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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1904)
&Vi WI A SUV JtK'i VjSt r7Ui'Bi&'ziJEsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss iKJEKfcsi-Aii i' RsssssssssssssHLsssssssW. HsssssssssssssssssssMsssk? ' sssssssssssIiImIhHsssssssM sssssssssssssssssssssssVL ssssssssB IfiifflissssssssssM. BHmv 'ssssssssssUiiHl!sssssssssssst .sssssssssssssssssssssssuiJsssssssssvYyDi7fe . w'lflfssssssssssssl illillilmlllssssssssssssssV fjsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssw xJv?&C "' JIssssssssssssssssV lUlllllfllllrsssssssssssssm sssssssssssmrfsssssssssssssPssf - " lySCTtvPJHKil hbssssssssssssssIbsssssssssssssssssv y . .. V C .. 'sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss fsssssssssssssssssssssssw Xl LsssssssssssssH Issssssssssssssssl LssssssssssH jV 'wJ- I'd ll JLVJL1SS 1NC1J1C JTlUIIllCSi LlCclbUlv:! Ul LUCK Young Woman's Temperance Association of Buffalo, N. Y., strongly advises all suf fering women to rely, as she did, upon Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Deab Mjib. riNKtTAit: Your medlclno is indeed an ideal woman's medicine, and by far tlio belt I know to restore lost health and Rtrcngth. I wiffcrcd misery for Bevoral years, being troubled with monorrhagia. My back nched, 1 had bearing-down pains and frequent headaches. I would often wako from rcntful sleep, and in such pain that I suffered for hours before I could go to sleep ajraln. I dreaded tho long nights as much as tho weary days. I consulted two different physicians, hoping to get relief, but, finding that their medicine did not Beem to euro me, I tried your Vegetable Compound on tho recommendation of a friend from tho East who was visiting me. ' I am glad that I followed her adrico, for every ache and pain is gone, nnd not only this, but my general health is much improved. I havo a flno nppotlto and have gained in flesh. My earnest ndvico to suffering women is to put nway all other medicines and to tako Tjydia E. Plnklium's Vcffo IttOlO Compound." Miss Nellie IIoljiks, 540 No. Division St., Buffalo, N. Y. Hiss Irene Crosby, prominent in Social Life in East Savanah, GaM adds her testimonial to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. sssswisit 'JS Vs" 'V'B Renicmbor that overy woman Is cordially invited to wrlto to Mrs. Plnkham if there .Is any tiling about her easo or symptoms slio does not understand. Mm. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. Hor advlco is free, and is cheerfully given to any ailing woman who asks for it. $5000 FOR F E IT It m cannot forthwith prodacs tho original letters and elgnfttorei of nbovo tostuuoulali, vrklsh will prore their absolute Kenutnenen. lOTdla E. rinUliam Med. Co., Lynn, Mais. FARMERS and STOCKMEN VVfl ran ssYn you Mllrtitleiiun" lirntlt tv lisvlnr our own wtrnlmuaos uiil feeillDR yrd ami ci urln I hlnliesl puMlhl nrlc fur jmr Brain ajd stixk. hnid lor our THICK "ll..nlIt." I rariwrt' Oraln and Lite Stock Commission Co. ?U Colony Builtling. CkmfO, 111. I CAPSICUM VftSEUHE (POT I'P It -.)! HI'MllI C Tl HS) A subtUtuto far ami superior to militant or anv oilier platter, and mill not Mistrr ilin most delicate akin. Tlio psmslUjIns and curative qualltiraot thli article aie wonileiftit. It will slew tlio toothache at onre, and telirto tirad ar lie and sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external loiintrrittitaut known, aUo ai an external remrdjr for pami In the chest and stomach and a'.l iheumatic. nouraltic and gouty couiplslnts. A trial will pioo what we claim for It. and It will bn found to bn invalu able In the household. Many rwoplusair "It Is the best of all your preparations." Piles IB cents at all drusiisU or other dealers, or It scmiius ion amount 10 us mvoMatcstauipswe will send ou a tube by mail. Noaitlclaabould be Accepted by the pnlilce unless tha iimo carne our label, asollierwue it is not cenuint. I i tniisciiKouait mro. co., J 17 State btreet, hew Yo Citt. J n aaa LooKinfi: tor a Home f Then whv not keen In view tha fact that the farming lands of Western Canada ar' ullicient to support a population of .FO WV,000 ji ovci The iimiiicratiob for the pat sis cais hi. been phcnomei al FREE Homistead Lands eilr a rrsstble, while other lands uuv be pur cl-awd fiom Rallaayand I and C umpaiiies The ciam and grain lands of extern Canada are the U t on the rommenf, piodiKinc the best train, and cattle fed oil cass alone ready for maiket MurUots, Soliools, ItalliTuy and all other! iNimliiloiis make V'trii t'uuudH an tnnl ulilo mmiI for the aetller. I Wtite to Superintendent Iuiiiii-ration,()ltawa.Can ads, for a descriptive Atlas, and other iiifonuatiun. of t j the authorised Canadian Go eminent Agent- lleuuett. S01 New York Life Uuildwr. Omaha. IS'eo. I W. N. U., Omaha. No. 101904 When Answering Advertisements Kindly. Mention This Paper, . mm. Ait euK t OoetfU Srup. 'faaiau la lima. Sold by draa (MLS. Good. TJM draaaista. lli V Beat Ooejn Sfrup. 'Paaiau Good.' TJM H M latleaa. aold by dreajtsta. M s, treasurer Diun Mns. Pinkhaii : ' It always gives mo plcasuro to find an articlo of real valuo and unquestioned merit. I havo found JLydia E. Plnklmm'H Vcfjctafolo Com pound well calculated to relievo and cure tho various troubles arising from irregular! tics and menstrual pains. "Much suffering could bo spared if wo only paid moro attention to proper living nnd diet, but (is long an women do net do this, your Vegetable Compound hns come to tho front as a true friend in need. I havo been very pleased indeed witli the relief it has brought inc. I find that I havo perfect health now, and that my mind is also more clear and active since I used your Vege table Compound. It has been of great benefit to me, and I gladly recommend it Very sincerely yours, Miss Irene Cnosnr, 313 East Charlton SU, East Savannah, Ga." GREGORY'S CrmC 9oA ndr a SCiIjUiS t"ft Catalogue ttr. J. J. H. CnEQORY A. SON, Marblohend, Mas. SMOKERS: FIND LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER St better Qmlity than most 10! Clears rour jobber or direct from 1 actorr. I'eorta, IV PORTRAIT AGENTS Deal SIrsct with Manufacture ra and Bate money OurKooUiithebrst, I'rtl'l thu'lowi'.t. l'rnllint aliln menu. JirlHcry or ill portrait, triuruntenl. Klrirant ."il'PIt JDii Jo1 "' Tv "ndforiaialorn Address ADi an . nnuj-i-t-u.. new tra flulldinr. W. L. DOUGLAS $3,52&3 SHOES mm MAPI . ij. i'Oiii;iits sliors bnvo by lliclr oxcollimt stylo, tiUiyntthiRt it it d superior tcnrltiK i nuulltlcs, mlilieit i.1" - mi v aiiut:3 sis mu world. TIlPV ura n.t n irnn.1 as thrwo cost yott its 10 o- mo only ilfforonco i tlio iirloo. Sold Ettryuihtrt. tVook for name ri-1 prioo on bottom. Oouelna USfa ('imins Uoltakln. ttlil I, !....... .v..... -..-..Tl - ----. -..-....-. ..j luin fill",, IU Mtlie tin! 1'nlnit l.ntlMr jet 1.i..,luccd. it Color Ey,let j ujrf Shoe, b, niall.SSr.exl ral rTflteforCatalos. H.L.l)ouglas, llrocVton.Mut ONLY 2 CHANCES MARCH lat and 13th. TEXAS, OKUHDMA AND 1ND. TEHRITOflY From St. Louis and Kansas City, SIS. 00 From Chicago, S23.00 From Dos Moines, SI0.O5 From Cincinnati, 529.40 From Indianapolis, S2e.8S Tickets are tust lass and permit Mop-overs on coins tup vouth of WuuKor ilo within transit bum of 1 data tinal liul. 31 days from date of sale, Nrn brfma has them been surh a rham e to er the Southwe-1 in all its prospnitt One-Kay se nnd-t lass m kels will besiild same das at a lediu ed rate Never aialn will the rate. In. so low (,U N(i lor partuular.. wtite or call on OEORQE MORTON, u. r a KalyBldg. 8t. Loula. Mo. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURBS catarrh et the jtamttch. mte!$3 sssKSIsssssWl ,OT ViV.. Stiiil RU88IANVIGT0RY CLAIM MADE THAT JAPANESE VSSSELS HAVE BEEN SUNK. REPORTS, HOWEVEB, CONFLICT Rumors of Victory Spread Far and Wide Over St. Petersburg andCause Much Excitement A Japanese Ruse Which the Russians Overcome. ST. PETHRSIlUItO. Kpports of a KliBslnii victory at Port Arthur wore current lato Wednesday afternoon and early in the evening, ami about mid night thoy Hecnietl to have been defin itely confirmed but in the absence of an olllclnl announcement, which 1b momentarily expected, the Htorics of the dlniciiHlons of this victory wore most conflicting and confusing In character. Tho most circumstantial report wan that tho Japanese, had at tempted to bottle up Admiral Stark's fleet In Port Arthur by sinking two stono-latlon Vessels r.t tho entrance of tho harbor, employing the tactics which wero considered, but not ex ocutcd by the late Admiral Sampson, United States navy, with the Mcr rlmac at Santiago during the Spanish-American war. According to this account two Japanese ships appoared oft tho harbor with a Japanese fleet behind them and ostensibly In pur suit. Tho Itusslans, however, suspect ed a ruse and their ships steamed out sank the stono laden vessels, engaged and defeated tho enemy and drove them off. Tho reports of the Iosb in flicted, however, are conflicting. All tho stories Include tho feature of tho vessels loaded with stones, but according to some versions the Japan ese lleet was convoying transports with tho purpose of effecting a land ing at Pigeon bay, and after tho fail ure of this preliminary maneuver, the Kusinns played havoc with both the Japanese warships and the transports, sinking four of the former nnd two of the latter. One account even gives tho namo of the battleship Itctvl.en as the vessel which particularly distinguished her self by ramming and sinking one of the Jupaneso ships. Rumors of this victory spread far and wide over the city during the early part of the evening and tho crowds which had gathered in the stictits In spite of the severe cold to discuss the news Wero greatly ex cited. One newspaper printed nn ex tra relating tho victory, based on a meager telegram from London, but ns the night wore on without olllclnl In formation, tho crowds dispersed ex cept from nrotind the newspaper of fices. These remained thronge'd with olllcers and others who were lesolvetl to await the official announcement. LONDON A dispatch to the Cen tral News from St. Petesrburg gives another version of the lopoited Japan ese tlefeat at Port Arthur, according to which the Japanese plnnnetl to sink some barges In the strait leading to tho Inner harbor of Port Arthur, thus blocking the exit. Tho Russian gun lire snnk the barges before they ar rived at the intended spot. WANT TO FIGHT FOR JAPAN. Former Rough Riders Anxious to See Service. SIOl'X FALLS. S. D. Evor since it wns announced in Washington dis patches thnt Colonel Melvin Orlsby of this city, who has been In Washing ton for somo time, intended ralbing a batallon of rough riders for service with tho Japanese against the Rus sians, the ofllco of Colonel Clrigsby In this city has been Hooded with letters from applicants for places. Most of the letters arc from toruier members of Grlgsby's Rough Rldeis, a regiment which was formed during the Spanish American war, who wish to see active service timing tho war In the far east. Colonel Grlghby has w.rltten horo to the effect, thnt tho report Is unfound ed, and has Instructed his son, Sioux Grigsby, who Is In charge of tho Urlgsby law office in this city during tho absence of tho colonel In the na tional capital, to write such of the applicants n letter, stating that the report of bis intended action la un founded, that the lnws of Japan for bid the enlistment of torelgncrs In the Japanese army, ami that no good cltl ?en will violate the neutrality laws of the United States. PROBATE WILL OF MARK HANNA. How Property Valued at About $3,000, 000 is Left. CLEVELAND, O. By the will of tho late Sonator Marcus Alon.o Ilanna, an ostnto valued at about $:!. 000,000 Is lert to tho family. There aie no public bequests. The principal beneflciniies are the widow, Mr&. Charlotte Augusta Htinna; tho son, Daniel' Rhodes llannn; tho two daughters, Isabel Augusta Ilanna Par Eons and Mrs. Ruth McCormlck, wife of Medill McCormlck of Chicago. A sister, Lilian C. llannn Baldwin. Is given $10,000. An aunt. Mrs. Helen Converse, Is given v.000 and each of the grandchildren $5,000 each. The widow is given tho homostoad property, all itn lurnUhlng. tho sta bles and thft library In lieu of one yoar'a support Lively Times in Wheat Pit. CHICAGO Wheat for May Fold Tuesday at $1 OS's n bushel. A Jump of 2 cents aboe Saturday's final llguros Tho cause was a sensation advance In piicos at foreign grain markets, apparently due to growing fenr of European complications over the Russlan-Jnpaneso war. A torrlflo slump followed, due to profit taking. May wheat made a sheer descent of Ic, dropping to $l.0,&. The market developed an extraordinary whip-saw character, reacting quickly a full cent to $105s- READY FOR FIGHT. Colombia Anxious to Invade Republic of Panama. NEW YORK Ratification of the Panama treaty ro3ullctl In the im mediate recall of the United States warships and about one-half of the marines from tlio isthmus, says a. Herald dispatch from Panama. Tho Mnrblohoad, Petrol, Wyoming and two torpedo boatn will icmaln on the Pacific side. Tho New York, Boston and Bcnninston will proceed o Cat lao. On the Atlantic sldo all the war ships except two will proceed north fifty marines tinder Major Cole will leave on Tuesdny for Guantanamo. The belief is that they will proceed later to San Domingo. Despite Colombia's Internal disturb ances, letters just received from there declare that the Colombians aro ready to fight as soon ns tho news arrives that the treaty has been rati fied. One general nt Cartagena is quoted as saying that If tho govern ment docs not declare war the troops on the border will Invade Panama anyhow. Tho Information from the coast h that another regiment has been sent from Cntragena to the frontier. Halt of tho 4,000 soldiers sont out to Titu mati havo been moved up the Daricu coast toward Panama. It Is known now that Inanqualna, tho -San Bias cbf, lias visited Titu mati three or four times. American ofllcers have given him notice that tho big canoes he hns collected near tho frontier, If used to transport Colom bian troops, will be sunk. lie prom ised to remain neutral and said ho wished peace. On account of the feeling of the Indians the Panama government has displaced Inanqualna as principal chief and has named Henry Clay, whose headqiiartes are at the mouth of tho Rio Diablo, to bo governor gen eral with a commission in the army. The San Bias are very friendly to the Americans. If the Colombians carry out tho threat to attack they cannot reach the railroad section ns fast as vessels can be sont from tho United States after news of tho advance arrives. Tho presidential election in Colom bia is still undecided, according to a Herald dispatch from Bogota. Gen eral Ilcyes still has a small majority antl It 'is generally believed the elec toral college will declare him presi dent on July 5. with General Gon zales Valencia vice president. STORY OF THE FIGHTING. What Viceroy Alexleff Says of The Recent Naval Engagement. ST. PETERSBURG. A telegram from Viceroy Alexleff to tho czar snys: "At 2: 45 o'clock on the morning of February 21, numerous Japanese tor petlo boats nttempted to attack tho battleship There were sev eral laige steamers loaded with in flammables. The Retvlzan was the first to observe tho torpedo boats antl opened a strong lire on them. Sha was supported by the land batteries She destroyed two steamers near tho entrance of tho harbor; they were coming directly toward her. One of them went on tho rocks near tho lighthouse on Tiger peninsula, and tho other sank under Golden Hill. The Retvlzan observed four steamers in a sinking condition and eight torpedo boats departing slowly to rejoin tho waiting Japanese warships. A por tion of the crews of the Japanese ves sels was drowned. The grounded steamer Is still burning Tho enemy Is observed In tho offing of Port Ar thur In two lines, "Tho Japanese crews saved them selves on bonis, and It is possible that somo of them were picked up by tho enemy's torpedo boats. "lam proceeding to examlno tho coasts. The entrance of the harbor Is open. I attribute tlio complete de rangement of tho enemy's plan to tho brilliant action and destructlveucss of the Rctvban. "Floating mines are still visible in tho roadstead. I have recalled the three cruisers sent in pursuit of the onemy In order, in the first place, to clear tho roadstead of floating mines. We have no losses." Military Observers in Far East. WASHINGTON. Colonel Crowder of the general staff, who has been selected to accompany tho Japanese army In the field during the war, left Washington for San Francisco, where ho will sail March F, for Yokohama. Having finally decided to employ Brigadier General Allen as a military observer In Korea antl Manchuria, Lieutenant General Chaffee cabled to that officer at Seoul his necessary credentials and Instructions. Nom inally, Genearl Allen will be military attache to the United States legation at Seoul. Uncle Sam's Cash. WASHINGTON. Today's state ments of tho treassury balances In tho genoral fund, exclusive of tho ? 1 50, 000,000 gold reservo in tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $224,418,751; gold, fl02,424. 709. Each Plant a Tree. WASHINGTON President and Mrs. Roosevo'. celebrated Washington's birthday by planting each a tree In the White house grounds. The trees are fern leaf beeches. They were re moved from Garfield park, it being necessary either to transplant or to destroy them on account of evacua tions In the park. Incident to the con struction of the new terminal station. Tho trees were planted in the area within the soml-clrcular driveway lead lng from the executive mansion to tlo east terrace of the White house. IJOCTORS FALL IN LINE. Praclicincj Physicians recognize tho unfailing scribU'B inBni ,or uacKacno, wanoy, maaaer, una urinary imuruera a mum.. .w.. .by no'olh Proprietary Medicine. Four cases cited from "Noles ol His Practice," by ' Dr. Lelanl Williamson, ol Yorrdown, Ark. FosTER-Mium Co., Buffalo, N. Y. YoKKTOWtf, Ark., Mar. lt 1904. Gentlemen; I haC hem enKaRcd in the practice of medicine in this section for ten years. Tliis li jTvery-ckly climate, on the Bayou Bar tholomew, near the Arkansas River, 'rr.5, particularly malarious and miasmatic; we meet with many and various abhbT rnftl c&nji?i,ons M j human family, prominent among the cases in which I have bS0," cica upon to prescribe is kidney disease. Many of these disorders rn'a"nifer-.,i themselves by pains in the back, often extending to other parts of the body; sometimes headache is present, caused by uraimic or chronic uric acid poisoning, soreness in region of kidneys, cloudy, thickened and foul-smelling urine, discharges of pus or corruption; inflammation of the kidnos, extending to the bladder, is caused by excess of uric acid and decomposition of the urine. Hcinoi rhage is sometimes met with, caused by high state of inflammation or congestion. There is no class of diseases a doctor is called oftener to treat than the variety of kidney diseases, in many of which the patient will have chills or rigors, followed by fever, a result of the kidneys failing to elim inate the uric acid poison from the system. Such cases require the kid neys restored to their natural functions., then the poison and foreign sub stances are removed shock to the nervous system averted, and natural health restored. ' h' I have, for some time, been using Doan's Kidney Pills in these many manifestations and witli uniform success, curing most cases. I can further sav that even in hopeless cases where they have waited too long, Doan's Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong life. I can recom mend the pills in conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of urine, as also in convalescence from swamp-fever and malarial attacks, aa verified by the following cases in my practice. CASE 1. TiiQp. Orell, Bear, Ark., age 60. Tain in back for several weeks, then chills, irregular sometime!), severe rigors followed by fever. Gave good purgative of calomel and padoph, and Doan's Kidney Pills. After taking four boxes of the pilK patient up and enjoying good health (or one of his age. CASE 2. Mrs. Smith, Tarry, Ark., ago 29, mother of four children. Had female complaint and kidney trouble, mani fest by pain in back and urine irregu lar; sometimes very clear, changing to cloudy, and with much sediment on standing in chamber. Gave local treatmpnt for female complaint and prescribed Doan's Pills; alter uing six boxes bbo regards herself as cured. These are a few of the typical cases in which I have used Doan's Kid-1 hey PillSi In a great many instances I use them alone with curative results, while with some others indicated remedies are associated. I believe that by tlie judicious use of Doan's Pills many serious com plications are arrested and many hopeless and incurable cases of Bright'& disease prevented. I have often found that one box of the pills is all that is required to effect a euro, but in some cases I continue their use until all symptoms ar absent and the cuic effectual Afree trial of this treat KidnrrsmlDlait- . ler Spenbcrantie obtained In addiesfliia r-t Fostrr-Milburn Co . ltuH.lo. U. . Tho oU-, reeular size it 50 cents per lioi. If not for der Fo reeiilsr slo rjrjourtuiimnorutaier. win nc brmaltctistces prepaid, on receipt of puce. It i5 the purest, cleanest starch made., It Is free of injurious chemicals. It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid to use starch of any kind. That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., OMAHA, Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. It8 not sentiment it's not the price that makes the most intelligent and successful shots shoot Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. It's the results they give. It's their entire reliability, evenness of pattern and uniform shooting. Winchester "Leader" shells.load ed with smokeless powder, are the best loaded shells on the market. Winchester "Repeater" shells loaded with smokeless powder are cheap in price but not in quality. Try cither of these brands and you will be well pleased. Be sure to get Winchester Factory Loaded shells. THE StlELLSTIIC CHAMPIONS SHOOT. sssssssssssP sssssssssssK WE SELL TAR At the Follow lilt; Trices i hairel at ti :a 1 ban el at.. 4 !Li nr nnrrol Gun Drl old DHAMA, NEB. OMAHA A man cannot go where temptation cannot find him, Try me just once ana I am sur to come again. Defiance Starch. reliability ol Doan's Kidney Pills by Pro- CASE 3. Brown Eaks, Wynne, Ark,, aga 21. Had severe case of malarial hoemataria or swamp fever. Cava necessary liver medicine, calomel and padoph, and morph.-sulph., to re lieve pain, and ordered Doan's Fills for the high state of congestion and inflammation of tho kidneys. Re covery resulted in two weeks. Pre scribed Doan's Kidney Pills, to bs continued until the kidneys wera thoroughly strengthened and all pain in back subsided. CASE 4. Kt.tjAi! Ku.iott, Tarry, Ark., age .14. Pain in back and legs and headache. Uric-acid poisoning. Pre scribed Doan's Kidney Pills. After taking several boxes pain subsided urine became normal, or natural, and patient able- to resume his work. and permanent. Yours truly, x-OO -. 'j t Z Sli'fjb.. j Vtt5rtvaf 0sCCL&C4'r-yr , "N VnmrTnwj Aosr iukmuw, xvksv NEB. IBSSSSSSSSSsBfi nollvareil In Omaha; 3 barrel at . . W per barrel 3 75 jer barrel 10 hii.. . u tit same" GAS CO. 20th aad Lincoln Ave. Ho loving, and yon will never want fur love. Mrs. Cralk. Face ail things; even Adrerslty is polite to a maa'a face Joab. BUllnea. 4 n t. ,r