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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1902)
THE COURIER 4! t Chi t Miss Anne Stuart snent the wmIt tn Chicago. Mrs. Carl Funke entertained T. nn. hemlennes this week. Miss Hayden gave the third -of her studio teas this afternoon. Mrs. A. Cornell entertained the Batten burg club Thursday afternoon. " Phi Delta Phi. the law fraternity, gave a dance last night at Walsh hall. Mrs. John B. "Wright has returned from a six weeks visit in Chicago. Mrs. C. W. Toevs will give a five o'clock tea Wednesday the seventeenth. Mrs. G. W. Rhpdes is entertaining Miss Thompson of Santa Barbara. California. The University club will elve a dance lext Friday evening at Fraternity hall. The Lincoln Light Infantry gave a dance In Fraternity hall Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Boggs will enter tain La Veta whist club Tuesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mayer will en tertain the Unity club Wednesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burr of New York city are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burr. Mrs. A. M. Putnam is the guest of Omaha friends and will remain over Sunday. Mrs. A. R. Mitchell Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Morris Deutsch, in Horton, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Shular of New York are over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates. Mrs. William Hardivicke of Kansas City is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Gossner. Mr. Frueauff, a society man of Denver, was a guest at the Putnam party Thursday night. The W. T. M. will give a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Evans next Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Geer are guests of their daughter, Mrs. James Bruce Mitchell, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Reasoner enter tained the Dooleys last evening at their home, 1100 C street. Mr. Willard Yates has returned from Cherry county, where he has been spend ing some time on a ranch. The young ladles of the L. M. H. will entertain at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hatch Friday evening. "Chocolates' are now quite the rage instead of "teas." and basket parties are taking the place of kensingtons. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seacrest enter tained a few friends informally at din ner last evening. Covers were laid for twelv. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDonald gave a luncheon Sunday evening for Mrs. Bal lantine of California. Covers were laid for ten. Miss Etta Bates, who has been the guest of Miss Mabel Hays for six weeks, has returned to her home in Tacoma, Washington. Miss Gladys Garoutte and Miss Flor ence Parks h&ve sent out cards for a dancing party at Walsh hall on Thurs day evening, December eighteenth. Miss Agnes Doyle and Miss Marie Mc Donald of St. Joseph, two of Miss Burr's bridesmaids, will arrive tomorrow and will be guests of Mrs. Lewis Marshall. 3ir. ana jiih. t. . -n " . tain the L, A. kenslngton members and their husbands this evening at six-hand euchre. A luncheon will be served after the games. The marriage of Miss Etta Foote of this city to Mr. H. B. Sevier of Shreve port, Louisiana, will be celebrated in January at the home of the bride's par ents In Greenville, Texas. Mrs. Rollin Miles will arrive in Lin coln the last of this month from her home In Burlington, Vermont, and will be the guest of her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Marshall. . Miss Jean Tuttle gave a children's party on Wednesday in honor of Miss Selma WIggenhorn of Ashland. The guests were members of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Miss Cochrane entertained informally yesterday afternoon in compliment to Miss Hutchinson of Iowa City. Christ mas sewing and gay chatter interested the guests. A 'delicious luncheon was served. A number of ladies are organizing a card club to meet regularly in the aft ernoons at the commercial club. Six handed euchre will be played and the commercial club chef will furnish re freshments. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Foster gave a din ner Wednesday evening in honor of their guest, Mrs. Carney of Victor, Colo rado. The decorations were pink roses. , pink candles and pink shades. Covers were laid for fourteen. The marriage of Miss Maude Ervin to Mr. Charles H. Ashton will be celebrat ed next Wednesday evening at eight o'clock at the residence of the bride's mother. None but relatives and a few immediate friends will attend. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Garoutte enter tained the J. O. C. club Monday even ing. Guests Desldes club members were Messieurs and Mesdames J. L. Kellogg, Paul Clark, O. M. Stonebraker, C. F. Harpham, Park Garoutte and Miss Bes sie Turner. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson gave a dinner to twenty guests Tuesday even ing. The dining table was adorned with American beauties In tall cut-glass vases and lighted with white candles In silver candelabra. The smaller tables used had for centrepieces baskets of Ameri can beauties. Miss McClure, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Kelley, for six weeks, has gone to her home in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. If the weather at Christmas time will permit. Miss Mc Clure. with her father and mother, will return to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Kelley. CLUB NOTES THE WEEK'S REVIEW Reverend F. S. Stein entertained the Round Table Monday evening. The Century club will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. M. H. Garten. Mrs. Howard Burns entertained, the : Taka art club Wednesday afternoon. The Athenea club met yesterday with Mrs. H. H. Harley. Mrs.- A. R. Talbot talked of St. Petersburg. Mr. J. L. Teeters entertained the Lay men's club Tuesday evening. Doctor P. L. Hall talked on "The Anthracite Coal Strike." Chapter K of P. E. O. met Monday evening with Mrs. Jennie Hager. Mrs. Russell was the leader, with "Home Making as a Social Art" for her subject. The Des Moines Woman's club is to have a new club house. The stock com pany plan of raising the money will be followed, and the shares will be fixed at twenty-flve dollars each. The Alexandra club, the only exclu sively woman's club In Ireland, Is in a flourishIng"cond!tlon. A third house will shortly be added to the two already oc cupied, the membership having so In creased that the twenty-nine bedrooms which the club will soon have at Its dis posal are sorely needed. The book club held its annual sale of books at the home of Mrs. C. G. Crit tenden this morning. Each year this sale of books which have been read dur ing the year occurs, the book3 going to the highest bidders, then the purchasing committee Invests in a new supply for the use of the club the coming year. 3r & The W. R. P. C. club met with Mrs. Crulkshank. 420 South Fourteenth 1 MISS MINNIE F. BECKER, of Columbus. Neb. Secretary of the Nebraska Federation of Woman's clubs. street, on Wednesday. Roll-call was re sponded to by quotations from Edgar Allen Poe, and Mrs. Karges gave a bio graphical sketch of tnis poet. A bio graphical sketch of Lafayette was given by Mrs. Kempton, tho history lesson was conducted by Mrs. Huzlnger. W f& TP The meeting of tho Woman's club Monday afternoon will be in charge of the art department. There will be an exhibit of pictures, baskets, pyrography, ceramics, wood carving, and bo forth, nil done by members of the club. Mrs. E. Lewis Baker will sing "Ella Stella Consldente," by Robaudl. with flute ob ligato by Mr. Baker. Miss Josephine Poynter will recite "The Red Fan," with musical accompaniment. Woman's rights before the law Is a subject which has been widely discussed before the various clubs of late. A prominent attorney, speaking recently before the Irving Park Sorosls, among other things said: "You women have carried the day so far in everything you have attempted to do. and you can have anything you want in the way of legis lation. You can have the ballot, too. If you want it and ask for it." It has been decided by the Interna tional Council of Women for Christian and Patriotic Sen-ice that it will take action as a body in opposing the election of Reed Smoot, the senatorial nominee from Utah. The members of the Inter national Council give It as their opinion that, whether personally Mr. Smoot Is or Is not a polygamlst, the seating of any member of the Mormon Church In the United States senate would be Inadvis able. The Lotos club met on Thursday with Mrs. W. B. Ogden. Mrs. Ogden led In the discussion of the servant question. The discussion was a very interesting one and was participated In by nearly all who were present, but the ladles say that the servant problem Is still an open question. Besides club members those present were Mrs. F. D. Levering. Miss Ronndy. and Mrs. Thompson of Califor nia. The annua! banquet of the club will be given February the eighth. The home department of the Woman's club met Thursday afternoon. Miss Bouton talked on domestic science re lating to the home. Cleanliness, order, economy, were the subdivisions of the subject. Miss Bouton spoke of the work being accomplished by the domestic sci ence department at the university. The students of that department are giving Instructions in the Central and Belmont schools and have under their Instruction one hundred and fifty children. At the next meeting of the department Mrs. W. H. Bognall will talk on "Adulteration of Foods." Sorosls met with Mrs. A. R. Hill, Tues day afternoon. The hostess was also the leader and gave a delightful ex position of "Scottish Music" A his torical sketch was followed by the char acteristics of Scottish music and song. Then Scottish psalmody and dance music were taken up. Gaelic music was spoken of as the music of the Highlands to distinguish it from that of the Low lands. Instrumental illustrations of the characteristics were given by the leader, and vocal Illustrations by Miss Wilson, who sang with expression, "Bonnie Dcon." "Gala Water." "Farewell to Lochaber," "Wearln Awa uenn" and "The Flowers o the Forest." The fact that the leader was Scotch added much to the Interest of the program. Scotch short bread and tea were served In ac cordance with tho national custom. The executive board of the General Federation of Women's Clubs met last week in Washington for several days session. Mrs. Dlmies T. S. Denison pre sided, and all of the fifteen members of the board were present. The principal business consisted of arrangements for the next biennial convention, and the selection of the convention city. Invita tions having come from St. Louis, Min neapolis, St. Paul. Chicago, and New York. It was decided that the biennial convention of 1904 should be held In New convention of 1304 should be held In St. Louis. Mrs. Anna D. West of Massa chusetts was made chairman of the pro gram committee for the next biennial, and Mrs. Noyes of Milwaukee, chair man of the biennial committee. The membership committee was appointed by the executive committee prior to the meeting and is as follows: Chairman. Mrs. Emma M. Van Vechten. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Hrs. Draper Smith. Oma- Tj--a-53g3SE"