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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1901)
THE COURIER. y r m 9 9 9 m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 m H k Jffico. lea.... Professional Directory. 8 Dr. Benj. P. Bailey .671 Evenings, by appointment. Sundays 13 I Office, Zehrung Block 1 9 to 10 a m i M2 to 12:30 I Residence, 1313 C street )2to p m to 1 p. m. and by appointment. Dr. J. B. Trickey, J , ,,, 9 to 12 a. 1 Refractionist only j Office. 1035 o street itoip.m DENTISTS. office 83o.Louis N. Wente,D.D.S.-!TSi blSt.I ( so Utb street. office 633 Oliver Johnson, D.D.S.-i&s?oTreerl,ar,e,'"l I 1 1105 O street phone.. .wns Dr. Ruth M. Wood. I 012 So. 16th St. J Hours; I A. M.;S 10 to 1 to 1 P.M. hhJUUuUII 1 SUMAXIre OUTINGS via "OFlae Burlington." TO COLORADO. MINNESOTII MD I BUCK IIS. J to 5 9 -a S X7 fig1 , S'S CJK rt $15.10 $13.60 a. I Q c l$11.10$14.00$18.50,$15 00 $14.30 $17.50 $21.50 ' I $18.25 rt or" 3 $15.00 $18.85 V &.c 5 cOc $15 00 $25. 00 $30.00 $19-00 $30.25 $32 00 RATES OP SALE. July 1 to 9 Sept. 1 to 10 June 18 to 30 July 10th to Aug. 31st All tickets sold at the above rates are limited for Return to Oct. 31. Call and get full information. Gity Ticket Office Gor. lOtn and O Streets. Telephone 235. Burlington Depot 7th St., Between P and Q. Telephone 25. &S is Successor to IWX-ver Ac Cox. ( PLUMBING, IT WATER X STEAM HEATING 1332 O St. Plione 762. s S Nil S Cycle Photographs Athletic Photographs Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views swi&9nrify THE PHOTOGBAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. Call . . . . and ego my choico line of MEJATS. S. G. SIGOURNBY. "KEYSTONE" MARKET.. tft the; . . FIRS T II 1 1 . . . of LINCOLN, NEBR. . . . V 1 ? Capital $ 200,000.00 Surplus and Profits . 54,255.08 Deposits .... 2,480,252.18 .JC Jm ij S. H. Burnham, A. J. Sawyer, President. Vice President. H. S. Freeman, Cashier, H. B.Evans, Frank Parks, Ass't Cashier. Ass't Cashier. UNIJED STATESDEJ 0SIJ0JRY. J. R. HAGG ARD. M. D. Iixiooln Nebr. Office 1100 O Street, Rooms 212,213, 214, Richards' Block. Telephone 535. Residence 1310 G St. Telephone K 984. the woman who superintended the toa making. "I wish I knew who makes them." "That's easy. I make them myself." "You do? How in the world do you get that lovely V shape in tho front?'' "That? Why, I just cut aV outcf the skirt band." "Ladies," rappod tho preaidont, "it has been moved and seconded that wo adjourn and visit the Mower bods. All in favor of visiting tho ilower beds will please signify it. by saying, Ayo. Con trary minded, No. The ayes have it. The club is adjourned.1' Kansas City Star. TWO AUSTRIAN PAINTERS. 1 1 FRANKLIN ICE Oil I ? And Dairy Go. Manufacturers of the finest qual ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream, Ices, Frozen Puddings, Frappe and Sherbets. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 133SO- 2tbSt. PHONE 205. BY MISS SAIt.MI WOOL MOOItK. (For Tho Courier.) In the imperial Academy of Fine Arts at Vienna a beautiful custom prevails through which tho professors, after a life long service, look forward to their retirement as to a sort of coronation. When the age-limit of three score and ten is reached another year called tho "honor year" is added, and for twelve months the out-goer is the most con spicuous Oguro of the art school, tho toast of masters and students, tho pride express itsolf in any medium, but most frankly and fully in color, has placed his mark upon many of tho now municipal and imperial palaces of legis lation, of education and of recreation which charactorizo modern Vionna. Tho Emperor's logo at tho Court Tho atro ib decorated by a friezo from hia hand roprosonting tho elomental forces Bubducd by tho Graces: in this most harmonious composition ho proves him Bolf both Master and Master of tho Graces. In tho Parliament House epoch making scones from Grook and Roman history illuminate tho wblls of tho Cham ber of Peers: tho Gothic Rathhaus has a group of frescoes in which allegory and tradition are mingled. It is in tho personifications of this group that mom bora of the family Eisenmonger may bo recognized, thinly masked. The boau litul profile of Mrs. Eisenmonger is appropriated by tho grandly concoived Austria charioteoring tho ship of state, and tho handsome features of hor favor ito son appear in tho face of tho genius bending over her. In tho composition representing Vin dobona, tho old Latin Mother-City of Vienna, tho artist himself is moro than suggested in tho long, languid, pliant figure of Father Danube, his pensive gaze, his beard repeating in its wavo Stories of his youth- ko undulation, the rushing of tho tor strugglep with envious 'ont which leaps from tho overturned of tho academy, f ul prowess, his fato and his triumphs aro on every tongue and become a part of tho tra ditionary lore of the institution. Tho patriarchal relation re establishes itself as in the youth of tho world, for Art lives forward and back in all tho years the creative power is the eternally pres ent I Am. This relation is no imitation and masquerade, but a fitting expression of affectionate veneration. The year 1901 is especially festive at amphora beaido him these are tho physical traits of Eisoumongor. Frescoes in tho groat concort hall of tho Musik-verein building, tho ceilings of tho museums, altar-pieces in tho churches, tho splendid Btago-curtain of the Augsburg theatre aro among the masterpieces of Eisenmonger's genius. It also the genial and generous qualities of character, tho lofty and loveablo personality of which he id himself so unconscious, could bo immortalized into the outside world would know what a loss the academy sustains in tho retire ment of Prof. August Eisenmonger, the Viennese Art Academy on Schiller- 60mo material form to refresh posterity, platz. It is tho "honor year" of two illustrious masters, Eisonmenger and Zumbusch, men who have always en joyed an immense popularity and who are now receiving an ovation of con gratulations from pupils and admirers scattered all over the world. A Viennese journal "Das Interessaulo Blatt" of April 4th says: "Tho acade my is about to suffer a great loss. At the end of tho present student year two of the most distinguished artists who have contributed to tho fame of Austria will leave its staff. They aro Professors Caspar von Zumbusch and August Eisenmonger, the former of whom is acting rector. Both of these illustrious artista have passed their eve ntioth year and aro now absolving the so-called 'honor year' of tho acade my. According to the statutes at sev enty they must retire. "Far beyond the boundaries of Aus tria these artists are known, Prof. Cas par von Zumbusch as sculptor, Prof. August Eisenmenger as painter, and great iB the tale of art-loving students who have entered the realms of the beautiful under their leadership. Strange to say both these gentlemen are not only of the same age, but have held their positions during the samo length of time. Zumbusch has been in activo service at the academy twenty eight years, and both were born in 13.'50." The city of Vienna rejoices in tho possession of masterly creations by each of these artists. To Zumbusch was en trusted a series of monumental works, the culmination of which is the stupen dous Maria Theresa monument with its colossal groups and reliefs almost as imposing in effect as the magnificent twin Museums between which it stands on the Kingstrasse. It is, however, his Beethoven monu ment, with its beautiful symbolism and pathetic portrait statue, which has most endeared Zumbusch to the Viennese world. EiBenmenger, whose rich nature can Is That of the British Doctors in the Sheldon Block, Cor. of 11th and N Sts., Lincoln, Nebr. These Eminent Gentlemen are Giving Their Services Free for Three Months to All Invalids Who Call Up on Them Before July 10th. A staff of eminent physicians and surgeons from the British Medical In stitute, at the urgent solicitation of a large number of patients under their care in thiB country, have established a permanent branch of tho Institute in this city, at the office, corner of Eleventh and N streets, in the Sheldon block. These eminent gentlemen have de cided to give their services entirely freo for three months (medicines excepted) to all invalids who call upon them for treatment between now and July 10th. These services will not only consist of consultation, examination and advice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally ac quainted with the sick and afflicted, and under no condition will any charge what ever be mado for any Bervicea rendered for three months to all who call before July 10th. The doctors treat all forms of disease and deformities, and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At tho first interview a thorough examination is made; and, if incurable, you are frank ly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for use less treatment. Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also rupture goitre, cancer, all skin diseases and all diseases of the rectum are positively cured by their new treatment. The chief consulting surgeon of the Institute is in personal charge. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 8 p. m. No Sunday hours. Special Notice If you cannot cal send stamp for question blank for home treatment. ': 4 if