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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1902)
11 THE CO'UKIER I- The Courier Published Every Saturday fentarad ta the fostottce at Lincoln u secoftd daaa matter. OFFICE, ....... 80O-M0 P STREET TELrraoirc Bualaeaa Ofllee 214 """""J Editorial Room 90 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Per anaum, In adrance $UX StagleCbpy, jOI FASHION 1 Outdoor Interest at this season, whi'e it Is yet too cool for rowing- and sail ing, is divided between colt and tennis, the revival of the latter game promis ing to make it more popular than ever this year. Several new modes have ap peared for the devotee of these sports, and a special outing wardrobe Is now a necessity. Cloth, fancy homespun, brlillantine, duck and linen are the materials em ployed for the newest golf suits, which arc frequently nothing but shirt-waist suits with short skirts. The best models for skirts are tucked or plaited all over, with a fullness about the bot tom of the skirt. The plain skirt is no longer at all smart. The backs are close fitting quite to the knees, taking the place of the tedious Inverted plait so long in use. Since the outing suit has developed such possibilities, the French women have adopted it, short skirt and all. The cloths are finished In stitching, which Is more effective than bandings. A pretty model shows a skirt of dark blue brlillantine, laid In two-inch box-plaits at the belt, and widenmg toward the -bottom. Where these are let flare, each plait is em broidered in a heavy silk triangle, which serves both as an ornament and also to keep the plaits securely in place. The season has brought forth many novelties In the line of gloves, coats and stocks for the golf girl. A new glove, and the best ho far seen, is of soft but thick gray suede with perfo rations the size of a small pea all over the back. The glove Is llngerless, and fastens with n clasp on the back of the wrist. Where the strain comes on it in playing, on the palm and at the base of the thumb, it is reinforced by nn extra thickness of the suede. The con venient short skirt is used entirely for train wear, and does away to a great extent with. the long, smart dust coats of silk, so popular last year. The best tailors are turning out some stunning suits duck und linen. The coarser and more loosely woven these are, the better. The coats are various ly made, from the loose sack to the snug Eton. These snug coats are eith er entirely collarless or have a largo collar on the sailor style. I see in all the outing coats shown a tendency to be much more trimmed than hereto fore. The knitted red coats with silk and satin sleeves are still favored by those who love 'comfort, as nothing so far has been shown which can compete with them as an undercoat, and to slip on after the game. Of the numerous outing hats, those of golden brown Panama are the pret tiest They require very little, trim ming simply a band, a bow or a quill, with sometimes a bright veil wound about them, with short ends falling In the back. The month of brides is again here, and wedding gowns claim attention. One now in course of preparation for an approaching event, and which I have been so fortunate as to see, is of rare old lace made Into three flounces to form the skirt. The bride-to-be Is slender, and the, bodice. Instead of be ing also of lace, is, of accordlan-plalted' chiffon over tulle and silk, closely fit ted, save just at the front belt line, where it blouses a trifle. Over the shoulders falls a superb bertha of the lace, pointed In the front. The high collar is of unlihed lace, and the elbow sleeves have pointed flounces and turned-back cuffs of lace. The veil witHhIs "cotttraeT -latcomparatlvely short, falling well below the hips, and having a knot of lace to fix it to the high-dressed hair. Another gown that struck' my fancy was of white crepe de chine, very soft and clinging, made plain, and exquis itely trimmed with tiny wlilte blossoms. Farmers & Merchant Bank BSIbbbbbbbbE! 15th and O Street. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Geo. W. MoxTQOMKxr, Preat. L. P. Fonkhoush, Cashier. Capital Paid in, $50,000 OO Accounts of IndlTiduals. Firms. Corooimtions. Banks, and Tf Bankers Solicited. Correapoadence invited. FOREIGN EXCHANGE and LETTERS OF CREDIT on all the principal dties of Europe. Interest paid ob time deposits. COME IN AND GET A HOME SAVINGS BANK IfrXMMMMMBWMfttMMMf Ptng1lottg ' or Table Tennis THE LATEST PARLOR GAME Seta 60o, $1.10, $2.25, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.60 THE LINCOLN BOOK STORE, 1 126 0 Street. 3XXW& Ganoungs Pharmacy 1400 O Street . . . Open all Night Lowncj's and Allcgrctti's Chocolates HOT SODAS IN SEASON Lincoln If yw Want First Class Service Call on Us ,,rrWeviofa4 ? WE DO WE SELL WE CARRY ' X ralioICr Piano and Fur- all grades of a fine line of Car- niture Moviag Coal nages & Buggies Co. OFFICE, TENTH AND Q STS. PHONE 178. This, too, was high in the neck, and had long sleeves as well. Flowers were used in attaching- the -veil to-tlre hair and in its drapery. This veil was long and also of lace. Roses are to be large ly employed in the decorations for the coming weddings, and in several in stances the brides will carry large, round bouquets of bride roses, with long streamers, interwoven with buds. GREAT BRITAIN'S NEXT AMBASSADOR aawK&'BaaaaaaaaaaaaaB''" m?jtj vyaaaaayuv BwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVKiHIil svjHs bbbbbbbbbbbbK H " bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtiwbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw 'li B SH&y? IT'aBm.BBBBKMUtlSBBBBBBBBBBJ i aw aanananananT jBMMMMMVt9MMMMMMMMMMMMMflL IKS4-AHhH iw) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV.yBBBBBSSSHBBBBBVSSSSSSSSSSSVfj I IH warSS?' bbbbVL VzHHI lavil bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWaI I - l t" Vi - m - na 11 if ji 11 iHRnlh Orchids, too, will be popular, and In all Instances the color scheme used in the floral decoration will be carried out In the costumes and flowers carried by the bridesmaids. A heavy satin princess, made almost severely, has sleeves of heavy white . lace and deep inserts of the same about, the flaring bottom of the skirt. This: Is to be worn by a tall brunette, who will carry orchids. Her bridesmaids are to wear white lace over delicate, flesh-colored slips of silk, and are to carry bouquets of pink roses. Lady Modish in Town Topics. New Lincoln 139 a Tenth Street JOHN S. CAIN Proprietor Bowling Alleys Erertala Hew aaa StrirtJjTlnt Clan Laalca fcawially larlttd Hie Hon MJUferheH: MncMichael flepbej. It is probable that the Hon. Michael H. Herbert, the newly appointed British ambassador to Washington, will .not present his credentials before late summer or early autumn. Above are latest portraits of the ambassador elect and his beautiful American wife. -The latter was formerly .Miss Leila Wilson. She married the former ambassador In 18SS after meeting him In Europe. Mr. Herbert, holds a distinguished record for diplomatic service. He resigns his position as secretary to the British embassy at Paris to take his latest and more important office. He has also been secretary to the legations at Washington, the Hague and Rome. While in Washington Mr. Herbert was very popular In this country and his beautiful wife was always a great favorite at Newport so that their return is eagerly anticipated. . r SADDLE HORSE COLLARS diftthE hup ASKYOUftDEALERTOSHOWTHfM a J BEFORE. YOU BUY. MNUFACTURtD BY HARPHAM BROSXO. Lincoln. Neb. ;j Y ;4atoftHM V is .. V,