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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1902)
! &r 'TV 1 V-r , i k ..". " 1 w vJjCiaiLiWsX)a o taklTv$... , . . ALLIANCE. I ain't a go!n' t' say a word ag'jn th' towns I've saw From Kankakco to Kewanee an' up t' Saginaw; From Memphis up t Cripple Creek an back t' ol' Saint Joe, Topeker, Denver, Helena, an' down t' Kokomo; From Kennebcck way down in Maine, t' Frisco on th' bay I've walked a-foot an' earned my grub a workin' by th' day. But I would like t' settle down till ol' Gabe's final toot In busy young Alliance in or Box . ' Butte. She's enterprisin' business men, an' they ,y are up t' snuff; She lacks that class o' citizens that slangy folks call tuff. Her citizens are wideawake, their latch strings always out, An' always pull together without a sulk or pout. An' so I'd like t' settle there th' balance o' my life Quite sure there'd be a plenty for th' chil'rcn an' th' wife. They've got the schools an' churches that I'm mighty sure would suit In busy young Alliance in Ol' Box Butte. I'd want t be an instrument t work th y., public good, As that is what I've tried t' be at any time I could. I would' t try t' be a boss I'd work right in th' ranks But kick on standin' by th' side of critics an' of cranks. I'd want t' bo a doin' what would help th' town ahead, An' just keep on a doin' till I reached my dyin' bed. You bet she is a corker, an' wo know her by her fruit " Here's success to young Alliance in Ol' Box Butte. "What is the position of the beef trust?" asks a republican exchange. The attitude of the beef trust towards the Knox injunction is, briefly, just this. It stands on one foot, its left hand close in front of its face, the thumb touching the nose, the four fingers spread out, and the thumb of the right hand touching the little finger of the left hand, with the four fingers of the right hand also spread out. The eight fingers wiggle promiscuously. The umpire of the army and navj' maneuvers will probably decide that in dancing the german the navy excels, whereas in the matter of dancing the lancers the army has the navy beat to a frazzle. If there is any reason why Dave Mercer should be re-elected to congress it has not yet been made public. The talk about what lie has done for Omaha is all bosh. John A. McShane, a demo crat, secured the first and chief appro priation for the Omaha federal building. Senator Allen, a populist .snatched the Trans-Mississippi exposition appropria tion from the jaws of defeat and then turned in and secured the appropriation for the Indian congress. Mercer has done nothing but rush to the fore with spectacular speed after others had done the hard work and claim the credit. He is not a resident of Omaha save in name, does not even pretend to live there, and for ten years has been prom ising every campaign to build a hand some residence. He really holds his in Minneapolis and uses the Second Nebraska district to keep himself in a soft job. Dave is a "good fellow" but it's time to stop the "good fellow" busi ness and elect men of brains and ability to congress. Uncle Mt-f j Kinkaid carefully con ceals his age, but everybody knows that he is old enough to have a lot of shop-worn interior fixin's that he would like to swap off. This recalls the story William E. Curtis sent to the Record-Herald when he toured Nebraska. Curtis allowed himself to be filled with a lot of silly falsehoods by Nebraska republicans, and he religiously retailed them to the Record-Herald. One was that under republican rule the dome ol the state house was coven-d with gold leaf, but as soon as the fusjonist secured con trol they covored the gold leaf with sil ver leaf. The dome was novor gilded, either with silver or gold. The dome was sheathed with copper which for a loug time remained bright. It corrod ed, however, and in u time had to be painted. That time came while the fusionists weie in control and they TttyMia &v"9 fat Vvt MttkU, Tltt "DttV "KL. "MtMK?tv. painted it with a stuff called aluminum paint in order to make the color har monize with the grey tone of the build ing. But Curtis' story was reprinted in every republican papct in the land and pointed to as a sample of "pop statesmanship." The Lincoln Journal, speaking of n plank in the platform the writer has formulated and stands on his own can didacy for the state senate, says: "That's a peach of a plank. Read it backwards or forwards, or any way you please, and it means anything or nothing." The writer submits that if the Journal really believes that state ment, tho Journal should support the author of the plank. Platforms that mean anything or nothing, one thing in the cast and another in the west, pro tection in the mill sections and recipro city in the agricultural sections, arc peculiarly republican, and of course the Lincoln Journal would not bolt a republican platform. The republican organs point with pride to the two years of republican administration in Nebraska. But are they honest when they do it? If they are why did the republicans turn down the two highest officials in the adminis tration? We hear a great deal about the fact that Uncle Mosc Kinkaid is a batchelor, and tho better we know Uncle Mose the more respect we have for the good judg ment of womankind. So Mr. Roosevelt wants a constitu tional amendment in order that he may bust the trusts? Beautiful scheme. Here it is in a nutshell: Roosevelt pretends to be fiercely op posed to trusts. Demands a constitutional amend ment so he can go after them. Congress will have to meet and sub mit the amendment. Then two-thirds of the legislatures of the state must ratify it before it be comes operative. The shortest possible time in which this can be done will be longer than two years. Two years will carry Roosevelt over another presidential election, and the trust plank is good to make a campaign on. See? And all the time the remedy is in reach. What is it? Let Theodore Roosevelt prove that he means to subdue the trusts by en forcing the criminal clause of the Sher man anti-trust law. A half-dozen trust magnates dressed in stripes and locked behind "steel bars will settle the trust question much more quickly than a constitutional amendment. Thompson's new paper is started for the purpose of knocking out the "jour nal crowd," and the Journal will work tooth and toe nail to knock out the Thompson crowd. And heroes hoping that both succeed beyond their wildest expectations. If you want to make a Nebraska City republican hot under the neckband make some reference to the silent and deserted cereal mills in that village. When you do you can hear 'em sizzle. During four years in the office of treasurer of Adams county, Dr. Lyman covered into the county treasury as in terest on county funds more money than all the republican state treasurers of Nebraska ever turned into the state treasury as interest on public funds. Dr. Lyman is the fusion candidate for state treasurer and should be elected by an overwhelming majority. Mr. Mickey is a temperate man, which is to his credit. He is a prohibi tionist, which is his right. He is an opponent to the saloon, which becomes him as a professed Christian. But he is moral coward, which fact ought to be his political condemnation. Mickey has been a prominent official of the Nebraska Anti-Saloon League for sev eral years, and this fact has been blaz oned on the stationery of the League. It is not so now. As soon as Mickey was nominated for governor he had that b.unch of stationery retired, and his name does not appear on the new work got out. Because Mickey is no longer an official? Yes. Why is he no longer an official? Because he fear ed the fact would work to his political disadvantage A physical coward is ten times hotter than a moral coward, and both are to be despised. If you want to read a really artistic roast of Roosevelt's alloged opposition to trusts got last week's Ustto of Har per's Weekly, a "journal of civilization" and a republican organ. Harper's Weekly deftly and artistically punc tures tho blatant and demagogic pre tenses of Theodore Roosevelt. Had a democratic organ said tho samo thing it would have been denounced as an "anarchist rag." But there it is in Harper's Weekly, a republican paper. If tho good people of tho Sixth dis trict awaken somo fine morning and discover that the heavens aro darkened by tho forms of pig flying through tho nir they may know that Uncle Moso Kinkaid has scraped the mold off his liver and accepted Pat Barry's challenge to a joint debate. I. J. McCarthy, tho republican can didate for congress in tho Fifth district, says tho Fowler bill and tho ship sub sidy bill won't cut any ice in his district. Perhaps not, but if tho voters of the Fifth district aro wise those two bills will cut McCarthy's voto down to such small dimensions he'll havo to look for it With a microscope. Tho amount of misinformation that Walter Wellman can crowd into ono special dispatch to the Chicago Record Herald is something wonderful. Well man went through Lincoln ono after noon a few weeks ago and without stop ping secured two columns of misinfor mation about Mr. Bryan's intentions. A more" deliberate and uncalled for mess of falshoods could not have been written. Democratic Representative Convention. The Democratic electors of tho counties comprising the Fifty-third representative district of Nebraska are requested to send dclgatcs to a convention to be held in Alliance, Nebraska, on the 27th day of September, 1902, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating n candidate for representative for said district. The various counties comprising tho district are entitled to representation as follows: Box Butte 5 Sheridan 6 Dawes 6 Sioux , 3 S, M. Smyser, Chairman. Half Kutes to Hustings. O. A. R. Reunion, Sept. 8 to 13, 1002. The Burlington route announces one fare for the round trip from all points in Nebraska to Hastings on account of the annual reunfon qf the Grand Army of the Republic to be held on above dates. Ask the Burlington route agent about rates, routes, train service. Just received some more new pictures and frames. Gno. Darling. REPORT OF COUNTY A Summary of the Reports From Box Butte County Schools Showing the Present Conditions, Financially and Otherwise. The following is a summary of tho reports of tho directbrs of the schools of Box Butto county, Nebraska, for the year ending July 14, 1902: RECEIPTS Cash on hand July 8, 1901. $ 9,897 51 Received from County Treasurer ' 16,12205 Received from State Apportionment... 3,05012 Received from Tuition from Non-Resident Pupils -, 29G 00 Received from Local Fines and Licenses I1325 50 All Other Sources ,22 84 Total t . . .$30,714 02 EXPENDITURES Paid Male Teachers... ...... ,..'. ..$ 4,527 02 Paid Female Teachers. 12,879 95 Paid for Buildings and Sites. ..'....,. ;......,... 1,58708 Paid for Repairs 670 60 Paid for Fuel , , ; 99248 Paid for Reference Books. Maps, Charts, etc I 532 04 Paid for Text-Books and Pupils' Supplies , 677 22 Paid for Furniture ".... 54767 Paid for All Other Purposes '. 2,29900 Cash on Hand July 14. 1902...-.". " 6,000 96 Total .' , $30,714 02 INDEBTEDNESS Total Bonded Indebtedness $17,500 00 All Other Indebtedness v 5,338 44 Total $21,838 44 VALUATION Value of School Houses , $3,55 00 Value of School House Sites Owned by Districts 1,361 00 Value of Text-Books .' , 3,792 45 Value of Charts, Maps and Apparatus 2,514 00 Valu eof All Other District Property 4,901 00 Total ". $43, 1 18 45 MISCELLANEOUS Number of districts in the county, 62; number of school houses in the county frame, 22; brick, 2; log, 2; sod, 28; total, 54, four of which were bui!t during the year. Number of Districts Having Nine Months of School., 3 Number of Districts Having Six Months or More, 25 Number of Districts Having Three Months or More 24 Total Number of Districts Having School .... 52 Average length of terms, 5,5 months; average number of days of school, 108.6. MALES FEMALES TOTAL Number of Children Between the Ages of 5 and 21 802 798 1,600 Number of Children Between the Ages of 7 and 14. , 400 412 812 Number Between the Ages of 7 and 14 Attending School 403 399 802 Number Between the Ages of 5 and 21 enrolled 759 780 1,539 Number Under '5 Years Enrolled , 3 3 Number Over 21 Years Enrolled , 2 1 Total Enrollment '764 780 1.544 Aggregate number of days all pupils attended males, 75,492; females, 88,201; total, 163,693. Average daily attendance males, 695; females, 812; total, 1,507. Number of teachers employed males, n; females, 56; total, 67. Total salary earned by teachers males, $3,885.50; females, $12,170.70. Average salary paid teachers in rural schools per month males, $28.85; females, $29.00, Average salary paid teachers in graded schools per month males, $78.30; females. $45.60. Number of visits of County Superintendent to schools, 74. Graded Schools: City of Alliance school census, 835; enrollment, 809; number of teaehen, 16; Secretary of Board. S. M. Smyser; Superintendent, V. H. Bartz. Ilemingford school census, 91; enrollment, 96; number of teachers 2; Secretary of Board, W. F. Walker; Principal, H. H. Funk. Respectfully, J. W. BAUMGARDNER, County Superintendent, f -. RANGES a I I I STOVES 1 I The lloyJ Precinct Prllunry. Tho electors of tho Peoplo's Independ ent party of Boyd precinct arc requested to meet nt the residence of A. S. Reed, Saturday, Octobor 4, 1902, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of nominating a pre cinct ticket. G. W. Euu, Committeeman 0VK00OTK0O)f U.Vv . Yvevce. 5 Fire Insurance. Hemingfoud, Nehraska. Affcnt for tho CaU'rtoulun, of Scotland, wlili'h Insures town property only, und tlio Coluin filti, which Insures town imtl farm property tunl live- stock. Doth tiro rclliibluold Hnu com panies NotEiriia.1 Work. 00000C FINE BOOTSand SHOES MADETQ OUDEU REPA1MNQ A BPEOIALTY. OHDERS CALLED KOIt AND DELIVERED R. MADSEN, SUPERINTENDENT. IWHJH Newberry's Hnrihvnro r.stnbllslitncnt. largest line Cast Ranges ever shown in Western Nebraska. Ranges from $25.00 to $62.50. Largest Stook of Glass in Alliance. 4 Two of Our Churches. & --- rirsf BaVvs Cvuvev One Mock West and Two Blocks North of TIMES BUILDING. Georok Collins Jrffers, Pastor. Swtv&avi SctvAccs. Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Preaching a.m. Junior Meeting 3.00 r.M. C. E. Meeting 7,15 p.m. Preaching 8.00 r.M, Prayer Service.Tliursday. 8.00 p.m. & A Hearty Welcome & TO ALL SERVICES. Miscellaneous NELSON Fire Insurance Agent j REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Brooklyn, New York. Continental of New York City, Niagara Firo Insurance Co. New York Under wi iters., New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of London. Liverpool, London and Globe In Office Up-Stiilrn, I'lctclicr Jllock, Q -A--A- AAA A A A. A AAAA AAA, ,... A A A, )iamonds, Watches, Vt Souvenirs . . Repairing in all its AI. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. IAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA A A A A A A J A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfl JOHN PILKING-TON". (5tatn, 3f lour an& jfeeb. SOLD .A.G331NT ir-OR, The Aurora Milling Company. : A One Flour, Leave Your The Herald has the best equipped Job Office in the west, and turns out the best work. Victor Lodge, Number 10, Knights of l'ythlus. Meets every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, gt Ball hall. Viwtinjj rnorabors in the city cordially invited to attend. C. A. Rankin. O. C. J. T. O. Stewart. K. of R. and S. of Steel and 9 j g ...Church... Z . m A.TA.XWOE, ' NIQUltASICA. U REV. CO, HORN, PH. D. 2 g PAOTOB - . 2 2 SUNDAY SERVICES. 1 Sunday School 10.00 a. m, Preaching .11.00 X.M. 2 Class Meeting ....12.00 M. 2 Junior Epworth League. . 3.00 p. m. Epworth League 7.00 p, m. 2 Preaching..,. .8,00 p.m. 2 Prayer Service,Thursd8y. 8.00 p.m. Ei cryone Is Welcomed to All Services. Advertisements, rv FLETCHER, surance Co. German American Insurance Co., 4 New York, Farmers and Merchants Insurance . Co., of Lincoln. , Columbia Fire Insurance Co, Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska.. AAA A AAA. A, .A, A, .A. A ,,,. AAA A. A , X. J. Gold Jewelry, Hail orders promptly PER SACK 8 1.10 500 POUNDS, CASH 10.50 I Orders for Alfulfu. The Hbkald has the best Job Office in wostern Nebraska, and turns out the bqsl work. Look at that underwear window, at Norton's- It's a fine selcetion. V t