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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1904)
ft ri.W V, EIGHT VEARS OF TORTUKE. No siurerlnB mora l.tin than kidney suf fi rinrr. Sick Kid neys mako bad blood; muse weak, stiff and aching backs; vaiise blind, sick nntl diz zy headaches, lack of appetite and loss of sleep; keep you all tired out and spoil digestion. To have perfect health, you must euro the kidneys. Read how one man was cured by Doan's Kidney I'llls after eight years of tor ture. Henry Soule of l'ultney St., Ham mondsport, N. Y., says: "For eight years I huffored constant agony from kidney complaint. I cndtired the worst torture from gravel and the kidney secretions were excessive and contained sediment like brick dust. I had to get out of bed from ten to twenty times a night and the loss of Bleep wore :ne out. Indigestion carao on and the distress nfter eating was terrible. Doan's Kidney Pills effected a complete nnd lasting cure, and nfter tho symptoms of kidney trouble were Bone my stomach began to work a3 it should. This lasting cure, espe cially In a person of my age, proves tho great value of Doan's Kidney Pills moro convincingly than could any words of mine." Doan's Kidney Pills sold by all drug gists; price GO cents per box, or mail ed on receipt of price by Foster-Mil-burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for free trial. There is Just as much worry over monay as over the lack of it. WESTERN CANADA HAS AN EXCELLENT CLIMATE. The Saskatchewan Valley Very Highly Favored. An interesting fenturo of Western Canada is Its climate. Those who have made a study of it speak highly of It. The Canadian Government Agents are sending out an Atlas, and nt the same time giving valuable In formation concerning railway rates. etc., to those Interested In the country. As hns been said, the climate Is ex cellent. The elevation of this part of Canada is about 1,800 feet above tho sea, about twice that of tho average for Minnesota. It is a very desirablo nltitudo. The country has a very equable- climate taking the seasons through. The winters a'ro bright and the summers are pleasantly warm. R F. Stupart, director of tho meteorologi cal service for Canada, says: "The salient features of tho cllmato of tho Canadian northwest territories aro a clenr, bracing atmosphere dur ing the greater part of the year, and a medium rainfall and snowfall. The mean temperature for July at Winni peg is C6, and Prince Albert 62. Tho former temperature Is higher than at any part of England, and tho latter is very similar to that found in many parts of tho southern countries." At Prince Albert the average dally maximum in July is 76 and the mini mum 48. Owing to this high day tem perature with much sunshine, tho crops come to maturity quickly. Moisture is ample in the Saskatche wan valley, being about 18 inches an nually. It is notable that about 75 per cent of tho moisture falls during the crop months. Thus, Western Can ada gets as much moisture when it is needed and with several hours more sunshlno dally than land further south gets during tiro growing season, it is not difficult to understand why crops mature quickly and yield bountifully. Winter ends quickly, sowing is done during April and sometimes in March, Harvest comes in August, about tho raiddlo. Cyclones, blizzards, dust and sand storms are unknown. There is moro in being worthy of great placo than there Is winning it. Secrecy Is tho best soli for tho worst sins. Mother G ray's Street Powders for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y. Consldor'ng -a duty is often ex plaining it away. Robertson. It Is sometimes better to stay whero you aro than to jump at conclusions. rtso'a Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medlclno for coughs and ooldt N. W. Sauukl, Ocean a rove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. Endurance is nobler than strengtli, and patience than beauty. Ruskln. You cannot make cloudB for others and live In tho clear yourself. TBMOW CLOTHES AltE UNSIfJHTXT. Keep t hem white with Red Cross Ball Dine, All grocers sell largo 2 oz. package, 5 cent Out of suffering have emerged tho otrongest sou is. E. H. Clapln. Meekness is simply tho silence of might. We must bo as careful to keep friends as to maio them. Lord Ave bury. Defiance Starch should hi In every household, nonr eo good, besldeH 4 oz. more for 10 cents than any other brand of eold water starch. Righteousness is the only recom mendation that goes to heaven. One who loves right cannot bo Jn different to wrong or wrongdoing. Smiles. The Best Results in Starching ran bo obtained only by usIhk Peflnnco, starch, besides gettfnB oz. moro for tame money no cooking required. J0 fill n?NEWS IN NEBRASKA GIVES RULING ON CREDITS. State Board Holds "Net Credltc" Ap ply to Five Items on Schedule. LINCOLN At a meeting tho State Board of Equalization decided that the decision of Attorney General Prout, Hint credits In the new reve nuo law mean net credits, affects only theso Items In tho personal property schedule: "All notes secured by mort gage ovuied by me; all other notes owned by me; all money loaned by mo nnd not already cntored on this schedule; all book accounts duo me, nnd credits not otherwise listed." Tho Interpretation of tho board means that a person who holds notes secured by mortgage, owns other notes, has book accounts duo, hns money loaned that Is not already In cluded in the schedule and has credits not otherwise listed upon which he Is to be taxed, tho person has the prlvllcgo of deducting money that he owes. The item, "credits not otherwise listed," Is taken to mean money lonncd to a bank and such like from which n, person will bo allowed to do duct his debts. Slnco tho nttorney general held that credits mean net credits thero has been considerable apprehension that tho revenue raised under tho now law would be materially decreased be cause of the ruling. This action of the board in making it apply to only five Items In tho schedule, it is said, will causo only a small decrease. The wholesale merchants of Omaha prob nbly will be benefited more than any other by tho decision. THE ELEVATOR BILL UP. It Is Going to Be Tested by a Farmers' Association. LINCOLN Tho Ramsey elevator bill Is to have a trial in tho supreme court and Joseph Ramsey, the father or the bill, Is tho head of tho com pany of farmers that are going to test it. At tho lustnnco of tho Farmers Co-operntlvo Grain and Shipping as sociation. Senator Pemberton filed a motion for a writ of mandnmus to compel tho Kansas City & Northwest ern railroad to lay a side track from its main line to an elevator erected at Virginia nnd owned by the farm ers. The court set April 5 as tho date of tho hearing. Beforo th,o Ram sey elevator bill was thought of, Mr. Ramsey organized tho farmers into a grain association nnd tho company purchased one of three elevator at Virginia. Shortly after the transfer of tho property the elevator was burned. Tho railroad company then refused to allow tho company to re build on its right-of-way and the com pany then built on a piece of ground about forty feet from the right-of-way. The Ramsey bill had Its Inception In the refusal of tho railroad to allow tho company to rebuild on its old site. Slnco the legislature, the stockhold ers of tho company have had several disagreements, which have delayed the bringing of tho suit. Locates Stolen Mare. ALBION About three weeks ago F. M. Tully of Cedar Rapids, this county, lost a valuable mare by theft, and Im mediately sent out postal cards to the sheriffs of 'the state, describing the mare and offering a reward for it On Friday ho received word from the sheriff of Keya Paha county that a maro answering tho description had been taken charge of by him and the rider arrested. Mr. Tully and Sheriff Clark left to Investigate. Scalded by Teapot. BEATRICE Whllo attempting to remove the lid of a tea pot Miss Ida MIsner was severly scalded about the face by escaping steam and hot tea. Uniforms for Convicts. LINCOLN One thousand yards of gray uniform clotlr aro about to bo purchased by Warden Beemer. The material Is to bo used in making tho new uniforms for tho apparel of the -good" convicts at tho penitentiary. The sanction of the state board of public lands and buildings has now been obtained for the scheme, rele gating the striped uniforms to the un ruly prisoners only, arraying tho "trusties" in dark gray and the other prisoners In a plain light gray. Looking After Children. OSCEOLA Rev. J. W. Swan of Plattsmouth, a former pastor of tho M. E. church here, has been In this county and nt Osceola several days looking nfter the Interests of a num ber of children he had placed in homes here. Boy Killed in a Runaway. NORFOLK Peter Hansen, jr., waB killed in a runaway at Brunswick. The team broke away and smashed tho rig and the boy was badly man gled. Will Assess Mining Stock. LINCOLN Nobraskans who own raining stock must list It with tho assessors this year at its true market value. A conference was hold In Lin coln by fc'tato Auditor Weston and Secretary Bonnatt of tho state board of equalization and County Attornoy Humphroy of Custer county concern ing tho subject, it was not decldod as to whethor such mining stock should bo assossod, but the mumbars of tho board says tnat it must bo list ed as assessors make tholr rounds. THE STATE IN BRIEF. C J. Mil pi hns been renominated for mnytn of Hustings by tho repub licans. (loo. W. Brott. In Jail nt Auburn, at tempted to end his Imprisonment by suicide. The Butler County Teachers' moot ing will bo held In David city March L'C and 117. Cupid is doing business in Antelope county, there bolng four mnrrlages in ono day recently. J. B. Kiuiffman, w!io took a home stead near Gralton thlrty-fivo years ago, died last week. Tho restaurant of Lewis Beard a, Humboldt burned, the loss being pari' ly covered by insurance. In one night the local Ancient Ordct of United Workmen of Kearney Initi ated fifty new members. At Lincoln, Eli Jones was sentenced to sixteen months in the penitentiary for nssaultlng nn olllcer, License or no license Is tho all-absorbing question to be decided at tho coming election in Burwcll. Prospects seem good for a new city hall nt Humboldt, something that la bald to be very much needed. Georgo W. Carter, lately cashier of the Bank of Dakota City, has gone back to railroading, his former voca tion. D. R. Colby, of Beatrice, n vetrl nnry surgeon, was seriously Injured while attempting to stop a runaway team. His condition Is critical. At his preliminary hearing In Kear ney Roy Hughes ndmltted to filling out nnd signing the name of Georgo Harvey to tho check for ?20, which he attempted to have enshed. He was bound over to tho district court in tho sum of ?5U0. The Concreto compnny, nn Iowa concern, has decided to locato In Grand Island and engage In tho man ufacture ot cement building blocks and wnlks, with the view, later, to en gage In the manufacture of sand and cement brick. A child of Ed Howard of Nebraska City was badly burned about the faco and hands by getting possession of n can of concentrated lye. The physi cians fear that tho llttlo ono swal lowed some of tho lye, and In that event It will die. An old soldier named DIckerson ap peared nt tho Soldiers' home In Grand Island and was tnken caro of. Ho ap pears to have lost ah memory ot him self, even his name, this being found on pension papers. Ho cannot recall the namo of any friends. Tho supposed thief who stole the team and buggy from Steele City wns lodged In the county Jail at Falrbury. Ho Is a farmer living near Hollenburg over tho Kansas line. Tho tenra and buggy which were sold In Tecumsch were returned to their owner. Tho reciprocal tax law applying to Insurance companies of other states hns been upheld by tho supremo court In. a suit instituted by tho Nebraska lnsuranco Department against the In surance Company of North America. Tho stato derives probably $150,000 a year in fees under this law. David Carroll, of Nemaha, "0 years of age, shot nnd killed Anna, the 16-year-old adopted daughter of Mrs. Anna Maxwell. He then turned tho revolver upon himself and sent a bul let crashing through tila own .brain. Motive for tho tragedy is not given. Fremont expects to do a good deal of paving this year. G. E. Young, a special game warden residing at Nehawka, caused tho ar rest of G. H. Marks for shooting song birds from the public highway. He was given a trial and fined $5 and costs. An organization of citizens has been formed to enforce the state game law, which was passed to protect song or Insectivorous birds, ns well as game birds and fish. Mousel Brothers of Cambridge held their first annual sale of registered Hereford bulls a few days ago. Tho bulls sold from JG5 to $150 ench. Tho average of the entire lot was $109.35. A negro entered tho bed chamber of Miss Thomas, a daughter of Charles Thomas, at Nebraska City, In the night, and was discovered as he lean ed over tho bed. Miss Thomas gave tho alarm and he was frightened away. At the request or the state veterina rian, tho labor bureau has Included In Its schedule for the. collection of sta tistics tho number of cattle and horses that have died from the cornstalk dis ease. These schedules have Just been sent out to the various assessors and their attention is especially called to this change from the change In the schedule of last year. Owing to tho prevalence of Itch and mango nmong the cattle of the state Governor Mickey has Issued a procla mation that all cattle should be dipped when tho disease Is known to exist. The dip shall ho of lime and sulphur nnd all cattle known to have tho dls easo shall bo dipped, a second time within from eight to fourteen days nfter tho llrst dipping. In a btatement certified by the time keeper and paymaster of tho Demps tre mill manufacturing plant in Be atrice, it Is stated that employes of all departments of the compnny's bus iness, exclusive of that located at Memphis, number 346 and that tho avorago monthly payment for men, boys and girls Is $49.25, Charles B. Otis, landlord of the Watson hotel, Nebraska City, was ar rested by W. F. Thompson of tho state pure food commission and taken be fore tho county Judge whero he plead ed guilty to using oleomargarlno with out complying with tho siato law. THE OLD FOLKS At HOME Are Never Without Peruna in the House for Catarrhal Diseases MR. AND MRS. J. O. ATKINSON, INDEPENDENCE, MO. UNDER dato of January 10, 1807, Dr. iliirttnan received tho following letter: "My wife had been suffering from a com plication of diseases for tho past IK years. "Her case hud bullied tho skill of sonio of tho most noted physicians. Ono of her worst troubles was chrouio constipation of several years' standing. "Sho also wns pusoing through that most critical period in the lifo of u woman chut j Roof life. In Juno, 1MK, I wrote to you about her caso. Yon advised a course of Pcrumv and Mnualiii, which wo nt onco commenced, and navo to auy It com pletely cured her. Sho flrmlv liellovcs that sho would have been dead Only lor theso wonderful remedies. "About tho stiino time 1 wrote yon nbout my own caso of catarrh, which had been of U5 years' standing. At times I wns almost jiast going. I commuueed to uso Peruna according to your instructions and con tinued its uso for about n year, and it has completely cured me. , ' Your rented tea do all that you claim for them, and even more. Catarrh cannot exist where Peruna Is taken according to direction's. Success to you and your remedies " John O. Atkinson. f y tkW BtaW (Fatonted) Laundry DIRECTIONS FOR U8E-WIooleStlck AnoiTNl) IN THK WATEIt. WfaaleaStlck i,AurT)RV nxiTE won't snill. break, freeze nor snot clothna rVwtft 1iV nml rviiinlafa- Tcnrth nf nnvntlior ItsoudlOcforsamploto TUB LAUNDRY CONSUMERS ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST WESTERN MADE SHOES. These brands will guarantee Vott a good shoe for men: Star and Crescent E..Z. Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children's Shoes. See that our name is on the shots you buy. F. P. KIRKENDALL & CO. mnSfA& ,n All things come to those who wait, but you might save time by going oilt to meet them. Insist on Getting It. Some propers nay thoy don't keep De fiance Starch. This Is becuusa tlicy, have n stock on hand of other brands contain ing only 12 oz. In n uuitknKe, which they won't be ublo to uvll llrst, becuuxo De fiance coutalriH 16 oz. for the sume money. Do you wnnt If oz. liiHiead of 12 ot. tor name money? Then buy Deilnnce Bturch. Keyulres no cooking. Nevor Judge a man's character by the high standing of his silk hat. Ask Toor Dealer For Alien's Fnot-Kaie, A powder. It rests the feet Cures Corns, Bunions. Swollen.Sore.Hot.Callous, Aching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease malces newor light Miocs easy. At all Druggists and Shos stores, 2.S cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Frbk. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Hoy. N.Y. Slander Is the crime of saying what other people think. PA H U C D t? I HI'.ST O.N KAItTH r fl ITl L n O , Harncu. Collan and Saddle With BB tudt mark r mdt Iran the io'd-fil. toned tanned California leather. With care will lilt a lifetime. Atk vtrjl Jialer if thev do not handle our voode. Send 2-CCnt atatnp for Catalog of our Hamcu and Sadd'.w, which ihow vou a way to buy them. BUCUSTAll' IlltOH,, The ltxrne-s Men, Lincoln. Nobraatku, r.:ExrcAN Mustang Liniment cores Sp ruin a uml Striunn. No. 13 -1904 W. N. U., Omaha. Him CURS WH JIRtS WHlHE All USilAILS. licit Coufh bjrou. Tjta Gcxxt. Cm in tune, sum Dr uruairuts MCTgtrl t J ivi I rJi B f 1 ?Md KK i.. , .i..i T..nM. i irww mr.. Atkinson snys, after flvo years' experience with Peruna : will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. In my rounds as a traveling man I am a walking adver tisement for Peruna and have Induced many people during the past year to use Peruna with the most satisfactory results. I am still cured of catarrh." John O. Atkinson, Box 272, Independence, Mo. When old ago comes on, catarrhal dis eases come also. systemic catarrh is al most universal in old people. This explains why Peruna has bocomo so Indispensable to old people Peruna is their snfe-g-unrd. Pc-runn Is tho only remedy yet devised that meets theso cases exactly. .Such cases cannot bo treated locally; nothing but an effective systemic remedy could euro them. This is exactly what Periinu Is. If you do not rccclvo prompt and Fatlsfac tory results from tho uso of Peruna, wrlto at once to Dr Ilartnuni, giving a fuh state ment of your caso and ho will ho pleased to givo vou his valuable advlco gratis. Address Dr Hartman, President of Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. gW kW Blue hlnlnrr. If vnnr irrni-At- ilnna tint. Imh BLUB CO.. 19 Michigan St., Chlcaas. OF SHOES M yi - . tvMirerfc POMMEL SLICKER HA3 BEEN ADVERTISED AND JOLD FOR A QUARTER OF A CfNTUK LIKE ALL m- .JJAIBKOOF lSl CLOTHING. It is nt&de of the bat n&tcruuY in black, or rcltow. fully guaranteed, and sold by rcu&lc defers ctcmihcrc, STICK TO THE 5IGN OF THE FISH. "ratitf0-l teWSKMLJik "KATY'S" NBUf LINE To Oltlnhoma City nnd Ontlirlo Is now open, l-'rom Kuur-nx City tho '-Katy ' 1b tho abort line; from Chtcaiio, part at (bo abort line, und from SU Louts, lncks out a few miles of brltm the most direct route to thin jmrt of Oklahoma. Tho country traercd Isono ot the best fnrnilnir district tn America, kiipportlnc it number of thriving towns, which will grow In prominence rapidly with tho ndvt-ntof tho railroad, Hits the pros, pectlvo settler und Inventor will Und un ex cecdlnitly rich opportunity. lor compicu) 'Ban ui uKianoma ana inaiau Territory ana inter cbtlnRlnfi.unutlon, wrlto GEORGE MORTON, o. r. a, T. a., u. K. A T. 11T, Katr Bldo., ST. LOUIS, MO. Tiuitwojtby lady or eentleman to inanaga bnkl- nesa in thta County and ad m i e territory for well ai'dfavorauly known hou-c of. I d financial Hand- in.- o.u.iiu iiraicni ratu lulsryand ezpenaos raid each Monday by check dn ret f Itm headquar ter. Eipcme money advanced; position perma nent, lixperienie not essentia). Ai.dtrs T. J. COOPER, Manager, Como Block, CHICAGO, CLL. 135111 fa fVfj tf afflicted with j acie jea, uae Thompson's Eye Waftr DOLLAR nut CURE Fiom Pimples to Scrofula From infancy to Age To those who have tilif fercd long and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, CUTI CURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expec tation awakened by them has been more than ful filled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humors are daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined. a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Bald larout Koot lb, world, rutlmira lUMhni. (Oe. (la form el (Jhorolalt Coarrd rill., lit per tUI f 60), OUrtl.anc., Seen. !. Draeriei IjSndua, T7 Caarwr awuMo-vt rini.arUtdtlariitiirVMbio.Urr ColuailMU An. Pitta Uruf a Oieai. Carp , ! Pnp. ar Sead far All About li Skin aael tealp. Looking for a Home? Than why not keep in vlow the foot that the forming lands of Western Canada are sufficient to support a population of S0.CC0.CC0 or over IV The iininlrtatlon for tho patt air )eart has been phenomenal. FREE Memcstiad Lam's aatlly accessible, while other lands may be ptit chased from Railway and l.aud Companies, The train and craxlnc lands of WeMrni Canada are itm best on the -continent, prodminc I he beat iisiu. and cattle (fed on' crass alone) ready for market. Morkets, Hehoole, Uallwaja.nnd al. .other condltlona make Western Canada an einvi able spot for the settler. WfitetoSupritnlendentlinmltiation.Ottawa.Carr ada. for a descriptive Atlv and other information, or to the authorized Canadian flmermnent Arr W. V. Bennett. K)l New York Ufa Vuildins. Omaha, Neb. W. L. DOUGLAS '3.&$3SHOESSl W. L. Dottplns shops have by tliclr excellent stylo, ensy-llttltipf, antl superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest wilo of any shoes In tho world. They aro Inst as (rood as those that cost you 84 to S5 tho only difference is tho price. Sola tu$rywhtre. Look for name ar prlco on bottom. UouB-las uaea Corana I Uoltaklu, which U e-very where concedeel to niiio HDcni a-aienr. i.-ainrr yet troduce-d. -ait Color Cytlff uttd. Khoca bj nall.gftr.extrsw rrrlUforCatalot. W.L.Iloarlaa. Ilrockton. iitm. MrST"? . OaUa&Ui P vXrFOSI f tmnntsn micuri cl i.vv.. ;:.. ?x. jr.R .anbb.vri .nrM lgWJ-WMIMffHJW.I.' JIJIMlHlllMW tatttit ititl felato irelrtr) it tht kirU I Klegant stock. Tre ruendous yields. Vtom 400 to 1000 buabrla per acre FOR lO CENTS and thla notice we M-ndyou lota of farm sed samples and l-'K cnUIoKiie, Wiling all about TeoBlnfe,8pt!tz, IVot. Acrid XAftd ll&rlev. irnrAfMil U'liMir itmmtM Surliest Cane etc. kudfora&motoday.-i1 PORTRAIT AGERTSSS Ourcwjda the beat- Tricolor) .(!. I'MuiptMlp nienta Delivery of all portraits ruamntced Klecant aautpleaaoil n Hf frra J-mil for ataloKue AUUrru ADAM 7. KR01.L-C0. New Era BuUier, Uhwifo. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. ill efelJeV Will aaaaVSaK .M -aaaaHaaaaaaiKl n avajKjf TaaW