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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
s. 1 LlNCOt N NED " T'p siin Hiatoihul Soclolv IT I Official Paper of Both County and 'dty Largest Circulation in Northwest Nebraska HP VOLUMEXU. NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905, . NUMBER 34 V2g ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, V sLLLLr x vrs- U 11 . & i v CO ft IS ?! fc JhsIUS a . "ST O X 3 O 2 - nm c - S CO -a" " . vi) I . 2 i2 Qj I T3 j tfl w - JSf e 5 en w ' o - 0 v tn Si a-5 o2 Ofl u J J 1) J3 Ak o w w - Uj: art s D ! MfHHHHHHHHmm BUSINESS LOCALS. J Another car of Puritan :ig jiiour, me oesi notir in. p tWe city, at A. D. Rodg- ers'. In the wise management of its assets rests the strongth and prosperity of every bank. Each officer of The First National bank of this city has had from ' five to twenty years experience in Ne braska banking. Save part of your earnings and deposit it in this well managed bank. 32ft Dishes 25 per cent dis count for cash. A rare bargain. At Rodgers'. Buy feed and flour at Pilkington's. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. E. E. Barr, Physician and Sur geon. Calls answered promptly day or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi dence 15:. I2-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's. Buy your sheet music at Miller Bros, and hear it sung on the talking machine. 23-tf. For Sale: House and two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon W. N. Corneal.,'wwww C-tf Buy "America patent" flour at Pil kington's. 25tf If you want bargains, look at Miller Bros'. 5, 10, 15 and 25c counters. 23-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkington's. 25th SI. 00 Value for 75c. at Fred's 10 day bargain sale. We carry the best grade of machine oil at the Eagle Pharmacy. J. E. Joder. ,wwwwwww. 3 See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. . 27-tf Wanted A cook. Apply at Tin: Herald office. Our ice cream, crushed fruits, etc. at the fountain are delicious. J. E. Joder. ,wwwwwww 3 Buy Now for your future needs. 10 days bar gain sale at Fred's. Save While You Can. Shoe the entire family. Ten's days' shoe sale at Fred's. 30 Take your prescriptions to the Eagle Pharmacy where a registered man will give them prompt an'd careful atten tion, f x--x--X"X"X"X"X"Xxx-xX- 35 RAILWAY N0TCS AND PERSONALS $ X-X"X"X"XX'-XX"XX" Jako Kridelbaugh is in Alliance this week. Mrs. J. I. Hicks is visiting relatives at Perdem, Neb. Mrs. F. D. Kaley is visiting at Guernsey this week. W. E. Wells, boiler inspector of Lincoln was here Tuesday. Roy Anderson, ppcratorat Ansley, is relieving Tupper at Edgemont. B. C. Johnson went west on 41 Mon day to meet Mr. Prolan at Sheridan. George Watson, coal inspector of Omaha, was here for a few days this week. T. S. Ferguson has been employed in the telegraph office and is working nights. N. E. Buckley, roadmaster on the south line, was in Alliance Tuesday to meet his father. M J. S. Tupper, agent at Edgemont, is working Dispatcher McLeesc's trick while he is a way. B. C. Johnson, stenogtaphcr in the general superintendent's- office went to Lincoln Sunday for a days' visit. Superintendent McFarland of Sterl ing division was in Alliance Friday, leaving in special car No. 114 on the Guernsey train Saturday morning. J. W. Hamilton, switchman, jumped off a car while it was being switched Sunday night receiving injuries which will keep him on the relief for a couple of weeks. O. S. Dickerson of the transporta tion depaitment in Chicago was in Alli ance Monday, being on his4way to the mountains to spend a couple of weeks vacation. U- kifiT!.ij.-w-.ufl1 "ttavirirtS 4 of Omaha, returned from the Cody line Sunday on 42. Special car No. 89 was put on the Denver train here and he returneJ to Omaha by the way of Denver. Miss Myrtle Carlson of the dispatch er's office, accompanied by her mother went to Livingston, Mont., Monday to visit her brother Ed who is a machinist. She expects to take a trip to the moun tains while there. H. C. Holloway, chiet dispatcher, returned from Billings Tuesday morn ing where he had been to look over the situatio'n of operators strike. This strike in no way effects the Burlington except No. 42 connection at Billings. G. T. Gebhart and R. G. Holden are doing the Burlington telegraphic work at Huntley while the. operators arc on a strike. Huntley is a union station but the business at this place is managed by the Northern Pacific. The Burlington trains run over tha N. P. track from Huntley to Billings. Tuesday afternoon as the first sec tiou of No. 41 was going down the Crawford hill the engineer was unable to stop his train on account of not hav ing enough air, and ran into the head end of No. 46 which was waiting at at Rutland to pass No. 41. No one was injured and damage to the engines was slight. One of them was thrown off the track. Alliance to have a Circus. Gentry Bros, Circus will exhibit in Alliance Aug. 29. This circus and menagerie has become one of the finest in the country and it is said excels most of the other shows in 'a great many features. Alliance Man Elected. E. P. Woods of this city went to Sheridan last Saturday to attend a meeting of the Royal Highlanders Rep resentative castle, which convened for the purpose of electing a delegate to the Executive castle which will meet in Denver September 11. We are glad to state that our townsman, Mr. Woods, was elected .for this responsible posi tion. ,WWWWWXW. Assessed Valuations. .The assessments of the State Board Equalization is given out' shows Box Butte county's levy to be practically the same as that made by County As sessor Reed as is as follows: General fund, 4K mills; school fund, lA mill! university fund, 1 mill; redemption fund, t mill; total tax, 7 milk, A laiso of 10 por cont was made on mules, jackasses and jennies, but lis there arc only a few. such animals in the county, stock owners are not hit very hard. Simon Spiy owns a four legged jackass, and as the law docs not include others, he is about the only ax payer on this kiirl of live stock who must pay the increase. i LAWNSOOABLE Lndt'es of Holy Rosnry Church ill tutorial!!. The ladies of Holy Rosary church are at ranging to give an outdoor sociabe on the beautiful lawn about the church parsonage. Rofteshmouts including sandwiches, coffee, ico cream, cake, olc, will ho served. A musical program will aldo delight the nudionco and the evening will no doubt prove a dolightful one to all who attend and ev eryone is welcome Thursday evening, Aug. 17, when thcocial will be hold. The committe in charge is as follows: Mrs. Hillicr president, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. McDcrmott, Mrs. Connors, Mrs. Reardon, Mrs. Kraemer, Mrs. M. Nolan. Solicitors: Mrs. C. Brennan, Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Fallen, Mts. M. Nolan, Mrs. McDcrmott. Music will be furnished by Messrs. Deitline, Frank Brennan, Jos. O'Con nor and Roh'ert Rolfson. High Diving at the Race Course. A large crowd gathered at the race course last Sunday afternoon to wit ness the high-diving performance by J. L. Gibbs, the cripple diver, which pioved very exciting and interesting. Gibbs made two leaps. One from a heighth of 50 feet and the second at a heighth of 75 feet. Mr. Gibbs will (five another exhibi tion of high-diving next Saturday even ing, when he will make two ' leaps from tho high scaffold into a pool of water only three feet deep. The de scent will be made with the actor's clothes in a blaze of fire. Sunday afternoon Gibbs will again repeat the daring acts twice. At heights of 50 and 75 feet. Sunday evening there will be a special attraction. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs will make the perilous leaps in flames of fire af 75 feet. General adi'ssion to each enter tainment is placed at 25c, and is fully worth the money. Big Time for the Eagles. The Eagles society of this city in company with several other like organ ization in this part of the state are looking ahead to the big doings that the national convention will give at Denver next week. It is expected that one o! tho biggest crowds that ever visited the capital of Colorado will bo there when the Eagles convene. Commissioners Meet. The county commissioners have been in session since Monday and adjourned today till August ig. The levy was made and a number of claims allowed, but the business transacted will not be ready for publication till our next issue. The valuation of all property in the county is $1,036,109.29, which is a trifle less than last year. The county levy is 13 mills, same as last year, and the state is 7 mills, a half mill less than last year. Races Next Saturday. The races at the track Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock promise to be very interesting, Wo aro informed that there will be some horses entered by persons not residents of Alliance. L. E. ROBERTS CO. LIVE STOCK ' Commission Merchants SOUTH OMAHA. NEB. Reliable Market Reports, Good .Service, Quick Returns. MR. L. K. ROBERTS gives his personal attention to the classing and selling of all cattle consigned to us and we have active and com petent yard men to do the Filling and Weighing. WRITE US ABOUT YOUR STOCK; We may be able to do you some good ( Local paragraphs. K. L. Pierce of Hemingford was in the city yesterday. Tho republican county convention will be held Saturday, September 9, Miss Mary Ryan who has been voty ill this week is repdrted better today, Tho young people enjoyed a pleasant dance at the opeta house last night. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Spatz of At chison, Jans., nic visiting tdlativos in the city. Missus Anna and Clara Nagelsch neider wore down from Houiingford yostei day. Miss Hazol Humphrey is homo from an extended stay In the eastern part of the state. PoiUl Clerk Pool of tho Guarnjsoy branch was at Brqkan Bow last Sunday visiting relnthns. Mrs. W. S. Ridgell hae been seriously pill for several days with neuralgia, but is much improved. Mrs. Sarupy and daughter, Mfw. Shepherd of Nonpareil precinct wore Alliance visitors Monday. M. A. Brown came in from Omaha today where he niaikoted a car of Steers. He received $3.90. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Owens are now comfottably'situatedin their new home in thowest part of the city. Mr. ami Mrs. Rayipond of Scotts bluff are in the city. Mr. Raymond is attending the teachers' institute. John Brennan, accompanied by Miss Ready and little May Newberry drove to the Brennan ranch this week. J. Kridelbaugh arrived from Omaha Sunday and is spending a few days ,wjthiiynauy.jynds iivjhe city. Mrs. Marcus Frankle and daughters are visiting 1 datives and friends at Cripple Creek and other Colorado cities. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Watts of Spring field, Mo., spent several days in town visiting relatives. They wore on their way to the coast. Mrs. C. II. Tully of Lakeside was an Alliance visitor Monday. .Mrs. Tul ly will take a western trip soon to seek relief from hay fever. Little Miss Vera Albro entertained a number of her friends at a birthday party last Friday. The little girls had a delightful time of it, Jos. Cunningham, representing the Cudahy packing company, is, at home this week nursing a sprained ankle, which was caused by a misstep. G. W. Loer accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Osborne of Pennsly vania, came down from Nonpareil Mon day and aro spending a few days in the city. Seventy-four recruits from Jefferson Barracks, M,o., passed through Alliance today enroute to Walla Walla, Wash. After a month's stay there they will go to the Phillipines. Frank Fenner returned from South Omaha today. He had four cars of cattle on the market yesterday, the 3-year-old steers selling at $3.75, 2 year olds at $3.55 and cows at S2.50 to $3. At St. Matthew's church, Sunday, Aug. 13: Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock. Archdeacon Cope presiding, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Taylor, Miss Leidy and Mrs. Win. Elmore and daughter Nellie were among those who went to Hot Springs Sunday. Probab ly no one enjoyes himself more and creates as much sport for those in the plunge as "Dad" Taylor. He "takes to wator like a duok" ami 1 always ready lo help duck n ffiand or "keep the hoit from tipping." , Gcorgo Burke, Clms. Tiernan and John SovcrRon, all of Malitula. returned today from South Omaha whoro thoy marketad eight cars of cattle. Tho best steci 8 sold at $3.90 and the best cows at S3 Poto Watson, tho noted wolf hunter of Sioux county was in tho city Satur day. He is pleased with the manner Claud Lester is training his fine Ken tucky stallion which is buiug kept in Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kennedy and childrun desire to llinnli the frinnds of Hie family who so kindly tcudorod their assistance dining the rucent affliction In the death of their beloved son, Ward Kennedy. C. N. Jorgenson of Magnet, Nohr., was on tho South Omaha market on the 3d inst. With a car of' mixed cows and Moors that sold for S4.85, a very satisfactory price. Nyo & Buchanan Co. sold them. A letter received today from Miss Alicia Regan who is in a Denver hos pital states that the doctors now be lieve that an operation will bo unneces sary, which is gratifying to tho family and her host of friends in this city. Dunning Bros, have started the threshing season. Their first work will be done af their own place on a go-acre field of rye. Tho immense crop of small grain in this section will keep the boys busy from early till'lato'and for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schneider of West Union, Iowa, are gucst3 of Con ductor J. N. Andrews and family. Mrs. Schneider and Mrs. Andrews, who are sisters, and Miss Edna Andrews en- and Wednesday. Mrs. O'Mara, an old lady who has been at the poor farm for n short time, was taken to St. Bernard's r hospital at Council Bluffs, where she will be taken care of in the department for the aged. She was taken thorc by Miss Maggie Barry Wednesday morning. Mr, and Mrs. D. T. Watts, of Spring field, Mo., took their departure Mon day for Portland after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zehrung. After seeing tlie exposition Mr. Watts goes to Panama where he has secured a position on the government canal work. Alex G. Buchanan, hog salesman for Nye & Buchanan Co. still holds the laurels for the high price of the year in the hog division. He sold a load of heavy hogs on the 5th inst. for S5.85, 5 cents above anything else sold "'this year. The hogs were shipped by P. W. Cramer of McClelland, lown. E. A. Hall returned yesterday from Greeley, Colo., where he took the re mains of his belqved wife for interment July 28. His son Albin .will remain there with his grandparents and'attund school. 'Gene's host of friends will be pleased to learn that he will continue to make Alliance his home. Tun Hr.RALn has received many compliments for its enterprise in pub lishing in full the decisions of the su preme court judges in tho Yahnke murder case last week. This was pub lished in this paper exclusively and the expense therefor was nearly 20. We believed tho people wanted to read the opinions and we were not mistaken, W. J. Coleman of Chicago and W. J. O'Keefe of Clinton, Iowa, the latter a cousin of the editor, arrived in the city Friday and remained till Sunday when accompanied by the writer a trip was made through the Black Hills. This was their first visit to northwest Nebraska and they were surprised to find such a prosperous country and especially to see a city of the size and progressiveuess of Alliance. Both gentlemen aro attorneys, the former be ing with the legal department of the C. & N. W. R. R. tit Chicago. "Uncle Zed" Goodwin relumed last Saturday from Hot Springs where he spent a week taking baths. He was greatly benefitted and feels better than he had for six months previous. By the way, Dr. Bell wood who was also at thatiosort lasl wuek says thai "Undo Zed" furnished a good deal of eiitqr tainment for the pattous of the plliugc. Notwithstanding that ho is 84 ydm's of age, 'weighs, over 250 pounds and had not been in water for twenty years ho could stand on his head in the water and make tho longost dives of atiybno there. "Undo Zed" was an oxport in his younger days. Judge Barry loft for Belle Fpuicho, S. D Tuesday lo attend to legal busi ness unci incidentally indulgu in. his popular pastime, that of trout fishing, in tho Htreams about that place, whioli abound with mountain trout. Mines with Good Prospects. A mealing of tho Alliance Mining company was hold in this cily last Sat urday. This company is now doing work on its holdings in the Blaok Hills and tho stockholders niu pleased with tho progress being made. Tho Auburn company, whose property .adjoin? tho Alliance is also ildin a vast amount or work and 1ms just put in n splendid pumping and plpo line svslom. Ship Sevtin Cf.r. of Cuttle. Hon. B. F. Anl-i. ii Mumper had seven load3 of vers mJ sand hilts cat tle hero vistf r.l 1 v , i.j,..i ling a siring of spayed it-t. j. tint ir miclit S3.20, Frank m evi-rviiod) in the sand hills in bus) hujing uw and the crop will bu very large. CttUtc ate looking well, although they lire rather soft qw ing to the largo amount of rain they have been having all summer. Munici pal affairs in Mumper are going along about the same as usual siuco the spring election. Repeated charges of graft, patticularly in the matter of pub lic lighting and street railway franchises, seriously shook public confidence in the Ankeny administration and the lesult was the genialfBtatesmatrwas.relegatcd tiTptlv'aTelife.TJie hew afofltiflsW tion under the leadership of Hon. 'Gene Parks is making a good record. They are at present contemplating tho erection of waterworks but Mr. Ank eny is going to oppose the proposition tooth and nail. Ho says city taxes in Mumper aro nlready too high and be sides the indications arc that they will have plenty of rain for all practical purpose anyhow. South Omaha Slock Journal. House Cleaning. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phone 139. Geo. Darling. For Sale. Three residence properties. Only small cash payment required. G. W. Clark. Save Doctor Bills BY EATING FRESH FRUIT EVERY DAY At GLEASON & FRANKLIN'S Ice Cream Parlors j.-X"X--xX"X"X-:xX"X"Xx:f In Alliance 10-30 of every mouth. t Office ovor Norton's ...' ! 'Phone 391. IT)itAnA .. r J. I V X"X'-X-XX"X--X"XX--X-X-X Castor Hachine Oil We sell it always Lowest price THIPI P Prescription 1 IHLLL, Druaaist J06 Box Butte Are. b- m