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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1904)
ft. WWWS5(UfcrflliIP-V st?o Historlml P IHy 7) The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of the City and County. Largest Clrcu latlon of any Al liance Paper. t JOLUldE XI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRIDAY, MARCH II, ife. NUMBER 12 KrHO. 1$ v V ' F. -A iS POTATOES j We can handle po tatoes now any day that weather per mits. Only well sorted Early Ohio wanted. Alliance Grocery Co. S 3D El DST I1 xs or i In Alliance 16-30 of every month. Office over The Famous . . . 'Phone 391. aceaseeeeeatoee0 Call at the Midway. Ablcy & Wilson handle tlic only I'nion Made Ilccr In town. (-xf. Matting and linoleum at B. F. Lock wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." For Sale A No. I milk cow. Inquire at this office. Our spring line of carpets and rugs are here. Call and see them. B. F. Lock wood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." Wasted Well sorted potatoes. A. D. Kodgers. Rowan's for flour, rye and graham. For rent, eight room house. Inquire at Rodgers' grocery. Specialties in lace curtains, portieres and couch covers at 13. F. Lockwood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." ' For Sale I'ure blood Hereford" bull. Jos. Manion, Alliance; residence, Sec. For Sale Cheap National cash reg ister No. 47 with tape;-used one year. Apply at this office: A large assortment of automobile go-carts and baby carriages at B. F. Lockwood Co's. "Kitchen to parlor." Residence for Sale. Brand new 5-room house, bath room, pantry and cellar. Two porches. Fin ished throughout in hardwood. Price $1,600. i-tf R. B. Hamilton. Furniture and all house furnishings from "kitchen to parlor" sold on easy pay ments. B. F. Lockwood Co. "Kitchen to parlor." Ranch For Lease. Five hundred acres of irrigated hay land, four miles east of Bridgeport. For par ticulars see M. H. Hagerty, Alliance, or John Hagerty, Bridgeport. Carpet Weaving. I am prepared to do all kimds of carpet weaving. Leave orders at residence three blocks east of Alliance National Bank, or Star Restaurant. J. W. Johnson. Macaroni wheat for sale, Marsland, Neb. C. H.Evans, 1 1-4 For Sale Black English Shire stal lion, four years old next June; weight 1425. He is a splendid animal, An drew Tschacher, Lawn, Neb., resi dence 7 miles south of Lawn. t Of Course J You Like Pretty r embroideries t Who Doesn't? i. Anrl rnr . vnn lilrf in- , ....w. .WW, J w w ... , fc expensive ones. That is t our point. We have in- t expensive Embroideries j T that are pretty. $ t If you will let us, we will gladly show you our line of Laces. CANDIDATES SELECTED Caucus Held at the Court House to Select Candidates for City Offices Largest Ever Held in Alliance. HARMONIOUS MEETING .Mayor Ilucchsenstolii the Unanimous Choice of the Caucus and lie Is He nominated by Acclaiuntion Amid Arousing Cheers. THE TICKET NOMINATED. Mayqr ,. .L. Buechscnstein CiTy Clerk Jas. H. H . He wett City Treasurer F. M. Knight City Engineer J. P. Hazard Councilman First Ward...W. O. Barnes Councilman Second Ward... L. F. Smith ( ....G. W. Clark Members School Board-! ... .C. C. Smith ( ...D. K. Spacht The citizens' caucus held at the court house last Monday night for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for city olfices was an important a flair, in which the voters of Alliance took deep interest. This was proven by the large gather ing; in fact the largest that ever partici pated at a municipal caucus since the town was organized The spacious court room was packed to the doors, and the gathering comprised citizens from every walk in life who were present with a hearty interest in the affairs of the town and to assist in con tinuing the good government that has pre vailed during the past year. It was the most expressive testimonial of Mayor Buechsenstein's administration of affairs and showed that the same should be not only endorsed but continued another year. The caucus was called to order by Judge Berry who outlined the purpose of the gathering. On motion D. W. Butlerwas elected chairman of the caucus and Judge Jas. H. H. Hewett secretary. Mr. Butler announced the city officers that were to be elected and that nominations for the same were in order. On motion by Judge Berry the caucus proceeded to nominate candi didates as follows: For mayor the name of Louis Buechsen stein was presented by R. M. Hampton. In referring to this well known and popular candidate the speaker reviewed the city's administration, stating that it was one that has proved most successful in every sense. Both the financial and moral welfare were benefited materially and this fact could not be contradicted. Public improvements were noted on every hand and the name of Alliance had advanced in the estimation of all, taking her place among the leading towns of the state. In presenting the name of the man under whose administration such progress occurred, Mr. Hampton con tinued: "I wish to place in nomination a man who bas filled the office without fear or favor, seeking always to promote the interests of the city, to place her finances on a firm basis, a man of unimpeached in tegrity and sterling worth, and to this end I present the name of Louis Buchenstein for mayor." Hardly had Mr.- Hampton concluded when there followed from all parts of the room hearty seconds to the nomination and amid the deafening ap plause of the crowd Mr. Buechsenstein was by accalamation renominated for mayor. The gentleman thus honored thanked the caucus for the recognition and in the event of his election hoped to pursue the same course that characterized the past, thus appreciating the confidence reposed in him by his fellow citizens. Hardly had the echo of enthusiasm died away when there was another outburst of cheering. This time it was over the nom ination of Judge Jas. H. H. Hewett for city clerk to succeed himself. Judge Berry hardly had time to place Mr. Hewett in nomination when Chairman Butler was urged to act at once and Mr. Hewett was nominated by a volley of "I's." In the person of Mr. Hewett, Alliauce has an unusually well qualified clerk who is fa miliar with the details of the office and in his work is painstaking and accurate, his books being models of neatness and some thing the city can be proud of. Mr. Hewett begged the consideration of the caucus in presenting the name of Dr. F. M. Knight as a candidate for city treas urer. The speaker was fully endorsed by the house and Mr. Knight was renomin ated, thus again endorsing the city's ad ministration of the past year. The finances of the municipality are in reliable hands and this well known fact demonstrated it self at the caucus. For city engineer J. P, Hazard was nominated by acclamation, there beinj,' no opposition. Mr. Hazard is well qualified for the position to which he aspires and his nomination it therefore the proper thing. For councilman of the first ward H. J. Sloan placed iu nomination W. O. Barnes and he was nominated by acclamation as was L. ,F. Smith for councilman of the second ward, Judge Berry placing Mr. Smith in nomination. The latter is at present councilman from tho second ward and his good work and his rcnomination is an endorsement of the same. There is every reason to anticipate that Mr. Barnes will prove equally as popular and compe tent. His friends, who are legion, will see to it that he secures a rousing vote. For school directors-the following gentle men were unanimously placed in nomina tion: G. W. Clark, C. C. Smith and D. K. Spacht. Mr. Clark is a member of the board at present and we are glad to note that his efforts in behalf of our schools have been appreciated. Mr, Smith, as well as his associate on the board, Mr. Clark, has merited the same appreciation. Judge Spacht, the third nominee, will prove as able director as Mr. Smyscr, the retiring member. The work' of the citizen's caucus may be said to be an endorsement 01 the entire ticket and one that will meet the approval of the voters of the city of Alliance at the coining election. DASTARDLY6UTRAGE Inhuman Brute Attacks a Rancher's Wife During (lis Absence from the Premises. The horrible sin of lust, that has cursed mankind almost from the time of its crea tion, was the cause of a terrible outrage being inflicted upon the person of Mrs. Fred Bauer at her home some six miles north of this city. The crime was charged to a hired man by the name of J. M. Bert ro who was employed dn the ranch for several days. Last Friday Mr. Bauer came to Alliance and during his absence Bertron attacked Mrs. Bauer and after a shameful struggle concluded Ids' dcvelish outrage by compelling the woman to drink a quantity of laudanum. This done he went to the well, remaining several minutes. In the mean time Mrs. Bauer-had cast off the deadly drug and recovered sufficiently to seize a loaded rifle as her assailant was re turning to the house and when about to enter the plucky woman shot at him; the bullet passing through the shoulder. Rort ron made another attempt to approach the house but the flying bullets, from the Winchester drove him away. He then went over to the 0. C. Stevens home, two miles away, were he told (hat he had been shot by a hunter. Mr. Bauer passed the Stevens home a short time after on his way from town and the same story was told him. But when he reached homt the husband soon learned the awful deed that Bertron had committed. Mrs. Bauer and the children had the "doors locked and their fears that they would again be attacked by this demon of lust was pitible. Bertron was soon in the clutches of the law, Sheriff Reed going after him Satur day morning, when he was placed in the county jail. At a preliminary hearing held before Judge Spacht yesterday Bertron was bound over to the district court in the sum of $3,000, ths prisoner pleading in nocent. Mrs. Bauer "was able to be pres ent and her testimony was of such strong nature as to lay the deed directly to Bert ron and makes of him a devil in human form. While this outrage is of such detestible and revolting nature as to call forth the condemnation of the community almost to violence let us remember that it is the hand of the law that must deal with this man, and let all confide our faith in this tribunal where Bertron will surely receive the sent ence he deserves. There are men fully as deep in the vice of lust who would cry out mob violence against Bertron, but heed them not. Respect the law which they themselves have violated and justice will prevail. Mrs. Reardon is still ill with lagrippe, Sam Jacoby is on the sick list this week. J. P. Daily returned Sunday from Lin coln. W. H, Steele left for Fresno, Cali., last week. R. C, Noleman Omaha this week. is doing business at Mrs. W. H. Zehrung returned from Chigago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sheldon were in from Box Butte Tuesday. Brakeman Tom Harris has been laying off on account of a very bad cold. Brakeman H. S. Johnson is on the sick list this week with tonsilitis. Wm. Roth and Wm. Kinsley of Hem ingford were in the city Wednesday. F. L. Crone, traveling stock solicitor, for the B. &. M. Sundayed in the city. J. F. Farley of Denver, general agent of the Thiel Detective agency, spent a couple of days in Alliance this week. Mr. Farley is an old-time resident of Denver and served as chief of police of the city for two terms. He says the labor troubles in that state will be carried into state politics this fall and a very warm campaign is antici pated. The coming of the Sanford Dodge com pany to Alliance Tuesday and Wednesday nights of next week. March 15 and :6, will be a source of genuine pleasure to every play goer in the city for the reason that everybody is well aware that no better company or finer playes are out on the road. Mr. Dodge is carrying with him this season the best company of actors and ac tresses he has ever employed. The scenery and costumes used for the plays are said to be elegant and were made especially for his plays. On Tuesday night will be pre sented tho famous drama "Don Caesar De Brazan" and on Wednesday night Shake speare's great play "Hamlet." Prices 75 cents reserved seats, 50 cents gallery and 25 cents children. Reserved seats will be on sale at Holstcn's beginning Monday. R. H. West of Alliance, is a man among men, judging from a letter we received from him this week. He says- "Find en closed $2.;o for which apply on George Wixon's account. Ho has been gone from hero for two years and your paper has been coming and put in my box nnd I have been reading it and like to read it so I will pay $2.50." That's the kind of men who help keep up the right end of the world. How different that sounds from the whin ing of some fellow who read a paper from 3 to 5 years and then poke it back in tho post office marked refused, or like some others who read it and never pay. Rush ville Standard. A Good Citizen to Leave. It is with feelings of regret that we an nounce that Geo. W. Duncan nd family will leave Alliance in about two months to take up their residence at Fort Morgan, Colo. Mr. Duncan returned from that place Monday where he spent a few clays. While there ho negotiated for the purchase of a grocery store and bought a residence. Mr. Duncan has been a resident of this county since 1886 and himself and his estimable family have always enjoyed the esteem of a large circle of friends. Mr. Duncan has served the county as commis sioner for nearly ten years which is evi dence that he has the confidence of his fel low citizens. While we regret to part with Mr. Duncan and his estimable family we congratulate I''ort .Morgan. in securing them as residents. The firrri of Carey and Brennan, plumb ers, was dissolved March 1, Mr. Carey re tiring. Fred Urennan will have exclusive charge of the business henceforth and the same complete .work and high grade goods in the plumbing, steam and hot water heat ng line ca n be secured at this place. Brakeman H. P, McGuire had the mis fortune to have his wrist badly sprained in Newcastle yards , Sunday morning, caused by a sudden stop, jerking the door from its hinges and pinning his wrist between the door and floor. Train Masters B. S. Marvin and E. S. Jackson are holding time table and book of rules school this week for train and engine men, having four classes daily and being well attended. Miss May Hegerty spent a couple of days at the parental home this week. Miss Hagerty has opened a millinery store at Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams wish to ex press their sincere thanks to their kind friends and neighbors for the kindness shown them in their great sorrow. Al Young arrived from Grand Island Sunday with two more fine Percheron stal lions which he offers for sale. The animals may be seen at the Checkered barn'. John Curran and G. H. Clayton of Can ton transacted business in Alliance Mon day. wwwwww A. M. Miller of Hmingford was the guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muirhead Sat uiday. Engineer C, F. Clark and family left Wednesday for a week's visit with friends in Edgemont. Wm. King returned Thursday from Omaha and reports his mother's condition much improved. Conductor J. O. Beebe of Deadwood and Lead run has left the service and gone to Fresno, Cali- C. H. Bently, car foreman is once more seen walkiag about after an illness' of more than two months. Misses Grace Fickel and Bertha Hamil ton spent a couple of days this week on the Hampton ranch. , Mrs. Geo. E. Davis will entertain the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church next Wednesday afternoon, E. A. Hall returned Sunday from Cen tral City after marketing the cattle he had in feeding at that place, W, A. Manchester was a passenger on No. 42 for Omaha this week where he will visit relatives and friends. Conductor Itm Gaddis returned to work this week for the first time since receiving his injury at Seneca last fall. SPECIAL EDITION ISSUED MARCH 25 Arrangements Completed to Have The Herald Mammoth Special Edition Appear on the Above Date, A WORK OF FINE ART Thnt Mill be App.oclntcd by the Olllietitt of Alliance and the Surroundjng Neigh borhood Cromattc Effects nnd Superb llnlf-Tono Illustrations feature or the IMItion. Tim Allianuk Hkkald's special tmunmoth edition, which has been the principal topio of conversation in this county the past six weeks, will bo publish! Friday, Murcli 25. The first intention of the publisher was to havo tho special edition appear in Feb ruary, but after tho magnitude of the undertaking was realized and the con stant application for space cnine in from day to day, it was decided to defer its nppcuratico until such time when it was possible. Those not familiar with the amount of labor connected with newspaper work have no idea of this special effort and in fact it would keep an experienced person guessing as to tjie length of time required in get ting out such an edition. More than 150 halMone illustrations will adorn tho pages of tho special edition and the work uf uroducing these will hurry several artists to get them out in time. These designs are being executed by the finest half-tone artists in Denver and will consist of a finer and more expensive class of views and photos than is usually contained iu Bimiliar editions. Another feature of Tin: Hkrams special edition that will be especially appreciated by the people not only of this locality for which it has been de signed, but by all who see it, will bo the beautiful colored plate that will adorn the first page. While we do not wish to destroy the designer's effect by word illustration of what he has in store we will take the liberty to state that the scene, which is of a typical western character, is simply grand. The western, wild life that is fast dis appearing, stand out in bold relief, and the advance of civilization is so deli cajlcly yet vividly portrayed that the eyes are at once riveted on the scene while history of this interesting land passes through the mind. It is not exaggeration to say that this beau tifully colored illustration is alone worth the price asked for a copy of the entire edition, No where in the state, including Omaha mid Lincoln, has u finer piece of work been produced than will be contained iu Tim Hlkald's special edition. Now as to the price, per copy, for the special edition, it has been placed at 25 ce'nts. It is the desire of the pub lisher to make the price as reasonable as consistent with the great expense in getting out tho edition. Even at this nominal price there will be little or no profit and the publication as a whole will not be a profitable investment. As complimentary to The Herald readers we have decided to present a copy of the illustrated edition to every paid-up subscriber and also to ne.v subscribers. It is not customary to do this, but we desire to give some ma terial 6vidence of our gratitude to Tuu Hekali subscribers who are legion. Copies ot the special edition will be neatly wrapped and ready for" mailing at no extra cost to the purchaser. Those desiring extra copies should leave their orders at this office before the 25th inst., thereby beiug sure of securing them, for once the limited edition is exhausted, there will be no more printed. James C, Foster and wife were in from their ranch Sjmdajf Mrs. Zehrung will do all kinds of sewing and guarantees satisfaction. Located first door west of Lockwoods.' Mesdames E. E. Soder, J. E. Anderson and C. McClenahan of the Platte valley, were Alliance visitors Saturday, Father Flanigan of Greeley Center was the guest of Father Galvin Tuesday. He left Wednesday for Lead City, S. D. The Winter Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying-. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column will be charged at the rate of to cents per lino first insertion and 5 cents per line each subsequent insertion. Advertisers should remember that The Herald's circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper and has the lar gest circulation in the city and county. Dr Allen, dontist, opera house. Old papers for salo at this office. Go to Dr. Reynolds for dental work. Sears building. 'Phono 213. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real es tate, .wx. Dr. Koons, dentist. - Qffico upstairs Norton block. For storm windows and doors see Forest Lumber Co 70 cents for spuds atC. J. Wildy's, Hem ingford. t Fresh Jersey milk cow for sale. C. J. Wlldy, Hemingford. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. See Humphrey for picture framing, up holstering and furniture repairing. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf Notick I will not be responsidle for any debts contracted by my wife Winni frcd E. King. Wm. Kino. Harold U. Miller, M. D physician and surgeon, office and residence 311 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb. Dr. Reynolds, the dentist, is now per manently located in the Sears building, first door west of Blackburn's store. For storm windows and doors see Geo. Gadsby. For Sale A quarter section of land, ten miles northwest of Alliance; good house, stable, granary, etc Will sell stock on the place if desired. Pete Weinel, Alliance, Neb. , l.OHGK niWKTTniJV, itotAi. IliuiiLANDKns-Atllanco Custlo No. W moots very fcwoml and fourth Thursday cytuilnsc In V. O. W. Hull. VIsIUur Clansmen cordlullr luvlicd. K. V. Woods, o. W. Leidy, - EWy. L. I. 10. T. AL Meets overy urst uml third Frr (luy nt Katflo Hall. Visiting Maciiiibot's col Ulally Invited. Mas. (I.O. Davehpoht. L. C, Maymb O'Donnkm., U. K. IJ. OF R. T.llardsiniKglc Lodge. No, 042 Meets every Sunday afternoon at 2., Eagle hall Visiting brothers welcome. J. A. Dunnink, W. M, M. Hargraves, Sec'y. land Night STEEN'S CAFE p SHORT AT ALL ORDERS HOURS.