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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1905)
MNCOLN NED me 111 '" tl Sodctr If Official , Paper of Bo, County .and City i Largest Circulation In Northwest Nebraska t VOLUME XII, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1905, NUMBER 27 . lk x i ' i i i p - - IRMI r- J ALL1ANLE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, V THE FAMOUS Introducers of Fashions for Men and Boys The FAMOUS To TOriORROW WE COMMENCE OUR ANNUAL THE FAMOUS The Store that Sells America's Best Goods nt the Lowest Prices. s MIS am b'C nil 'riTl.R.'R i? nn ;lirrt- rut- tn nprmanpnf cnrrpcc Tlio ofn mA 1ic lnnn. .!.. t:.. r . . - -- - -- .w r.......w..v w-w.v.w.-. ....v. .,, ivjih.1 113 uiuu liic niiu ui summon sense, intcjntv ci 1 i -v.. ,u.u t..v- ..v.i,v, W jw luu uyiiL UUIJJ5 iii uie njfiu iime. in starting' tins liig bale ye know the time is ripe. Now is the accepted time to buy that 4th of July suit. This is a sale of Fine Merchandise culled from America's Greatest Manufacturers, including such makes as Hart, Schaff tier & 'Marx, David Adler & Sons, and the well and favorably known Sterling Brands. Over llOO Suits to Choose FVom The Grandest, Finest, Nobbiest Clothing Offer Ever Put Before the People ! ! MEN'S SUIT: Men's regular $17, $18 and $20.00 rine suits at $15.00. Hundreds to choose from. Hade up in the newest models of single and double breasted styles; novelty effects Fancy Cassimeres. Tweeds and Scotches as well as blacks and blues; trimmed and tailored to perfection. June sale price $15.00. Men's regular $15, $13.50 and rt $16 values at $12.50. Superb- ly made; trimmings and lin- r ings guaranteed; all the lat est novelties in browns and grays, during this sale $12.50. tmw tip imriMlvJrai Men's s Cheap Suits This offering consists of a hun dred suits qut in all style mod els including2-piece suits with belts. Some of these goods only only one and two of a kind that sold for $12.50 and 15.00. Come early and get the best selection Jm HHKBatEfl Here you will find tempting values fr JMk for lean pocket books, s stvles M including black cheviots, strip- r p m 95 ped cassimeres, lined with good Farmers' satin, $7.50, sale price Boys' fine long pants suits; well made of good Cheviots. Worth $6.00, during this sale Boys' Buster Brown Suits, well made and trimmed, all colors and mixtures. Regular $3 grades during this sale $95 ami 150 pairs of Men's strongly made work $A pants. All the well known makes in BJ .jkj, i.ojj. i.yo ana i.os grades; all sizes from 32-42 waist. Choice durin thissaleat 1.39. & 200 PAIBS of the very finest $5 and $6 Trousers made of every kind of 1905 Wors teds and Cheviots, trimmed of the finest tf J fh E! materials. They all go in this big sale at P'HEqJSi3 IOO ZEXBS of fine Trousers, all nobby goods, bought for this summer's business, worth 3.50 and 4.00. During our June sale at new, $2.95 Men's furnishings Fancy Egyptian Balbriggan Un derwear 50 Fine Gauze Shirts and Drawers .25 Fine Black and Tan Sox, 3 pairs .25 Fancy y2 Hose for men, 2 pairs .25 Wilson Bros. 'Combination Suits5.25 Imported Silk Underwear, suit 3.00 The Best Black Satine Shirt 75 Silk Stripe Madras Shirts 1.00 Fine Night Robes, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and , 2.00 50 doz. India Linen Handkerch'fs .05 Hundreds of Men's Fine Dress Shirts ranging in prices from .50 75c, 1. 00, 1.25, 1.50, 1. 75 and 2.00 eajch. Every Man's Dollar Looks Alike to Us. JVien's headgear John B. Stetson's Novelties in " Hats $3.50 A regular 10.00 Panama, the same grade sold for this money last season, now 6.00 Only these are new shapes. a , Imported Javahsese Straws 2.00 CanvasHats 25 Big line of 1.5Q Manillas 75 We have every new and de- sirable shape in Men's and Boys' Felts and Straw Hats ranging in price from 25c to 6.00 ME ASK YOUR patronage up on merit alone. Our 3 years' of square dealing, selling the finest and best products of America's leading mills at living prices, has made us thousands of customers in Alliance and surrounding country. Boys' small wares Boys' fine 75c grade Wash Suits .50 Boys' Mexican Straw Hats 25 The genuine imported, not af fected by rain or shine. One Jot of Boys' Work Shirts 9 Boys' 35c Summer Caps' J? A few more of those Knee Pants .19 Boys' Cotton Underwear for summer 25 Union, Suits, knee lengths, for bys 50 A fine line of new Shirts at....- .50 Boys' Clothinir at bin- rnrlnrtinnc Prices ranging from 1.00 to 5i00 M urdcr and Suicide al Clcarmont. KpsiMnl toTlIU HnilALD. Clcarmont, Wyo., June 21 A most sensational shooting affray .occurred here this morning in n local rcWuiant. Davo Green, a' son of L. C. Green, a prominent and wealthy farmor of Sher idan fired two shots from a forty-live caliber revolver at his wife Lizzie, both shots taking effect and mortally wound ing, then turning the pistol on himself, sent a bullet through his own heart, death resulting instantly. Green" has of late been working on a sheep ranch near Bu.Tnlo and boing thrown out of a position came to Cleannont bringing his wife with him. She at several different times had been an in mate of homes of ill roputo nnd the treatment she received at the hands of her himband.Hince arriving here, forced her to tcsunio her former profession, returning tothiR led her to paying more attention to innther man which nrous- the jealous hatred of Green and the shocting resulted. Mrs. Green's moth er, a widow, and a sister arc respected residents of Hillings. They have been telegraphed particulars of the tragedy and expected to arrive immediately to take charge of her body, Green's par ents have beon uotified and the remains will be taken to Sheridan soon as the coroner's inquest is finished. A lig Time at Hemingford. Members of the Alliance lodge I. O. O. F. to the number of twenty-one went to Homingford last Saturday to institute a lodge at that place and to initiate about twenty-ono candidates into the mysteries of tho order. Dis trict Deputy S. A. Franklin conducted the work, which is said to have been welf executed and the new lodge begins with enthusiasm among its mumbcrs, which arc among tho best citizens of Hcmingfoul and trinity. The Alli ance delegation was met at the train by the band and citizens and escorted to the Odd Fellows' hall. In tho ovoniue 11 splendid supper was sorvod at the Commercial hotel. About sixty plates were laid and the repast enjoyed in a hearty manner. Tho Alliance visitors speak highly of the Hemingford people as entertainers and also the supper and luncheon served at midnight on that occasion. Our Homingford corre spondent, who, by the way, was one to ride the goat on this occasion, has something further to say on the sub ject. The following candidates were ini tiated and officers elected. IT 1 3 33 V) ar o 3 o, (. ri ft cr o 3 Ci 3 O 2 o 3 Q n r rf n T3 ft) O Ml O rf- S" 3 O 3 Ml rf t - O t r 3T fD T3 o c C7S3 CO o o 3 fir- c :"X::-v-:--:::-::x..:..::-:..; EH. ItK.IDA.MTQ?, ZDE3 2sa:J:3'x, MMMMMHMUM In Alliance 10-30 ofevory month. Office over Norton's , . , 'Phone 391. - H"X:::::::::-.-:..!..!..!.- Emory F. Abley H. R. Green E. h. Everett W. F. Walker Clark Olds Samuel A. Grass Claude V. Brown A. S. Enyeart Chas. H. Burleigh Chas. A. Rowland Noble Grand C. M. C. Beaumont Albert Curry W. B. Millet Tlios. A. Green Wm. Liclite N. Erohnapfel John J. Smith K. L. Pierce G. W. Loer Henry Lichte A. Rowland Vice Grand G. W. Loer. Secretary Keith L. Pierce. Trustees Clark Olds. H. R. Hrn C. II. Burleioh. Those present from Alliance were One Price and that One the Lowest. The Famous One Price Clothing House, Alliance Nebr. 2 doors south of postoffice. Remember, the Big $15 Clothing Sale Begins June 16th. Local Market Report. Eggs ijC Butter 25c Potatoes r, 25c BUSINESS LOCALS. Another car of Puritan flour, the best flour in the city, at A. D. Rodg ers . . 9999 (?) hats, 25c, Norton's. Buy feed and flour at Pilkington's. Dr. Allon, dentist. Opera house blk. E. E. Barr, Physician and Sur geon. Calls answered promptly day or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi deuce 151. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's, Wanted A woman cook. Hila Grand hotel. Apply at 24-tf Buy your sheet music at Miller Bros. , and hear it sung on the talking machine. 23-tf. For Sale: House and two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon W. N. Corneal. Buy "America patent" flour at Pil kington's. 2stf If you want bargains, look at Mille Bros. 5, 10, 15 and 25c counters, Tor Sale or Trade. A desirable acre of land adjoining the city of Alliance. See Win. James the coal man. 24.4. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opora house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkington's. 25th tCt9 (r) hats, 25c, Norton's. Sea F. E, Reddish for loans on real t.i. Wm. Mitchell Grecory Zurn J. G, Beck lake Pettv T. M. Lawler sr. Jas. Kennedy F. F. Badgley Theo. Waddle L. T, Poole John Pilkiugton Dr. H. H. Bellwood W. B. Young Wm. Bachman G. E. Leidy T. M, Lawler jr. S. B. Libby W. S. Wheaton S. A, Franklin John Snider H. W. Beach A Young Traveler. M. Hugo Cnmplin of Shciidan, though only a lad of nineteen or twenty years, has had a great deal of practi cal experience. For some time he was editpr of the paper at Newcastle and only lately graduated from the high school at Sheridan. On the day of graduation, his father presented him with a present in the way of paying all expeuses for a trip to Colorado, where the lad accomplished the ambition of his life, that of ascending Pike's Peak and taking a kodak view of the morn ing sunrise, which young Campliu ac complished. He started on the asceut in the evening and arrived at the top, a distance of ton miles, in time to take the view. In speaking of his trip up the mountain, tho young traveler said that he ran into a snow storm and froze his hands severely. He passed through this city Tuesday on his re turn to Sheridan. Camplin is a corre spondent of several daily papers and grinds out some spicy stories of every day life. Save Doctor BUs BY CATIC FRESH FRUIT CVERY DAY At GLEASON & FRANKLIN'S See Cream Parlors Notice. All persons are hereby notified that anyone firing off sky rockets or fire crackers of any description in the main business streets of the city on July 4th between the houis of 8 o'clock a. in. and 8 o'clock p. m. will be prosecuted. By order of Louis Bi'Kchsunsthin, Mayor. Thursday Publication Bay. The HnuAM) will continue to bo is sued on Thursday as horotdforc, honce all copy should be in by Wednesday night or Thursday morning at tho latest to insure publication. Tax Payers, Attention J Tomorrow (Friday) is the last dav ! you have to appear before the Board of Equalization. If your property has been assessed too high (or too low) this is the time to have the matter adjusted. The board will adjourn tomorrow even ing. Under tho new law the returns must also be passed upon by the state board, hence no levy can be made un til a return is made by the that body. Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho firm of Calkins and Crawford is this 10th day of June, dissolved by mutual con sent. J. M. Cauu.vs Wm. Ckawporu For sale 45 head of cattle at Mrs. Hood's ranch, fourteen miles north of Alliance. 374t House Cleaning. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phone 139. Geo. Darling. Lost Ladies gold Elgin watch with chatelaine pin, on street or in store. If finder will leave at Herald office; a liberal reward will be paid.