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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
The FAMOUS THE FAMOUS Introducers of Fashions for Men and Boys THE FAMOUS The Store that Sells America's Best Goods ot the Lowest Prices. IO?'S jL. "W'XnsrNTEEES, OTJZES Saturday Special ! June Sale Men's, Ms andYoiitlis'CIo Any Wash Skirt in the house 25 per cent discount IXhe PUorace jBogue Store npHERK is no short cut to permanent success. The safe road lies alonrr the line of common sense, integrity ' and enterprise, fortified by the faculty and the nerve to do the right thing at the right time. In starting this Big Sale we know the time is ripe. Now is the accepted time to buy that 4th of July suit. This is a sale of Fine ' Merchandise culled from America's Greatest Manufacturers, including such makes as Hart, Schaffner Sc Marx, David Acller & Sons, and the well and favorably known Sterling Brands. J r llOO Suits to Chr F7Vr-m The Grandest, Finest, Nobbiest Clothing Offer Ever Put Before the People ! ! TRADE WINNER" If County Commissioners' Proceedings. Alliance, Neb., Juno 13, 1C05. The members of the board of comity ; commissioners mel as a county board of equalisation. Present, Geo. V. Loer, cliairman, and L. F. Smith, menjbor, S. M. Smyser, clerk. The day was spent in listening to complaints relative to "nsfeessmunt of property. Hoard adjourned to Juno 14, 1908, at a. in. Attest: G. W. Loer, Chairman. S. M. Smyser, Clerk. Alliance, Neb., June 14, 1905. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, same as on first day. Board spent the day in hearing com. plaints relative to asccssments and ex amining asscssors"books. Hoard adjourned to June 20, 1005. Attest: G. W. Loer, Chairman. S. M. Smybcr, Clerk. Alliance, Neb., Juno 19, 1905. Hoard of county commissioners met in regular session as provided by stat ute. Present, Caha and Smith, mem. bcrs. Hoard spent the entire day examin ing claims filed against the county. Hoard adjourned as county commis sioners to Juno 22, 1905, at 9 a. in. Attest: G. W. Loer, Chairman. S. M. Smyser, Clerk. Alliance, Neb., June 21, 1605. County board of equalization met pursuant to order pf adjournment. Present, same officers as on previous day. Upon consideration of the complaint of K, J. Lawicnce rotative to the as sessment of the electric light plant, the same was overruled and rejected and the assessment of said property ordered to stand as returned by the assessor. C. E. dough, having beun duly noti fied of the fact that a- complaint had been filed alleging that he was the owner of 400 head of cattle not returned for taxation appeared before the board pursuant to said notice and upon due consideration of said assessment the said assessment is increased by adding thereto 350 head of cattle at an actual valuation' of $5330. Hoard of equalization adjourned to June 22, at 1 p. in. Attest: S. M. Smyser, Clerk. June 22, 1905. Hoard of county commissioners met pursuant to order of adjournment and visited the poor farm for the purpose of examination and inspection of the same and the county property thereon and the inmates of the poor house. Hoard of county commissioners ad journed until July 20, 1905, at 9 a. in. Attest: S. M. Smyser, Clerk. June 22, 1905. Hoard of equalization met pursuant to adjournment; all members present. Hoard spent the afternoon of this day hearing complaints and inspecting property involved in complaints. Board adjourned uutil tomorrow at 9 a. in. S. W. Smyser, Clerk. June 23, 1905. Board of equalization met pursuant to adjournment, members all present. The board having listened to com plaints relative to assessment of prop erty and being fully advised in refer ence thereto now orders that the fol lowing changes be made in the assess ment of property as returned by the assessor for the year 1905. Lots 7 and 8 in block 23 of Duncan's north side residence tracts, reduced from $250 to S20. Hrowu Griffith's horses reduced from $lBo to $120. Section 1-27-48 reduced from $2,000 to Si, 350. Northwest quarter section 9-27-49 reduced to S450. Gregory Zurn's personal assessment transferred from Alliance second ward to Boyd precinct. Lots 50 and 51 county addition re duced from ?8po to $300. Lot 3 block 9. first addition to Al liance roduccd from 58oo to $500. Lots 11 and 12, block 2 in Alliance reduced frpm 53.800 to $3,500. East 65 feet off of north half of lot 15, block 21, reduced from $2,000 to i,Goo. Improvements on lot 3, block 15, in Alliance, valued at $Goo, after due notice to the owner, Jamos Keoler. Lots 5 and 6, block 8 of first addition to Alliance reduced from $1,200 to $1,000. Lot 7, block 17, Alliance reduced from $2,200 to $1,800. Personal propeity assessment of V. D. Kumcr t educed from $14,825.00 to to $10,325.00. Personal property assessment of George Darling reduced $850.00. The complaints relative to the as sessment of the propel ty hereinafter described were -overruled and the as sessment thereof ordered to stand as returned by the assessor, to-wit: Lot 1, county addition. Lot 15, county addition. A tract 50x140 lying south of block 15, Wyoming aJdition to Alliance, owned by G. Simonson.y Eight feet off south side lot 13 and 25 feet off north side of lot 14 of county addition to Alliance. East 84 feet of lots 7 and 8 and west 56 feet of lots 7 and 8, block 7 of Alliance. ' , Personal assessment of D. W. Bete benner. Lot 17, block 16 of Alliance. Board of equalization adjourned to July 20, igoG, at 1 o'clock p. in. Attest: Geo. V. Loer, Cheirman. S. M. Smyser. Clerk. j LEE ACHESON 1 ALWAYS HANDLES THE BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE 4th of July IK YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE 'PHONE No. . Ill i is cheaper than new, and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and nay highest cash price for second hand goods. See W. M. wiLSON, Till'. SI'.CONll-llANll MAN". Phono 200. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone No, 5, Alliance, Nebraska, MEN'S SUITS Men's regular $17, $18 and $20.00 fine suits at $15.00. Hundreds to choose from. Hade up in the newest models of single and double breasted styles; novelty effects Fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds and Scotches as well as blacks and blues; trimmed and tailored to perfection. June sale price $15.00. 15 l & 4 mm , men s regular $io, $io.5U ana f $16 values at $12.50. Superb- ly made; trimmings and lin- r mgs guaranteed; all the lat est novelties in browns and grays, during th:s sate $12.50. 50 Men's WELL HADE Cheap Suits Here you will find tempting values fr for lean pocket books, 5 styles t including black cheviots, strip- V ped cassimeres, lined with good Farmers' satin, $7.50, sale price 4- Boys' fine long pants suits; well made of good Cheviots. Worth $6.00, during this sale $35 This offering consists of a hun dred suits cut in all style mod els including2-piece suits with belts. Some of these goods only only one and two of a kind that sold tor 3l.50 and 15.00. Come early and get the best selection. M warn Boys' Buster Brown Suits, well made and trimmed, all colors and mixtures. Regular $3 grades during this sale $105 Ihn 150 pairs of Men's strongly made work pants. AH the well known makes in 2.00, I.85. 1.75 and 1.65 grades; all sizes from 32-42 waist. Choice during this sale at 1.39. 39 200 PAIES of the very finest $5 and $6 Trousers made of every kind of 1905 Wors teds and Cheviots, trimmed of the finest (& 4 f JZ materials. They all go in this big sale at J?Tr3A5 IOO PAIES of fine Trousers, all nobby goods, bought for this summer's business, worth 3.50 and 4.00. During our June sale at new, hj5 Nuditis furnishings Fancy Egyptian IBalbriggan Un derwear 50 Fine Gauze Shirts and Drawers ,25 Fine Black and Tan Sox, 3 pairs .25 Fancy lz Hose for men, 2 pairs .25 Wilson Bros. 'Combination Suits$. 25 Imported Silk Underwear, suit 3.00 The Best Black Satine Shirt 75 Silk Stripe Madras Shirts 7.00 Fine Night Robes, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00 50 doz. India Linen Handkerch'fs .05 Hundreds of Men's Fine Dress Shirts ranging in prices from .50 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00 each. Every Man's Dollar Looks - Alike to Us. Men's headgear John B. Stetson's Novelties in Hats $3.50 A regular 10.00 Panama, the same grade sold for this money last season, now 6.00 Only these are new shapes. Imported Javansese Straws. . . . 2.00 CanvasHats 25 Big line of 1.50 Manillas 75 We have every new and de sirable shape in Men's and Boys' Felts and Straw Hats ranging in price from 25c to 6.00 717J1E ASK YOUR patronage up-tH- on merit alone. Our 3 years' of square dealing, selling the finest and best products of America's leading mills at living prices, has made us thousands of customers in Alliance and surrounding country. Boys' small wares Boys' fine 75c grade Wash Suits .50 Boys' Mexican Straw Hats 25 The genuine imported, not af fected by rain or shine. One lot of Boys' Work Shirts 19 Boys' 35c Summer Caps' 19 A few more of those Knee- Pants .19 Boys' Cotton " Underwear for summer 25 Union, Suits, knee lengths, for boys 50 A fine line of new Shirts at...-, .50 Boys' Clothing at big reductions. Prices ranging from 1.00'to 5.00 One Price and that One the Lowest. The Famous One Price Clothing House, Alliance, Nebr. 2 doors south of postoffice. Remember, the Big ffilg Clothing Sale Begins June 16th, J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and GRAIN W1IOLK8AI.K AND HBTAIL Seed HANDLES Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Kesulence, No. 95. W.S. ACHESON Hardware and Plumbing Windmills and Pumps Tin shop in connection. Opera House Block Phone 98 ALLIANCE DR. J. G. BRENIZER mti:iMi:ii or Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, J77035i Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers 90 breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in are very little good the first year, their consti tutions must becorne accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U. S. Come and see me. (20-6m) ZBINDEN BROS,, . DEALERS IN FlounFeed. 44 Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It .' 'PHONE 105. WEST BIDE MAIN ST11EET.. . . The New Store i Oriental Goods, Silk Shawls, Laces, Mex c ican urawn worK, ury Goods, Notions. Please call and examine our goods and get our prices Simmons Essay us Box Butte Avenue. -w v -VV Xfs vs'a'vv,1& v Dray and Transfer Line. Phone 139, WHEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household gH 5S f; '"V W,U ,take ?harSe f 'l"m; store them fe Wm Cdty and0?1 Pla d pack and ship i m wh.ereYer . Charges reasonable The only spring dray line in the city iwoname. 5. A. Miller. ara 'Palace Livery S. II. XMEKCST-T. T..t.. ONE BLOCK WEST OP Good al THE NEW ZUINDEN and courteous treatment t(J a JJ"" building. 'Phone. - excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. t u -( i-