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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1901)
THB COURIER 11 First Pub. Jan. 12, 1901-5. SHERIFF SALE Notice is hereby Riven. That by Irtuc of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district of Xebros Ra. within and for Lancaster county, in an ac tion wherein Herbert II. Sawyer is plaintilT. and Kufus E. Wedge ct at. defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock P. M., on the 12th dayof February, A. D. 1901, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, oiler for sale at public auction the following itescribed lands and tenements to-wit: Lots thirteen 113 land fourteen (14) in block three 13) of W. H. Irvine's second addition to the city of Lincoln, located on the north one half of the south-west quarter of the south west quarter of section eighteen 1 18) in town ship Irti (10) in Range scveni?)East In Lincoln, Lancaster county, Neon ska. Given under my hnnd this 4th day of Jan uary, A D. 1901. Z. S, Uhaxsox, Sheriff. First Pub., Feb., 2-4 Noticeto Creditors. E 1507. County court, Lancaster county, Neraska, In rcestate of Genu Leonard deceased. The creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation of claims against said estate is September 2. 1901. and forpayment of debts is March 1, 1902; that I u ill sit at the county court room in said county on June 1, 1901, and on September 2. 1901. to receive, examine, adjust and allow all claims duly filed. Notice whereof is ordered published four consecutive weeks In The Courier of Lln coln. Nebraska. Witness my hand and seal of said court this January 29, 1901. seau Fhask R. Waters, County Judge. By W.U.TEK A. Lt.ese, Clerk County Court. M b PAINTING, Polislxixigg. Twenty eight years experience as an insid decorator. Reasonable prices. CARL MYRER. 2612 Q Phone 5232. X A R Extract frm Hp LetteP: "If jou could only be here this winter morning and Bee for your eelf you would no longer doubt me. Roses are blooming in our front yard and all nature is as far advanced in this lovely American summerland as it will be in your cold eastern home by June. "We made the journey from Missouri River -to the Golden Gate on the Union Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes an important item in the winter. A trip to Cal ifornia is made delightful by the perfect service and luxurious ac commodation of 'The Overland Limited,' which is perhaps the most finely equipped train in the world. Detailed Information Furnished on application. 15. 13. Slosaon, 2 23 Agent. ffiffl(Iffle&(S5 J. R HARRIS, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. 659 STOGKS AND- BONDS Grain, Provisions. Cotton. Private Wires to New York City and Many Gties East and West. MEMBER New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade EVERETT SHINN'S ORIGINAL PASTELS. A joung reporter named Everett Shinn is showing some pastels in New York. There are over ninety, and they vary in size from the mere trifle up to the more important dimensions of the arm'6 length. They are, in their way, the finest things that have been produced in this country since Columbus set his jaw and bribed his men to get him here. They constitute, taken as a whole, with the Shinn Exhibition of last year, with what we may assume he will do in the next few, and with a book he is prepar ing for publication called "New York By Night," the best report we have so fur had of Things As They Are Not Go ing To Be Much Longer, but as they are today. It might have been supposed that our American Charles Keeno would walk in from, says Indiana. Stephen Crane, an other great reporter came from a neigh boring county. Everett Shinn came over from New Jersey by way of an art school in Philadelphia, where he says he spent most of his time talking to A Girl or playing leapfrog up and down the halls. From that he passed into newspaper illustrating to earn bis living, still in Philadelphia, and from that into his present pastel work in New York. The young mau is young, normal, buoyant, works with a consuming en ergy, and has a clear-cut, pale face that lights up at times with a sort of half light that is seen occasionally in the faces of men and women who are pass ing up what they know of truth instead of falsehood into the hands of the Mas ter Builder. It is the light that must have shown in the face of Crane as he lay dying not long ago in the Black Forest. If he felt anything he must have known that what he passed up was the surprising beauty of the common things; that he had helped the world to see beauty in common human life; that he had harbored it in its slow develop ment to the point where it is beginning to distinguish between what is false and what is true, only now growing so sensi tized that it can s e the beauty of a fact; he must have realized and rejoiced that the modern stomach is healthy enough already to want its food at least half true, and that he had done his part to make it so; he must have known that when Realism is understood, and men begin to love her. then the world will feel as though it had never loved before; he had felt in his tired body that hu manity had cause, indeed, to stop and wonder why there should bo a master and a slave, and that to get the facts before humanity was necessary; he knew that he had shown up the false and bad and the disorganized, as in his "Maggie as a proof of how much he had loved the fine and free; he knew that men and women must think and paint and write and work and die, until the world shall learn so much that it will know that the Real holds the Ideal always in its tender arms, and that the Unreal alone stands empty at the gates. And the same is true of Shinn. The inspiration that is tilling all the Torld's keen minds with the hope or greater justice is the inspiration of the Realistic School. And so it matter not that, when he goes away sometimes with his young wife to skate, over the meadows near his Southern New Jersey home, none of bis people understands his pic tures. There is not the slightest trace, for generations back, of art deftness on either side of his family. The young man all through bis formative period never saw the work of the Continental draughtsmen, much less was influenced by them. lie made Manet tne god of his idolatry, and studied no one else while he was in Europe for the first time last summer for a few months. His present exhibition is called "Paris Types." It is plain, in looking it over, that his mind wai, in ways, irritated while working there. Either he was hurried or wbb working to order, or was fenced off by not speaking the tongue of the men on the street, or wanted to go to London, or something else, for bia work here and there shows all these things reflected in its face, and there fore lacks, in a way, a completeness that his exhibition of last winter held. It contains some exquisite pieces of work, things of the kind that have been appre ciated by the Senator who owns the Rousseau, but, nevertheless, it is only through grouping together bis great work of last year some parts of which iB at present on exhibition in Boston thid present exhibition in New York, and the remarkable book, "New York By Night," lying about his studio in Nineteenth street, that any fair esti mate of his position in American art can be arrived at. lie brings to his trade a point of riew that isolates him from nearly all his predeceseora hero. In the selection of his subjects he is the instrument in a game that will go on until there will some day be no longer such subjects to select. In the placing of that subject on paper he uses the absolute touch of a master in line and arrangement, and his pictorial sense and power to render locality have never been surpassed by any artist anywhere. His color sense is rare, and if it is Dot always perhaps as well considered as it may be later on, it is because it is secondary, in a way, in much of his work to a white heat of black outline, and that it is as full as those outlines will permit. His draw ing is intelligent, though it could at times cut a little deeper to the bone. A certain grotesquenees and exaggeration in this particular is noticeable this year in his work as against last year, but it can be laid merely to temporary causes. As for bis technique, he has already done things with it that move our con sciousness and stir the experiences that have made usknow. And that is all there is to the matter. As an example in sheer dexterity no one has ever painted slush and ice and sleet with such simplicity of means. His touch is virile, nervous, delicate, made of iron, made of silk, made of tears. He is almost at his very best in "Along the Seine" (11), in this present exhibi tion. The distant view across the river is worch the whole show of the academy.. The "Back Row, Foliea"" Bergeres'' (G). is a fine study in yellow and black. "On the Boulevard" (0), is a remarkable piece of work, and so, in their varied ways, are "Lea Chiffoniers" (12), the Grand Ballet" (4), the "Fourteenth of July" (21), the "Ballet Dance" (24), "Paris Street" (40, "At the Convent Door" (41), and the following that are not in the catalogue: "Bal Boullier," "Old London Hou Be," "French Cabaret," "Election Parade," "Housetops," "Near the Church," "Rue de 1'Abbaye," and others. The exhibition is not for everybody. It is too full to the brim of disorganized life, and the Bight of this is not for those who do not see beyond. It showB the river thief, the rag picker, gaunt danc ing women, the homeless beings of the earth, prostitutes married and unmar ried, and others overworked and under paid. These pictures will become real mementoes of these present days. When things have evened up, other Sbmns will paint again, in freer vein. As it is, one of hia beat drawings today is worth more than the three monstrous canvases Mr. Morgan recently presented to the Metropolitan museum. Even it one can not hold fast in one's mind the real import of the worK long after leaving the door, it pays to wade through much bad art in order to look in there, just as it pays to wade through a lot of men and women to finally meet one, as a new bit of life, even though you lose it at the next crush in the road. Town Topics. LITERARY NOTES. Early Straws of Fashion. The drooping hats will be much eetrt in the spring. Gowns are made long on the shoulder, yokes and collarettes are run down long on the shoulders, or tho shoulders are trimmed. Tucks will be very much in evidenco the coming spring and summer. It is really too early to tell whether the furor for gold will run over into an other season. We must wait and see if we feel gold when the summer days come. Cravats are seen on tho new cloth gowns. Cashmeres will be popular the com ing spring, and all the women at Nice and Monte Carlo are wearing tho light pastel shades in cloth and tho pale pinks, blues and beiges, as usual. Mixed clothes are very much Been that is to say, black with a liberal pep pering of white, gray and white, and pastel blue. For slender women nothing can be prettier for the spring than the boleros with barque backs consisting of threo little pieces on each side, one over tho other and rounded at tho ends. Above these pieces is a belt. Katharine de Forest's Paris letter in the February Ladies' Home Journal. The Century is to have a serial story by Irving Bacheller, the author of that popular novel, "Eben Holden." It is a border tale of 1812. Two types of the men who have helped to make America are set forth in it: one. a Northern Yan kee, quaint, rugged, and wise; the other, a man who has the hardy traits of a Puritan with the romantic temperament of a Cavalier. The 3cone of the etory is in the neighborhood of Lake Cham plain, and the title is "D'ri and I." It will begin in the March Century and run for six months. Mr. Booker T. Washington's Autobi ography continues to attract wide-spread interest. The instalment contained in the February magazine number of the Outlook includes the famous address made by Mr. Washington at the open ing of the Atlanta exposition, when for the first time in southern history a Ne gro was called upon to speak as a repre sentative of Negro enterprise and Negrd civilization in a great public meeting managed and controlled by the white people of the state. (83 a year. The Outlook company, 237 Fourth avenue, N. Y.) Acids that are Death to Cholera . The acid of lemons and oranges is fatal to the cholera bacillus. Even if placed upon the rinds of the fruit the germs will not survive longer than a day. February Ladies' Home Journal. Euchred. "Elipbalet," said she, reproachfully, "I do not approve of auch extravagance. Now, when Alfonso calls, he is sensible, and doeo not come loaded down with ex pensive flowers." "Henrietta," said he. calmly, "it is generally understood that a knave can't win a queen uuless he is one of the bow ers." "You are both knaves," she murmur ed, coyly; "but you are the right bower and he is left," and with these words she melted into his arms. Preaching and Practicing. It is easier to preach a good eetmon from the pulpit than to lead a good life n the pew. Saturday Evening Post.