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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1905)
TV-JIBr JC ' W Jri Mrmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm iWMW.MjwKiOK mmmmM06wimm"m .,...- . --- js- "' - - - t .. iswysmi wUNMSvwk',1, . .waj r II I). ATTEND OUR SPECIAL SALE ON CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES AND ' LADIES' FINE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SATURDAY XLhe Ifrorace UJBogue tore "TRADE WINNER" LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, ITime Table Alliance, Nebr. DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, Legal Notices. and ntl points wist anil nil polnti west mid south. TltAIXK I.BA VK AS l'OMJ)W, MOIWTAIK TIME: No. 41 Passenger dully. Deadw"od, Hillings, nil lwiuts north anil west..... ... lSiSOp.tfl. No. IS Passenger dully Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago nnd all points wist 3sl.ii.ra. No. 301 Passenger dully, for Denver Ogden.Snlt Lake, San Fran- Cisco unci nil inicrmcuiawj points, departs tit.... No. 3ft! Passenger dally from Denver nwi mi inioriiicuiaiu puuus, nrrlvoH lit . No. 305 Tuosdajs. Thursday, Satur day, points wuui nnii w-si Vf.. rt.l 'l'.....'!-.,.. 't'1titva1tii'a Mnllir. days, south and west, urrlvcs.D.-Sop. m. Sleeping, dltilint und reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold mill baggage cheeked to any jiolut In tho United Slut us or (-annua, lor iniormauuu. ti....i iniiliu unit likitcnll m or vrrlto r.. H. Kaob. Aircnt. or L W Wakelby. Gen oral i 'i 3:20 a.m. 10:45a.m. .R:00n. m. B A Household Necessity." I ' E 1 ' ' Passenger Ago t. Ouiiiha..Nobraskn. OFFJUAL DIRECTORY. Notice of Settlement. In tbo Btalo of Nebraska J rtox Hutto itrtinty. In tho matter of tlio estate of Henry II. M.ller, decensi-d. To Hi" creditor, heirs, legatees, and nthrs liitn.sted lutlieesiirto of Henry H. Miller. deceased: 'I' 1(0 notice. Tina Annlo Lelth Ikh (lied In tho county court il ntpurt of her iloliiiri m ndinlinslratrix or Mild i'tato. anil It Is urtlMt'd thai tlio Kftiiio nlanil lor hrartiiirtlKiSJthdtiyotAtiRMSt.A. II. ll'Oj.liefi re the iiiiirt at tho hour of I o'clock p. in., nt whli-Ii lltno any porson Interosted may pper und ejociit to and content the sumo. And tiotlL'o of this iiritceuUiiK In ordered Riven The Alllanu' Herald for two ntoki prior to Milrt day of lieurlriL'. WlttU"i my hand and tho soa of tho ccititv court at Alllaneo this , th iay of Aueu-iL, A l. 11KX). D. K. Sl'ALin. (.hiiAI. (copy) :tl-!J County .Imlg". 'j(lec to Creditors In county Court, within and for Hox llntto county, Nebraska. Auif, 15, I WO, In the matter of the ostato of Huniv Crllly deceiihed. To the creditors of suUl estates You aro horoby notllled, that 1 will sit at tho County Court Itoom In Alllaneo In said county, on thooth day of 1'ebruary. 1BU0. ut 2 oVIock p in. torocplvenuil uxamlneall claims against said ostato.wlth n view to their Hdjust nicntundiillowaiicu. 'i'butlmo llmltisl for the presentation of claims ualiiKt isald estate U U months, from the 15th day of Auir , A l, 1005, and tlietlmullndled for payment of debts Is out, year from said 15tli day of Auk. 1W3. vltness my hand and tho Si'iil of wild county court, this 15tb day of August. IMG. ( True Copy) I). K. Si' ciit. HtAtA 351 County Jadte "Say, old man, I told you not to let them follows fool you on cheap flour again, .but to fetch me a sack of that 5-X Lexington Cream. You will find that down to LIBBY'b. Now you get right out of here and get me a sack of that flour before it is all gone." IE3 alaoe s. ON!'. 1II.OCK wusr oi' THE qr.W ZWNDKN IIVIHUNG. 'Miotic. X-iT7er37" Bain II. DICSCII, l'rop. Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and coutteons treatment to all lias won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. iviDisor fLitrroiiisifc FIRE INSURANCE AGENT RCPREaENTS THE FOLLOWING IN8URANCE COMPANIEO. Hartford l'lro Insuranco Company. North American of I'hlladelphla. I'hoentx of Illooklyn. Now ork. Oonllnentnl of New York City. Niagara l'lro Insurance Company. Now VurU Underwriters. New ork. Cprumcrulal Union Assuninco Co., London Liverpool. London und Glolie Ins. Co. Uurinan American Inn. Co., New York. Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co , Lincoln. Columbia Tiro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. I'hoenlv ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office Lp-Stnlrs.riotchcr lllock. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEAL.UKS IN Flour i Feed. 'Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN BTKEET.. . I LEE .ACHES0N I shhhhhihhmhhC M F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moylng Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. ALWAYS THE HANDLES BEST Checkered LIVERY AND FEED FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE 'PHONE No. 4. STATE OFFICE!!. Hon. John II. Mickey Oovei nor. Hon. K. O. Mcllllton Lieutenant Governor. lion. A. (inlusha-Seerutary of State, Hon K. M Senile, Jr. -Auditor. lion. Peter Morteiisuu Treasurer. Hon. .1.1 MollriMi-Hnpt. Public Instruction. Hon. Norrls Drown Attorney uonuml. lion. II, M. Ijiti.ii-Lom'r Public Lands and HiilldliiRs . .... Hon. Harry Llnduy State I.tlirrtrlnn. coonrs Hon. J II. llillanl-l. S. Sonata. Hon. 15. J. llurkctt -U. S. Senate. Hon M P. Klnl.ald-Congrofwnian SlxthDIst. District. . gVFlUDIE COOIIT. Hon S. A. lloU'-omlH-Chief JuBtlco. Hon Samuel II. Sodgawick Associate .IurUcu, Hon Johu 11. Harnos Associate Justice. M'OlrttATUHH. Hon. 1''. XI. Curry -lepreiuntatlrir3i-d Dlst. Hon. Clias. P. liroseo Senator lilli Dlst. p. s. I. N1) i)rf iok. " Ilrucu Wilcox Heulster, W H. Akers Hctelver. J.J1. H. llewutt-Clerk. uiotkkt joihii's 15th nmniOT. Hon. W. II. Westover HushTlllo. Hon. J. J. HnrrliiKton O'Neill. COUNTY OFFICKHS, HOX llUTTB COUNTY. S. Al. Sntjser-County Cleric, Uocorder, and Clerk Dlfctrict Court O. W. Ilrennan- Treasurer. Ira Heed-Sheriff I) K. Sprtclil-Cutinty Judite. lora A. Hnftln Supt. Public Instruction. ' William Mitchell County Attorney. J. P. Hazard -County Surveyor. A. S. Heed Axetsur. O W. Lour Commissioner, Chairman, l'riink Cuba- commissioner. L. I'. Smith Oommlsslunur. II. 11. Hell wood, M. D. QoUnty Physician. l)r J,E Moore Coroner. CITY OFF1CIVI.S Louis IJuechsensteln Mayor. I led . linrrls-Clty Clutk. Mike Hlt.iy-Chlef ofPollee. W. 8. llldell-PillceJuilKo. It. C. Nolem.ui -City Attorney. Dr. H. II. Ilellwootl-PliyBlclan, K. M Knlulit City Treasurer and Water CommlHslnuer. COUNCILS! l'..v. Prcd MollrhiR i ... t Wnwi S.A. Franklin t ' lrst "nn1, H. E. MncCruviu i ...... MahlonJoder I "''""" ""'" 1'red Hrennan -Chief I'lre Department. Prof. W. II. Hart-Sup'U City schiKils. cnuncinrt CATHOLlC-ltetfuhir "nndiiy services 7:ai a. m.. 10a. m 1 11 u. m.,e.itechlnrforeountry clilldj-eu; 7 p. ni . catechism. 7:30 p. in , iM'iiedli'tlou, Instruction. Week days 0 3") mass, oxcept on Mondaj at 5:30 a in.: 2.00 p. in., Satuidajs, cite cblsm. l-athor Julius DeVos. METHODIST -Hesnlar 8nndy serIre-ll u. in.; 4 n. in ; SunCiy M'hool 1U a. in.; Junior Lcnguo 2 3U p. in i Epuorth l.rauu 7 p. ui ; Prayer tneutniK Thursdays, 7:30 p. m. Uo , C. W. Kay, Pastor. riHST PItEBHYTEIUAN Itorfulnr Sunday bervico II ii. in.; H i m.; Sunday school 11) a. m.; ChilMlail Endeauir 7:15 p. m. ft. P. V. liojriiv, Paster. UNITED PnEBU YTEUI AN-Itemiliii' Sunday fcorvlce II a m. 8 p. in., Sunday kcIiooI 10 a. in ; Y. P. C. U. 7:15 p. m Kev. McCon nell, Pastor. nAlTlS'l' lU'KUhir Sunday service 11 a. in,; b p. nt.; Sunday schnol 10 a. in.; Voiidk l'Loplo's meetlns 7:15 Prajer meeting Thursday, ij p, m. Hov. 0. O, Jellers, lnsior. Or.HMAN LUIHEHAN'-EenulHr Sunday sei-lco-ll a. ni ; bumlay scliool 10 a. ni ; Evening set vloos twice ciieb mouth. Kev Otto Koulirik'. Pastor. AU.1VNCE hECUl.T SOCIETIES. nASTEIt.N ST.VU-lst au'd 3id Tuesday nlBbtR Mrs Anna Davi, Worthy Matron HEHECCA8-2nd and 4th Friday nlBhts. lrn Geo Loldy, N U DE HIKE OP UONOK-M and :!nl Monday ulKhtK. Mrs A i: Ucynohls, C H LOVALNEIOHUOItS-id and 4th Wtslnes- y iil!its. .Mr4 U N HoaMns, Oraclu LOi M -2ml and Uh Monday nights. Mrs O 11 Itooky LADIES AUXILIAKY H of it T-2nd and Ith Thursdajs 2 l) in Mrs U N llosklns Mistress LADIES AUXIUAKY n of L I-lst and 3nl Thursdays :J pin Mrs H L Harris, Presi dent LADIIS AUXILI AUY 11 of L P-2nd uml 4th Kridajs 2 1 m Mrs W L Austin. ODD 1'EI.LOWS-Every Tuesday nlgliL L T Pixile, Nohlo Grand A E .t A M No. 11-3 -Thursday on or before full moon. S A ErnuUIn, V M HECLiAH COMMANDEUV No. 20. IC T 2nd and 4th TueMlny nlslits. W E ZollliiKer, t; v. H A M No.54-lstuiul3rd Monda:ulghts. S A Eranklln, 11 P A O V W 2nd and UU Monday nights, L Diitclisciistclii, Master Workman M W A lbtundsrd Wednesday nlahts. Ed gar Martin, V C EAULES-2nd and 1th Sundays, 2:30 p ni W 8 ItldROll, W 1 IC l'-lHt and 3rd Monday nights. J It Mil ler, Q O HOYAi. UIGHLANDEUS-Every Tuesday ulghL It O Htronjf. I V 11 of L E 1st nnd 3rd Wednesday 2pm 8. A Franklin, C E H of L F-Every Friday night. O W Tlllett. Master '. O H C Every Tuesday at 2 p ni J N An- Land Ofllcoat AlllmtfO. Neb.. .lunos" im". Notlcu Is lier'by Klven that tlio following named settler basllloil notice of his Inieiulou to make hnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made hefotc llelster and HecfUer at Alliance. Neb , on Atlftustlltli JP05, vb JKKCMK H. HUHMirKT, of Canton, Nebr wlioniadoll. T No. 2203. for the W1, lle, wH.soVi. nnsjtloil 22, town. 'Z u rhimu fi2 w. Ho names tbo following witnesses to tnine his continuous realdencu upon and cultiva tion yf sulci land, vlr.i (Itsjriro W Jones, nf AIIIriico. Nobr.i Chart Hall, ot Canton. Nelir. ; AltK-ft Hull, nf ( nntou, Nebr ; Louts HikmI. nf I'lintiiM. Xebr '& 0 IlllOCK WllXoX, HoKlster. AllianceJuesdAug.21 Gentry' brosI ous Shows! Fam --1tjivi rrcr) Only Big Railroad Show Doming This Year AMI RICA S LARGEST AND MOST RKPRUSENTING MANY NEW HIGH COMPLETE SHOW CLASS FEATURES LamlOIIieo at Alllaneo, Nebr., May 20, IftU. Notlu'i Is hereby ivn the follow liu named M't tier has (lied notice of his Intention to niHku Hunt proof In support of lilselnlin. aud that uld proof will be made before KeiT iKtcraiid Kecelverat Alllaure, Nobr., on July 13, llfO. r: HOUEIIT rUKUY of Honilnsford. NcbniHka.nn homestead entry No. 31 50, for t L'4 section 35, township in. 2. r.lllL'ilMI W. lie names me louoninv , ' . , """ HIMIII HORSESlAA AND HONKEYS-v witnesses to prom ht continuous resilience uion nnd cultluulon of Mild land, vlri Alllo II. Mabln, John ICcetle, Emory Abley. AV'alter Uumforil, all of Hem- lnurorit, fsoni Hmici; Wilcox, Hc;;Uter. 10-0 1 . Notice to Kedccin. Tho Statu of Nebraska, l Uox Hutto County. f M To tho known and unknown heirs of Jool T. Earl, d'cc.iscd: You and each of nu aro hereby notified that on tho 1th day of November, WOJ, W J Earl purchased at tax tale the W", NW' bee. 3 and tho S4 SW'W See 0 and E'i rtEH l'C. B, all In township 24. ratigo 10, In Hex Hutto county', Nebraska. That said laud was taxed lu name of Joel T. Earl and said pur chase of tusulu ot said land was nudo for tho year ll2, and that subsequent taxes liavu lieen paid on said land by W. J. Earl for tlio jears ll03 and 1H0I, That the tlmo for ro deiuptlonof tho aforesaid land will eplro on the 4tb day of November, 1005. W.J.EAm.. Dated July 13, 1P05. fp July 13-5t COMEDIANS 50 sTLfTb PERFORMING W DOQS BO MONKEY 3 - tierds of Performing Elephants - 3 "SPECIAL ""FEATURES THIS SEASON: -wtfwwSee the Troupe of Musical Ponies w- ONLY ACT OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD Ncbrnska Stock Grower s Association. (Incorporated.) A. M.7Iodlsett. president, Hushvllloj U. M Hampton, vlco-prcsldent. Alliance; E. M Senrle Jr., secretary-treasurer, Offalalla. Executive comnilttctt E. P. Myers, Lena; It. It. Klncald. HIiiKhaui; John Hrennan, Alllaneo;. Mt. VauHosklrk, Alliance; E. E. Lowe, Hi aunts; John M. Adams, Potter; It. M. Allen, Ames; K. Llsco, LmlRepole; Evert Etdred, Orlando; E. C. Harris, Ohudron; L. W. Hlckell, Kimball; Itobert Graham, Al liance; John Conway. Dunning; J. H, (took. Agates A. S. Heed, Alliance THE NORflAN in Number) ACROBATS and INDIAN CLNB (Five FAHILY JUGGLERS run 1 1) it i i i it i it miiu omnnm (Seven in Number)' The Highest Salaried Troupe of Japs in This Country) m A Baby Camel and Its Mother T0 egWafi,jtf&&m See t3ae Fiin-ra. O lowns I EVERYTHING NEW THIS YEAR-NOTHING OLD BUT THE TITLE Two Performances Daily Afternoon and Night Watch for the Grand Free Street Parade! Dally nt 11 a. m. A Brilliant Array of Beautiful Magnificence MARSLAND. A" ' ' " ii iMry-ATj II. A, Tm M&3M?m E. MA1HN, HemiiiRfurd, Null. Cattle branded flying horeshoo on lUlit hip, us Incut. Home ranch &ee. 25-27-50. Horso ranch in 20-40. LAKESIDE LIGHTS. DIELING. Hox Hutto, Neb. Cattlo branded as I) cut on left hip, also with the bar -oer Instead of under brand Also on left slut H'nchnwM section 17, In township rani;e 46. m SCHILL I1KOS., Schlll, Neb. Cattlo branded on right thigh or XV on right bide. Town ship 27 range 45,SherIdan county. STORM LAKE RANCH, HOUEHT GRAHAM. f XV J JAMES KEELER, BARN Proprietor. Sccoi-Haiid taftnw I is cheaper than new, and often ' just what you want, Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, See W. M. WILSON, THE SECOND-HAND MAN. Phone 200. DR. J. Q. BRENIZER lHU'EDEU OP Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, 177035, Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers go breeding cons that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in are ery Jittle good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U. S. Come and see me. (so-6m) -- -i - flhllV. M I! n of K T every Thursday night. cnester, Piaster A O O P Alliance 1 1 arbor No.42-lst 3rd Frluny nights. l. . Hayes, Com. K, C. Every 2d week. J. B. Kennedy. Grand Knight. J. A Itiaruon, Financial See'y II. P. O E.-Every Friday night. Wm. Mitchell. E. It. T. J W A Man and Clcman, Neb. As In cut on right or left hip; left car cropped. Hores branded O onleft jaw. Friday night. J. o'fiecfe, Sec. Burlington Bulletin. Or HOUND TRIP RATES. Chicago and return, on sale daily, . $33.70 St. Louis and return, 30.70 on sale daily. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return lo.oo on sale daily. Denver and Colorado Springs and return 12.00 on sale daily, on sale Aug. 30 to Sept . 4 Denver $4.80, Colorado Springs $6.30, Salt Lake and Ogden and return. . $24.25 Yellowstone Park, through and including hotels and stage, and return,.. $105. 00 Cody, Wyo., Black Hills, and Hot Springs S. D,, approximately half rates all summer, MOSLEM. & TULLY, Jess, Noli. Stock branded as shown on cut on either side. AlsodrO on eith er side. Township 20- and range 43. Canton. county, Nob. (Gross II Oros.s) on left side. Also 1 1 1 on left thigh. Underslopo ou left ear. , . Hores branded same as cattla 011 left Jaw aud U on left shoulder. I J 3 f O J it- - nIitf.?n,ui .t XL -jjyn.vsivMr 1 CUKRAN 11KOS, Sioux POINT-OE-HOOKS RANCH. JOHN O'KEEFE & SONS. Alllauco, Nob, Cattlo brande OK on left side: also ok nnd OK on left side. The B. & M. workmen are here plowing fire guards this week. Quite a number from this place contem plate attending Gentry s show at Alliance August 29. L. Snow came down from Mystic last week called by the accident which befell his son Linn. Harry Gregg was down from Sunnyside ranch, Sioux county, for a visit with the home folks last Sunday. John Ellsworth, a former resident of this place but late of Chadron, moved to his homestead a few miles west of Sown the first of the week, Mrs. J. Sullenberger returned Sunday from a visit at Scottsbluff with the C H. Irion family. She also visited in Alliance a couple of days. Miss Verda Cheney of Crawford, and vhn frvmentlv visited her sister, Mrs. H, I'. Kendrick near this place, was recently married at Chadron. Miss Minnie Wanek oj Lawn, who has attended the entire session of normal, came in on 41 Sunday. She will teach the Lawn school the coming year, ' The new bachelor section foreman re cently assigned to this place, has resigned. We suppose there are not enough of young ladies in the town to suit his bachelor taste. Daytoi Sullenberger accompanied the mail carrier, George Richey, to Agate, Sioux county Monday returning Tuesday. He went to see the "big injuns" encamped at las. Cooks' and will also devote some time to collecting curios. Mrs. C. H. Richey went to Alliance Sundnv for a two weeks stay She went to be near her physician, Dr. Bellwood, who has been treating her for heart trouble and from which she does not entirely re cover. All hope that she will be benefited by her visit. Chief American Horse, who was at the head of a party of Siouxs in camp at Jim Cooks, has returned to the reservation leaving the party in charge of Chiefs Mar row Bones and Walk on the Ground. Some of the bucks are employed on the ranch as hay hands. The party will give their an nual war dance before their return to the reservation. On reauest of attending physicians, Drs. Bellwood and Clough, Mr, Snow took his son Linn to Alliance Wednesday to have his broken arm placed under the X ray. The bones had begun to knit but owing to the fact that the fracture was io near the Inlnt it had not been properly set and had to be broken over again. The physicians think it will be all right in a short time Box Butto Beats the World for Did you see the eclipse of the moon? Chas. Crowther was an Alliance visitor over Sunday. Grandma Kendall has gone on a visit to friends at Hemingford. Ding (long! ding! dong! Heardera bells, dont you hear dem bells? Not a few people are looking for homes in this part of the stmdhill country. Fred McClain located a homeseeker yesterday. Mrs. Rev. Lyons and the other lions arrived home from Colorado City about ten days ago. Hence the preacher wears, a broader smile. Fred Baker, a jeweller and watch repair er of Newcastle, Wyo., visited a week at the H. J. Thompson home, returning on 41 Sunday; and why look so sad? Some of the weeds about town have been sutiering ol late at the hands of the strong mower, But. oh my! What about those on unoccupied ground and on the strees? Ben Skiles returned last week from a three months sojourn in the eastern part of the state. He reports everything in the line of vegetation in fine condition and all crops great. Flora Cook returned from Normal at Alliance Saturday morning. Mrs. Pen dergast with a couple of little Pendergasts accompanied her for a few days' visit at the Cook home. Mrs, Pendergast returned to Alliance Monday. Wanted Less rain'and more sunshine, for which the ranchmen of this part of the country agree to cut and put up all the hay on the hill-sides and in the valleys except what is under water that thev possibly can in the next six weeks. Miss Lottie Crowther returned from the Alliance Normal Friday morning bringing with her one of her Alliance friends, Miss Colburn. They are having a jolly tinle at the Crowther home three-fourths of a mile west of town. Miss Colburn expects to return to Alliance Thursday. 1 Fred McClain has moved his wife and other effects into town duringthe haying season while it is anticipated he will be away from home a good portion of the time. They occupy the house vacated by Mr. Downs, a former section foreman here, the property of D. Ashberger. B- lL itiiiiiiiBiilWWBiWiMBMft iifli 1 MTTfo .LaVHHitaBHnr?Iffi'UA L. H. Carstensen is packing his house hold effects preparatory to moving to Cur tis. Mr. Carstensen resigned his position, at Lakeside not long since, as agent for the B. & M. to accept a partnership with his father in the furniture business at Curtis, Neb., whither he will move as soon as re lieved here. Mrs. Carstensen anticipates going today or tomorrow Mr. Carstensen has relinquished his homestead claim east of town to J. H. Lunsford. The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal both one year for $ 1 .50. - .j .' 4