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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1904)
fcfldL " i . -fffi "Kfe ii THE PILLS THAT CURE RHEUMATISM Mrs. Henry Story, of No. 532 Muskingdum Ave, Zancs ville, Ohio, says: "My husband suffered from rheumatism so that he could hardly stand. His back hurt and he had such pain in his left arm that he could not rest night or day. inc doctor did him no good and it was not until he tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that he was helped. Six boxes cured him completely and he has not had an ache or a pain since. We think the pills arc the best medicine in the world." Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People cure rheumatism because they make new blood. It would be folly not to try a remedy with such a convincing record of I cures. BOLD BY ALL DRUOQISTB. Tho Wabash is the Only Line LandlnQ You at the World's Fair. Rround trip rates from Omaha aro us follows: S8.50 sold daily except Friday and Saturday, good 7 days. $13.80 sold daily, good 15 days. Tho Wabash is tho only lino that land's passengers at the main entrance of tho World's Fair grounds. Also the only line that can check your baggage to tho World's Fair station. Think what a saving of time, annoyance and ex tra car faro. All agents can sell you through ticket and route you over tho Wabash. Very low rates to many points South, Southeast. For beautiful World's Fair folder arm all Information call at 1C01 Farnam St. or address Harry B. Moores, Gen. Agt Pass. Dept. Wab. It. R., Omaha, Nob. How Many Legs Has a Wasp? A London weekly offers a S50 prize for tho answer to tho question: "lias wasp eight legs?" More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; by using Defiance Starch you "obtain better re sults than possible with any other brnnd and one-third more for same money. Real religion never has to advertise for a clianco to do good. "All Signs Fail In a DryTImo" THE SIGN OF THIS FIB II NEVEK FAILS IN A WET TIME In ortlerincTowcr' Slicker, f ciwtoruer wrltoai "I know phey tetlt be all right if titty (have tho 'Fleh' on them." This confldenco Is the out growth of slxty-nlno years of I careful manufacturing. A." J. TOWEK CO. TUHmotUurwi Boiton, U.S. A. t$WR$ Tower Canadian Co w ii JU1IU11UU, . Toronto, Canada 'MUtt Makers of Warranted Wet Weather Clothing tar DID YOU KNOW tbat jou can set moro light for Ism money with o MONARCH CARBIDE FEED ACETYLENE GENERATOR Uum from anything elie In the world-except the on Send for Catalogue D. MONARCH ACETYLENB GAS CO.. 1012 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. ASK YOUR WIFE If she thtnlcs yououeht to be good to your scalp and keep tho hair naturo gavo you. She knows. THEN ASK YOUR BARBER about UNDOMA, the greatest balr saver of the ace. It's guaranteed. Ho knows. Send us your name for f reo treatment. THE UNDOMA COMPANY, OMAHA m Save A on Drugs LoU write for our 100-paife cataloHtio, j howlng 10.000 article at cut prlcen. fV PATENT MEDICINES. RUBBER GOODS, TRUSSES. X SHERMAN & MCCOKNELL DRUG (0. I Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha. Neb. DR. McdREW For SO rears hae madn a epcolulty OfDlHKASKSOKMKN. Klglil een year lu Omaha. Ills lluinx Treatment has rxrmnuently cured thousands at small cost. Snve time and money by describ ing your case, and wrlto for Free book nnd terms of treatment. Med Iclne sent In plain packHge. llox Ti. Offlco 215 South UtU Street. Omaha. Nebraska. SnMIGHl5CIGAR always reliabi lour jobber or direct lroni factory, i'eorU, LE 111. Wanted Rft FUR a11 kinds From all lecttoni of the country. Will pay hlgbcit caeh prlcei. A. K. IIUKKITAItDT, Inler uatlonal Far Merchant, CINCINNATI, U. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 481901 BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. w NEWS IN The Hooper Woman's club colobrat cd Its tenth anniversary. A new lighting coinnany has been organireii at I'lattsmouth. York will ask congress for $125,000 for Its proposed federal building. Tho farmers In tho vicinity of Ad ams, Gngo county, will build an ele vator. Tho romalns of Francos Claflln, who died In Washington, have been Inter red at Fremont. Tho Doano coHoro lecturo course opened at Creto with an address by Dr. D. F. Fox of Chicago. Fifteen dlvorco cases aro on tho docket of tho district court of Gago county to bo disposed of. Joseph Golssel, a young man, is wanted at Tecumseh on tho charge of forgory. Ho baa fled tho country. Flro destroyed tho largo barn of John Boatman, A. R. Case's barn and several other smaller buildings In Sterling. Georgo Tultle, a former resident of Gago county, was shot and killed In Colorado last week. Tho shooting was tho result of an old feud. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Williams of Peru celebrated their golden woddlng. A large number of their friends and rel atives wero Invited to celebrate tho event. 13. J. Burkett has filed a statement with tho secretary of stato certifying that ho spent $425 during tho last campaign to get his third term in con gress. This ho gave to the stato com mittee. At a recent meeting of tho school officers of Dodgo county tho proposi tion of apointlng a county truant offl cor was discussed. Tho proposition was left to tho decision of tho direc tors. F. R. Ingnlla, n Ixmg Pino jeweler, has mysteriously disappeared. His wife died a week ago. He bought a razor Wednesday. Suicide Is feared. He tried It once. Searching parties aro working. The faculty of tho Stato Normal school at Peru has adopted appro priate resolutions regarding the death of Miss Bertha Knight, a teacher in the I..lncoIn school at Omaha, who graduated at the Normal last June. The state banking board rejected tho applications for license of the Con tinental Finance company of Chicago and the Co-operativo Home Purchas ing company of Omaha. Tho latter company claims to io oporated for the benefit of the colored citizens of Ne braska. In a game of baso ball between Chndron and Crawford, Hnrry Ketch am of Crawford was seriously If not fatolly injured. He had his shoulder dislocated and recolved Internal in juries, the effect of which cannot yet be determined. Harry Is a son of Ed itor Kotchem of the Crawford Tribune Is a fine joung man and universally liked. In York county some of tho country schools have declared vacations for po rlods ranging from two to four weeks. Tho object of tho vacation is to give tho boys a chance to don husking pegs. Tho sohool law makes It Im perative to take sonio such ttep as this. According to tho wording of the law. the boys cannot be kept out of school in any other way, as the amount of attendance required dur ing the term must he consecutive. Printed orders have been issued by the Union Pacific Instructing its ticket agr-nts to accept no more signatures with fountain pens or ink furnished by passengers in purchasing transporta tion. This rule has become necessary owing to the ease with which forgeries wero accomplished by the uso of inks. Here after the company will furnish a brand of ink which tho traveliug public cannot use excepting under the direction of the agent who sells the ticket. UA Johnson's hardware storo at Claries was entered and about $15 worth of knives and razors were stol en. Before noon Frank Avery, alias Gussle Mills, was arrested and charg ed with being the guilty party. Mrs. Richard Gould appealed to Gov ernor Mickey to parole her husband from the penitentiary and the case has been taken under advisement. Rev. Gould was convicted of running away with a 15-year-old girl. Eva Flint of Central City, and living with her In South Dakota. The wife told the gov ernor that she needed her husband at home to help take caro of their five children, for whom sho has been making a living since her husband's conviction. Northern Nebraska Is suffering from an epidemic of typhoid fever, which is serious to a degree, and tho live that are taken every day roll up to an astounding list of people. Just what Is tho cause of the Illness has not been determined, as the fall has been dry and warm. In Norfolk It Is claim ed by some that tho disease Is due to the standplpo, which is unscreened at tho top. It is claimed that there are several bushels of dead birds in the bottom of the pipe. It Is quite likely that Peter Kuhn. wanted In Beatrice on the chargo of forgery, will not be brought back from Kansas City, as Fritz Kees, on whom ho passed a forged check for $75, re ceived a draft from one of Kuhn's sons at Kansas City for $50. Ho stat ed that tho balance would bo forth coming In a few days. "James Coffman, a 14-year-old son of E. Coffman of Nebraska City, was ehot In tho leg by another boy, who was shooting at a mark and missed the mark. Physicians think thai the leg will have to bo amputated. NEBRASKA OFFICIAL RETURNS COME IN. Sixty-One Counties Have Sent Re ports to Secretary of 8tate. LINCOLN At this writing official returns from slxty-ono counties havo been received by tho socrotary of stato. These counties glvo Roosovelt a total of 70,242; Parker, 28,052; Watson, 12.S01; Swallow, 3,554, and Dobs, 2.471. For governor, Mlckoy got 02,585 and Borgo 65,888. For at torney general Brown got C7.91G and Whelan 55,31. For United States sen ator. Burkett received 58,420 votes In thoso counties, or 4,105 less than was cast for Governor Mickey. The vote cast for Norrls Brown and for Whelan, candidates for attorney general, Is neither the highest nor tho lowest vote received, but will bo about tho averngo. Whelan, who was unknown outsldo of his homo town of O'Neill, ran just a fow hun dred behind Berge. Tho cnndldato for governor on tho socialist ticket did not recelvo as many votes as tho head of that ticket In tho counties returned. The slxty-ono counties In cludo these: Adams, Antolopo, Ban ner, Box Butto, Boyd, Brown, Buffalo, Cass, Chaso, Cherry, Cheycnno, Col fax, Cuming, Custer, Dakota, Dawes, Dawson, Dundy, Fillmore, Furnas, Garfield, Gosper, Hall, Harlnn, Hayes, Hitchcock, Hooker, Jefferson, John eon, Kearney, Keith, Kimbnll, Knox, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, Madison, Mc Pherson, Merrick, Nance, Nemaha, Pawneo, Porkins, Phelps, Pierce, Platto, Rod Willow, Richardson, Sa lino, Sarpy, Saunders, Scott's Bluff, Seward, Sherman, Sioux, Stanton, Thurston, Valley, Wayne, Wobstor. York County Makes Protest. YORK Tho Union Pacific railroad continues to do York county an Injua tlco In giving tho acreago and yield of alfalfa of York county. In a ro cent folder Issued by thnt company scarcely any mention is mado of York county In the list of counties growing alfalfa, when It Is a fact that York county Is one of tho leading counties In tho stato In tho acreago and pro duction of alfalfa. York county has an acreage of about 16,000 acres, and tho total yield must bo somewhere near 50,000 tons. The acreage of tim othy and clover Is nearly 40,000 acres, and bluo grass pastures tho finest In the world aro everywhere, as bluo grass In tho last threo years has driv en out the prairie, and but few pralrlo pastures remain in tho county. The Constitutional Amendment. LINCOLN Tho constitutional con vention proposition has been defeated by an overwhelming vote In the nega tive. Tho tabulation of tho vote In tho office of tho secretary of stato f-hows that 60 per cent of tho voters in tho counties reported failed to reg ister their preference and will bo counted against the amendment. Of tho remainder about 25 per cent vot ed for tho convention and tho rest of tho ballots wero negative. Ninety-Nine Bushels a Day. BLAIR Tho farmers aro all busy husking corn and somo record-breaking work Is being discussed on tho street. It Is said that Georgo Bun, who lives on tho bottorrs north of town, averaged nlnety-nlno bushels of corn a day for a week Btralght and 100 bushels a day for four days. Child Burned to Death. LEIGH Tho Httlo 6-year-old daugh ter of Henry Nowhouse, a prominent farmer living a fow miles south of town, was burned to death Saturday. She was left alone In tho house for a few minutes and while sho was put ting some fuel in tho stovo a spark flew on her dress. MURDER IS CHARGED. Ohlowa Man Held for Death of His Father. GENEVA John Broer, sixty-five years of age. a farmer whoso homo was near Ohlowa, is dead and his son, Henry Broer, is in jail In this city charged with his murder. It Is alleged that tho son beat the father to death with a broken singletree from a wagon and left him dying In tho road between Brunlng and their home. Tho son shows no remorse over the deed, but has expressed a desire to be liberated long enough to attend tho funeral. Tho murder is said to have been tho outgrowth of a drunken quarrel between father and Hon. The son does not appear to realize tho enormity of tho offense with which he Is charged. He does not appear to ho as greatly concerned over the matter as tho neighbors of the family. Tho verdict of tho corner's jury re cites that John Broer camo to his death at tho hands of his son, Henry Broer. Eagle Attacks Woman. PLATTSMOUTH Miss Roso O'Donnel. teacher In tho Sclota school near Union, had an experience re cently which sho would not care to have repeated. While returning homo from her school a large gray eaglo pounced down upon her, and It was only by great effort that she escaped from the ferocious bird. Tho eaglo remained in tho vicinity and was afterwards captured by several citi zens. Miss O'Donnel was not serious ly Injured, but her clothing was torn and her arms slightly bruited. Flesh of Bear and Camel. In Germnny bear's llosh Is greatly favored, and Bmoked bonr tongues, hams and sausagos aro both appetiz ing and expensive Ever slnco Pnrls, In tho siege of 1870-71, was driven to eating up tho nnlmnls at tho zoo, camel's flesh has boon demanded by French gourmets. Remarkably llko beof in appearance, It Is as tender as real, and there aro Parisians who Im port It regularly from Algeria. Wood In Iceland. Icoland has been found to bo not bo Jestltuto of treos nscommonly report ed. Prof. Prytz of Copenhagen finds that It contains rocs of considerable ilzo. A country so cold will not stand tho reckless destruction of trees which ,t has endured In common with other jnco heavily wooded regions. With :nro It Is believed that Iceland may ot bo covered with forests. Simple Remedy for Glass Wounds. If cut by glass cxamino wound caro fully, cleans with antiseptics, holding ho wound over an empty bowl and re poatedly squcozlng tho nntisoptlc Into ;ho wound. When sure thnt there Is po glass loft In, wet a compress In tho solution and bind on with a dry bandage. For a slmplo cut wot com press In antlsopttc solution and bind on firmly. Saved with Fishing Rod. While fishing In Llfford rosorvolr tho caretaker of Stlrchley Instttuto, Birmingham, England, saw a domes tic servant nnmed Annlo Curtis throw herself Into tho water. Bolng unnblo to swim, ho cast for hor with tho rod, and, catching tho hook In tho girl's clothing, ho managed to bring her tafcly to shore. 8chool Children Are Wily. Under a new rule women Inspectors visit tho public schools of London nnd Inspect tho pupils. Thoso thnt aro not clean at a Bent homo. But already It has been found that somo of tho chil dren smear themselves with mud be fore entering school, In hope that an Inspector will pay a visit. How's This ? Wa odor One Hundred Dollara Reward for any cee of Ciurrh that cannot be cured by llall'e Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNF.T CO.. Toledo, O. We, the ylerilgnul, bare known F. J. Chenej forlholast .- yrari.and lielleTe 111 in perfectly hon orable In all butlaeM iraniecilone and financially able to carry out any obligation! mado by til firm. Waluino, Kinnan it Martin, Wholetale If rupgliu, Toledo, O. Haifa Catarrh Core It taken Internally, actlnc directly upon tho blood and mucoui urfarriof tbe yitem. TettttaunltU sent free, l'rlce 73 cent par bottle. Sold by all Uruiriliu. Take UaU'a Family l'llla for conitlpatloa. Kept Out Witches. In England, up to comparatively re cent times, horsehocs wero extens ively used almost everywhere as anti witch charms nnd tho custom Is not oven yet an extinct one. No witch, It used to b said, could enter a build ing over tho door of which a horse shoo or, better still, threo horse shoes nad boen affixed, prongs down ward. 8ynonyms for "I." Tho Japanoao language contains no fewer than olghteen synonyms for tho personal pronoun "1," ono for each class of people; and etiquette makes it unlawful for a person be longing to ono rank in society to mako uso of the pronoun pertaining to an other. Bar Unvacclnated Persons. Thirteen British llfo insurance of fices declino proposalo from unvac clnated persons. A prominent club woman. Mrs. Danlorth, of St. Joseph, Mich., tells how she was cured of falling i the womb and its sccompanyieg pains and misery byLydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compoiml " Dixit Mm. Punrajui: -Life looks dark indeed when a woman feels that her strength is fading away and she has vo hopes of ever being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I was advised that my poor health wus caused by prolapsus or falliof of tho womb. The words sounded like & knell to me, I felt that my sun had set ; but Lydla 13. PLuklmni's Vege table Compound came to me as an elixir of life ; it restored tho lost forces and built me up until my good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine daily, and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful for thehelp I obtained through its use." Mns. Flohence Danfoutu, 1007 Miles Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. f 5000 forfeit If original of aiout letter proving penulneneis cannot be prodjeeJ. "FItEE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN"." Women would save time nnd much sickness If thoy would write toMrs.Pinkham forndvico as soon us any distressing symp toms appear. It is free, and has put thousands of women on tho right road to recovery. PUTNAM Color more otodt brighter and (liter color thin any Uk italtr or will tend poit paid at 10c pacJuoe. .ieWWm $tm GOVERNOR Uses Pe-ru-na For Colds and Excellent Tho Magnificent Stato Capitol PRAISE FROM THE EX - OERUNA Is known from tho Atlantic X to the Pacific. Letters of congrat ulation and commtMtdatlon tcstlfy Intr to tho morlt.sof Peruna ns a catarrh remedy aro pouring in from every Stato of tho Union. Dr. llnrtnmn 1h receiving- hundreds of such letters dally. All classes wrlto theso letters, from tho highest to tho lowest. Tho outdoor laborer, tho Indoor arti san, tho cleric, tho cdltor.tho ntatwitnan, tho preacher all ngreo that Peruna is tho catarrh remedy of the ago. Tho stagn nnd rostrum, recognizing catarrh as their greit test enemy, aro es pecially enthusiastic In their praise and testimony. Any man who wlhhes perfect health must bo entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh Is well-nigh universal; almost omnipresent. Peruna is tho only nbsoluto safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds, to c-iro colds, is to cheat catarrh of its victims. Peruna not only cures catarrh, but prevents It. Every household should be supplied with this great remedy tor coughs, colds and so forth. Tho E.x-(overnor of Oregon Is nn ardent admirer of Peruna. llo keeps it continually in tho houbc. mm I I mmmmX. MM I f 2,ffc Wl I .laVa.SU S S If iHH ii HEH Wi WsfESHBft HE. fjk MJ4 JUT iJUr.lJ UrjrAtKaP ) W. L. Douglue mmkmm mnd etmllm mora tnan'rn $3. BO ( mhoam than any other manufacturer In the ttorld. The reaaon W. I DoucIm M to thoa are the area ientit;lft,enr fitting and eiier! ahoea made In my farfirr and thr Maud whr W. 1.. IiouiiUe tifi , tins aim uinnr wearing qumiiica. i iiiri.. fjtfti .tin, putt mnrn ti Inniter, and nrnufitre iter Intrlnrlr value than ant lip. fnr IIim vr nllna .1 ulv 1 lonj wr mn.9nff.nAn.fkA. W. 1.. IioiikIh guxrnnteei thrlr Talne by tamnliig lilt name and price on the bottom, take no aubstltuts. hold by ahoe dealera erery where. SUPERIOR IN FIT, " hare von V, U Dauglai H M thntl Mnuucitnn. ijina mem tupertQr irt fir, trmjori ana u tSMto P.00-H. 3. fVctte, Drpl. ColL.U. .1. M, W. T.. Tiniifrlna usi-a fTftrfitm f?rittak!n In liU im tuo numt ra U'li t i.rutlier mucin, mat Flint HAVE YOU A HORSE? WOULD YOU LIKE US TO QAHnLP? SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL 0 K" ' FOR THE MOST WOHDERrUL SADDLE OrFBR EVER HEARD OT. anetfer by which anyene can hee the nlceat eaaele In hla nelihberheed, cut thl. ad nut and Mnd It to in and you will rerelre our New, nil an tautllul Special Saddle CeUlelue, Urge, bandiome photographic llltutratlona ef all klnda of Men's, Womon'a, Boys' and Girls' 8addloa, 8tockSnddlo8, Ranch and RangoSaddles, SMALL. MEOIUW AND LAROE. PLAIN AND lANCY SADDLES, EVERT IMAOIN ILE KIND AND STTLE AND SHAPE Or SADDLE. OUR PRICES WILL ASTONISH AND Yu will f tt our Virt Latest and Mtt AiUnlshtngltf Llbaral Orfar, 70a will get our New tree Trial run, you will rteeWea add la offer that avary horaa owner ahould baTe at unr. If you own a liorva. don't fall to cut thlaa4 out owner aQOUia nave onr, 11 you own a i.ora, anniuu 10 cut .nia aa 1 and aetad to ui today and ace wba. all you gat by return mall, free, poatpald. address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & faiaaiffffffffffHeieep" t tWam9Bammwamammmm J ON OUR TRADE MARK.' j& GET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT B AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCIf WITHOUT IT. M DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. m IT IS BETTER. IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN M CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT THE n CLOTHES. YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU M T ASK FOR IT. u a u m aW yX SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. W tfa. The DEFIANCE STARCH CO., r DELESS DYES other die. Ons 10c package color illk, wool and cotton equalh well and I guaranteed to oh nortec! remit. Write lor tree bookUt-How to Die, Bleach and Mix Color. UOilUOK VUUU CO., UniintOU, MUl OF OREGON In His Family Finds It an Remedy. Building at Salem, Orogon. G0VERN0R OF OREGON. In a letter to Tho Permm Mcdlclna Co., he says: State of Oukooit, ) ' EXKCUTIVK UKI'AllTJIKNT, ) Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Dear Sirs: I iire had occasion to use your Peruna medicine In my tarn' lly for colds, and It proved to be an ex ccllent remedy. I have not had oc caslon to use It for other aliments. Yours very truly, W. M. Lord. It will bo noticed that tho Ex-Governor says ho has not had occasion to uso Peruna for other ailments. Tho reason for this Is, most other ailment begin with a cold. UBlng Peruna to promptly euro colds, ho protects his family against other ailments. This Is exactly what every other family In tho United States should do keep Peruna In tho house. Use it for coughs, colds, la grlnpo and other cllmntlu affections of winter, and there will bo no other ailments In tho house. Such families should provide them selves with a copy of I)r. llnrtman'a free book, entitled, "Chronto Catarrh." Address Dr. S. B. llartman, President of Tho llartman Sanitarium, Colum bus, Ohio. All corrcsmmdcncc held I strictly confidential. test llri In tbe world Ii beraaaa of their excel- 2!sE2L- rearing qunllllta. If 1 could aliow tou the dlfTrronc between the f nthprtmVpHRnd tbe lileh.ernne lpalheran.en.Tuii would under- make, whr tbeT hold their ihane. lit tietter. wear other fc.Weboe on tho market to-daj, and WU7 the look for IV OOMFORT AND WEAR. for the lull tutlrt yrari Kilh abwltte t wrnr to otKrn eoitiHpren Int. JlniHOr. tiekmoml ml, vm. fll.Sn alifta. Crtrona f!nlt la eofacfMled to color Kyeleia uaeu rxcn Color Kyeleta uil rxclualvelr. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, MaeaaohmooHm. PLEASE YOU CO., Chicago LI fi'JH HB aH n