highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after we receive them In stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to bo on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. 1 M I ft ! 80 acres farm land one mile from Alliance. O'Kccfe Land Co. For Sale Gang stubble plow used one season. Price, $55.00. Weinel Bros. io-3t Steam Outfit for Sate. For sale The best steam outfit in Chey enne county, consisting of one new Cae separator, one steam (32 h p.) engine and eleven fourteminch plows. Address OREN GRISWOLD, D7-io A7-10 Dalton, Neb. For Sale Lot 3, block 8, 612 Toluca Ave East front. All fenced. Cement sidewalk and curbing. Inquire at Herald office or phone 556. 4-tf Still in the Coal Business It has been rumored .that I am no longer in the coal business. This is incorrect. Your order solicited. Phone 506 Blue. W. F. KNIGHT, otf nnf We always give you the Alost of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mir. Notice Parties knowing themselves indebted to me will call at once and settle with me personally or with W. S. Ridgell. 8.3t M. O. New. lulls! Scotch topped . Short Horns, Have 25 head from 8 to 24 months old, full bloods, not registered. Have been raising bulls for 20 years and never had a better lot. Sold farm and want to close them out this spring. A. S. Reed, 84t ' 1 mile east of Alliance. - Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Katie Gerald, at Mrs. Koke's, So. Alliance. Phone 485. 6tf Glaze Mar bis Works Chas. Glaze, Prop. Hemingford, Nebr. A FULL LINE OF MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES Note the following: By buying of us you have no extra freight to par. We buy oar stock in car load lots and do the cut ting in our yards at Hemingford. You can examine your work before accepting it. We guarantee satisfaction Street Coromissiener's Notice Notice to all property owners, agents and lessees: Snow, ice and slush, or any other obstruction, must be re. moved within 24 hours after accumu lation, according to ordinance No. '38, or the same will be removed by the city at owner's expense. J. H. Carlson, Street Com. ! K