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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1904)
I t Oil Llttlo Used In Russia. Notwithstanding tho largo produc tion of petroleum In lUissIa tho use of Illuminating oil In tho country is small. It has been llmtcil by a tax on refined oil. Iteccntly tho Baku ro flnors have potltloncd tho government to nbollsh this tax on refined oil for homo consumption and to subalttuto for It a tax on all crudo oil produced. About the Wedding Dress. A host of superstitions center about tho wedding dress. Somo stitches should bo set In It by tho bride her isolf on hor wedding day sho should "sow her own Joy In It." But tho groom should novor bo allowod to boo tho bride In her wedding dress until he mocts her at tho nltar. Trap Gun Kilts Man. A. E. Chambers was klllod at Santa Nora. Cal., by a load of salt tired from & spring gun tho owner of a cabin nad placed at his door for the purposo of discouraging tho visits of burglars. Money Versus Experience. What do you caro If you haven't any moncy7 You are rich In experlonco. Good News for All. Bradford, Tonn., Nov. 21. (Spe jlal.) Scientific research shows Kid scy Trouble to bo tho father of so aiuny diseases that news of a dis covery of a sure euro for It cannot fall to bo wolcamrd all over tho coun try. And according to Mr. J. A. Davis of this place Just such a cure Is found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Davis says: "Dodd's Kidney Pills are all that Is claimed for them. They havo dono mo moro good than anything I havo over taken. I had Ktdnoy Troublo very bad, and after taking a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills I am com pletely cured. I cannot praise them too much." Kidney Complaint dovolops Into Bright's Disease. Dropsy, Diabetes, ltbeunmtlsm, and other painful and fatal diseases. The safeguard Is to euro your kidneys with Dodd's Kid ney Pills when they show tho flr6t symptom of disease. Men With Feminine Tastes. Whcnovor n man Is found to havo tastes commonly considered fcmlnino, ho Is almost sure to bo a distinguished porsonage. For Instance, Sir "Walter Scott, Mohammed, Dr. Wolsoy, Itlcho llou, Montaigne, Plerro Lotl and tho let Gray wero all excessively fond of cats. Every nouseucopor snould know that if they will buy Doflanco Cold Water Starch for laundry uso thoy will savo not only time, because It novor Btlcks to tho Iron, but bocauso each packago contains 1C oz. ono full pound whtlo nil othor Cold Water Starches aro put up In -pound pack ngOB, and tho prlco Is tho same, 10 cents. Then again because Doflanco Starch Ib froo from nil Injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. packngo It Is becauso ho has a Block on hand which ho wishes to dispose of beforo ho puts in Doflanco. Ho knowB thnt Doflanco Starch has printed on evory pnekago In largo let ters and figures "1G ozs." Demand Doflanco nnd savo much tlmo and money and tho annoyance of tho iron ticking. Doflanco novcr Btlcks. Irish eggs are richest of all, better than English or Danish, and British pastrycooks always try to buy them, as thoy go further. , Insist on Getting It. Some grocers pay they don't keep Defiance Stnrch. This is because they have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 oz. in a package, which they won't bo able to sell first, because Defiance contains 16 oz. for the same money. Do you want 16 ox. Instead of 12 oz. for same money? Then buy Defiance starch. Requires no cooking. Londoners aro singlarly well cared for in the matter of recreation. Thoy havo flfty-threo theaters and forty three music halls. You never hear any one complain about "Deflunco Starch." There is nonu to equal It in quality and quantity, 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. Small roon do not gain great truths and great men do uot retain them. Mr. YTImlows Soothing Byron. For children tf tMntt, softens tlia euros, reduces to UnuuaUoo,allajs pain, euros Indoull l&oabotUo. Moro enemies havo been slain by mercy than by malice. !TCr,raaneotly eared. No fits or nervousness site rllv first day's um of Dr. Kline's Oraat Nerve Krstor or. (fend for FllKK 3.0O trial bottle and treaties, lOux, tut, Ml Arch Street, fhlUdslpula, 1 A man's title to glory does not de pend on tho glory of his title here. Write. MUMNK KYE KEMKDT Co.. Chlciiro. If jour eyes are sore ur tnflauird, and get ucullit's advice and frrcramr-leMVIttXK. It cures all eje-llls Men who are always on tho make novcr mako much of anything. Defiance Starch Is guaranteed big gest and best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try It now. He lias made no great gains who has never lost anything. "Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, lLOQilout.N. Y., cured my Mrloui ktdnsr trouble I gained itpoiiBdj." N. Wardell, UutiutllU, N J. HouImIUO. Chanco is ono of tho most profane words in our language. Important to Mo thorn. Examine carefully every bottle- of CASTOHIA, a Ml o and wire remedy for Infants and children, and tee that It Bears tho Signature of fe la TJso For Over 30 Tears. The Kind You Have Always Bought. An open denial of God may be bet ter than an empty definition of Him. C&yfr CSgiSE mlxa INV6NJTION, New Musical Instrument. It Is rather strango that of tho nu merous dovlccs patonted so fow re late to musical instruments, and this particularly so ns tho piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin aro so old that they havo grown common and as yet no other Instruments to All their plnces havo been Introduced. A new musical Instrument suitable for par lor entertainment Is Bhown here. It Is mndo of wood and tho Inventor claims that It will givo forth sounds differing from thoso produced by any Instrument In tho nature of a horn, lluto or whistle, being very simple and ensy to learn. Most of tho novelties that havo horetoforo been Introduced havo been suitable mostly for outdoor use, but this ono can be played In tho houso without Jarring on tho nerves nnd car ns much ns a beginner's work docs on tho plnno. Tho body of this Instru ment Is a thin metal tube formed with tho sound opening having a fea ther edge, so that when tho player blows Into tho mouthpleco tho body vibrates and produces pleasing tones, tho length of tho vibrations being de termined by the position of a piston rod, which can bo moved to mako any noto within tho rnngo of tho Instru ment. In using tho Instrument tho player grasps tho mouthpleco with ono Plays Like a Trorrbone. hand and presses tho end ngalnst tho lips, whllo with tho other hand ho grasps tho hnndlo which operates tho piston nnd at tho sumo tlmo supports tho body. Frank II. Falrchlld of Dotrolt, Mich., Is the patentee. Combine Telephone and Telegraph. A now complication of tho telephono and tolograph with a now complication of their names Is (ho Idea of an Italian electrician, E. Malcottl, who makes a trlplo proud boast of his Invention; firstly, that tho apparatus Is susceptible of being used on any existing telephone lines without any previous alteration of tho latter; secondly, that secrecy is warranted of any communication; and, thirdly, that tho construction Is slmplo nnd tho prlco of tho Instrument low. Tho distinctive featuro of tho apparatus Is tho fact that there Is no necessity of installing any special exchanges and special lines, but that any existing telephone plnnt Is ready for tho telecryptograph, for thus the telephonic Innovation has boon christ ened. Tho apparatus Is worked by currents analogous In every respect to telophano currents, nnd, thereforo, In no way interfering with tho ordinary tolophono service. Tho secrecy of tho dispatch Is warranted by a dovico al lowing of nny two apparatus being timed for n flguro established before hand, bo as to keep tho telophono se cret throughout tho lino ns well as at tho receiving station, tho messagos ar riving as ciphered telegrams. Tho re ceiving apparatus may bo caused to decipher automatically tho dispatch, either aftor roceptlon or during tho samo. Tho number of ciphers tho ap paratus is susceptlblo of is upwards of 0,000,000,000, which is practically in finite. Expect Valuable Discoveries. A good deal of secrecy has been observed ns to Just what of scientific valuo was learned by the recent voy ago of tho British Bhip Discovery Into the antarctic regions. Tho geograph ical results of tho exploration arc well known, but tho scientific results will tako a long tlmo to work out. It is said, however, that a secret has been brought back which will shako tho foundations of mnuy a scientific be llof. Certain fossils havo been lound which provo beyond doubt that onco no ono yet can tell how long ago mammals, and perhaps even men, lived upon tho land whero now aro ntter desolation and llfo-destroylng ico and snow. Theso treasures wero packed into tin boxes nnd brought to Ix)ndon under special escort to tho British museum, whero they will nwalt Inquiry by specialists. In speak ing of the matter Sir Clements Mark ham was most guarded. Still, ho ad mitted that the fossils must In any caso mean much. The) may upset all '.ho theories as to tho ?olar system and the geographical origin and age of the world. Rapid Track Layer. A new railway track layer, with a crew of forty men, will lay two miles of track a day. The track layer has a hugo crane, sixty feet long, which projects forward over tho road and hauls behind it a train of sixteen flat cars loaded with tics and rails. A continuous lino of the latter move constantly over rollers and carry the ties with it. Both rails and ties aro seized at tho propor tlmo by machin ery and placed on the road In front of tho train, whore thoy shortly form part of tho track over which it passes. This device Is said to be tho most ex peditious as well as economical tract: layer In tho world. i jpBrJgm mm fsTjPlV POWER FROM WATER TAP. Will Furnish Motion for Many Experi mental Purposes. A source of power lies In tho town and city wnlcr service which can fur nish motion for a multltudo of experi mental purposes. Tho lmpulso wheel hero describes developed 0.28 brako horsepower, nnd 1,000 revolutions, on n pressure of fifty pounds. But llttlo water Is consumed, slnco tho Jot Is of only 3-lC-lnch diameter. Tho cost of materials Is $1.05. Cut a flat sheet of 1 10-Inch brass Into a circle 10 Inches diameter, nnd in tho center bore a -lnch holo for I ho shaft. With a hack-saw cut In tho circumference 1G radial slits Inch deep. Tako sixteen pieces of brass 1 Inches by 2 Inches, and on tho thickness of tho hnck-saw, each making ono cup. Shaping tho cups is easy. A pleco of broom-stick, with tho tip rounded, serves for half tho die, while a piece of iron plpo of 1 Inch Instdo dlnmctcr serves as tho other half. Lay ono end of a brass strip on tho plpo and hammer tho rounded end of tho stick into it (sco drawing), whereupon tho cup Is formed. Trim to shape Indicated in tho drawings, and hammer out any irregularities by fitting again upon the broom-stick. Solder tho cups In the radial silts, best dono over a Bunsen humor. Tho bowls of tho cups musl como tight against the wheel, and alsc run In good alignment. Tho wheel Is attached to tho shaft by clamping between pulley collars Get tho size for a -Inch shaft, by special order If necessary. Let the shaft bo 'a-lnch In diameter and 1C inches long. Polish with emery Home-Made Water Motor, cloth. Slip It through tho wheel and mount a collar on each sldo, pressing them tight together, and fastening with tho sct-scrowB in tho collars. A pulley can bo mounted on cither end of the shaft. In making tho Jet, fill a piece of Mi inch galvanized pipe, 3 Inches long, with Babbitt metal. When cold, boro a 3-16-inch holo through tho center leDgthwlse. Mako this holo conical, tapering from 3-lG-Inch to tho full Ms Inch. Tho box Is mnde In two parts. Tho lower carries tho wheel, tho bearings nnd tho Jet, tho upper serves to pro tect against spray. Use seasoned Inch stuff. Tho outsldo dimensions aro 17 Inches long, 11 Inchos high, E Inches wide. Screw securely and braco with cast-Iron angles. The bos has no top nor bottom. Midway on each side, with its ccn ter 3 Inches from tho top, boro a 1 Inch holo for tho Babbitt box, and from the upper edge of tho box bore with a Vi-Inch bit down through the larger holes well Into the wood below To prepare for casting tho bearings first wrap tho shaft with two thick- Section of the Water Wheel, nesses of tissue paper, serving ulti mately to givo a llttlo play between tho bearing surfaces, then run It through the holes, centering It care fully. Tho shaft is held in place and tho holes aro covered to permit cast ing, by mounting tho pulloy collars and shoving them tight against tho wood on the inside, and by snugly fit ting cardboard to the shaft and tack ing It on the outside. Tho metal Is poured through tho ',4-lnch hole In ono steady stream until It overflows. When tho shaft Is withdrawn and tho caids and tissue pnper removed, an oxcollent bearing wlli be found. From tho top boro out -inch oil holes. Mount tho wheel, and oil the bearings, when, it the shaft is true, it will run easily and smoothly. In tho end of the box bore a hole with Its center 2 Inches from tho lower edge, nnd 21 inchos from each side. Tho diameter of this holo should bo such as Just to permit tho Jet to bo hammered In. The Btream of water will thus hit tho tipper quarter of tho lowest cup, when directly beneath tho shaft, nnd the center of tho cup next following. As tho Jet is apt not to bo absolutely true, slight adjustment can 9 rtu m m I bo made by turning it upon its long axis. Screw tho box to a stout plank, hav ing a 3-inch holo directly under the center of the wheel. Tho board should bo long enough to reach the length of tho sink and be attached to the woodwork at each nd. This Is simple and firm. Tho Join', can be mado watertight by a wash of thin sheet rubber. If tho wheel is used to drlvo a dynamo, both mny be at tached to the samo base-board. Tho spray guard Is separato for con venience In casting the Babbitt boxes and subsequently for oiling. It Is con structed of zinc, G Inches high, and long and wide enough to Blip snugly Into the lowor section for about 1 inch. Four screws will keep it In place. Tho machine Is now complete. H. F. Swartz, In Scientific American Supplement. ii i Vftft I Geese. In common geese tho males and females differ In plumage, but this Is not tho case with tho puro-bred gocse. In their case tho males and females aro alike. Tho largest geese aro tho Toulouse, and theso aro popular with men that havo n fancy for largo fowls. If a man wants layers, however, ho will choose tho China. Thoso that ralso tho geeso largely for feathers will choose tho Embden, becauso their feathers aro pure white, and henco tho market valuo of them is greater than with thoso geeso whoso feathers aro multi-colored. If a man morely wants to produce birds that can be marketed to good advantage ho will find a cross of the Toulouse with the Embden give good results. Where geeso havo access to a pond or a river they will derive much of t.iclr subslstenco from the water. Tho writer know of a man that lived on tho banks of a river and had a largo flock of geese. Across tho shallow river was a starch factory, and from this a largo amount of soaked corn datlv ran from tho sluices Into tho river. The geeso mado their living off this corn, which they fished up out of the water. It mado a perfect food so far as softness nnd digestibility weri concerned. They bulanced their ra Hon with tho seml-aquatlc plants grow ing In tho river and along its margin. There are many like situations where a flock of geese would savo what would otherwise go to waste. Shallow ponds in summer teem with fish, water beetles, worms and other forms of llfo. A flock of geeso shows great enjoyment In hunting their own food in such places. Cccse aro also consumers of some of tho bugs that disturb tho peace of tho farmer. One man told tho writer how ho used to use them for tho destruction of po tato bugs. Tho geeso would travel down tho rows, darting their heads now to this side and now to that. They consumed In tho course of a day a very largo number of bugs. Tho fault to ho found with them was that thoy did not do their work per fectly, hut loft colonics of bugs here and there, which later had to be des troyed by other agencies. Tho goose lays from twenty-flvo to fifty eggs nnd If sho could bo bred up to lay more would become more popular on tho farm. Perhaps It Is posslblo to ultimately develop geese to lay as many eggs as hens, but that result Is a long way in tho future at tho present time. Frjshness of Eggs. Thero are many old ways of test ing tho freshness of eggs. Somo of them may bo of llttlo value. Hero Is ono that is going the rounds, but for which wo cannot vouch. It may bo all right: Eggs are placed In a pan of water, giving each room enough so that its motions will not bo Inter fered with by tho others. Tho air In tho egg will bo governed according to tho ago of tho egg. If tho egg has been kept In a moderately warm state. If tho eggs aro Just laid thoy will be motionless. If they aro more than a week old they will partly stand on tho llttlo end. This Is becauso the air chamber is in the other end of tho egg. This air chamber grows larger as the egg becomes older and tho molsturo In It evaporates. When the eggs get still older they will stand up straight In tho water and when very old will float. This test of course would be of no valuo In the caso of pickled eggs or of eggs kept In cold storage whero tho tompcraturo was so low that the evaporation of molsturo from the eggs would he very small. Fowls for Market. Tho farmer should not wait till he is ready to market his hens nnd roost ers beforo separating them from the rest of tho flock. Thoso that aro to bo so disposed of should be separated from tho rest at this time. If they aro to bo Bold for the Thanksgiving market they should bo placed on fat tening food at this time. Chickens for market should bo made as fat as posslblo, as tho buyers want them that way. Tho fat Is not Indeed eaten, but It In somo way makes tho flesh of tho fowls tenderer and tho buyers realize that. Moreover, they aro will ing to pay for tho tenderness that comes from the fattening process. The birds will also bo tender becauso they havo beon deprived of exercise. Fowls that exercise aro naturally tougher than those that, do not. Four weeks feeding will sometimes add two pounds each to fowls and this mnkes quite a difference with them when they are marketed. Don't Market Unfattened Stock. Wo have seen tho traveling buyer of chickens drive up to tho farm houso and ask for poultry. Wo havo seen the farmer get out a pan of corn and toll the hens and roosters about him, then draw them Into the henyard and tho work of selecting begin. Tho cockerels wero sold with out an hour of fitting. They wero gaunt and lean shanked. They weighed light when put on tho scales or hung on tho steelyards. Tho farm er got out of thorn very little for tho caro bo had bestowed on them. Theso birds Bhould not havo been sold with out being fitted. Shut them up anf give them at least threo weeks of goo feeding. As a general thing the grape vino yard should be given clean cultivation every year. The Prairie Dog Nuisance. Pralrlo dogs havo been declarod to bo a nulsnnco by the laws of Nobraskn and other states. Tho Nebraska law goes so far as to dcclaro that any ono having land Infested by pralrlo dogs and not getting rid of them Is maintaining a nuisance. The harbor er of theso animals is made liablo for damages committed on other land. Highway commissioners are Instruct ed to sco that tho law Is enforced. In the discharge of his duty connected with the extermination of pralrlo dogs the commissioner Is allowed $3.00 per day and expenses and instructed to add tho amount to tho taxes of tho laud where the work of exterminating pralrlo dogs Is done. This makes it necessary for tho owner of lnnd to be vigilant in tho extermination of tho nuisance. The quickest nnd cheapest way to get rid of the dogs Is to poison them, and this is generally resorted to. In mak Ing up the poison three ounces ol strychnine and half a pound of potas slum cyanide are put into one quart of boiling wnter. To this two quarts of molasses and a teaspoonful of oil of anise are added. Then a bushel ol wheat Is placed In a tight receptacle and tho mixture Is poured over It. It Is then stirred, while four pounds of finely ground corn meal Is poured Into It. The molasses ninkes the liquid adhesive, so It will stick to tho grains of wheat. Tho object of uslnc the corn meal Is to absorb the superfluous liquid or syrup and thus enable the grains of wheat to carry a larger amount of the poison. This poisoned grain Is sown about tho places In nablted by the dogs. They eat It and dio In largo numbers. There is, however, a decided scntl ment against the uso of tho poison. Ranchmen and farmers hate to handle it and birds are frequently poisoned as well ns the dogs. There is also some danger to live stock nnd children. Carbon bisulphide has been used foi many years in the extermination ol burrowing animals. It Is costly, but 11 Is effective and is still being quite generally employed. It has tho ad vantage of reaching all of tho anl mals; for there are always some pral rlo dogs that will not eat the poisoned grain. The chemical mentioned In put Into the burrows and changes to a gas that kills the animals. The Soy Bean in the North. The soy bean Is being more exten sively grown In the North now than ever before. It Is found that it will do well further north than tho cow pea, and, In fact, that It can be grown as far north ns dent corn thrives Tho tanners of Maine who grow large ly only flint varieties of corn alsc raise tho soy bean In a small way. It is believed that this can be mado cue of the principal crops of the North Its value for tho feeding of cattle Is unquestioned, as it Is very rich In nitrogen. In tho growing of this crop success Is posslb e only when the soil contains tho bacteria that form tho nodules on tho roots. In that case tho land will only need to have potash and phosphorus added to It, if it needs nny fertilizers at all. The Medium Early is found to be one of the best varieties for forage. The land should bo thoroughly prepared before the crop Is sown and the soil should be kept cultivated. Drilling is of course necessary if the crop Is to bo cultl vated. Under such methods a crop Is regarded as about eight tons. The forage may be fed green, made into hay or used In tho form of silage. The silage Is preferred by sheep ovei corn silage. It Is not probable, how ever, that It will over tako the place of corn In tho making of sllnge, ns If can bo advantageously used as a hay In some places whero both cow peas and soy beans are being raised the soy beans aro preferred for the reason that they are much easier to be made into hay. In tho West, as in the East, the great need of tho farm is to havo a cheap source of protein. Whero a man has hogs that need a protein feed In winter it Is easy to bellovo that tho silage mado from soy beans would be better than tho silago mado from corn, as It would contain moro of tho protein so necessary to build up tho muscular system of tho swine. The soy bean has been less adver tised than the cow pea and Is there fore being grown leas extensively. It seems, however, that it has a wider range of growth, at least towards tho north, than has tho cow pea. It will be wlso for our farmers to try a small plot of soy beans next spring. Farm buildings should be given a "going over" before tho cold of tho winter comes. Too many cracks in the barn may givo abundant ventila tion, but thoy givo more too many drafts. Ventilation is health, but drafts are tho opposite. It does not cost much to stop up cracks, and if ono kind of material cannot be se cured for this work another can. There aro now Innumerable varie ties of potatoes and they are increas ing in number every year. Withal, there is an improvement, but it is dif ficult to say how long this improve ment will go on. If potatoes aro planted on land con taining much humus thero will be lit tle occasion for tho application of nitrogen. This Is why new land Is I frequently very good for potatoes. Tralte of Futuro Typical American. Patriotic, religious, dovoted, poeti cal, industrious, artistic, literary, hon est, enduring. From tho Irish, pa triotism; from tho Scotch, religious fervor; from the Jew, family devo tion; from tho Scandinavian, Indus try; from tho Italian, art; from tho Gorman, honesty; from tho French, quickness; from tho Indian, endur ance. Chicago Journal. "Meanest Man" Again. A man of Wexham, England, was given $5 wherewith to buy a wreath for tho funeral of a friend of tho per pon who hnd given tho $5. Instead of buying a wreath, tho fellow went out to a cemetery, stole a wreath thero, loft It with the mourners and pockoted tho $5. But his act was discovored later. Decides Bridal Question. The important question, When does a brldo cease to bo a bride? is decided by tho London Queen, which says sho oecomes a "wife" at tho expiration of six weeks after tho wedding. Indian Never Forgives. Tho Indian never makes up aftor falling out with any ono. Ho may peak to an enemy as ho passes, but lies with tho hatred In his heart. Of the 4G7 savings banks In Japan only one Is foreign. Of tho 1,799 or dinary banks only four aro foreign. One hundred million bushels of grain aro sent every year to tho mills of Duluth and Minneapolis. "WRACKS" And What They Mean. When Old Mother Na'turo gives you' & "whack" remember "there's a rea son," bo try and say "thank you," then set about finding what you havo dono to demand the rebuke, and try and get back Into line, for that's tho happy place after all. Curious how many highly organized pcoplo fall to appreciate and heed tho first little, geritlo "whacks" of tho good old Dame, but go right along with tho habit whatever It may bo, that causes her disapproval. Whiskey, Tobacco, Coffee, Tea or other unnat ural treatment of the body, until seri ous illness sets In or some chronic disease. Some people seem to get on very well with thoso things for a whllo, and Mother Nature apparently cares but llttlo what they do. Perhaps she has no particular plans for thorn and thinks It little use to waste tlmo In their training. There aro people, howover, who seem to bo selected by Nature to "do things." Tho old Mother expects them to carry out somo department of her great work. A portion of theso select ed ones oft nnd again seek to stimu late and then deaden tho tool (tho body) by eome ono or moro of tho drugs Whiskey, Tobacco, Coffeo, Tea, Morphine, etc. You know all of these throw down tho same class of alkaloids In Chemi cal analysis. They stlmulato and then depress. They tako from man or wom an tho power to do his or her best work. After these people havo drugged for a time, they got a hint, or mild "whack" to remind them that thoy havo work to do, a mission to perform, and should bo about tho business, but aro loafing along tho waysldo and be come unfitted for the fame and for tune that waits for them If thoy but stick to tho course and keep the body clear of obstructions so It can carry out tho behests of the mind. Sickness Is a call to "como up high er." Theso hints como in various forms. It may be stomach troublo or bowels, heart, eyes, kidneys or general nervous prostration. You may depend upon It when a "whack" comes It's a warning to quit some abuso and do tho right and fair thing with tho body. Perhaps it is coffeo drinking that offends. That Is one of the greatest causes of human disorder among Americans. Now, then, if Mother Nature is gen tle with you nnd only gives light, little "whacks" nt first to attract attention, don't abuse her consideration, or sho will soon hit you harder, sure And you may be sure sho will hit you very, very hard If you insist on following tho way you havo been go ing. It seems hard work to givo up a habit, and wo try all sorts of plans to chargo our ill feelings to somo other cause than tho real ono. Coffee drinkers when 111 will attri bute tho trouble to bad food, malaria, overwork and what not, but they keep on being sick and gradually getting worso until thoy aro finally forced to quit entirely, even tho "only ono cup a day." Then they begin to get bet ter, and unless they have gone long enough to set up somo fixed organic dlsoaso, they generally get entirety well. It is easy to quit coffeo at once and for all, by having well mado Postum, with Its rich, deep seal brown coloi which comes to tho beautiful golden brown when good cream Is added, nnd the crisp snap of good, mild Java la there If the Postum has been boiled long enough to bring it out It pays to bo well and happy for good old Mother Naturo then sends us her blessings of many and various kinds and helps us to gain fame and fortune. Strip oft the handicaps, leave out tho deadening habits, heed Mother Nature's hints, quit being a loser and become a winner. Sho will help you sure If you cut out tho things that keep you hack. "There's a reason" and a profound one. Look in each package for a copy ot the famous llttlo book, "The Road to Wellvlllo," r V