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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
. MISS GENEViVE MAY. ,1 Miss Gcnevive May, 1317 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Intl., Member Second High School Alumni Ass'n, writes: "Pcruna Is the finest regulator of a disordered stomach I have ever found. It certainly deserves high praise, for It Is skillfully prepared. "I was in a terrible condition from a neglected case of catarrh of the stomach. My food had long ceased to bo of any good and only distressed mo after eating. I was nauseated, had heartburn and headaches, and felt rnn flown completely. Hut in two weeks nftcr I took Peruna I was a changed person. A few bottles of the medicino made- a great change, and in threo months my stomacli was cleared of satarrh, and my entire system in a better condition." Qcnovivo May. Write- Dr. Ilartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, for free- medical advice. All corrcs pondenco held strictly confidential. The First One to Give In. Most newly married people experience- tho first quarrol. A story is told of a young wife who, in the midst of th discussion, was asked by her hus band which she considered ought to give in first the man, who was des tined to bo master of tho woman, or tho woman, who was created for tho man? Tho fair combatant settled tho matter with a kiss as sho replied: "Neither tho stronger nor tho weaker, but tho ono who loves tho most." To tho housewife who has not yet become acquainted with the new things of everyday use in the market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old, we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once. Not alone because It is guar anteed by the manufacturers to be su perior to any other brand, but because each 10c package contains 16 ozs., while all the other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It is safe to say that the lady w ho once uses Defiance Starch will use no other. Quality and quantity must win. One by One. Martin Burke, a cousin by marrlago of General Grant, says tho great sol dier was neevr a tanner in Galena, 111. Next thing someone will swear that tho old oaken bucket "was covered with artificial moss. New York Her ald. Ask Your Doalor for Allen's Foot-Eate. Apowdcr. It rests tho foot. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. At nil Druggists and Shoo stores, 25 conts. Accent no substitute. Sample mailed FltEE. Address, Alloa S. Olmsted, LcRoy, N. Y. What He Thought. "I hate a mean man," observed tho Pohlck philosopher, "but when I'vo got money in a bank Ft! a heap ruther fer tho president to be known as a skinflint than as a. rattlin' good feller."' Louisville Courier-Journal. Farmers' Wives should read advertisement of Acety lene Apparatus Mfg. Co. In another column of this paver. A great genius haB arisen. Ho has writen a light opera love song which does not contain tho line: "Your eyes are as true as tho stars above." ?30 00 per M. Lewis' "SInglo Binder," straight Co c'par, costs more than other brands, but this prlco gives the dealer a fair profit and the smoker a better cigar. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. The shoplifter Is careful how ho gois In a store an.l takes a notion. Sirs. Wlnslow'a Bootlilnp Syrup. For children teething, softi us the euws, reduces ff JlammaUon,,cureswlJiilcoUo. 2icabQtUs. There may be a "next world" but somo people never can "get next" I do not believe Ptso's Cure for Consumpnoq has an equal for coughs and colds. Jony V, Doteu, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. IS, 1G0CI There is nothing prouder than Ignor ance or moro Ignorant than pride. Hra. J. II. nilea, Everett. Pa., Bartered Km with kidney and irravel trouble Cured by Dr. rid Kennedy's favorite Itemed y, Handout, N. Y, St. 00. Happiness consists not in having much, but in wanting no moro than you have. Lydla Maria Child. Try me Just once and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. No man has enough of this world't goods till he, has moro than he needs. gai STOI CURED Pill Hurrah for Hurrah for tho Fourth of July I With its deafening racket and nolso; When mothers instinctively sigh For tho safety of reckless small boys. When Johnny awakes with a yell, And drags forth his cast-Iron gun, Whoso boomlngs uproariously toll He is wading knee-deep in tho fun, Hurrah for tho Fourth of July, And tho rattlo of fife and of drum! When wo know from small Willie's sad cry, Ho is minus a finger or 'thumb; When mothers, behind darkened doors, Keep cotton plugged Into their cars To shut out tho thunderous roars And are filled with forebodings and fears. Hurrah for tho Fourth of Julyl When tho surgeons are all feeling gay, And with lotions nnd arnica try To respond to tho calls of tho day. When dynamite crackers got In And furnish their quota of harm, And wo learn In tho murderous din That Tommy is minus nn arm! Hurrah for tho Fourth of July! When Johnny to add to tho fun, And with foolish desire to die, Looks Into the mouth of his gun. Oh, -well that the funeral man Has methods which llo can employ, And in somo sort of decency can Straighten out what Is left of tho boy! t Hurrah for tho Fourth of Julyl Tho glad day Is now drawing near; There's a lurid, red glare In tho sky, Tho booming wo faintly can hear. Prepare for the dangers that wait, For tho noise wo will hear by and by, For the racket tho kids will create Hurrah for tho Fourth of July! MJLs 1MMI Some Famous Sayings 'YlftVai,'M. flit PsS WASHINGTON. (In his address to tho Governors of tho States, June 8, 1783.) Thero aro four things which I hum bly conceive aro essential to tho well being, I may even venture to say, to tho existence of tho United States, as an independent power. First, an indissoluble union of tho states under ono federal head. Secondly, a sacred regard to public Justice. Thirdly, the adoption of a proper peace establishment, and, Fourthly, tho prevalence of that pa cific and friendly disposition among the people of tho United States which will induce them to forget their lo cal prejudices and policies; to make those mutual concessions which aro requisite to tho general prosperity; and, In somo instances, to sacrifice their individual advantages to tho In terest of tho community. These aro tho pillars on which tho glorious fabric of our Independency and national character must be sup ported. Liberty is the basis, and who ever would daro to sap the founda tion, or overturn tho structure, under whatever specious pretext ho may at tempt it, will merit the bitterest exe crations, and tho severest punishment which can be inflicted by his injured country. DANIEL WEBSTER. (Address In Congress, July 4, 1851.) I now do declare, in tho face of all tho intelligent of tho ago, that, for tiro period which has elapsed from tho day that Washington laid the foundation of this capltol to tho pres ent time, thero has been- no country upon earth In which life, liberty and property havo been moro amply and steadily secured, or moro freely en joyed, than In these United States of IDEAS OF THOMAS JEFFERSON Extract From Letters Written by Famous Statesman. Tho basis of our government being tho opinion of the people, tho 7ery first object should bo to keep that right, and were It left to mo to decide whether wo should havo a govern ment without newspapers, or newspa pers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer tho latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them. In a let ter to Edward Carrington, dated Paris, Jan. 16, 17S7. I am for a government, vigorously frugal and simple, applying all the possible savings of the public revenue to the discharge of tho national debt; and not for a multiplication of offi cers and salaries merely to raako par tisans, and for increasing by every device, tho public debt, on principle of its being a public blessing. I am for freo commerce with all nations; political connections with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment. To Elbridge Gerry, Jan. 28, 1799. Our first and fundamental maxim should be, never to entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe. Our second, never to suffer Europe to meddle 'with the Fourth tjX?fY iw- msSrP yWflM$!i? &&lki &g&ti2Zo America. " Who is thero that can stand upon tho foundation of facts, acknowledged or proved, and as sert that theso our republican institu tions havo not answered the true ends of government beyond all precedent in human history? (At another time.) Of our system of government tho first thing to be said is that It is real ly and practically a freo system. It originates entirely with tho people and rests on no other foundation than their assent ABRAHAM LINCOLN. (First Inaugural address, March 4, 1SC1.) A majority held in constraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with de liberate changes of popular opinions nnd sentiments, is tho only true sov ereign of a free people. Whoover re jects it, does, of necessity, fly to an archy or to despotism. HENRY W.GRADY. The homo is the source of our na tional life. Back of the national cap ltol and above It stands tho home. Back of tho president and above him stands tho citizen. What tho homo is, this and nothing else will tho capltol bo. What tho citizen wills, this and nothing else will the president be. ARCHBISHOP IRELAND. In men far moro than in matter, you havo the highest products of prog ress. There is progress only when men grow. In men you havo tho po tent means to determine tho progress of tho future. God has mado men tho agonfs of progress. GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. A man's country Is not a certain area of land, but It is a principle, and patriotism is loyalty to that principle cis-Atlantls affairs. America, North and South, has a set of interests dis tinct from those of Europe, and pecu liarly her own. Sho should, therefore havo a system of her own, separate and apart from that of Europe. To President Monroe, Oct. 24, 1823. Fourth of July In the Philippines. On tho Fourth of July tho Filipino "outyankees" the most patriotic Yankee that ever lived. He has tak en tho day to his heart, and is as Joy ous over It as a boy over his first fire cracker; and while perhaps he is yet a trifle hazy as to tho exact impor tance of the event in American his tory, ho is perfectly clear on tho sub ject of flags, and he is perfectly aware of the good times possible on this day. In Manila all the business houses are draped with starry bunting and the ancient palaces are bright with the Stars and Stripes, and even the boat? in tho harbor aro decked with "Old Glory." Towering arches, generallj of bamboo, aro erected in tho streets and strung with flags and portraits of our national heroes. In the smallet Philippine townB, where flags cannot bo had, those arches are often mada of cotton cloth and decorated with wreaths and suitable inscriptions. Woman's Home Companion. mfr Gmu?isyr WHY 1ME HAPPY TWO NOTABLE RE00VERIE8 PB0M EXTREME DEBILITY. Huitmtnt's Strength Unit llecn Waning for Three Yours, YVI To n Sufferer from ITcmnlo Weakness. "My strength had dwindled so that 1 couldn't apply myself to my business with nny snap but was tired nnd listless nil tho timo," said Mr. Goldstein. " I went to bod complotoly used up by my day's work, nud when I got tip in tho morning I didn't feel rested n bit. I had awful headaches too, nnd my kid noys got out of order and caused mo to havo sovero pains in tho back. At ono timo I boennio so fcoblo that I could not stlrfroui bed for threo weeks." Mr. Goldstein Is u young man and had thou but recently established a homo of his own. His anxieties wero inctcused by the fact that his wifo was far from being robust. Mrs. Goldstein bays: " For two years I had boon ill most of tho timo. Somotlnies I was couflnod to bod for weeks in succcsbion under u phy sician's caro. I had headaches, kiduoy tronblo, pain about tho heart and lunny moro 'uuuomfortablo svmntoma run. iicctcd with that weakness to which my sex is pcculiaily subject." Troublo hnd invaded this household and sottlod in it in just tho years thnt ought to bo tho very happiest. Physicians could not toll them how to got lid of it. " I was utterly discoui aged," fcaid Mr. Goldstein. "Then tho urgency of somo friunds led mo to try a blood nnd ncrvo romedy which was said to bo wonder fully successful. Within a mouth thero wero unmistakable signs of improvement in my coudition, nud withiu a year I was completely well. Through tho uso of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I havo now as good health as I ever hud in my life." Mrs. Goldstein adds: "Thowondeiful offect that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had in tho caso of my husband led mo to try them and they holpcd mo oven moro quickly than thoy did him. Ono box imido mo decidedly better and n few months' treatment cured me." Dr. Williums' Pink Pills aro tho best tonic nnd regulntor, they make pure, rich blood and whou thero is goueial weakuoss nnd disorder that is what tho system needs. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Goldhtum lh o nt 88 Govo street, East Boston, Muss. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills uro told by druggists everywhere POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Cupid never gives a guarantee. The hnnd of fnto Is often a bobtail flush. Vlrtuo usunlly wettrs last year's clothes. Walt for your worries; but not for your work. It is easy to bo rigorous without being righteous. Faith never had any need to dream about tho futuro. Tho self-satisfied people aro gener ally tho happiest. A fool can attract nulto as much attontion as a wise man. A necessary ovll must bo tho kind that money is tho root of. Conscience Isn't In it with the hu miliation of being found out. In mattors of opinion tho beaten track Is most likely to lead astray. In mnrrlago a man takes tho fatal plunge; a woman simply puts her foot in it. When a man makes a fool of him self ho generally does it to plenso somo woman. Perhaps truth is stranger than fic tion becauso wo don't get so well ac quainted with it. Men bellevo In tho power of Christ becauso ho believes In tho possibilities of men. Henry P. Copo In Chicago Tribune. When a bachelor wants to Jolly a married woman he tells her ho is sorry ho didn't meet her before it was too late. ffmTTl i TT Yvim WUUJLLiAlAJkJ Wiwvwyf ANtfjctablc Pr cparalionror As similating ihcFoodantlRcfliila ling ihcStoinacfis and Dowels of Promotes Digcslion.Checrful nessandnest.Contains nelllter Opium.Morpliine norIiiieral. Tsot "Nauc otic . yarvv ofoun-SAKvnmoan JtxJtnna itintJht- AperTecl Ilcmedy forConsUpa Hon. Sour Stonwh, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcveri siv ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NEW VORK. jgjg!HM lillDJiiSd r I EXACT EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. E I 7m LaV iff lafcSr mtawB LtH I f X afl&fj' lfcM Sf A feU aV H rnmnr -,- -u uv i s; aeav Jt JKSri Vav mr .aaeaV PKam ar a bks. ssk miLimm.--?B.w.m'mHwmmr.mim .! Cards Left on Tombstones. It is becoming fashionable In Paris to loavo cards at tho cemetery. An oak box placed on a tombstone is in tended for the cards of thoso who visit tho resting nloce of a departed friend. In this way tho near relatives find out thoso friends who still cherish tho memory of tho dead. Every housokeopor should know thnt if they will buy Doflanco Cold Wntor Starch for laundry uso they will savo not only timo, becauso it never sticks to tho iron, but becnuso enrh pnekngo contains 1G oz. ono full pound whllo nil other Cold Water Starches aro put up In -pound pack ages, and tho prlco is tho snmo. 10 conts. Thon again becauso Dofinnce Starch is freo from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocor' trios to sell you a 12-07.. pnekngo it is becnuso ho has a Rtoclc on hand which ho wishes to dlsposo of boforo ho puts In Defiance. Ho knows that Doflanco Starch has printed on every pnekngo In lnrgo lot tors and flguics "1G ozs." Domnnd De fiance nnd snvo much timo nnd money nnd tho nnnoynncc of tho iron stick ing. Doflanco never sticks. Why tho nvcrago mnn thinks it nec essary to show his wifo moro courte sies abroad thnn nt homo? When Your Grocer Says he d6es not have Doflanco Rtnrch, you may be euro ho Is nfrnld to keep It until his stock of 12 oz. packages arc sold. Doflanco Stnrch Is not only bet ter than any other Cold Water Starch, but contains 10 oz. to tho pnekngo nml soils for snmo money as 12 oz. brands. Vogotablo life does not exist in tho sea below a depth of 1,500 feet KT S1AR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER "uuk family " anota1 Will (It orory foot In yoor family, and the price will please you na trail. They are mado ot beat leatjior for lonir wear t baro style and anap. Aak your dealor to show you the "Family" uuu. it uuuuce uut uanaie it write to us iMake Your Any country home, store, hotel, church or building can be as brilliantly and conveniently lighted as o, city house. Acotylono Gas is cheaper than kerosene, brighter thnn electricity, safer than cither. 9 iiWfA?W1EiM.1.7AW Tho Kind You Havo Always In uso for over 30 years, nnd TVyS sonn supervision elnco Its Infnucye CtCCL&Z AllriW-rm nnn tn sIvfttVft vnn in tlifu. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "nro but; Experiments that trlflo with, and endanger tho health o Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorlo. is n, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nud Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Nnrcotlo substance. Its ago is its gunrantco. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatuloucy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the (&a&v JsZucajM Ml fTfJ The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM( GSNTauN COMMNV, TT MUIMI aTKSIt. HtW TO. C1TT. Ill vki 31 JEgjLyy3LsMeLB5iH FOR WOMEN troubled with ills neeullar to tbeir sex, used a a douche U marveloutTyiao- tesiiDi. 'inorougQiycieaniei.Kiiisaiiciiorcrmi. stops discharges, heals inflammation and local loteness, cures lencotrhoea. and nasal catatin, l'litlne Is In powder form to be dissolved In para rater, and Is lar mote cleansing, htalmic, cermktdal and economical tlnn liquid antiseptics (or all T01LGT AND WOMEN'S BPHCIAL 0803 For sale at drufttltts, CO cents a bos. i Trial nox ant! Oook ol Instructions Free. Thc n. Paxton company Boaiorf, bUig.' All SIZES FOR SALE OR RENT Z. Bend for Catalogua No. 105 H Omaha Tent & Awning Co. Omaha, Nebratka. VIRGINIA PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP and ON EASY TERMS I hare a large list to oner of (train, dairy, fruit, truck and poultry farms t timbered tracts) Tlllann Eroperty. such as houses and lots, stores hotels and alls. IlulldlnK lots on steam and trolley ltnel lota from 133 up l'arms from 17.10 per acre up. Most of tho farms are near steam and trolley lines connecting quickly with Whlnitton, I C. Wrlto for catalogue. J. r. J HUMAN, lical Katatn Agent 'l'hone Connections. l'ulrfux, Irglnln. $100 Weekly Easily Made wrltltiR health and accident Insurance experience on necessarr.Wrlta Bankers' ArMent Co., Dos Moines, la. "'.'AVusef Thompson's Eyi Watir 1 ilMSilM tureci buu wo win worn mai you aro supplied. Own Gas PILOT Automatic Generators require littlo caro, do tho work perfectly nnd can bo operated by any oneanywhere. Complcto plant costs no moro than a hot air furnace. Send for booklet, "After Sun sot." It gives full information re garding thiB wonderful light, and la sent freo to anyone. Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co.. 157 Mlehlef&n Ave,.. Chicago. 111. yssVssjvsssAy Bouglit, and "wlildi lias lioca lias Tjorno tlio slgnaturo of lias been mado under his pcr- Signature of (jt-JS L&