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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1905)
TfnE. 21 LINCOLN Nfon I Official Paper of JBoth County and City ' Largest Circulation In Northwest Nebraska VOLUME XII. NEBRASKA S THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1905. NUMBER 36 ALtlAWCE HERALD Wy ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, V' . " tl fWttJ II m V 1 ScooV And every boy and girl should have their wearing1 apparel in readiness, and in purchasing same, save every cent possible.. We have Boys' knee pants 15c to $1.00 Boys' 50c and 65c shirts 35c, 3 for 1. 00 Boys' fine ribbed underwear 10c Boys' $2. 00 low shoos. . . 1.25 Men's, boys' and girls'? straw hats, worth up to 75c, for toe Linen collars 5c Neckties 5, 10 and 25c Belts , 15c Lisle gloves 15c Lace and colored hose izic Handkerchiefs, 4 for 10c Boys' 2piece, good suits. . 1.00 Boys' good new suits $2. 50 and $5 Young men's suits, choice tetns and best makes S3 to 7.50 W. W. NORTON i' M?MS2-' i In Alliance 10-30 of every month. . Office over Norton's . . . v $ ,'hone39i. ..'.. . .- Buy feed and flour at I'ilkington's. NEW GOODS Nearly every freight train brings us new goocls each day. aW5amous How is- This ? Boys' Egyptian Cotton RIBBED UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers IC each Sale of Shirts A lot of our fine Madras and Percales for men, which sold for 75c and Jii.oo, now 39c MEN'S SHOES Box Calfskin Shoes, McKay sewed Guaranteed all solid leather Good wearers, at $1.75 NIGHT SHIRTS Men's Fancy Made and Trimmed Si. 00 Night Shirts Sale price 69c Here You Are A Big Line ot Men's NEW YACHT CAPS Regular 750 values; sale price 39c WORK SOX Three pairs 1 fr Good White Handkerchiefs r ioc WRECK AT ADELIA Freight No. 50, Collides and One Man is Injured. A wreck occurred at Adclia last night in which Brakcman T. L. Harris was quite severely injured, his, right arm being broken, the ieshy part of one heel torn off and a gash cut in the : check. 1 Freight No. 50, with Conductor ! Armour in charge and Engineer Berry I at the throttle, stopped to do some switching at Adclia. After the work J was completed and the crew backed down to couple to the train a collision occurred with sufficient force to throw a half dozen cars off the track. The , air brakes on the rear end of the train 1 gave way and the cars rolled down the ! decline, but owing to darkness thocrcw did not discover this till they came to gether. Harris was on a water car and thrown fully twenty feet, receiving the injuries mentioned. He was brought to this city this morning and his in juries attended to, and he will fully recover. Elks will Entertain This Evening. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will give a smoker at their club rooms this evening, commencing at 8:30 o'clock. I Printed cards signed by members will admit friends and indica tions point to a large gathering. The Elks now have a membership of one hundred and new applications arc coming in steadily. Before the end of the year the membership will exceed 150. More Base Ball. The Sheridan team and Alliance Fire Department boys will cross bats on the Alliance diamond Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The visitors are said to bo '.' fast and furious," hence, some inter esting games are expected. The Alli ance team will retain their present bat tery for another month at least. TO TELL THEIR HUSBANDS ABOUT THIS GREAT CLOTHING PURCHASE AND SALE At the FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE. A TIMELY Our New York agent, Mr. I. R. Butler made a big pur chase of 100 suits that were made for a Kansas City cloth ing house, They were refused by the Kansas City concern on the-grounds that the makers were too slow in shipping the goods. He snapped 100 of these suits for us at Unheard of Prices for Finely tailored all wool suits, ers, reamed neck, hand-made collars. Regular price, $12.50. Our sale price The new FALL MODELS in cheviots Regular $15.00 values, now The latest style fall and winter mixed tweeds and cheviots, hand-made collars, hand-padded shoulders, fronts guaran- rf f E f teed non-breaking. Regular $18 values. $ m J? s We give vou free choice at " " Hart j Schaffner & Marx Famous Creations than which no finer nor better can be had in ready-to-wear cjx-iOTIhxetq- in the KNOWN WORLD. We have left over from the season's heavy selling a few broken lines of this make, in $20, $22 and $25 grades in the finest of im- ported worsteds, all new colorings, such j f EZfk as grays, blues and browns. $ m & J Your free and unrestricted choice at ....- Two Doors South of Postoffice, ALLIANCE. How is your Grip? We are selling genuine cowhide Suit Cases Cheap OFF on any TRUNK in the ltouse. New Hotel Assured. C. L. Drake, of.Guomscy, yester day received deeds to tho three lots one block north of the opera house and opposite tho Times office, on which he will erect a three story modern hotel costing about 525,000. Tho lots cost $1,150, the corner one being sold by Mr. Reddish for what it cost him a few weeks ago and tho other two wore pur chased from the Lincoln Land com pany. When the building is completed the citizens of Alliance will reimburse Mr. Drake to the amount paid for the lot's. Mr. Drake informs The Herald man that the work of excavating will begin at once and ho expects to have the building completed in about three months. , Kridclbaugh Succeeds Sage. J. Kridclbaugh has been appointed to succeed L. S. Sago ns station agent for the Burlington at Alliance and will probably assume his duties the first of next week. It was reported that Mr. Kridclbaugh would go to Sheridan in the sauia capacity and tho announce ment of his appointment at Alliance came as a muprise yesterday. "Uncle Jake" has a host of friends here who are pleased to see tho family again up their residence in Alliance. Mr. Sage has not stated what his plans are for the future, but whatever they may be, the many friends he has made dur ing his residence here will regret to see himself and family leave tho city. Saturday's Horse Races. The horse races which took place last Saturday were decidedly interest ing and a large number of spectators were present. , In the half mile running race, S. H. Desch's pony won first, Volley Wilson second and Zedikcr third. The half mile trotting race resulted as follows: Guy Lockwood, first; C. A. Anderson, second; E. E. Soder, third;. H. H. Bellwood, iourth. The trotting contest for green horses was won by Fred Nye, first; Frank Wilson,' second; Claude Lester, third. NEW FALL GOODS padded should 8.S5 Tine tailor-made $ 10. BIG DISCOUNT on Boys School Suits A new crop of MULESKIN GLOVES to be sold at COUNTY POLITICS Republicans Preparing for tho Fray September 0. r. Tho Republican convention, which is called to conveno Sept. g, promises to l?o a lively afiair, if all persons secure nominations whose names aro men- tioned for the respective ofiicus. For tho office of clerk, the names of W. A. Manchester, Alex Muirhead and C. C. Smith aro slated, with the gen eral supposition that the former will bo nOhiinatod. iDan W. Hughes is spoken of for trttsurcr and will probably bo nomin ated unanimously. For shoriff, Al Wikar and former Sheriff Sweouey seem to be most talked of, and for the office of county judge, judge Bullock, Abel Hill and Judge Tattle aie said to be available timber. It is also reported" that Capt. Corbiu will have to give way to a younger man as county chairman, several leading Republicans expressing dissatisfaction in the manner in which the campaign was conducted at the'lant election and expressing the belief that with a young, vigorous man at the head this year they can oust the democrats. In this they play be mistaken, ,for whilo younger men might be found for the position, still it is no easy matter to win a vic tory with a divided army, such as the party in this county has been for years and with not the brightest prospects for improvement. As a matter of fact, politics in this county this fall will be as heretofore, the most competent men coupled with personal popularity will be elected re gardless of the party to which they may lelong. And this is as it should be. Therefore it behooves tho Democrats if they hope to win this fall and they do to nominate their stroncest men fpreach and every office, and if the standard bearers possess the qualities ' stated above to a greater degree than their Republican competitors, they will win the battle. ANT PURCHAS 100 brand new fall suits in single and double-breasted styles of the finest Bannockburn cheviots, cassimeres and unfinished worsted. Bought by our New York representa tive from S. W. KORN, SONS & Co., 568-570 J72-574 Broadway, New York, at 25 per cent off the regular price, on account of a Kansas City firm refusing to take them be cause of late shipment. A nice well-made line of 2 33 to 37. rants made with Regular $8.50 value. They the UNHEARDOF PRICE of Your free and unrestricted choice of 75 suits in broken as sortments, not one in the lot sold for less than $iooo, some of them as goods as $15.00; they run from 35 to 42, all sizes in the lot but not all sizes of each pattern vour free unlimited choice ably low price of The season's choicest patterns in men's trousers, elegantly made and trimmed. Made of the most stylish worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, cassimeres. Cut in the latest style and all warranted not to rip nor break. Choice of the $4.00 and $4.50 grades at the low $ price of. E5FCall early before the best styles are chosen. S T?as o "ivaie a ve famous Stetson Railroad Shape Hats, black only $2.50 Good News to Buyers We have cut the price on Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers, to close out remaining stock. A White Enameled Refrigerator. $16. 50 A 2-Quart Blizzard Freezer, 1.65 Fruit Canning Season is On We fiave large sizes in Preserving Kettles, large Spoons, Fruit Presses, and Jar Funnels. A large Spoon given nway FREE with each Preserving K'ottlo sold. GEO. D. DARLING, L. E. ROBERTS . CO. LIVE STOCK Commission Merchants SOUTH OMAHA, NED, Reliable Markot Reports, Good,HervIco. Qnldt Wturn. "" MR. L.-E. ROBERTS gives his personal attention 10 tins clusslng and selling of all cattle consigned to us, and we liavu active and com petent yard men to do the Filling and Weighing. WHITE US ABOUT YOUR STOCK; Wo may bo able to do you some good Save Doctor Bills BY EATING FRESH FRUIT EYERY DAY At GLEASON & FRANKLIN'S Ice Cream Parlors -piece suits, all sizes, from belts to match.' go now at $ 3fi5 at the remark- $ 5?5 3-35 B Canvas Gloves Good heavy ones 5C Odds and ends ofCoc grade, in OVERALLS IIOUSERiRNISIIER. Castor machine Oil We sell it always Lowest price THIPI P Prescription ft 1 IftlUilLw, Druanist 306 Box Untie Arc. yNWVM FALL GOODS arriving daily. Big reduction on summer goods. New Pants for Boys 9c Boys' School Suits Nice, Nobby Goods $ 1 .25 per suit Tan Shoes FOR BOYS $2.00 goods now p I oJjW BOYS' S0ES M. D. Wells' Seamless School Shoes for bovs only $1.50 BOYS' ATS Boys' Straw 1 Iats, choice of the house for 19c Men's Fast Black Underwear Regular 50c values sale price 39c BOYS HOSE Good Stout East Black, Double IIcol and Toes 12 I I9C 39Z