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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1904)
r,. . k v I w m INTEPXSTINQ TO AMERICANS. Vectern Carada Will Soon Becomo the Supply Depot for Wheat for Great Britain. During the part j ?ar about 60.000 Americana went from the United States to Cnnadn. Most of those set tled upon farm lands, and the writer Is Informed by agents of the Cana dian Government that the greatest success has followed the efforts of nearly all. To their friends on this side of the boundary line the fullest assurance is given of the prosperity that Is In store Tor them. There will ilways bo a splendid market for all tho grain, catUe, and other produce that can be raised In Western Can ada, and with the advantages offered of a free homestead of ICO acres of land, and other lands which may be bought cheaply, an excellent climate, splendid school system, educational advantages of the best, what moro is required. Tho husbandman gets moro return for his money than In any other country In the world. On the occasion of Sir Wilfred Hu rler's vh)it to the ( om 'Exchange, Ixn don, England, Colotvl Montgomciy, V. 1)., made several Important state xr?nts.,"The function," he said, "which you Ivave just hctix assisting In con nection with a kimlred association has doubtless shown you the Importance of the provision trade of Liverpool In its relationship with the Dominion, and the 'enormous possibilities of the fu ture development of that trade. Well, tho grain trade of Liverpool hns in 'tcrests with Ctniada no less Important than those oJ tho provision trade. When it Is borne in mind lliat 80 per osnt of tho lireadstuffs of this great country has to be brought from abroad, you will readily appreciate with what eoat satisfaction we view the large antl steadily increasing sup plies of grain which are annually aall "able for export from Csmada, and t challenge contradiction m'hen I say 'that of rthe wheats we import "from Russia, India, tilie Pacific, and the Ucngth and breadth of 'the Unitall States, nosio gives more general satisfaction, name Is more generally appreciated than that raised in Uhe Province of Mani toba. Wo cunnot get unough of it, and it is mo exaggeration to say that jthero are -before us dozens of mlllere who hunger for It. This is not th 4lmo to renter into statistical ques tions, but wo look forward with coi fidence to1 the time at tfnleh, with th) present rate of progress,! the Dominion of Canadr. will have -sufficient sur plus of wheat to render this country independent of other fcr.irces of sup ply. I think I may, with justifiable pride, remind you that this Is tho chldf grain market of the Ehitlsh Empire, .and through Its excellent geographical position, as well as thrarigh tho enter prise of Its millers, it lc now the sec ond milling center In tfea world. Send tr any authorised Canadian Govern mit agent for icopy of Atlas and Information as t rrailway rate, etc. Hope- it tho malnspcwg of life. Socrates. The Ueeful Camel. The Somali camel can eat every thing and drinks nothing.. J t will make a meal whro even the country pony would starve. Daremo, znlmosa, aca- cla all conie alike to it, and whea shoots and leaves are withered it can tail back oil roots, thorzv and baric 'iTbat sort if digestion makes it, of course, valuable in a cauatry where tthe bill of fere seems compiled in the Interest, of the carnlvora, idmt ua in difference U liquid is fctw especial Wirtue. White the Arab tiunel needs drink dally. Us Somali brethren when on a inarch are watered ualy every fifth day, and when drouth prevails miay bo lctt ifor ten. When grazing f hey are sunyosed to bo watered ev ejy sixth day, ihut such rcgilsarity de pends on the energy of the herders wntl tho condition of the grass, tho bertls when tho grass is groea being oft'en left without water for ais long ax. rilireo month?). Japanese "Singing Insects.-" Among tne natural curiosities ot Japim aie its singing insects. Tho most 'prized ot thfiso tiny musitiinas in a hl&ek bottle named "buruqiu&IiI," which uneans "insect bell." The uund that Sv -emits resemibles that of -a lit tle silAer hell of alio sweetest md most delicate tone. . .Tht. iMcst Comnwn Disease. Yorktowji, Ark., Feit. 29th. Lelanfi Wllllamsca, M. D., a successful and clever local1 physician, cays: "There It scarcely aasther form of disease a physician is exiled upon so ften to trext as Kidney Disease. I fnvariahlly prescribe Dodd's Kidney Fills and am sot disappointed in their effect for they are ahvajfl reliable. i could mentlo many cases in which I Lavo used thic medicine with splen did success, for example, I caight re fer to tho case of iir. A. H. Cote. "Aye 31, greaUy emaciated, some fever, great pain and prossura over region of Kidneys, urino filled with pus or corruption and very foul' araell ing and passed some blood. Directed to drink a great deal of water, gave brisk purgative and Dodd's Kidney Pills. The pills were continued regu larly for three weeks and then a few doses ocry week-, especially If patient felt any pal a in region of Kidneys. Cured completely and patient per formed his duties as farm laborer in four veeks." "Dr. Williamson has been a regular pract!tlor r for over twenty years and bis unqualified Indorsement of Dodd's Kidney Pills Is certainly a wonderful tribute to this remedy. It is with men as with horses; thoso that do the most prancing make tho least progress. Baron do StassarL NEWS IN SELECT STATE FAIR OFFICERS. Men Who Will Assist In Managing Various Displays. Members of the executive commit tee of the stnto board of agrlctilturo have chosen the following to assist in the management of the various dis plays: General superintendent, Wil liam Foster, Salltlllo; chief of police, C. J. Tracey, Loup City; superintend ent agricultural hall, W. 13. Ewlng. Franklin; master of transportation, O. M. Druse, Lincoln; superintendent of gates, 13. M. Searles, jr., Ogallala; su perintendent of amphitheater, G. K. Williams; superintendent of fish ex hibit and fish building, W. J. O'Brien, South Bond; supcnnU'iidint of speed, It. J. Flick, Lincoln; landscape gar dener, J. 11. Haakinson, Omaha ; su perintendent of horses, David Hannn, Wood Lake; assistant superintendent ot horses, O. P. Ilcmlorahnt, Hebron; superintendent of cattle, Elijah Fin ley, Reynolds; assistant superintend ent of cattle, W. A. Apporson, Tecum seh; iAiperintcndent of tiwlne, L. W Leonard, Pawnee City; assistant su perlntendent of swine, V. Arnold, Ver don; superintendent of sheep, 1L M Woloott, Palmer; superintendent of poultry, C. J. Lewelling, Brownvlllo; superintendent of farm products), L. Morse, Benhleman; superintendent of textile department, Mrs. CL H. Dover in, -Omaha.; superintendent ihto arts Mrs. P. M. Hall, Lincoln;- superintend ent dairy, At L. Hacker, Lincoln; su perlntendent education, Charles For ryce, University Place; tnrperintend eut boos and honey, Ed. "Whltcqmb, Friend: superintendent machinery, W. C. Caloy, Creighton; superintendent county collective exhibits, W. E. Ewlu&Tranklin; superintendent spec ials, Charley Mann, Chadron; superin tendent agricultural instruction, T. L. II;yon, ILincoln. IHOLTOS GAMBLING UKW INVALID. 'Such a Decision Is Handed Down by Attorney General "Prout. Attorney General Prnut has handed down a decision thnf ithe gambling was In Beatrice recently with a three lawof this Btatc nia' gambling a 'yiwold son who w.ns bitten by v. pet felony is Invalid aiift of no effect. 'The reasons given Iby the attorney general for his decisian aro tho samo .as mentioned in this colunm several days ago when the matter first came up. Ho holds that the title of the Iblll is not proper, in uhat tho body 'Of tho bill contoineU wider matter tbnn was shown by ttaio title, ami that all of tho bill v'liiOh was changed after it passed tire senate, where it originated, was not -rvaJl three times .in-tach house, as provided for In the constitution. This decision leaves the old gambling law, tvhich provided a penalty of a fine of i?100 or three imumlis In jail, stai 'in 'force. The oounty attorpoy of .'orlunoiinty wrote toifliid attorney generdHCor the opin ion. "A number of procnlnent Lincoln at 'lorneys do not ngreomitn'lhe attorney general on his staml. Forxaer County Attorney Munger, wlio fought out tho whole thing in the local courts six or seven years ago, still that the attor ney general certainis dldicot go en tirely through tho matter or ho would nottJi&ve arrived at kucIi a conclusion. ''I fl.ave all the itcords. including the'stKiato and hoo. bills, pasted to gether In my office ;and I mot only iblicTO. tho law to besood.'biut It has IbeeTS -'So passed upon lby the district (Court,. U ad go Holmes :iitl HalL sitting onthot;aBe. TFibulatlng Land .Values. 'LnndiCommlssipner Ftollem lswork farg on.attabulation oi land valuet that willl iie 'placed before the State Koari' of Eflualteition, which in txpectd to materially assist the boaiu in nrrh- ing at aonietiiing like the true assesment of land throughout tlie toate. air. FaThner has a record or 'is siecurint a recorwl, of all tho lenu sals Jn every counsy Jn -tie state, with alio pr!u- paid. ..-.,. Mot Signing Any Contracts. LINCOLN athletic managtrs at the state university liave csased sign ing oortracta for spring atfilotic events. TlliS lnlS been dOIie OK UC- count of the aoilon of the board of regents in -the flotation of the physics building, tiie construction of wtrich will encroach on the athletic fieVl. Students hope to set the regents in reconsider their notion. Betts Brought to Lincoln. LINCOLN. Frank Betts, a youthful forger with many names, was brought to tho city by Detective Bentley, who St the prisoner from tho authorities at Milwaukee. Since last December Betis has forged paper to tho extent of more than JB.000. He swindled Lin coln Jewelers out of more than ?C00 nnd for this ho will bo tried One of the exploits of Betts while in Minnea polis wau to buy a grocery store with a bogus click for $2,500. Relic of Territorial Days. PAPILLION Joseph Whltted re ceived from friends ut Floronce, Neb. some relics or the early days of that town in tho shape of some $1 notes, dated 1SCG. Recently an old safo hud been opened at Floronce and In it was found a bunch of Mieso old bank notes. The notes aro not signed, but were is sued by the Bank of Florenco and an; in porfect condition. Mr. Whitted was an early settlor of Floronco and In dis tributing the note umongst those liv ing in Floronco in that year Mr. VblU ted was not foi'gotton. NEBRASKA THE STATE AT LARGE. The Hoosovoit club nt Osceola Is ar ranging for n celebration March 1. Tho tool houso ot the Union Pacific nt Columbus was destrojod by Hie. Mrs. Julia Thomns of Sarpy comity, four score and two, died a few days ago. Dr. Oanfield, a practicing physician for many years nt Edgar, died last week. Uevlvr.l meetings have been started at Columbus and will continue two weeks. The second week of the revival meeting nt Osceola Is on with con tinued success. James D. Brown, n pioneer of But ler county and a wealthy one wlthnl, died hist week. linkers of Lincoln are discussing tho. r.d Usability in view of tho Increas ed rate of wheat. Fnrmors aro showing much Interest In Institutes being held hero and thoio throughout tho state. A foi'r weeks' revival hns just clos ed nt Crab Orchard, tho result being a great spiritual unlift. Dr. Offer man, a pioneer of Nemaha county, died Inst week. He was for many years a leading practitioner. The Omaha Mitten and Manufactur ing company of Omaua lias tiled arti cles of Incorporation with the secre tary of state. The firm has a capital fctock of ? 100,000. At a meeting of farmers and citizens of Kenesaw at the Exchange bank it ws voted to Incorporate a local tele phono company with a capital of ?10, 000 and put in an up-to-dato plnnt. Tho State Dank of Elwood, has filed sn application with the comptroller t"the currency to reorganize and form a national bank', to be known as the First National bank of Elwood. 'Charles Deitrlch an old soldier, who 3ias been acting ratheir queer of late, was taken beforo lh commissioners on insanity at Nebraska City and do--clared insane, iie will le takea to the asylum. A Weaver of RocSrford, Cn-go county, dog. Mr. Weaver went to Wymore In tending to have i. miadstone applied ito the wound. The spring season of district cour or Hall county is atbout to open with Init fifty-five civil cases, none en anj grent Importance und but live crimin til cases, of which only two will pro uably come to trlul. The Beatrice Produce and Cdlfl Stor ago company, whidh was recently In curporated in Beatrice with a capital jiock of $200,000, -expects to oicct o cdld storage buillung and ice plan' there the coming snpring. The ground of ithe Jefferson Count Agricultural socltty were sdkl ul plierlff's sale and wore purchased bj Huirbury for park -puriioses for ?S,.r00 The grounds aro thirty acres In cxtenl ami only four blwnjfs from the t.'oiir' house. rrho Fulton blootlnounds were isen' to Seneca, Kansas; .nt Beatrice, to as slsx in the capturo tof two men -sus peuted of robbing the bank nt ("off Kmis. They were driven overland f Miujysvllle, where sn 'train was caught for Senecn. XVitilo ho was ipryinj? at a wlndov at alight, the prowler who has lls turhwl residents of Grand Island 'foi sonjeveeks past was $!hot at and con fideiifly believed to hau been hit Uj Mrs 3IdBrIde, tho wilfcoC a Union Pa cific eonductor. A -disastrous fire, whifiii broke osr in the 'Intsetnent ot biie opera house at Greenwood, destroyed -that building, mill mid ian adjoining fee& store and caused 'tlM 'dcatn of "Manager Cutler of th qpera nouse. Mr. Cutler waj asiecp intJiie basement, whene the fire broke wirt. a.nd was burned -to death in Ills lied. For the 'first time since imprison ment of Frank Baker, -the alleged double munKrer, his mother visited Mm at Ited Cloud and thfc meeting won one of sreat morrow to the stricken , mother and 3ier evidence rrf grler was ugreat. The iprisoner was nccon- V-erned nnd showed no sonow at tho tcouble that lias overcome him. An imnnrtnnt .Humvorv In h nr. Utr murder ease has been made by the finding of a 32-calikre revolver in tho bann of the murdered man. Three emjity chnrabers were found which tal ies ith the number of bullet holes found in the bodies of tho victims. The wenpon was found beneath the hay. TJio prisoner has not yet boen apprised of the finding of the gun. A number of farmers In the vicin ity of Cedsr creek have recently made complaints that persons have visited their barns recently during tho night time and several thefts have been com mitted. Jerry Scliroeder's barn was entered Sunday night nnd four of his horses were poisoned, it Is supposed, by mixing rough-on-rats with feed. John J. Moor, a wealthy citizen of Coleridge, has gono to Irelund, his na tive land, to Bpend a year In recrea tlon and recuporation. The state board of public lands and buildings will nccopt an offer of the Van Dora Iron works to put J40 cellF In the state prison for the sum ol $80,000. The members had made a contract to ullow tho concern to placo lo9 colls in tho penitentiary for $C!, 030. Flro dostroyod tho barn of E. A. Spurk near Bolmont, entailing a loss of probably $2,000 and almost consum ed the barn of Junioa Strlno. aeroas tho nlley from tho first named. The county commissioners of Hall county propose to eoII the old court bouse and build a now one. A COMRADE OF GENERAL GRANT Says: "I Do Not Believe Pe-ru-na Has a Superior for Catarrh." BENJAMIN Bonjamln F. Hawkos, of Washington, D.O., Is One of tho Throe Living Comradoe of Gonorol Qront In His Cadet Days at West Point In a roccnt letter from Oil O Street, S. W:, Washlngtbn, D. C, this vencr-i; able gentleman says of Peruna : " have tried Peruna after having tried la vain other, remedies for ca tarrh, and I can say without rcscr- vatlon that I never felt a symptom,, of relief until I had glvea Peruna the simple trial that Its advocates advise, I do not believe It has a ', superior, cither as a remedy for ca tarrh or as a tonic for tho depressed ami exhausted condition which Is one of the effects of thcdlscasc." Oer.)amia F. Itawkes. i0 m t ) i H ISAAC BROCK, a cltlncn of McLrn nan County, Texas, lias lived for 114 yoars. In speaking of his good health -and extreme old age, Mr. Brock says: "Pcrrma exactly meets nil my require ments. Jt protects me from the evil ef fects of -sudden changes; it kc-cps me in good appetite; it gives me strength; it keeps my blood in good circulation. I Peoplo ruled by tho mood of gloom attract to them gloomy things. If jrtra don't get the biggest and best it's your own fault. Defiance Starch Jb for sale everywhere and tbore is positively nothing to equal It in quality, or quantity. No wander some are aired of relig ion when aliey take it all In kangaroo leaps. MorarVliin Darlay nnd fipoltz. Two great cereals makes growing and fattening "hogs and cattle possible In Dnk., Mont., .Idaho, Colo., yes, every where, and atld to above Balzer's Ull llon Dollar 'Grass, Tcoslnte. which, pro duces 80 tons .of green f oddVsr per acre. Balzer's Ka-rflest Cane, Salter's CO Day Oatn and -n 'hundred of other rare farm needs thct lie -offers. just ccT-mnis out and nnrojm it with 10c fa stamps to the John A. Balzer Seefl Co.. La Crosse, Wis., and get their btg catalog and lotf of farm .seed samples. W. N. U.) A fault which liumbles- n mtsa Is of nnoro use to him than a good action -which puffs him up with pride. Mr. fTliidow'fi KuollilnR' wyraiv. Fw.chliaren teetlilnx, totteuM ttio tnini, rudiww b CuawatlOD,allajtuUu,curcw;nacollu. 2Scaluilo. An Enthusiastic Reception. Sir Harry itawsou wa welcomed as governor of Xow South Wales with the grt'atest enthuslnsm. One port greeted him in n novel and interesting way. Thero were no guns big enough to salute him with, so an enterprising loyalist hit on tho happy idea of util izing kerosene tins. With tho assist ance of plugs of dynamite and a fuse the salute was duly given, resulting In a round dozen of loud bangs, the name number of flying kerosene tins, and distracted natives fleeing for their lives In all directions. ALABASTI NE the Durabalo Wall Coating, Won't Rub Off; WHY? " BecanBo it cements to, and is not stuck ou tho wall witli decaying, animal glue, as nro tho various to-called "wall fin ishes," which aro kalsomiues told under fanciful names. You can apply Alabasiine. ,1TBWW jt&'li " tha- W? rub oft iff Mb yT F. HAWKEt. have come to rely upon It nlmovt entirely for tho ninny llttlo.thiiigs for which I need medicine. "When epidemics of la grippe, first bo g..n to make their nppcniaucu in this country 1 was a sufferer from thlsjdis- "I hail several long sieges with tho grip. At first 1 did not know that Pe runa was n remedy for this diffuse. When I heard thai la grippe, was epi demic catarrh, I tried l'eruna for la grippe, nnd found it to bo just tho thing." Isaac Brock. Pe-ru-na Used in the Family for Years. Mrs. E. Wet. 137 Main Street, Meuashn, Wis., writes! We have ued Peruna inour family for a number of years and when I say that it In n flno medicine for catarrh nnd colds. I know what I am talking nbout. I havo taken it every spring nnd full for four years and I find thnt it keeps mu robust, strong, with splendid appetite, and free from nny Illness. A few years ago it cured me of catarrh of tbo stomach, which the doctors had pronounced Incur able. I am very much pleased with Peruna. 1 am 87 years old." Mrs. E. West. W&feficls F ff lkW maW (Patented) Qfr g? Laundry Blue DtrlCCTiOMS FOR U8E:-WiaU'St!ck ARODNT) IN THE water. wiaeieSl)CK x.aundrt wonit spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes CoatS IOC and COlinls SiOC Worth Of anv Other bllllntr ' If trrni-nr ilna nnt. Ifiu... itscndtOaforaplo to TUB LHDNDRY For Man tlHiHifllK!,JfliBH9nBBHHH99HIH For. Cattle When Answering Advertisements Kndly Mention "This Paper, ALABASTINE The Only Sanitary and Permanent Wall Coating ALABASTINE li not a dliaate-breodlno, hot water glne wall UnUh, fumbh Jnif a lodgment and liarbor-gronnd for disease Bermtt; it Is a natural. composition, in white, and many exquisitely beautiful tints; in powder form, ready for nso by mtilng with oold water. Anyone can brush Jt on. ALABASTI N E cements to walla, dlntroys dtstoso gvras and vermin, and never rubs off or wales. Otlur wall coattngs, under fanolful name., nnd usually jntztd with hot water, aro unheahhful, ituck oa the wall with glue, which toon rote nourishes gwms of deadly disease, rubs and scales, selling walln, clothing and furnltur.i When It la nc-cesiary to reflnlsh, the old coats must bo washed off-an dliSBrttable Job, mating tho rooms damp and unfit to live in. When walls are oneo coat.d with Alabastine, 8ueecling coats may bo applied, ytar after yiar, without wishing the walls, thus fcaving great expgo and annoyance. Hot and Cold Water Kalsomines Havo No Merit Some dealers try to sell them, buying them cheap, and trying to sell on AlabastJne's demand until buck time as their customers lrarn of tho imposition. THEY ARE WORTHLESS PREPARATIONS If you cannot buy Alalawtino of your hardware, paint or drug dealer, refuse alt Imitations, and write ui. We w'U till you where you can git Alntwtine vithont delar, or sell it to you direct. SSOO.OO GIVEN AWAY. Write for narticuLini. iiv;cJ?ht.0iM,ln,c llnti.,ynif , dtcoraUae. tltylna the home, Free. Uuy AlaVatiuo oulyln Alabastine Company Pe-ru-na is a Catarrhal Tonic Especially Adapted to the Declining Powers of Old Arc. In old ago the mucous membranes be come thickened and partly lose their func tion. This lend to partlnl loss of licnrlnK, smell and taste, ut well as digestive iliv titrlmnces. Peruna corrects all this by it cixclfio operation ou nil tho mucous memurauett of I ho body. One bottle will convince anyone. Onco metl nud JVrtina becomes n life-long stand-by w It b old and young. Mrs. F. K. Little. Tolonn, 111., writes: "I can recommend Pcrunnnsn good nied- n-inn nir cnrnnic cu t.'iirli of the stomach nnd bowels. I have been troubled sc ciely with it for over a Tear, and nlso A TRAVELER AT6EVENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGS a cough. Now my cough Is all gono. nml all tho distrevlng symptoms of catarrh of tho Mourned and bowels havo disappeared. I will recommend it to nil as u raro rem cdy. I am fo well I nm contemplating n. trip to Yellow Stone Park this coming -son. How is that for one 71 years old V In n later letter she says: "I am only too thankful to you for your kind ndvlco and for tho good health that 1 nm en joying wholly from tbo use of your Pe runa. lcen out to tha Yellow Htono National Park nnd many other places of tho wext, and shall always thank, you for your generosity, "Mrs. F. K. Little. Strong and Vigorous at the Ago of Eighty-Eight. & Itcv. J. N. Tarker, Utlca, N. Y., writes; "In June, 1901, 1 lost my senxa-ot hear ing autirely. My bearing had been some what impaired for noveral years, but not so much affected but that I could bold con verso with my friends; but in Jnne, 1001, my Reuse of hearing left me bo that, I could bear no sound whatever. I wan also troubled With severe rbeunantlo pflimi In my limbs. I commenced taUhur. Pe ruua nnd now my hearing Is restored ivj good as it was prior to Juno, lllul. My rheumatic, pains are all gono. I cannot speak too highly ot Peruna, and now when eighty-eight years old can say it has Invigorated my whole system," ltev. J. N. Parker. i Mr. W. B. Schnadcr, of Terro Hill, Pa., writes: "I got sick every winter, nnd had a spell of cold In February, lSOtl, I could not do anything for almost two months. In December, 1B09, 1 Haw one, ot yourbootiH about your remedies. Then I wroto to Dr. Hurt man far advice, and ho wroto that I should commence tho use of Pcnuaannil how to takoenro of myself. " "I did not loso ono day last winter that I could not tend to my stock. I nm utsty t hrco years old, and I cannot thank yon too much for what you have donu fur mo." It you do notderivu prompt and satisfac tory results from tbo uso of Peruna, wrlto at once to Dr. Hitrtinan,Rivinua.fulJ state ment of your cao and imwill be pleased to give you his vnluablo advice gratis. Addrens Dr. Hartman, President of tbu Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. f7??, BLOB CO., 14 Mlchlgaa Si ehlcage. For" Horset For Poultry and our artists' up-to-dste Ideas on besu. packagts, properly tabeltd. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ui 105 Witer SI, Kew York Crtf.