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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
iTt.'MSrtAK&Sil'ysBfviiiiWir w - -- r-J-WyWWWWi'WRWiiTwfe-, "JtMrMtftowawajaWw. rA jS4rWV5. srM -. - i t I I r Se II i $z Wvauce eT&&. PUBLISHED BVEHV FRIDAY. ornciai Puijiication or Box Butte County. 1 , I T J. O'KEEFG. JAMES WILCOX, l Hfl" 1i i .EOITORS. ";'"" t,EntjreI at tho Vmtnfllcif nt Alllnneo, Nebraska, as I ii iihil it m,i V .tUteb or subscription. For year (Ih ndviincriw 5I.W Throe roontln......'. 40 cent Six months L... .75 IBamplocoplosfrooloany address C5T" AiltfrtlsliiK t tcs made known on application. The City ot Alliance. Alliance is u thriving, pushing, growing UUlo city of aJOOhouls. with a future full ot prouitso-lndred, m bright Is tho outlook, It Is freely predicted tlint within llvo yours It will have 11 popula tion of from 6000 to 8000 In nil of Northwest Nebraska there i no town, In point of iwpulutlou and volunio of business, that enn approach It. Its railroad facilities are the best, being located on the main lino of tho great liurllngton and Missouri Itlvor railroad system; and Its schools mid churches uro not surpassed any where, IUpeoplo ire hospitable, enterprising and IntclllgcnL Its climate Is healthful, Invigorating nnd Inspiring. In short, no town In Nebraska presents supurlor Inducements for men of capi tal, enterprise nnd push to locate within her borders, Letters of injulry adiire.ei to tho Alliance Utmxuu will bo answered promptly and In detail. Fusion Ticket. STATE. For Governor W. H. THOMPSON, Of Hall County, Lieutenant-Governor E. A. GILBERT, Of York County, Secretary of State JOHN H. POWERS, Of Hitchcock County. Auditor C. Q. DeI'RANCE, Of Jpffcrson County. Stato Treasurer J. N. LYMAN. Of Adams County. Superintendent Public Instruction CLAUDE SMITH, Of Dawson County. Attorney-General J. H. BROADY, Of Lancaster County. Land Commissioner J, C. BRENNAN, Of Douglas County, CONGRESSIONAL. For Congressman, Sixth District Gun. P. H, Barry. Of Greeley County. Knox is off for Parce and Teddy is left alone to bluster and brag about subjugating tho trusts. Mn. Roosnvni.T is swinging around the New England circle, bidding for another term as chief magistrate. Every word ho utters is intended to strengthen Roosevelt. Ho subordinates everything elso to this one ambition. " Tim Union Pacific strike goe3 inenily on. The com pany appears to bo making but little headway against the solid ranks of its striking employes. May tho best man win. And the best tnau is the uniou labor workman, who is contending for his rights as a man. It is greatly to the credit of tho fusionists that within their ranks they had a Westovcr, a Sullivan, a Harry, and a dozen others that could have represented this district in .congress with honor alike to themselves and the people. Either the g. o. p.'s have but one man they deem worthy or capable of such distinction, or else that one man has the ear of tho power that furnishes the corruption fund. or both. Hut we'll Yoat him, just tho same. Otherwise, as wc have said before, write us down a lot of vacillating chumps. Rr.ruiiLiCAN candidates for congress in this district should not be backward hi coming forward with their 50 contributions to tho Mercer campaign fund. Mercer will need every dollar he can scrape up to secure the nomination, but $100,000 would not elect him if he had the nomination. Omaha Hec. There you have it, blunt and plain, from a source that cannot be discredited. We are offering a prayer night and morning that Mercer may not bo defeated for the nomi nation. Wonder what our friend Roscwater will do if he is not? Will he be magnanimous enough and brave enough to support his hated journalistic rival? It will bo the op portunity of your life, Mr. Roscwater, to prove your man liness. Are you big enough to grasp it? Moses P. Kinkaid, Stand Up. Mr. Kinkaid, tho subsidized press tell us that you are tho republican candidate for congress in this district, and tho HkkALD is disposed to believe the statement, for there never was a time in your career that you were not a candi date for something, Granting, then, tho truth of tho an nouncement of tho aforesaid subsidized press, it is no more than right that you should tako tho people into your confi dence. It is duo to them that you tell them how you stand on a number of public questions. A man who will dodgo honest questions is unfit to represent a free people in tho halls of congress. Will you grant this ? Yco ? Well, then, Mr. Kinkaid, the republican majority of tho house committee on banking and currency has recommended for passage the Fowler currency bill. This bill provides for branch banks, a bank currency based on bank assets, the retirement of the greenbacks and for making tho silver dol lar redeemable in gold. Mr. Kinkaid, do you favor enact ing tho Fowler bill into law ? Don't dodge, Mr. Kinkaid. Answer the question like a man. Sheltered behind a pro tective tariff tho trusts are robbing the people right and left. Infant industries have grown so big that they threaten to throw their parents out of tho house. Mr. Kinkaid, do you believe in revising the tariff without any further delay or humbuggcry? Don't dodge, Mr. Kinkaid. Answer tho question like a man. A year ago Mr. Roosevelt delivered himself of a flowery, but hypocritical announcement, about BIIIIUKI1II UUIIIllllHl UUV1I1K imciciiuu iu iitu iiuata 111.11 prey upon the people. Ho did nothing while congress was in session. Hut as soon as congress adjourned ho began to tell us what he was going to do to tho trusts in the future. Mr. Kinkaid, if by any means of jugglery and trickery, you should bo elected to congress, will you try to "shackle cunning" with your mouth, or will you try to shackle it with appropriate legislation ? Don't dodgo, Mr. Kinkaid. An swer tho question liko a man. The people have a right to know where you stand on the questions, Mr. Kinkaid. And they want to know. They will not be satisfied with glitter ing generalities. Maundering mouthsful of mere mush will not satisfy the intelligent voters of the "Big Sixth." They aro not fools not by a long shot. And you'll make the biggest mistake of your life if you allow yourself to believe they arc. They know as much about politics as you do. Stop up to the rack, Moses, and answer the questions. Nothing is more certain to come to pass than a great popular uprising against trust domination. It will find ex pression in public regulation of a mora or less drastic kind, according as the matter is more or less delayed. Spring field Republican. Evekviiody who reads tho newspapers is acquainted with Russell B. Sage. Nobody questions his sagacity. That hag been proven a thousand times. Many of us loathe the greed and grasping, grinding character of the man, but none of us doubt his ability to forecast the future. And when he puts himself on record as saying that ' combina tions of all industries are a menace to true government not only so, but they are tho oppressors of the people," wo must realize, if wo but stop to give the matter a thought, that tho great financier knows what he is talking about. And when Russell H. Sago says that unless a change in the present condition of affairs is wrought that "the American people will revolt, and there will be financial ruin tho like of which this country hap never seen," it ought to be a warning that would strike terror to the hearts of tho politi cal jugglers who have made it possible for these combina tions to exist. George Darling tho furniture Dealer. 3? W& Know That Host People are Out for a Proposition to Save Honey. Briefly Stated-?05,1 TO FUR" FURNITURE, BETTER and PRETTIER, at a LESSER PRICE than you can buy elsewhere. All we ask Is for you to visit our store and allow us to demonstrate what we have said . . . DARLING. Democratic Representative Convention. The Democratic electors of the counties comprising the Fifty-third representative district of Nebraska are requested to send delgatcs to a convention to be held in Alliance, Nebraska, on tho 27th day of September, 1902, at 2 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for representative for said district. The various counties comprising the district are entitled to representation as follows: Box Butte 5 Sheridan 0 Dawes .6 Sioux 3 S. M. Smvser, Chairman. For Sale Two thoroughbred shorthorn bulls. Cheap for cash. J. F. Yanders. Professional Cards. ATTOIlNEYg. Druggists and Pharmacists. THE PERFUME SENSATION, 'Madam Butterfly9 The New Japanese Odor, One of the Most Delightful and Fragrant Perfumes ' Ever Produced. TKr have xrr ..Also the New Odors...; WILLIAH MITHELL, Pkesidunt RoosEvnLT has again declared himself un equivocally for legislative regulation of trusts. Hut the democrats will insist that he does not mean it. Omaha Bee. Is there the slightest evidence in the manner of his procedure that he does? ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Office I'honk ISO. ' residence Phone 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORN Y AT LAW. Rooms 1, 2 nnd 3, First National batik build ing, Alliance, Neb. Notary In olllce. W. G. SIMONSON . . . Attorney at . Law.... Oflico Up-itnlrs Over Postodlco Violet of India, Rose of India, English Violet, Juliet and Others. Give Them a Trial. They're Sure to We Guarantee Their Quality.... The Alliance Pharmacy, J. S. iTEKINNEY, Proprietor. !5,!,j"i"X"j!"!-i"X"J4x !-!v: VVV-i--i-VV--VVVVV-.-VVVVVVV-iJ,VVVV ::- ::. Governor Cummins ot Iowa. Governor Cummins of Iowa is nothing if he is not brave. How all the world loves a brave mart ! But bravery with out discretion is nearly always disastrous. Despite the attitude of the national administration, and in the very face of the warning cries of the leaders of his party, Governor Cummins insists that the democratic party is right in de manding a revision of tho tariff. Right in its argument that ' tho present criminal tariff law is responsible for tho exist ence of the trusts. Once in a great while we are permitted to view the exhilarating spectaclo of a prominent republican refusing to follow, blindly, the unholy teachings of men who arc lost to every sense of justice and right who dares to stand up for principle. This is the fiost notable instance ' of anything of the kind, however, in recent years. It cannot be that Governor Cummins has not counted tho cost of his rebellions attitude. It is certain that he lias, and that he esteems principle far above political preferment obtained at the sacrifice of manhood. Listen to these words of Iowa's bravo governor : " It is the extreme of folly to assert that this (tariff revision) will seriously disturb the industrial fabric or frighten the producers of the country." What rank treasou lurks in those words ! And then again this honest, fearless republican governor of Iowa dares to say : "The truth is that those who are onjoying monopolies( arc every day laughing at the inertness of the people aud won dering how long the reign of inactivity will continue." Never wtre truer words uttered than" these. And never a truer man wielded the" reins of government in Iowa, with the exception of Horace Boios, than Cummins. There'll be no backing down. Cummins will fight the monopolists to the death, though it be Cummins' death. We know tho c, man, We Know nun wiiuh hc uuhcu i-hj- n, imu lihnself into the breach anu twice aiueu in uie oiecuou 01 a democratic governor of Jowa. And ho will do jt agam, ;' h... it,,, miinfvlinats nrincinal to unholy creed and The nomination by the fusionists of Gilbert M. Hitch cock to contest the honors with Dave Mercer in the Second congressional district, doubtless meets with the approval of a large majority of those who will support him. It is but a just recognition of his long and untiring services to the cause of the common people. Mr. Hitchcock is tho pro prietor of the World-Herald, the greatest, fairest and truest exponent of a "government of tho people, by the people and for tho people," in all the northwest. He is an able man, a successful man, and a man to be trusted. And viewing the situation from this distauce, there must come a wonderful change in affairs in the Second district to pre vent the election of Gilbert M. Hitchcock. He will be the peer of the brainiest men who will take thair seats in the Fifty-eighth Congress. L. A. BERRY, ATTORN AT LAW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMITH 1". TUTTI.E. IUA E. TASH. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NED. v ! I v V Y V I V T :: R J. Brennan & Co, DEALERS IN- Drug s, Perfumes and iJJIIVi xxt tlIvo Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. "PtbsctVpVvotvs GaTBuWvi owpowvrl&ri. Alliance, Nebraska. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. I! IIM .vvvvvvvvv . ' ? . .'. :...x--H--;-:-Hj--w--j--x-j--xHH-j-ji PHYSICIANS. The Heuald would suggest that just underneath the two or three pictures of Railroad Candidate Mickey which are displayed in public places in this city these words be written: "Our Man Mickey," and just underneath them again, a little to the right, tho signature, "John N. Bald win," be placed. This would be in keeping with the eter nal fitness of things. South Carolina democrats may believe in negro dis franchisement, but they insist on majority rule in party primary nominations. No miuority candidate can come up under the South Carolina constitution. That is one re deeming feature. Omaha Bee. Dave Mercer can console himself with the thought that he has forced Bro. Roscwater to utter ohe truth about the south, anyhow. It may be mighty poor consolation. But every little helps a fellow when he's sorely pressed. H. II. MF LI.WOOU, M. D. - W. 8. I1EM.WOOD. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Moisten llulldlng, - ALLIANCE, NEU, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlco In First National Hank block, mice, Nebraska. A1U- Q. W. MITHELL. M. D H0LSTEFS PHARMACY..... Is One of tho Most Up-to-Date Drug Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully -& Compounded -s ' Watches and Diamonds. A SELECT stock or Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. It adds nothing to the credit of their cause or the sue coss of their candidate for the subsidized press of this district to lay Btross upon the fact that he "served the people of this district for fourtoen years on the judicial bench." It only emphasizes the assertion of the Herald that Moses P. Kiukaid's greed for office is insatiable. There's a limit to all things. No man has a right to "corner" public office, and only blind, bittor partisans would sanction it. Office In Lockwood ) Uulldlng ) Pay 'Phono 20o. ALLIANCE. NEB. NlRht 'Phono 37, J. E. MOORE, M. D. rLETCHEU 11I.OCK, ALLIANCE, NEIL Culls answered from offlco day or nlflkt. Telephone No. tM. Sheriffs Sale. lly virtue of an order of usecutlon H;cl;etJ to mo from tho dtbtrlct court of bcottij lllutT county. Nebraska, on a Jui einaiit oMu,tc.'1 by district court of Swtts 1 tuff county. Ne- ruiku. on tho 7th day ot January. lUte. In favor of McKtulpy-Laniilng Loan "rt7,fu t!a asplalntltr and against I mrtoS in 1, defendant, tor, the Win of four hundred Mkuely to vary the monotony, Union Pacific strikers have caused the arrest of President Burt, upon the charge of false imprisonment. Were he a thousand times guilty they know full well ho would not be adjudgod censurable. andtlfty I'lRht dollars and thirty-two cents fflwSai mid costs taxed ut six dollars and :ri.,.... ....11 n nm nm uorrumic LM&ia x iitu !X,f ,,! tho tho followlni: real estate HttV.V ?,' r-Si, r Ska. : and will offer the P. S. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Ladles' furnishing Goods Mrs, Thos. Regan - Has a Large and Complete Assortment nf TVIILLUNERV, m m 'range forty-nine i9) lalljx .'".fi .r ..s.i it.. tin. 1 county. o"A "",XMV..r; ,v..;ii. ffi handon tl,o th day"ot 8bor, ine. 1 front of to cuurthouso In Xlllance. llpx Hutto county, Nebrafka, that bolug tho balding wherein tho last torib of court wag held at tho liour of 10 o'clock of said day when and wheioduo attendance will bo glveij by the understgnod I HA NEED. Sheriff of Said County. Dated Augit 23, IMS. t T ADIES' TAILOR MADE Suits, W t Shirt Waists, rinclin wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headware, Battenberg flaterials, Embroidery Materials, 2 Stamped Linens, Hair Goods, etc. Opera House Block... & i :i v r T V V X T X t t T y y T T X T T ? i I y y y 1 T i , -."4 . ijK