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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1902)
'rpi sT y-CJnTBTr: 3T?p ,w $wr -?""' ''T-5-,V5 7W& - "Jip'r Wsfr. '"AT s 'a Alliance Carnival and Races, October 6, 7, 8 and 9. $4,000 in Purses. The Alliance Herald. - 5jis.:.$-j:$:h OFFICIAL PUBLICATION X OF BOX BUTTE OOUNTY S AND ONLY DEMOCRATIC! PAPER IN THE COUNTY.SJ WB MAKB A OPEOIALTV y OFMIQM OLA8BOOMMER i OIAL PRINTING. OPLEM. SjSj$;5jj-54 DID PRESSES AND TYPE, Tk$m&!$$h$ VOLUME IX. 1 ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1902, NUMBER 38, t $iMy$KFw yxsJn i- ;,c x- u . V K Groceries. We Want... YOUR TRADE. J Let us figure with you on your haying bill. Largest and most com plete stock of GROCER IES in Northwestern Nebraska. Actually the Lowest price and best Quality. Your trade solicited. Fresh baked goods always on hand. Yours for fair dealing. I Alliance Grocery Go I Minnesota High Grade Fancy Patent Flour, "Richelieu. ii The Best Flour on Earth. Sold Only by... LEE ACHESON. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house block. COOGOOOOOO Eight well furnished rooms over Tillot son's drug store to rent. W. G. SImon son. Will pay good price for three dczen hecs. VanBoskirk. The editor is in receipt of a very pretty little souvenir from Dr. Seymour", in the form of a neat little book of Nebraska and Dakota views, taken by him last spring, He advises us that he has sent out over fifteen hundred through the northwest just to his patients, who no doubt appreciate the doctor's remembrance very much, in. which we join. Bring your kodak every time, Doctor. C. E. Clough, of Alliance came in this morning with two loads of cows of his own breeeding and raising that sold at $4,05. Mr. Clough raises good grade cattle and finds that it pays. He has one herd of Folled-Angus stock which he keeps in a separate pasture and a big herd of Short horn and Hereford mixed. Mr. Clough thinks that the Short-horn and Hereford cross is about as good an animal as can be obtained for range purposes. The White faces are the best rustlers and the Short horns acquire weight. Practically every one who has tried this combination has found it satisfactory. South Omaha Journal Stockman Friday. Many of our readers who have known Dr. Seymour, the noted eye specialist, for many years, will be glad to know that he will bring with him on his fall trip, a not ed specialist in ear nose and throat trou bles. See them at Charters hotel October g and 10. Consultation free. 3L?ASA3AA8AAAA fw Line of Ladies', Misses', and Children's un derwear for fall is the largest and the values the best ever shown for j the money. For UNDERWEAR See 1L ?. CaSCKV. 6 rrerssrrrerrrrrcsYYSYiir) . Call and see Norton's new clothing. Milk cows wanted. J. R. VanBoskirk. An elegant new line of hats at Mrs, Regan's. Father Galvin returned from Omaha Sunday morning. Dow Sweeney came down from Moor croft, Wyoming, to take in the circus. Nearly every resident of Hemingford and vicinity attended the circus Monday. FOR SALE Three houses in Alliance. Inquito of E. W. Ray or R. B. Hamilton. Look at that underwear window, at Norton's. It's a fine selection. Hon. F. M. Dorrington and Capt. W. H. Corbin are attending the Bridgeport reunion. Wm. Elmore of Pittsburg, Pa., hasbeen visiting relatives in Alliance for several days. Judge Moses P. Kinkaid stopped in Alli ance yesterday on his way to the reunion at Bridgeport. LOST: A diamond and pearl breast pin. Finder will be rewarded by returningsamo to Miss Edith Phelan. A C. Bingham goes to Hyannis this week to play with the Hyannis band and orches tra during the carnival. Rev. Dr. Horn went to Chadron Wednes day to attend M. E. conference which is being held in that city. H. S. Mondell and sister, Miss Daisy, arrived Wednesday morning from Edgar to make their home here. Howard Johnson of Columbus city, Iowa, bought ten car loads of steers in this vicin ity this week for shipment east. Mrs.Iodenceand son Gladstone returned to Hemingford yesterday after a few days' visit at the home of Judge Spacht. Mrs. B. F. Gilman went to Heming ford Wednesday to attend the missionary dinner at the home of Mrs. McCandless. John Messier arrived Monday from Har vard to fill the position of cuttor in the Al liance meat market. Messier comes high ly r?comended to Mr. Wildy, Editor G.A. Mark of the Mitchell Index and his bride were in the city Monday on their way home from their trip east, and attended the Ringling circus. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Todd, of Kalamazoo, Mich., arrived in Alliance Saturday for a few days visit with Geo. Gadsby and fam ily who are old time friends. Engineer Peterson will soon commence the erection of a brick house in the west part of the city. Geo. Gadsby will do the carpenter work. Ellis Ray has sold his ice cream fixtures and will close his short order restaurant. The building he vacates will be occupied by Orville Owens for a barber shop and bath rooms. Stanley Krajicek resigned his position in the Alliance National and went to Lin coln Tuesday to enter the State Univer sity. Stanley is the sort of a young man who will make a mark in the world. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will serve a chicken pie supper at the courthouse Thursday evening, September 18, from 5 to 8 o'clock. Supper, 25 cents. Everybody is most cordially invited to come. An account of the accident which befell William E. Burns by being thrown from a train between Hemingford and Alliance Tuesday may be seen in the Hemingford department. Burns is a union boilermak- er and a member of the K. of P. lodge. L. W. Wilson, of the firm of Wilson Bros., the well known grain dealers at Broken Bow and other stations on the B. & M., stopped in Alliance this morn ing to transact some business with the writer. Mr. Wilson was on his way to Crawford. Editor A. U. Wood of the Gering Cou rier and F. O. Wisner of the Bayard Tran script were among the delegation from the Platte who came to see the show Monday, Col. Wisner was distributing programs for the Bayard reunion. The printing was done at the Transcript office and the job was very creditable, Al Wiker this week placed three elegant tombstones two granite and one marble in position in Greenwood cemetery, to mark the graves of Mrs. W, R. Akers, Iddo Joder and Mrs. Sanford. He has al so sold tombstones to S. M. Smyser, Gregory Zurn, Ben Joder, F. Dismer and Albert Johnson, Sunday at the Baptist church G. C. Jef fers pastor: Subject of morning sermon, "The Penitent Thief;" evening discourse, "The Last Prayer Meeting." Hourchangcd to 7:30 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. The Juniors resume work after vacation at 3 o'clock. C. E, meeting at 6 45. Birdsall Carr, leader. Midweek prayer service Thursday evening at 7:30. A welcome to all services. TWO WRECKS ON llURLINGTON. Passenger and Freight at Broken How nnd Freights nt .Mullen Collide Sunday. Sunday was rather an unfortunate day for the Burlington, two wrecks, one at Broken Bow and the other at Mullen, oc- curihg on that day. The wreck at Broken Bow happened about six o'clock in the morning when the west bound passenger, No. 41, and westbound freight, No, 47, crashed into each other. The castastrophe seems to have been duo to tho freight's switching without having a flagman out. A negro, Preston H. Higgins, who was riding next the tender, was killed instantly.' He was apparently about forty years old. Two ladies on No. 41, were slightly injured, also, and Fireman Charles Tubbs on No, 47, was badly scalded nnd was taken at once to tho Broken Bow hospital for treatment. Tho engine drawing No. 41 was damaged too badly for use and a freight car between the two engines was smashed. The accident caused about four hours delay. No. 41 was in charge of Conductor Zollinger and Engineer Nolan, Frank Hartson was engineer on No. 47. Sunday afternoon at Mullen a head end collision of two freight trains occurred, the engines being telescoped and twelvo cars of cattle being demolished. No lives were lost, both crews seeing the crash that was coming and jumping from the engines. The trains came together with terrible, forco. The tender of one of the engines was thrown twenty-five feet high and such' a mass of debris was heaped on the track that it was several hours before it was cleared for travel, although the whole wrecking outfit was sent from hereto as- sist in removing it. .Money Will Not IJuy It All. Money can buy many things, Wo admit. It can buy place and power. It can cor rupt courts and juries, it can oppress the, weak and uphold the strong, it can bo the means of enabling the rich to hold certain places; but its purchasing power has a limit, It cannot buy everything. It can not buy an honest man, be he judge, juror or hod carrier. It cannot buy a place that will make an unworthy man honorable. It may oppress the weak, but it cannot buy tho wealth of ' virtue. It may purchase a pew in a wealthy, church, but U "cannot purchase a guiltless conseincc. It cannot secure for broken hearts and sinful souls the only balm that will soothe. It cannot win the heart's affection of any woman or child, it cannot buy a happy home, it can not buy the dearest thing that life holds; nor can it bribe death or buy a mansion in heaven for the soul's eternal dwelling. No, Nol Money cannot buy every thing. Be not deceived . Do not make its pursuit the chief end of life. That course leads to worry and sorrow and disappointment here and untold misery in the life to come. Contributed. Tho play, "Railroad Jack," given at the opera house last Monday evening, was en joyed very much by those who attended. The play in it self was pretty fair and it made an excellent setting for vaudeville work, in which the company excels. The house was not much more than half filled, principally because a great many did not know it was to be given that night. It had been advertised for Wednesday night, but the company gave up other dates, thinking to catch the circus crowd here, which they doubtless would have done had the play been well advertised for that evening. People's Independent Representative Con vention. The People's Independent electors of the counties comprising the Fifty-third repre sentative district of Nebraska are request ed to send delegates to a convention to be held in Alliance, Nebraska, on the 27th day of September, 1902, at 2 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for representative for said district. The various counties comprising the district are entitled to representation as follows; Box Butte 6 Sheridan,,.,,.... 8 Dawes .8 Sioux, 3 "jUNGIIAMW' The Piano and Organ dealer. On account of an unprincipaled dealer in Alliance endeavoring to make capital for himself and injury to my business, by reporting that I was going to quit the bus iness and leave Alliance, I wish to state that I have very flattering offers outside in themining business, which I have been considering and have had for the past year but have concluded to remain in Alliance and will in the near future add a line of small musical instruments in a good loca tion and a full stock of the wonderful and famous New Royal sewing machines, (Ball Bearing) for cash or on time that will make you think of the past and re member some of your so called second hand deals. A. C. Bingham. George A. Phipps, editor of the Chad ronian was married to Miss Bessie E. Bur leigh at Gordon, September 3. They will be at home at Chadron after September 15. The Herald extends congratulations and wishes that they may live long and happily. Seo tho now line of Furs and Fur Jack ets at Mrs. Regan's. Mrs. C. R. Austin went to York Wednes day to visit relatives. Miss Fern Fielding is visiting near Lakeside this week in a locality where she formerly taught school. John Pilkington has leased tho building next to King's place which he will use for an up town flour and feed offico, See the new dress goods, waistings and suitings, at Norton's. Miss Elsie Darling left Tuesday morn ing for St. Joseph, Mo., to resume her stud ies in the convent she has been attending for tho last three years. James Smith and wife of Lincoln visited a couplo of days this week with Mrs. Smith's brother, C. Humphreys. Thoy wero on a pleasure trip to Deadwood. F. G. Simmons, of Seward, spent n couple of days in the city this week. Mr. Simmons is an old time newspaper man and is now an organizer for tho A. O. U. W. order. Our new carpets,, mattings, rugs, lin oleuns, curtains and portiers are in. W. W. Norton. E. P. Sweeney went to Moorcroft, Wyo., today to make the acquaintance of Mrs. Dow Sweeney. Mr. Sweeney says that Dow was recently married to a wealthy ranchman's daughter who resides near Moorcroft. Tho Herald learns from a reliable source that a Seward man will erect a brick block in this city to be occupied by a large firm who will vacate their present quarters on account of tho building being considered unsafe. B. W. Shonquest came up from Scotts bluff Tuesday and after visiting a day with his daughter, Mrs. Albert Johnson, left for his home in Omaha. Mr. Shonquest spent a few weeks with his son Fred in Mitchell valley and says he enjoys ranch life, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rockcy and son Emil and Mrs. C. W. Roberts, drove down from Hemingford yesterday and did some trading with our merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Rockey expect to leave next Monday for Claysvillc, Pa., to attend a family re union. They will be gone a month. It now behooves all mothers of boys to keep a close watch upon their sons until the attack of imitation the circus has in oculated them with wears off. A padded cell with no furnishings would be the safest plaee for the average boy for three months after attending one. We make no attempt to mention the names of those who were here from neigh boring towns Monday. The task would be too great. In fact, it would be far easier to publish the names of those- who stayed at home, as nearly everybody In the country was here that day. Judge Wes(over stopped in Alliance Monday to "see the elephants." Tho Judge had just returned home from Lin coln Saturday when he received a message that his son was ill at Mullen. He drove across the country to Alliance arriving in time to catch No. 42. The boy's condition was not at all serious. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young give a party at their home this evening in honor of their son, Fred, who leaves for Lincoln tomorrow night to attend the State univer sity the coming year. Ralph Smith and Thomas Tillotson also leave for the same place and purpose tomorrow evening. CIRCUS DAY CAME. And "Tho World and His Wife" Came Also to See tho lllg Show. Monday probably saw the biggest crowd of people in Alliance that has ever been here. It is estimated that there were about 10,000 people in the city on that day. Very low excursion rates were made from all points on roads into this city and every train arriving during the night and Monday morning brought in crowds of people. It was a holiday for all this sec tion of country. Everybody had a good time and seemed to desire that everybody else should do likewise. It was an order ly, good natured crowd, No special police were appointed nor special regulations made and only one arrest was made, that being for disorderly conduct, and the of fender was a stranger. The show was all that the management promised, too. Everything was given just as they had -advertised and we "guess" their claim to be the greatest show on earth is well founded, perhaps abolutely true. At any rate, all seemed to feel that they got their money's worth, The show is reported to have taken in about $7200, which was not a very good day's business for them, as their expenses are about $5000 daily and they also are obliged to make enough during the show season to keep them during the season of inactivity. During the the time for the performance in the afternoon all the business houses were closed that everyone might attend. Alliance merchants all report doing a good business that day. DEMOCRATS CONVENE. Wm. .Mitchell Renominated for Attomoy nnd O. W. Eocr for Commissioner. The democratic county convention held nt the court house last Saturday was called to order by County Chairman Mitchell. L, A. Berry was mado temporary chair man and S. M, Smyser, secretary. Wm. Mitchell was placed in nomination for county attorney by S. M. Smyser, who In tho course of his remarks stated in sub stance that tho administration of Mr. Mitchell during tho past two years was one to which tho party could point with pride, that there havo been Boveral foul murders committed in Box Butte county since its organization and the only case which was successfully prosecuted was by the present county attorney, Mr. Mitchell has collected through foreclosure, taxes for tho county amounting to nearly $6,000. He has always been ready to prosecute a case where a warrant was issued nnd law breakers realize that ho is not a "stick" In offico capable only of drawing his salarj'i After tho county convention adjourned the delegates from tho second commission er district met to nominate a commissioner, Emory F. Abley of Nonpareil precinct was made chairman and F. McCoy of Wright, secretary. G. W. Loer was re nominated by acclamation. Mr. Loor has mado a splendid official, always working for the best interests of the taxpayers of the county. He Is an honest, conclcntious man and tho record he has mado will bear tho closest investigation, Mr. Loer will succeed himself by a majority of more than one hundred votes. Collins & Morrison, saddles, always in in stock at Clough & Collins, General Barry came up from Bayard today. He spoke at the soldiers' reunion there. The eight-year-old girl of Valentino Wright is seriously ill with neuralgia of tho face. Sheriff Reed went to Hemingford today and will sell his cattle at auction there tomorrow. Captain Culver will speak at the opera house to night. His subject will bo the '"Philippines:" "itt1- "v Mrs. Volney Curtis returned to her home near Canton today after a few days' visit with Alliance friends. Thirty-one now yearly cash subscribers to the Hkrald during the last two weeks. Not so bad, S3 it? The Baptist church and Sunday school will hold a picnic on the church lawn to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Woman's Industrial Society of the Baptist church meets with Mrs. D. C. Tay lor next Weducsday afternoon. Mr. Margravo and son, of Reservo, Kan., who own ranch property east of Al liance transacted business at tho land of fico today. Any stock of harness in stock or made to order. Clough & Collins, There will be no services in tho Episco chunch Sunday, the rector holding ser vices at Ellsworth on that day in tho home of Mr. Bartlett Richards. ' The Women's Guild of the Episcopal church will give a hop at the opera house, Wednesday night. September 17. Re freshments will be served. Music by Moore's orchestra. Mr. Bert Bctcbenner and Miss Myrtle Berry were united in matrimony in this city Monday evening by Rev. Geo, Ber nard Clark at the residence of Conductor G. W. Betebenner. Both are well known young people of Reno. Did you notice that Judge Berry is rap idly reducing in avoirdupois? Well It's be cause of his walking to the depot every day in the hope of meeting Mrs. Berry who has been visiting in Iowa. Sometimes he forgets and goes to meet the freights. The Judge says she will surely be home tomorrow. Widows Gulorc. In the month of August sixty-two sol diers' widows' applications for homesteads were filed at the Alliance land office. Forty-five of these alleged ' widows give their residence at Gordon in Sheridan county. Last weeks' issue of the Gordon Journal states that another consignment of widows arrived there that week to file on homesteads. It looks to us as if Gordon is going to have more than her fair share of widows more than she can possibly expect to supply with husbands. We don't quite see what inducements she held out in order to get them there, nor how she is going manage taking care of them, but perhaps she does. The Alliance meat market, one door south of the opera house, 'phone 28. is now open and ready to serve the public. They keep fresh, complete lines of goods in their buslnejw fresh and cured meats, poultry, fish, oysters, canned goods, etc. They will serve you well and promntlv. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Alli ance Mbat Co., E.S. Wildy, Manager. I'nmllv Groceries. :,- Try a $ack of the BEST FLOUR MADE, CREAM . PATENT. $1.15 per Sack. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Clothing at cosl, at'the'Fair Store. ' Be sure U C C. & C. and see their stock of saddles, Those neckties are dandies, at Norton's. Cash paid for hides. CLoimti & Col- LtNS. Death from Consumption. Timothy Kennedy died at his home in this city early yesterday morning from consumption after an . illness of several weeks. His father, H. C. Kennedy, died from tho same disease about two months ago. The deceased was only seventeen years of age. He was a good boy, a favor ite among his associates, and it seems sad. indeed that a life that might have been so full of good and of enjoyment was ended so early. The funeral services will be held tomor row morning at 9 o'clock from the Catho lic church, conducted by Rev. Father Gal vin. The young man leaves a brother, Willis, and sister, Miss May, to mourn his death, to whom the Heralu extends its deepest sympathy in their affliction. Sheridan coal, Canon lump, nut and Aker's coal W. Jambs. Tuxes .Must Ho Paid. Taxes for 1902 will be due October 1, 1902, and the county commissioners havo ordered that 1901 and all previous taxes be collected before that date. Tho law does not require that any notice "bo given, so if you would save, costs and trouble of collection, call at this office and settle. Alex Mujrhuad, Co. Treas. H, BOGUE'Sl tf S - S V S K K K ' V M A Happy Medium I Jf Means a neat waist- g line. Get one of I s the new belts at S BOQUE'S I j - K And you will be hap k all over. V V K fBOGUE'SJ i VI AZt