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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1902)
Aliiatjrfe Qarnival anfeces, Jctober 6, 7, 8 and 9. $4,000 in Purses. ,K -H?:'$5$H & ,l The Alliance Herald. 1 9 4 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ! & OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY $ AND ONLY DEMOORATIO ' we make a specialty or HIQH CLASS COMMCn- CIAL PniNTINQ. 8PLN- Jj DID PnE88E8 AND TYPE. PAPER IN THE COUNTY. Jdt . HsJ$-,H$$H -.i.:.j.j.5j.jj3, VOLUME IX, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1902, NUMBER 35, r Jk (i Groceries. m I We Want... YOUR TRADE. Let ui figure with you on your haying bill. Largest and most com plete stock of GROCER IES in Northwestern Nebraska. Actually the Lowest price and best Quality. Your trade solicited. Fresh baked goods always on hand. Yours for fair dealing. Alliance Grocery Co j Minnesota High Grade Fancy Patent Flour, "Richelieu, n The Best Flour on Earth. Sold Only by... LEE ACHESON. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house block. Bargains in Dry Goods, at the Fair Store. Wanted A good cook, at the B. & 11. hotel. September 8 Mark's studio. -Only stamp photos, at September 8 Circus day, and stamp photos at Mark's studio. For Sale Two thoroughbred shorthorn bulls. Cheap for cash. J. F. Yanders. For Sale. House 'and lot near school house and barn in southwest part of town. Also sixty head of horses and one Shire stallion. Spry & Soder. For Sole Cheap The B. & M. hotel at Marsland. It is a good two story house of twelve rooms, a .good well and pump, a cellar and out buildings. Would take part in stock. John Irion, Marsland, Neb. Kates for Jiaptlst Picnic. Rates for the picnic at Bridgeport Au gust 29 will be as follows; If ioo go, one and one-third fares. If 250 go, one fare. If more than 250 go, one cent per mile. Children between five and twelve years of age go at half the above rates. The dis tance is thirty-three miles. At one cent a mile the fare is sixty-six cents for the round trip. Every one should avail themselves of this opportunity to spend a pleasant day and get home before dark. The train leave: Alliance at 8 a. m. ASAASAASASAAASASA5 3ov 3VW aes Ses vxv .- Dress Goods, Ladies' Dress Suits, Walking Suits, Skirts, Waists, Kimonos, Wt appers, for fall, keep your eye on a TL. 3. fcWSOTS. trrrrrrrsTCTrrcrrrsrsTrve Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house block. Charlie Shindler has entered the employ of Lockwood & Co. Dr. Seymour, noted eye specialist, will be here October 9 and 10. , Tom Hopkins, jr., of Dunlap was doing business in Alliance Saturday. C. A. Newberry went to Kearney, Sun day morning, returning Thursday. The ladies' union will meet Wednesday, August 27, with Mrs. D. W. Butler. J. R. Phelan gave a "swell" party to his Chicago guests at his home Saturday even ing. The Red Light and Wm. King's place are being brightened up by fresh coats of paint. www. Mrs. J. W. Cheshire is reported to be convalescing from her recent serious illness. Ed Mollring rides these days in the new rig which he recently drew in a raffle at Lincoln. F. J. Kraemer, the newly appointed master mechanic, is expected from Wy more soon. Mrs. Ira Reed and sons Elmer and Ray returned Wednesday from their visit in Holt county. Roy, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burns, is threatened with an attack of typhoid fever. Miss Josephine Phelan came up from Mc(jook last Friday to make her father and sisters a visit. , W. C. Langford of Filley came to Alli ance last Friday to accept a positson in D. W. Butler's drug store. Misses Marguerite and Mary Dratte, of Ottawa, Illinois, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Louis Buechsenstcin. Miss Georgia Miller came down from Hemingford Tuesday to resume her work in the county treasurer's office. Mrs. Jules Zbinden and son left yester day morning for a month's visit with rela tives and friends at Ravenna and Utica. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Devoie arrived Wednesday from Thompson, Iowa, for a few days' visit with relatives and friends. Miss Pearl Benedict returned Saturday from a visit of three weeks with rela tives at Lead and with Miss Susie Hop kins of Dunlap. The social given by the ladies Nof St. Margaret's Guild Tuesday evening is re ported to have been a very pleasant and successful affair. W. H. Wright and wife of Scottsbluff were in the city Monday an their way to Hot Springs where they expect to spend two or three weeks. Alex Crane came in from the east Wednesday morning. He is one of the early settlers in the county who formerly resided near Box Butte. Mrs. George Gadsby and daughter Annie returned Wednesday from Chicago and Joliet where they spent the past three months. Miss Gadsby is much improved in health. N. Ray's baby was made very sick last Saturday by chewing some poisoned fly paper, but quick discovery of what it had done and prompt attention averted any serious consequences. All services of the M. E. church will be held in the opera house Sunday, August 24. Morning subject at 11 o'clock, "The Lamentation of Jonathan." Evening at 8 o'clock, "The Realm of Surprises." L. J. Capps of Kearney was in the city Tuesday and made the Herald a pleasant visit while waiting for a train to Lead City, where he thinks of putting in a job printing office if the outlook is favorable to such an enterprise. Rev, Jeffers will return next week and have charge of the Thursday evening prayer meeting. Sunday school will be held next Sunday at 10 o'clock as usual. A missionary program will be given at 8 p. m. by the young people. The.lawn social given by the Epworth League at the home of C. C. Smith Wednesday evening was a decided success. Notwithstanding that the weather was rather cold for the refreshments served, the neat sum of S37.50 was realized, Capt. Corbin recreates now-a-days in his horseless carriage (that's a better name than its jaw-breaking appellation) and when he whirls through the streets at the rate of ninety miles an hour more or less pedestrians hug the fronts of the buildings, with eyes peeled for an open door. On Tuesday, August 26, Ellis W. Ray will open his ice cream parlor and short order department to the public for the benefit of the M, E. church building fund. Patronize his short order counter for breakfast, dinner and supper, also his ice cream parlor, thereby helping a good cause. Young ladies will be present to assist and welcome all. Popular prices will prevail. MYSTKRY PARTLY CI.UARS. Man round Head at Oitinlin Proves to Do the Missing Henry Longford. The mystery enshrouding the disappear ance of Henry Langford about two weeks ago has in a measure been cleared up. The description of a man found dead in a box car in Omaha, which was published in the state papers the latter part of last week, caused Sheriff Reed and others to believe that the man described was Mr. Langford. Accordingly Mr. Reed, accom panied by Albert Langford, went down to Omaha last Sunday night and learned the sad truth that it was indeed the missing man. The body was discovered in a car in the Union Pacific yards in that city tho even ing of August G. A boy had noticed the man lying face downward in the car early that morning; late in the evening he again passed by the car and, seeing tho man still there in the same position, thought something was wrong and called the police who found him dead. From that it is judged that he came into Omaha August 5, as tho car in which ho was found had been in the yards there for two months. A coroner's inquest was held the following' day, the jury bringing in a verdict of sul fide by strychnine, as a bottle containing some of that drug was found in one of his pockets. The man's clothing was kept by the authorities for identification 'and the body was buried in the potters' field Au gust 9. Sheriff Reed and the dead man's son were shown the man's wardrobe, tho son identifying each article of the apparel as having been worn by his father when lie left homo August 1. He had the. body ex humed and sealed in a casket and brought it to Hemingford Tuesday morning for burial. Whether Mr. Langford really committed suicide cannot be known nor can it even be stated positively that he died from strychnine, oven though it was found in his possession. Ho came to his death by no violent means as there were 110 marks on his body to indicate that; neither was there evidence of a struggle such as might have been expected had he died from the poison. The theories regarding the affair are about the same as at first: one, that, driven by remorse for what he had done he killed himself; the other, that he was killed for what money he had. So far as it-has been possible to trace his expendi tures he must have had about $175 when he was last seen alive and only a nicke was found upon dead body. There itf every evi dence that he intended to return to the livery barn for his team and drive out ljome on the morning he disappeared; so the belief is not groundless that he did not meet death by his own hand. Many there are who believe that a foul murder has been committed, and the Herald is dis posed to coincide with them. A bottle of poison on a dead man's body proves nothing. The assassin or assassins got in their cruel work in Alliance, but Omaha was the scene of the last act in the brutal drama. A wife, two sons and two daughters of Mr. Langford yet live to grieve over his death and they have many to sympathize with them and pity, too, the man who had lived an upright life among them but who, the one time he went wrong, paid so fearful a penalty for it. The Baptist church and Sunday school have arranged for a basket picnic and a day of recreation at Bridgeport, thirty-six miles down on the .Denver line Friday of next week, August 29. The train will leave Alliance at 8:20 a. m.; the returning train leaves Bridgeport at 4 p. m. and arrives in Alliance at 6 p. m. Children of five years and under, free; between the ages of five and twelve years, one-half fare for round trip; over twelve years, one fare for the round trip. There is a large grove at Bridgeport and a delightful place to spend a day's outing. Everybody is in vited to join in this picnic. Robert Kittleman and wife, who reside twenty-two miles northeast, were in Alli ance Saturday. Mr. Kittleman informed us that on the 13th instant, his large frame barn was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Fortunately there were no horses in the barn, but over a hundred chickens perished, and three sets' of har ness and a harrow was burned. J. M. McLean, a neighbor, reached the scene in time to render assistance in saving some lumber. Ed Enderly of Thermopolis, Wyo., was in Alliance Wednesday. He is now trav eling for a San Francisco liquor house. He says that Wm. Walter, Walter Curtis, R. M. Mullins and other former Box Butters are getting rich in the Big Horn Basin and they could not be induced to leave there. Ed had not been in Alliance for nine years and he was greatly surprised at its advancement. The Royal Neighbors gave a lawn social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clough Mon day evening which was well patronized. Moore's orchestra furnished some excel lent music for the occasion. Postmaster L. Snow of Marsland was in the city yesterday forenoon on business. Judge Spacht and J. J. Snow drovo to Hemingford yesterday. Dr. Seymour, the noted eye specialist at Charters hotel October 9 and 10, Mesdntnes Esancy and Sherwood of Hemingford were Alliance shoppers Mon day. wwwww Miss Mabel Wiker returned Monday froth Sidney where sho had visited two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Norton returned last Saturday from their outing in Colo rado, .www Ed Sweenoy got his foot crushed a few days ago by a heavy piece of timber falilng upon it. L, J. Schill, the Luclla ranchman, was in town Monday looking for .men to work in the hay fields. . Miss Opal Russell went to Hemingford Saturday to visit several days with Mrs. P. D. Spracklen. Frank Frew of Seattlo left for his homo last Saturday after a short visit with his parents of this city. Mrs. Agues McDonald of Whitewater, Wis., arrived In the city Thursday to visit her brother, Wm. Campbell. A. S Reed returned yesterday from South Omaha, where he shipped two cars of steers. They sold for $4.75. S. F. Williams of Linesvillo, Iowa, is in this vicinity this week buying up a car load of horses for shipment to Iowa. C. J. Wildy, Hemingford's hustling mer chant, was a county seat visitor yesterday. He was accompanied by Miss Hctrick. For sale: A largo varioty of houso plants including palms and ferns, by Mrs, M. Miller, first house north of Catholic church. Mrs.. J. E. Benedict and daughter Edna left Wednesday to spend the remainder of the week visiting friends in the vicinity of Dunlap. The Women's Industrial society of the Baptist church will give an ice cream social on tho church lawn Friday evening, August 22. Wm. Fosket and Sam Graham were in tho city Monday, having driven down a bunch of steers which they sold to Robert Graham. The date for dedicating"the enlarged M. E church edifice has been changed from September G to September 21. Tho scar city of masons caused the delay. The Misses Marguerite and Mario El more went to Salt Lake Tuesday night, ex pecting to visit points of interest in that portion of the country until November. Mrs. R, T. Watson is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Fannie G. Parker, who arrived Wednesday from Grand Lodge, Mich. Mrs. Parker will spend (he winter here. Ainsworth Scrjbner, tho five-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scribncr, died at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning after a short illness. Funeral services were held at the home that afternoon, conducted by Rev. Dr. Horn. During the last ten days eight of the leading republicans five of them old sol diers of Alliance, have called and paid cash for yearly subscriptions to the Her ald, borne ot them took occasion to say that they did not agree with the paper politically but that they admired its excel lent news service and that it was not afraid to print the news, H. A. Mark left Thursday morning for a ten days' trip in the North Platte valley, where he has a large amount of work to do with his new panoramic camera for the Burlington. It is rumored that the young gentleman will take an active part in a marriage before returniug. This is a mere rumor, however, and the Herald cannot vouch for its truth. Mrs. P. D. Spracklen and Miss Bessie Shetler of Hemingford were the guests of friends in this city last Friday and Satur day. Miss Bessie took examination in one branch required for a teacher's second grade certificate. She has made very good grades in all the branches required for it, and is soon .to be enrolled on the list of Box Butte county educators. This week's issue of the Herald marks the completion of its first six months in this prosperous, growing little city. The paper found a field here at the very in cipiency of its existence and slid into it with an ease and grace that evidenced its perfect conception of the situation. There are those who don't like the Her ald, but there are a whole lot more who do; and this Is exactly as we had planned it. We are more than pleased with the outlook, perfectly satisfied with the past and more than ever determined to adhere to the policy that is rapidly popularizing the paper. We are for those who are for us, first, last and all the time. "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully usa you," sounds mighty pretty, but there's too much hypocrisy wrapped up in it at this day and time to suit the Herald. THOMPSON ANO HARRY. Splendidly Written Tributes to Their 1.x. nlted Chnrnctcr mid Worth. Editors Alliance Herald : A few words relative to tho fusion nominees may not bo amiss. Our candidato for governor, W. H. Thompson, is a man of state repute. Ho has been prominently before the public In many ways, as nominee for congress man, as national committeeman and as candidato for United States senator. This might indicate a honkering nfter public office; but such is not the fact. Mr. Thompson has invariably been urged to accept these honors at the hands of his political friends, who recognize thoinhar cut worth of the man; and it was only after being so urged that he accepted the fusion nomination for governor, Mr. Thompson was twice honored by his fellow citizens by being chosen mayor of his homo city of Grand Island; nnd It is stated by tho old veterans of tho soldiers' home that, while in his official capacity as mayor, none of the old heroes were ever molested by the minions of tho law for any trivial breach of tho peace during his incum bency; and let it be said to his honor that, in many cases where tho deserving old veterans had imbibed too freely of the cup that cheers, V. H. Thompson has at his own expense, hired cabs to convoy tho old boys back to their quarters; and it is not unreasonable to say that these old defenders of American unity will stand by their friend when they can return the kindness. If Mr. Thompson is elected a vigorous enforcement of tho state laws may bo expected atid evil doers will receivo no clemency at his hands. No Bartloy par dons will ever disgrace his administration or penitentiary steals ever bo perpetrated under his watchful eye. Two years ago, when temporary chairman of the state convention, he stated his position clearly, in words of no ambiguous meaning, In condemnation of the pardons given to cattle thieves by tho administration of that day and his word of honor is given that no mitigation will be meted oui to any criminals against tho state if he is elected. W. H. Thompson is a man of brilliant intellect, a lawyer standing with the giants in his profession, a statesman imbued with all tho eternal principles of American democracya man of the people! . As to our nomineo for congress, Patrick H. Barry, llttlenefid boaid. . One. looki at the grand old hero is sufficient to con vince his opponents of tho thorough hon esty of the "Grand Old Man" of Greeley county. This cant and hypocrisy used by his opponents will ouly recoil on them selves. Mr. Barry is as vigorous to day as the day ho marched under "Old Glory" and freely offered his life in defense of his adopted land. Nothing was then said about the "Corkish flavor" of his name, and be it ever to our disgrace if we permit his foes to trail his guidon in the dust. Is it consistent, is it loyal to a brother in arms who, though differing, can not expect the support of his old comrades? Is it just to expect a democratic old soldier to support a republican old soldier when he comes up for office, and then when a democratic old soldier is up for preferment to have his republican comrades support his opponent? Is all this talk we hear at reunions hypocrisy? Evidently it is if Patrick II. Barry does not receive tho support of his old soldier comrades in the coming election. True, P. H. Barry is up in the numbers where men have col lected wisdom; but pray, since when has it become evident that men ripe in years and experience are unfit for lawmaking and lawgiving purposes. Let the rolls of the centuries be called and listen to the names: Alexander, Hannibal, Napoleon young men all. What has history to say of them? One word "Blood." What of Solon, Cicero, Franklin? "Wisdom." It is unuecesary to delve in the musty records of the past. Gladstone, Bismark, Kruger are words of world-wide fame; and who ever charged that Senator Hoar, Senator Morrill or Benjamin Harrison ever out lived their usefulness? It is simplicity in the enemies of Mr. Barry to insinuate that he is unfitted for the duties of the office which he seeks by reason of his age. As to his opponent, Mr. Kinkaid, I have nothing to say further than that as a judge he fulfilled his duties, in a creditable man ner. But where has Mr. Barry ever shown himself unfit to fill any position in which he found himself? Was it when he was adjutant-general of the state troops, or was it on the battlefield when some of his detractors were prattling babies? Shame on the man who would cast asper sions on the old hero; and may that arm less sleeve pinned on his manly old breast be a mute appeal to every man with a spark of patriotism in his moral make-up for justice to the warrior who seeks prefer ment at their hands. The balance of the fusion ticket is wor thy the support of every honest Nebraskan, regardless of party affiliations. They are men of known reliability, with nothing that cannot bear the light of publicity. The fusion candidates have no Steuffer skeletons hid In their closets, or Bartley pardons to create nightmare, but are men of recognized worth and clear consciences. Robert Graham. Oleman, Neb., August 17, 1002. Pninllv Groceries. . Try a Sack of the BEST FLOUR MADE, CREAfl PATENT. $1.15 per udCKt Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Clothing at cost, at tho Fair Store, Old hats made as good as new by Betts, the hatter. '-Sheridan-coal, 'Cnnou lump, nut Mind Akcr's coal W. James. Dr. Seymour, eye specialist, coming Thursday and Friday, October 9 and 10. Mrs. Ward returned to Hemingford to day, afler a fews days' visit with Mrs. McCorkle. W, O. Barnes Is wearing a broad smile and setting 'em up today because his home was made happy by the arrival of a son last night. Sam Graham returned this morning from Omaha where he had disposed of two cars of cattle. Ho reports making a very satisfactory sale. V. O, English of Aurora is stopping at the Charters. Mr. Engiish is assistant superintendent of the B. & M. on the Lincoln-Ravenna division. Mrs. Regan and daughter Miss Mid will leave tomorrow morning for Chicago, where they will spend a few days selecting their fall nnd winter stock of millinery. Mrs. E. M. Bean arrived this morning from York to attend to business matters. She is pleased with her new home at York and says she and her brother are doing well in the grocery business, It's Cool In Colorado. August 23, 24, 30, 31. September 1 to 10. On the above dates the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Col orado Springs, Pueblo and many other points in Colorado at extremely low rates. x x IBogue'sI X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X X X 3 X 2 Add up your cash, go to BOGUE'S, and subtract It X for good goods at low prices. 5 I X X X X IBOGUE'SI mWWA'W'4'AW'W'W