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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1905)
1 WliPHMW "v tXffmB W Bu. fc . Mjwwwuiwi'uamK i ' - "i" m i jm n1'1' m m m9omm "9 ,.. ,aT, jfijj.'Ai, gmtfRNb PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. T. J. O'KBttFK Publisher J. B. KNIEST Associate Editor Entered at the postotlice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls, ns second-class matter. US Tub Herald is the Official Publica tion of Box Butto county nnd its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month 50 Business locals, per line first insertion .to Each subsequent insertion, per lino So Display advertising on first page, 50 per cent more than on any other page. Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription. $1.50 per year in advance. i LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. i .Mrs. C. A. Newberry 19 on the sick list. Mrs. Roho Kc&rdon returned Monday from her visit nt Salt Lako nnd Ogdcn. Mis3 Hazel Beck in spending the va cation 011 it ranch north of Lone Lnkc. Judge C. Patterson of Rushvillc spent Monday rind Tuesday in Alliance. Tho masons have commenced work on the brick work of Rumor's now block. Mrs. Jos. Cunningham and children ate nt Edgar visiting relatives for a month. E. S. Wildy canto down from Hem- ingford Tuesday evening remaining un til today. Daniel Dunn was a passenger yester day for Deliver where ho will visit for 11 few days. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ayrcs , returned today from their wedding trip to the pacific coast. - 1 Miss Helen Phillips returned Tues day evening from a few days visit with friends at Marsland. Mrs. W. II. Jewctt was down from Bcrcn Tuesday accouipanicd by her sister who is visiting her. Mrs. U. E. Johnson and tho Misses Rose of Hcmingford wcio Alliance vis iters the first of the week. Hcnrv liroich and grandson departed yesterday for Sheridan to visit his daughter, Mrs. Emory, a couple of weeks. Robert Carr, representing tho Den ver Marblo and Granite Co., is in the city today interviewing those interested in monumental work. Mrs. Z. Jones of Omaha arrived yes terdny to visit her 6ou, George and family, Sho will also visit at Marslaud before returning home. Miss. Mabel Duncan returned to her home at Fort Morgan Sunday morning after spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Percy Cogswell, J. C. Osborn, one of Tub Herald's valued republican fiiends, u substantial stockman from near Hcmingford,. wns n, visitor in tho city yesterday. D. A. Paul, the well knbwt? flock master of Liberty precinct, was-itijtlie metropolis Saturday, being accompa nied homo by his son who has been. at tending the institute. Ray Carr returned Tuesday from Caspor where ho has been a couple of months. He says work is progressing rapidly on tho Northwcstern's new road to the Big Horn basin. D. W, Hay 8 returned Friday from Lincoln having spent the summer at tho State University. Ho left Satur day for Chadron to engage in institute woi k for a couple of weeks. We desire to express our thanks to tho kind friends and neighbors, also the Knights of Columbus who assisted during the sickness and burial of our father. Harry and Daniel. Crilley. Mr. and Mts. C. E. Finch of Lincoln stopped in Alliance Sunday nnd were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kraonier till Monday afternoon when thoy left for a trip through the Black Hills. Mrs. J. Sullenberger, Thu Hbrald's efficient correspondent nt Marslaud, visited Alliance friends Saturday. She was on her return from Scottsbluff whore she visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Irion. Wm. Lawlor of Lincoln is in thecitv today to consult with somo of our citi zens relative to putting in a gas plant. If he finds sufficient encouragement a ptoposition will be submitted .to the citr authorities. Mr. and Mrs. Tobin airivod yester day from Iora and will visit hero with their children, Mrs. M, F. Nolan, Mib. Frod Breunan and David Tobin. Mrs. Nolan met them in Omaha and nccoaipauied them bete. An EpwM'th League social meeting will be held at tho home of George hujderoa East Wyoming avenue next Wednesday evening, Aug. 23. All the memlwra amd their trhtnde are request ed to be there and hare a good time. S. R. Kush, assistant United States di-.tict attorney, was hore from Oma ha yesterday on bsiness pertaiuhig to the fencing of govarutuent lands. Mr, Rush made a trip t -the country ac companied by Special Agent DeFrees. The Ft. Robinson ball team will cross balls with the Alliaucc Fire De partment team i this citr next Sundav afternoon at 3:3 and it is hoped that than that with the Surveyors from down on tho Platte last Sunday, who wore defeated by a score of 14 to 4. Miss Maggie Phillips left yesterday for her home at Dcs Moines. She went by the way of Denver and will bo ac companied as far as Omaha by her sister Mrs. F. M. Broome. They will visit friends in Denver nnd also nt Omaha. G. L. Shiimway, wife and daughter, of Scottsbluff, were in Alliance yester day, leaving on 41 for Portland where Mr. Slluinway goes as a dolcgatc to the National Irrigation congress, this honor having been conferred upon him by Governor Mickey. Miss Pru'e Ehingcr of St. Louis is visiting with her cousin, Miss Clapp, in the city. Miss Ehingcr, visited here last summer and is again enjoying the fresh breezes and cool nights that the smoky old town in the swamps of old Missouri never has. Jerome B, Hulburt came in from Sioux county last Monday and made final proof on his homestead, which, by the way is u fine 0110. Jerome says that the crops in Sioux county are very good.. He lias a crop of small grain comprising 35 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Dcvol and daughter Alice, of New Albany, lnd., arrived Monday for a visit with Wm. Mitchell nnd family, Mrs. Devol being a sister of Mrs. Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. Dcvol will remain for only .1 few days but Miss Dcvol will make an extended visit. L, Snow, the Marsland postmaster nnd merchant, was in tho city Saturday with his young son who broke his arm several days ago. The fracture was a bad one and required resetting which was dono Saturday and it is hoped that tho young man will experience no fur titer serious trouble with it. Mr. Snow is superintending the work for the Alli ance Mining company on their property in the Black Hills, himself being a stockholder. Ship Your Live Stock to THUET BROS. Live stock Commission Merchants TDsSXAIJJL.ISIIJCD IN 1H87 SOUTH OMAHA. NEBR. SIOUX CITV, IOWA. Bonk References: Union Stock Yards Nat. So. Omaha Nat. Live Stock Bank, Chicago. Live Stock Nat-, Sioux City, Iowa. Stock Yards Nat., So. St. Paul. St. Paul Nat. Bank, St. Paul. CHICAGO, ILL. SO. ST. PAUL, MINN. Men Who Handle Your Stock. E. P. Melady, Mgr., Hog Salesman. Byron Clow. Cattle Salesman, A. Ii. Compton, Cattle Salesman. Ellis .1. Wright. Assistant. Walter Lake, Sheep .Salesman. Write for our Market Letter and Daily Paper free of charge SHIP YOUR LIVE STOCK -TO- Nye a Buchanan Co. Live Stock Commission SOUTH OMAHA AWlto Us Joi 3Iniltlt X&oitK oi (t 3?npii Expert Salesmen in All Departments. Special Salesmen in Each Department. K. K. ROGERS. J. I). ULANCHARD. N. R. DRVSOK A. E. ROGERS Lest You Forget WE AGAIN CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE OMAHA AVE "STOCK COMMISSION CO.-.. We handle all kinds of stock. Write for our Market Letter and call when you are at the yards. .t ., Any lunk'or fennttie Agency. ! Omaha Live Stock Commission Go. , K J. 11. I1I.ANCIIAUD. l'rcs. nnd .MnnnRcr. ' , 'A James C Daiilman, Pros, and Mgr. Ed. Cahuw, Vice-Pres. , SQ J. W. Grmuile, Scc'y and Treas. ; "r" ;.; Standard Cattle Co . Aucti on Sale "."."."..".;".".".".".. RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS ,.:..-..!..;..-..:... '."".""" .-.-....... """".".- V V E. A. Nelson has left the On Saturday, Sept. 2, Saturday, Sept. 9, and Saturday Sept. 16, -fsu'JL' JsJfT i riC2X i.f-, (B. & M. Railway) 3STE3ZB. the game will be much more interesting j appeared Fireman service. U. Miller is the new night operator at Marsland. Conductor J. N. Andsews 'Aent to Dead wood on business Sunday. Brakeman W, R. Johnson resigned Tuesday and left the service. E. II. Roberts, .machinist, was called to Milwaukee by the death of his father. C. H. Morrill, president of tho Lincoln Land company, was in Alliance yesterday. Mrs. G. E. Johnson, wjfe of tho round house foreman at Deadwood, is visiting at Denver. Machinest B. Egbers is spending a few days in Denver attending the Eagles con vention. Car Inspector Barstow of Lincoln was in Alliance yesterday looking over the car situation. Charles Johnson was transferred this week from the Bropkfield to the Alliance division. Dispatcher L. H. Mosher ha3 moved In to the McCrackcn house, which he recently purchased. D. S. Merrin has entered the telegraphic scrice, being employed as night operator at Lakeside. Charles Hotkins has been employed as engineer to run out of Alliance ou the Sterling division. J. A. Butler, . M. Dixon and J, W. Hagermad are new brakemen, being em ployed within the past few days,. W. Johnson, foreman of the wrecking crew, is busy these days at home taking care of a new boy who arrived Monday. P. A. Ilively. I. O. Cooper and E, H. Boyd returned from Sylvan Lake Tuesday, where they, had been spending a few days The engine on No. 45 Sunday morning jumped the track at Birdsell and turned, causing a delay to 41 of about two hours. Superintendent McFarland of Sterling was iu Alliance yesterday with special car 114. He was accompanied by Koadmaster Buckley. Mrs, Dirdsell and daughter went to Newcastle Monday to spend a few days. On their return they will stop at Ht Springs for au outing. Gentry Bros.' car was on tho Denver Tuesday, going west on 41. This is their special advance car, carrying tho manag ers of the advertising. General Superintendent Phelan returned from his trip to Billings and Deadwood Monday morning. Mrs. Phelan and Miss Lacy accompanied him. Mrs. F. W, Harris and daughter re turned from Holdrege Sunday morning, where they have been visiting for the past two weeks with Mrs. Harris' mother. li W. Bell's gasoline motor car ran away with him near Edgemout yesterday, throwing him off and slightly Injuring him about the head. Ha was picked up by the section men. Comeal-llarrisoa. Cyrus II. Corneal and Miss Sarah A. Harrison we're united in niartiage last evening at the homo of N. B. Harrison, the Rev. C. W. Ray, pastor of the M. E. church officiating. Tho contracting parties are colored, the groom being a brother of W, N. Conical of this city. TImj bride is a sister of N. B. Harrison and arrived recontly troni San Antonia, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Corneal will leave tomorrow for Sheridan whore they w ill reside. A rocoption will be given thhrovening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Corneal, at which a large number of friends will congregate to extend congratulations. A Correction. In the publication of the claim al lowed by the city council at its last regular session an error was. made in the amount of the bill allowed for city lights and pumping, which should have rad 360,23 instead of $500.54, as it The Standard Cattle Company will sell by public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following cattle: 650 yearlings, (steers and heifers); 500 to 600 cows and calves, (calves unbranded); 250 two-year-old heifers, and a laige number of three-year-old steers; three-year-old spayed heifers', two-year-old steers; two-year-old spayed heifers; numbering in all 7300 head. These cattle are till dehorned and have been bred by the company on their Sand Hill Ranch, from pure bred Shorthorn and Hereford bulls, and are of fine quality. At the same place and dates this company shall also offer a number of their saddle horses, wind mills, drinking tanks and standing fences on their property. The train from the east over the Burlington, leaving Omaha at 11:10 p. m., arrives at Hccla at 11:30 the next day. and these sales will commence immedi ately after the arrival of this train. Arrangements will be made for the ac commodation of buyers after each sale and parties are requested to have bank ceferenccs for purchases made. W. E. HITE and G. E. FREE WELL, Auctioneers. 34-4 The American Commission Company Live Stock Salesmen. DIRECTORS: James C. Daulman. Ed. Caiiow. J. M. Humfhrbv. Capital, $100,000. So. Omaha & Chicago 'A Ed. Caiiow, . Cattle Salesman. TllEO. TlLLOTSON, Ass. Cattle Salesman Jim Clarey, Hog Salesman.' Martin Cullerton, Sheep Salesman. Buy Feeders on Orders, Both Cattle and Sheep Are You Going to Paint This Fall? It will be a good fall to paint. But it will be a good deal better to paint your houses, barns, vehicles, implements, &c. with HALLECK PAINT ri 1.1.Y MADE FOR A MATE AND Gl AHANTrXI). DRY CLI-TESTED. IFor Ssule To37" 3"- 3. TOZDEJK South Omaha, Nebraska. w, REFERENCES R. G. Dun & Co, Special Attention Ghcn to Bradstreet, or Any Bank. Feeder and Stacker Trade, Spargur, Lindburg & Co. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP. Rooms no-112 Exchange Building, Telephone 34 SOTJGT23: OliAlJEzLL., IN E3 E3. W. Spargur, Cattle Salesman, George M. Wood, Sheep Salesman. R. D. RoniNsoN, Hog Salesman. O. F. Lindhurg, Office tlA A!y ' BUSINESS LOCALS. Another car of Puritan flour, the best flour in the city, at A. D. Rodg ers'. In the wise management of its assets rests the strongth and prosperity of every bank. Each officer of The First National bank of this city has had from five to twenty years experience in Ne braska banking. Save part of your earnings and deposit it in this well managed hank. 32tf Dishes 25 per cent dis count for cash. A rare bargain. At Rodgers'. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's. For Snle: House and two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon W. N. Corneal. C-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at I'ilkington's. 25th SI. 00 Value for 75c. at Fred's 10 day bargain sale. We carry the best grade of oil at the Eagle Pharmacy. Joder. See F. estate. E. Reddish for Wanted A Herald office. cook. Apply machine J. E. 30 , loans on roal 27-tf at Tim Our ice cream, crushed fruits, etc. at the fountain arc delicious. J. E. Joder. 3 fluy Now for your future needs, io days bar gain sale at Fred's. House Olconing. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Pkone 139. Geo. Darling. Save While You Can. Shoe tho entire family. Ten's days' shoo sale at Fred's. 30 For Sale. Three residence properties. Only sinaU cash payment required. , G. W. Clark. Order Light Brahma roosters now for fall shipment of G. Brahm, Aurora, Neb. Come early on Friday to get your choice of white shirt waists, worth up to S4.50 for Si. 46 at 'Norton's. On Saturday, you can get 50c. wash 'silks for 29c. per yard, for one day only, at W. W. Norton's. Stolen In Alliance, Monday night, August 14, two gray horses, five years old. branded n on left shoulders. Twenty dollars reward. Notify Sheriff Box Butte county. Lost A red cow and calf both branded F bar on left side. Also dog head and W brand on cow. Finder please notify John Burns of Malinda or Will Reed of Alliance and receive the reward. 353 Notice to Settle. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the Palace Meat market are requested to call and settle at once. H. L. Busiinel. Gentry's Street Parado. The street parade given this season by Gentry Brothers' famous trained animal exhibition is in keeping with the performance which takes place under the white tops. By the parade the performance can be judged. Between 1 1 o'clock and noon on the day of exhi bition the parado will pass through the principal streets of the city. No trav oling exhibition of any kind has a finer collection of animals and no other trained animal show can boast of so many beautiful iminiature chariots carriages, wagons and buggies. But as the parade will tell its own story tho I general public is invited to act as in spectors and critics ana to judge tor it self as to its magnificence and beauty. Eleven o'clock is the appointed hour and those who miss it can blame them stdves. Will exhibit at Alliance, Tues day, Aug. 20, Stock Dipping Certificates The form of blanks proscribed by Govern ment Stock Inspector Dr. L. S. Camp bell especially for The Herald are kept in stock at this office. tf ROSENBAUH BROS. & Co. (incorporated) ZL,ZT7"3 STOCZ: Commission Merchants South Omaha, Nebr. UNION STOCK YARDS Chicago, Illinois. Sioux City, Iowa. W. H. Dudley, T. D. Perrinh, Cattle Salesmen W. F. King, Allen Dudley, Office J NO, Scott Harrell, Hog Salesman. Ross, Jr., Sheep Salesman. Hllen SDu&les & (Do. LIVE STOCK ConnissiON IIerchants ROOM 237 NEW EXCHANGE BLD'G SOUTH OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. Telephone 132 So. Omaha. Telephone 302 Co. Bluffs. ESTABLISHED IX 1 867 WOOD BROS. Live Stock Commission merchants SOUTH OHAHA, NEB. 1 Also Chicago, 111. Sioux City, Iowa We We have a special salesman in departwent who is ably assisted by corps of yardman. will be nioie thau pleased to send free masket reports to nil desiring them. every s, a full ;r- REPRESENTED AT CHICAGO, ILL. South Omaha N'cbrusku H. E. Tagg, A. W. Tagg, Cattle Salesmen. John Smith, Sheep Salesman. G. M. Hamill, JAs. Hiliiurk, Hog Salesman. W. B. Tagg, Secretary. TAGG BROS. Live Stock Commission Co. 107-109 Exchange Bldg. South Omaha, Neb. 234-236 Exchange Bldg. South St. Joo, Mo. South St. Je,' Missouri H. B. Hauill, Hog Salisuam and Manager, M. D. Yoins, Sattle Salesraaa. J. C. Sacer, Office. i? 1 I