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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1904)
M m i f jWo Vronld teach th&Bfy jvbo buys. iLeaeon numbor onto. iBtarch ia an extraction of wheat used to stif jfen clothes when' hundered Most utarchca in timo twill rot tho goods thoy laro used to Istiflen. jiey & t conttlff cuomuxwA Defiance Starch U absolutely pare.! It givea new life to' linen. It gives retisfac-. tlon or Koner back. It eelle 10 onnces for 10 cents at all grocers. It Ujhe, 'very beet. HwuAcruttD or Tie DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAIU. - - NEK Ah booh ns a matt Is good enotign ho Is no lunger any Rood. Hope for Apple Growers. Apple growers In recent years have notlrcd largoly Increased daningo by (tie codling moth. This pest appears In the form of a small brownish ninth noon after the young apples have set. Kit eggs, laid on the side of the fruit or oven on tho loaves, give rise to tiny '.vonns which enter tho young apploB and develop Into full grown npplo worms. The annual loss to applo growers in the United States from this pest dlone Is enocmotis. Such a pest could not long escape attention from the Hclenllllc sleuths of the Experiment Minions These workers have tracked the beast to Its lair, watched its hub ID of life and devised weapons for Mh destruction. A recent bulletin by the Deln wiuo Hxperlment Station shows that nearly nil damage by tho codling moth can bo checked by spraying with a curtain arsenical spray cnlled HlHpareno soon after the blossoms fall from Utc tree. Applied lo trees It poisons the young Insects In InTnitey and prevents further damage (o (.lie ciop. It has also uccti found a cowiplolo and effective remedy for the canker worm, curcullo and other In Kwtrt that attack orchards and work great havoc therewith. in tils bulletin, Entomologist San derson of tho Delaware Station, gives tho result 01 n careful series of ox pcrimoutR in which he says, "Dlspa reno proved to bo very much superior to purls green, and doatroyed a larger percentage of codling moth larvae than has ever been done In any slmb lar experiment. One thing which neeinH to mo to mako Dlspareno of special valuo Is its adhesive quali ties; in spite of very heavy rains It rofiutlned on the trees all summer. Tho results which we secured from Dlspareno were both surprising and gmtllying." Professor J. It. Smith, Entomologist of the Now Jersey Experiment Sta tion, adds his endorsement In these words, "Dlspareno has proved thor oughly satisfactory and safe wher ever used. My experience with it Ii.ih been so satisfactory this year I have rocommendod It widely." li'rult growers are to be congratu lated that at last a cheap and effec tive remedy for the codling moth has been fotind. The freo illustrated pimphlot on Dlspareno put out by the Itowker Insecticide Company of Bos ton and Cincinnati Is a mine of use ful Information and should bo In tho IiiukIh ol every progressive fruit grow e. Wo understand the Missouri Val ley Heed Company. St. Joseph, Mo., urn now In a position to supply the woalorn trade with Dlspareno and the outlook Is that through the general use of this insecticide tho apple crop of tho middle west will bo much larger and of a better Quality tills year than ior.'&evoral yoar3 past Peoplo who borrow troublo aro al ways reaay to lend advice. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o THE LINCOLN IMPORTING HORSE (0 Linooln. Nebraska o c a j O O o o o o o o o o o o o o German Coacb. ? Pemtierons, English Sbire rreiKb Draft and Belgians. WW!M,VWW3RTr7 Tin LARGEST lmirtfri of FIRST. CLASS tUUioni of ai.y concern In aU tin Wcati OVER 50 HEAD TO SELECT FROM- On arriving In Lincoln taka th Sun Kami atrut car wH.h rum dirotr lo our bam. Coin mvi ua uwrl'r, Lg. DIM Tat. 575 A L SullU.n, ftgr DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnor" laints tUEcKl lVh KZjfr i"vwfrn)HBBiJtLLw Miss Alice M. Smith, of Min. neapolis, Minn., tells how wo man's monthly suffering may1 be permanently relieved by Lydia E.Pinkhain'sVcgetablcCompound 'DEAn Mns. Pinkham: I havo never before Riven my endorsement for any medicine, but Lijdla 12. Plnkhnm's Vcgctablo Compound lias added bo much to my life and happiness that I feel lileo making an exception In this case. For two years every month 1 would have two days of Govcro pain, and could find no relief, but ono day when visiting' a friend I ran across Lydln, 13. Plnklmm's Vcjjc tablo Compound, she had used it with tho best results and advised me to try It. I found that it worked wonders with mo ; I now experience no pain, and only had to use a few bottles to bring about this wonderful change. I uso it occasionally now when 1 nm exceptionally tired or worn out." Mtos Alick M. Smith, 804 Third Avo., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chair man Executive Committee, Minneapolis Study Club. JS000 forfeit If original ofabov latter proving gtnulnencti cannot bt produced. Lyr.Ua JR. Plnklmm's VcgctaWo Compound carries women safely through tho various natural crises and is tho safe-guard of woman's health. Tho truth about this prrcat medicine is told in tho letters from women being1 published in this paper constantly. am is always a greater wrong to the dinner than to nny other. IF TOO USK II AM, IlI-CK, Get Hod Cross Mall Blue, tho best Hall Blue. Large U 04. package, uuly 0 cents. No man fully realizes how much iidIro he makes when he comes homo about 2 a. m. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Tho 1 1 tiHis Drlliiiii'i' Starch, It will keep thimi white 1G ox. for 10 cents. Let grace and goodness bo the prin cipal loadstouo of thy affections. Drydon. Aim. Vi Inslow'n nontlilnj; Wyran. For children tretblnx, aoflrna tho iriirat, roaucei ftv nraaitlou,IIji rain, cure. wlna colli). r-ub)ttlo. Sympnthy is tho snfeguatd of the humnn soul against soltlshnoss. Cnrlyle. A faint heart Is more apt to win the fair lady than a faint bank account. A Hard Question. The following' tale Is told of the bishop of 1Oiulon. Having Indulged that precarious pastime of asking any small boy or girl in tho audience to ask him a question, Ur. Ingram was met by tho following: "Pleaso, sir. Why did the angels walk up and down Jacob's ladder when they had wings?" It Is sad to record that eveu the bish op of London was driven to make the usual humtllutlng and miserable es cape by returning, "What llttlo boy or girl would llko to answer this?" No Female Angels. A minister on Long Island has de clared that there aro no female angels In heaven. As he docs not disclose tho source of his Information, the statement may be open to argument. Ho Is reported to have said to his an ulence: "Most people's Idea of an angel is of a beautiful, graceful, white-robed female llguro with a wing on either shoulder, peacefully floating through tho air. I want to say there aro no female angels." For Growing Girls. West Pembroke, Mo March 21 Mr. A, L. Smith of this place, says that Dodd's Kidney Pills are tho best remedy for growing girls. Mrs. Smith emphaslis her recommenda tion by the following experience: "My daughter was thirteen years old last November and It Is now two years since sho was first taken with Crazy Spoils that would last a week and would then pass off. In a month she would have tho spells ngaln. At these times she would eat very little and was very yellow, oven the whites of her eyes would be yellow. "The doctors gave us no encour agement, they all said they could not help her. After taking one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills, she has not had one bad spell. Of course, we contin ued tho treatment until she had used In all about a dozen boxes, and we still give them to her occasionally, when she is not feeling well. Dodd's Kidney Pills are certainly the best medicine for growing girls." Mothers should heed the adrlce of Mrs. Smith, for by so doing they may save their daughters much pain and sickness and insure a healthy, happy future for them. The man who U afraid of bunting up his wick need not hope to brighten the world. PLUCK WIHS-lt ALWAYS wins. W hid Dlurk enotizh 15 Trtra aio lo nut an ibis- luuiy pura cou jiainion lueuiarkei anuuwon. HatamUthtawenterncllBiata and w abate Pluck enouchLoiniaranttel! Aikruur dealt r for It. ami write ua far ipeclal culor detlgn fur J our bouae" '" Uncotn Paint & Color Co., Lincoln. Nebr LABORS LAID OUT WHAT BOTH HOUSES OF CON GRESS WILL DO THIS WEEK. KNOTTY QUESTIONS TO DECIDE The Postofficc, Military Academy and Sundry Civil Appropriation Bills In House Indian and Pension Meas ures in the Senate. WASHINGTON Tho postofuco, the military ncadomy and tho sundry civil appropriation bills constltuto tho work mapped out for tho houso this week. On Monday tho house will adjourn early owing to tho death of Represent ative Thompson of Alabama. Tho postofllco bill la pending and fcoveral knotty questions, such as rural free delivery salaries, railway mall subsi dies and railway mall service, are like ly to prolong its consideration for sev eral days. The military academy bill Is not likely to constimo much time. The sundry civil bill will probably bo ready the latter part of the week and Its consideration will extend Into tho fol lowing week. Present Indications are that no other matters of Importance arc llkelv to be Injected Into the week. Postofllco reports will be cared for hereafter by the McCall committee, which Is to Bit in open session during tho week. Tho present week fn the senate will be devoted almost entirely to appro priation bills, beginning Tuesday with that for tho District of Columbia and following with tho Indian and pension jills. Neither the District nor the In dian bill has been repotted from com mittee, but both arc promised early in tho week, and they will take prece dence over tho pension bill, notwith standing tne latter Is now on tho cal endar. The pension. bill Is held for possible additions made necessary bv addition al legislation, but its consideration will not be long delayed. It Is not ex pected there will bo nny effort to In crease the amount carried by the bill on account of tho recent executive or der. Whatever may be required to carry the order Into eftect will be in corporated in a general deficiency bill. Unobjected .bills on the calendar will ho taken up Monday and further con sideration may bo given Senator Fair banks' bill providing for n new depart ment building In this city. CHINESE ARMS MENACE RUSSIA. Forty Thousand Troops Drilled by Foreigners Ready for Field. PARIS Tho Figaro's correspond ent in Berlin telegraphs that a Ger man odlcer who has Just 'at rived there from Mnncnttrla says serious opera tions In th.o far east will not be be gun before tho end of June. The principal oMhtaelo to Russian victory, according to this officer, Is the fact that 40 000 Chinese troops, well tralneiPuiw with German and Japan ese instructors, are menacing Russia's lines of communication. Russia, with the support of Germany, will protest against this concentratlot of Chinese troops. According to the Tokio correspond ent of tho Petit Parlslenne official confirmation has been received of the destruction of the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Skerl at Port Arthur by tho explosion of n submarine mine. The correspondent says that the mikado yesterday bade adieu to 405 officers who were leaving for the front. PRESIDENT'S GIFTS ARRIVE. Cub Lion and Elephant's Tusks Safely at Washington. WASHINGTON In charge of keep ers from the national zoological park, tho cub lion sent to President Roose velt as a present from King Mencllk of Abyssinia, arrived Saturday from New York. Tho keepers also brought the two fine elephant tusks, the other present from King Menellk, and the hyena which was Imported for the col lection at tho "zoo." It was Intended to take the Hon to the White House In ordor that tho president and fam ily might see It, but It was deemed advisable not to do so. The Hon and hyena wore taken, therefore, directly to tho "zoo." Tho tusks were tnken to tho White House. Ijiter they will be placed In the national museum. No Nursery at the Fair. ST. LOUIS. Announcement was made Monday that the board of lady managers of the World's fair had de cided to abandon the project of estab lishing a model day nursery at the ex position to care for the Infants of visitors. Tho cost was estimated at $50,000 and It was decided not to ex pend that amount. Sellgman Gets Five Years. DF.S MOIM2S. Max Sellgman, a clever Insurance swindler, who de frauded the Equitable Life Insurance company out of several thousand dol lars by falso representation In secur ing notes which the company cashed, was sentedced to live years Impris onment. Attempt Made to Raise Vessel. PORTSMOUTH Attempts were made without success to ralso the British submarine boat No. 1 A, which was run down by tho Donald Currle lino steamer Berwick Castlo Friday afternoon. The principal damago ap pears to havo been done to the con ning tower, which shows tho marks of tho collision. Tho hull of tho ves sel appears to be Intact. The Ber wick castlo arrived here undamaged. The officers of tho vessel declined to give any Information concerning the accident, CONGRATULATE THE PRESIDENT. People Send Messages Showing Pleas ure Over the Merger Jurors. WASHINGTON Messages of ron gratulatlon from nil rnrts of the coun try are being delivered to President Roosevelt by telegraph, by mall and In person on tho supreme court's de cision in tho Northern Securities case. President Roosevelt personally con gratulated Attorney General Knox Tuesday after the announcement of the decision and at the cabinet meet ing ho renewed his congratulations to Mr. Knox. In his cordial expressions ho was joined by tho attorney gen eral's fellow cabinet members. Tho nttornoy general, just before the cabinet meeting, declined to indicate what action, If any, he might take In the fttturo In following up the su premo court's decision. He would not say whether ho had formed any plans looking to prosecutions of further ac tions under the Sherman anti-trust act or not. Thus far he has not had op portunity thoroughly to digest the deci sion of the court and until he has considered It carefully he will not de termine, much less indicate, what ftt turo action ho make take. IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE. Information Asked Regarding Recent Pension Order. WASHINGTON. Tho senate adopt cd the following resolution offered by Mr. Overman: "That tho secretary of the Interior be and he Is hereby directed to Inform tho senate: "First Whether nn order has re cently been Issued enlarging the pen sion act of June 27, 1S!)0, and amend ments, a3 to disabilities of applicants for pensions, and if so to send to the settnte a copy of said order. "Second Uy what amount. If any, will said order Increase pensions annu ally, particularly when the same shall becomo fully operative." Tho senate passed the house bill approving tho act of tho territorial legislature of Arizona authorizing a bond Issue of $100,000 for the enlarge ment of tho insane asylum of the ter ritory. The bill authorizing the incorpora tion of tho American Academy lit Rome was-passed. Tho senate then went into exectttho session and later adjourned until Monday. MILLARD SEES THE PRESIDENT. No Change In U. S. District Attorney at Present. WASHINGTON. While at the White house Senator Millard talked to the president about the case of Wil liamson S. Summers, United States attorney lor Nebraska, whose re moval from office it Is said, has been promised by the president to Edward Rosowater of Omaha and Senator Diet rich of Nebraska. Senator Mil lard put the matter to tho president in such a way that no change will be made in the office for some time at least, and Summers will remain where he is until Senator Millard is fully agreed thut he ought to ho succeeded by someone else. Senntor Millard has not yet reached the point of assent to this proposition. It Is said there is no question that Summers will eventually fall of reap pointment, but the president will not care to hasten his removal until Sen ator Millard Is willing. CLERK HIRE IN POSTOFFICES. Bill Introduced in the House Fixing Allowances. WASHINGTON. Two bills were introduced by Representative Blrdsall of Iowa. Ono authorizes the post master general to allow to postmas ters In third-class offices, out or the surplus revenue of tho respective offices, an nmount for clerk hire In addition to allowance for "separat ing service," as follows: In offices where the salary of the postmaster Is $1,000. $000; where the salary Is $1,800. $500; whero the sal ary is $1,700, $400; and where the salary is $1,000. $:;00. Tho other bill authorizes the post master general to designate offices at the Intersection of mall routes as distributing or separating offices, and making reasonable allowances for clerk hire for this work. DRAFTING STATEHOOD BILL. Propose to Make Two States Out of Four Territories. WASHINGTON. Tho statehood problem was taker up by tho sub committee of tho house committee on territories, recently appointed to draft statehood bills for Arizona, New Mex ico and Oklahoma and Indian Terri tory, The bill making a stato of the tirst two was practically completed. The difficulty of adjusting the taxa tion and other questions with regard to the admission of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as a state aro next to be taken up. Three to One Against Strike. SEELEYV1LLE. Ind. Tho seven lo cal unions in this vicinity Tuesday voted against going on a strike. The majority against striking Is estimated at three to one. ARRAIGNMENT OF SOCIETY. Pastor Speaks of Progressive Polyga my of Divorcees. WASHINGTON "Some Ugly Fea tures of Our National Life and What to Do About Them" was the subject of a Lenten 'sormon Sunday night by Rev. Dr. McKIm of tho Epiphany church. ( He made a direct, forcible talk against an "almost conscience less extravagance and passion for display," and drew a vivid picture of tho progresive polygamy of of society divorcees. TRUST QUESTION CONGRESSMAN HEARST WOULD HAVE IT INVESTIGATED. RESOLUTIONS FOR COMMITTEE Evil Ef ects of the Great Combinations Recited Means Already Existing to Curb Trusts Ought to Be Rigidly En forced. WASHINGTON, D. C Representa tive Hearst of New York on Friday In troduced resolutions providing for an Investigation of tho trust question by a committee of live members of the house. Tho resolutions contain ten clauses, reciting the evil effects of trusts on the country, among them be ing tho following: "Numerous Illegal combinations known as trusts havo been formed to absorb or eliminate competition and establish virtual monopolies with a view to controlling production and raising the price of their products. "Such extortionate trusts as the beef trust and the coal trust and the Ice trust have arbitrarily increased the cost of the necessities of life to the public. "Such specuatlvo trusts as the ship yards and the steel trust have Inflated their stoe'e to many times Its actual values and sold to tho public, transfer Ing the people's money from banks and legitimate Investments into the pock ets of trust promoters and speculators. "Industrial unrest has been foment ed by the InCrenscd cost of living and by the consequent necessary efforts of labor to make its wages keep paco with the Increased cost of liting. "Such trusts as the steel trust. In spite of the increased cost of living, have ruthlessly cut down tho wages of hundreds of thousands of employes In order to pay dividends on watered stock, and other trusts havo wholly collapsed, throwing hundreds of thou sands of workmen out of employment. "The purchasing power of tho com munity has been diminished by tho ac tions of the. trusts by unsound methods, which hno misled the people, swin dled them and robbed them of their savings. "All classes of the community are being made to (eel the evil effect of of the unrestrained greed and lawless practices of the trusts." The committee Is directed to inform the house fully on the trust situation, to the end that more effective laws may be prepared and passed by Con gress, regulating and restrlctly com binations. The committee is empow ered to send for persons and papers. An additional resolution states that "It is the senho of this house, and It does recommend, that tho laws al ready existing against the trusts be in tho meanwhile enforced by the ex ecutive branch of this government and the legal representatives thereof." The resolutions were referred to the committee on rules. DECISION IS SOUND LAW. Is for the Benefit of All Legitimate Interests. WASHINGTON. The attorney gen eral, being asked concerning the mer ger decision, said: "My views of tho decision cannot be better expressed than In the lan guage or one of the best known r.ill road presidents in the United States upon the decision in favor of tho government by the court below. He said: 'The decision Is sound law, good and for the beneni of all legiti mate Interests and for tho country's welfare, and It voices the Judgment of probably nine-tenihs of tho most conservative business men of the country.' "As to the bearing upon other rail roads, I have this to say: The gov ernment has never claimed that the law is any broader than its language plainly indicates. "During tho trial and argument tho government paid no heed to tho defendant's contention that tho makeup or substantially all tho great American systems of .railroads was on trial. The government's position was then, that tho question before the court was as to the validity of the Northern Securities device." CUTS THE APPROPRIATION. Money for the Lewis and Clarke Ex position. WASHINGTON Thd houso com mittee on Industrial arts and exposi tions considered In an all-day session tho report of Its sub-committee on tho senate bill appropriating $1,750,000 toward the Lewis and Clarke exposi tion to bo held at Portland, Ore. The sub-commltteo cuts the appro priation to $200,000 for a government exhibit; $225,000 for government buildings; $25,000 for an Alaskan ex hiblt; $25,000 for a Philippine exhibit, and authorizes the coinage of 250,000 Bouvenir dollars. Tlieso dollars are to sell at $2 each and the profit will go to the exhibition company. The full committee will consider tho bill again Saturday. Miner's Vote to Accept Scale. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. The tellers completed canvassing tho minors' vote this afternoon. Total vote cast. 1C5, 8S7. For accepting the scale, 98,514; against tho scale and In favor of a strike, 07,37:5. Majority against a strike, 31,141, Secretary Wilson of tho United Mine Workers said a meet ing of the joint subscalo committee would in all probability be called for Indianapolis next Monday, when the scale would be sicned for two years and arrangements made to meet In Joint convention two years hence. Shortly after getting tho political boo in his bonnet the average nian gets It In the neck. I am here In the world to serve and to think of others and not myself. Ur. Horlon. inn BKNT OK KAT.TC . On Crop Paymenta, SEVERAL CEOICE ; FABKB. Send torlUU J.aiUl.IIALl.,8lonxC'lty,Iow, Conscience doesn't mako cowards of literary romancers. A man knows less after mcrrlago than a woman does before. ItheamntUtn'a Killing rnln. Left la quick onlrr after taking 10 done of Dr. Sklrvln' Rheumatic Cure, In tablet form. 25 doie '.:5c. postpaid. WIS. DRUG CO., LA CROSSE, WIS. (W. N U.) To withstand evil is quite as neces sary as to do good. Mrs. Cratk. The gain of love Is lost by tho lovo of gain. PUTNAM FADELESS DYE3 cost but 10 cents per package. Holiness is the reaching alter rath er than the arriving at perfection. Lots of people come to grief by meeting trouble half-way. Smoker- find Lewis' "Single Binder" stnilifht.lo cignr better quality than most 10c brands. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. You may reap what you sow not something elso but that. F. W. Robertson. If nil women who look back wero turned Into salt pillars tho streets would be full of statues. To Curo ft Coltl In Ono iln-. Tnko Lnxattvo Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund inouey if it falls to cure. 25c. No fountain is so small but heaven may be imaged In Its bosom Haw thorne. Fish may be all right as brain food if a man Isn't born a fool to start with. When You D-jy Starch buy lipiliiuep and c"t the best. 1(5 oz. for 10 cents. Ourp used, ulwnys used. Things to Remember. "My boy," said .a man of the stato of Texas to his son, who whs start ing out for u career in an eastern city; "my boy, let me tell joti some thing which may help yon. You get up there, and yon may sec a heap of peoplo who have got more money than you have; a heap of people who havo got more brains than you have, and more success. Some of them may oven be better looking than you aro. Don't you worry about that, and don't you be scared of anybody. Whenever you meet a man who allows he's your superior, you just look at him and sny to yourself, 'Aftel all, you're just folks!' You want to remember for yourself, too, that you're just folks. My boy. after you have lived as long as I have and hnv knocked around the world, yon will come to see that that's all any one of Is folks." A Suggestive Name, Jake, the colored servant of Lionel Barrymore, has quite a Hock of chil dren, all or them with Biblical names, as their father is very religious, and a great student ot tho bible. A boy was added to the family not long ago, ami .lake confessed himself puzzled as to a name for him. "You see." he ex plained, "we'so 'bout 'sausted all dem characters sich as David an' Amos an' Soloman. Do woman suggests Balaam, but I'so calculatln' on Hal low, as the book slggests it fob Itself. 'Hallowed be Thy name,' sah. I reck on we'll leave it dub, sah." DOCTOR DID IT. Put on 36 Pounds by Food. Feed a physician back to health and he gains an experience that he can uso to benefit others. For this reason Grape-Nuts food is daily recommend ed to patients by hundreds of physi cians who have cured themselves of stomach trouble. Ono doctor says: "Although a physician und trying to aid and assist my fellow beings to en joy good health It must be admitted I formerly did not enjoy the best of health myself. In January, 1899, I only weighed 119 pounds. At this time 1 was living in the Ohio Valley and began to think I had about seen my best days. Ono day about 3 years ago I had an opportunity to try Grape Nuts food for my breakfast. " I liked It so well that I ate three teaspoon fuls three times a day and have reg ularly used It up to tho present time, and I now weigh 155, a gain of 3G pounds and enjoy tho best of health. "Not only has Grape-Nuts modo this wonderful change In me, but through It I have helped my friends, relatives and patients. The sustain ing power of this food is simply won derful, i "I havo one patient who Is a sec tion hand on tho C. & O. R. R., who eats nothing In lite morning but four tablespoonfttls of Grape-Nuts and yot does his very hard work up to lunch time and enjoys the best of health and strength. "I could name a great many cases like this and I still prescribe Grape Nuts in ray practice every day." Name given by Poslum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. . Ask any physician about the scien tific principles on which Grape-Nuts food is made. He'll tell you tho prin ciples lire perfect. Then a 10 days' trial proves that the principles are carried out In tho food ("all the good of tho gralna so treated that auyonn can digest It all") Shown In renewed physical strongth and brain enorgy. "There's a reason." Look in each pkg. for tho famous little book, -The Road to Wellvllla." I h