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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1900)
---"ls- rrs THB COURIER Burcbam, Field, Gere, Blisb, Kimball, Sawyer, W. Turner, L. 0. Burr, E. E. Brown, Yates, Righter, I. M. Raj mood, R. E. Moore, Wright, Mrs. Pitcher, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Kennard. Misses Sue Aebmun, Grace Andrews, May De Lash mutt and Minnie Morrill assisted in serving. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Harlay announce the marriage of their daughter Dora to Mr. Frank Jasper Gustin of Salt Lake City on Saturdaj, December 20ib, at Holy Trin ty Episcopal church. Only relatives and a few intimate friends will witness the ceremony. Mr. Gustin for mally resided in Lincoln and is a nephew of Mrs. J. C. Harpham. Miss Harley is an exceedingly gracious and popular young lady who will be very much miss ed in Lincoln. Mrs. H. M. Bushnell gave a twelve o'clock luncheon on Monday in honor of Mrs. StouteLborough of Plattsmouth. Besides the guest of honor those pres ent were Mesdames Field, Ricketts", Lahr, Scott, Welch, Jackson and Young At the Lincoln Light Infantry ball last week a number of University stu dents enjoyed an informal dance. Miss es Anthony, Uensel, Gregory, Ledwitb, Saltz, Prey, Brown, Duras, Woodruff, Briggs, Guile, Hull, Hodges, Cbappall, Hartough, Stratton, Druse, Hess, Ev ans and Reeve?. Messrs. "Nielsen, Mor ris, Swain, Carr, Baker, Dorman, W. Anderson, P. Anderson, Brooks, Mc MdSter, Brackett, Kline, Hodges, Strat ton, Langes, Juvenet, Hanlon and Grif fin composed the compauy. Mrs. Thomas W. Griffith gave a party in honor of Aileen's birthday last Sat urday. The little maid was very happy at tbie, one of the first anniversaries of her very bhort life. Captain Griffith sent his daughter a cobwebby handker chief of pink cloth embroidered by a native tilipina. The Book Club met last Saturday morning at ten with tne president, Mrs. R. E. Moore. The club elected Mrs. Smith Wilson to the position of secre tary and Miss Burr, Mrs. E. E Brown and Mrs. Kirby were selected for the buying committee for the ensuing year. Mrs. Vat Riper and Miss Harwood were elected to membership. The old books sold for $37.50. The important function of next week is the reception in the library building on Wedndsday evening to everyone in terested in art. Mrs. Burnnam. Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Barbour, Mrs. Hall and Mra. Rhodes are the receiving commit tee. Ihey will welcome the friends of the new movement to build up a west ern market and Echool of art in Zebras ka. ihey will even welcome the critics if there are any. These fuuctions have been very pleasant and sociable and so ciety is eagerly looking forward to this anniversary. From eight to eleven on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Greer celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Wednesday evening at their homo on North Thirtieth street. The prelimin aries were arranged and under the man agement of the ladies of Farragut Re lief Corps, of which Mrs. Greer iB a member. One of the pretty features of the occasion was an accrostic read by Dr Long of the Second Presbyterian church, and a short poem by Mrs. Dar nall was very timely. Mr. and Mrs. Greer have lived in Lancaster county for thirty five j ears. The large numberof presents testified the rtspect in which Mr. and Mrs. Greer are held. The gueets were: Messrs. and Mesdames Perrin, Darnall, S.Greer, O." T.Greer, A. E. Greer, Blystone, Jones, Pentzer, Van Sickle, Frankforter. Leach, Hall, A. J. Smith, Bolshaw, nowe, Moran, Hall, G. A. Tylee, J. S.Tylee, Leach, Mesdames Buzzell, Trester, Harrington, Crawford, Harrop, Krumme, Odell, Taboy, Sprague. Johnes, Caldwell. Dr. and Mrs. Long; Misses Long, Sprague, Darnall and Tylee; Messrs. Crawford, Frankforter and W. J. Greer. !;SS;3&&,i ?WiS? ?$?? W 3TO rrr mum iiiiiin rrr TImH (p bpistmas fleeting The third students recital for this pj & season was given last Tuesday evening f qh t , ,- , &y at the University chapel. Following is thc"com merits of the f Piano boIo Concerto, D major Op. 21 RPI season we also Wish to 0& Josef Haydn gm BamM convey to you our Krat-Jm? Vivace, Rondo Allegro assai) S? H3-"tH ittule for your liberal jp Elbeita Hearn ggi HliUH patronage during thcWx Ballads pnd other songs w? EV ViBmFS PaS" year anc t assure 3f Contralto solo The Lord is My Light 5 UJv j you that we Will makef Frances Allitsen j FCLA P 0 eVerV effort to Prove 1 Soprano solo -Bonnie Priuce Charlie ,og, la-H- WKKS- consideration HI Contralto soloTwo sngs by Ameri- IP &WJL 'WLT' make thiS StrC f StiU IP can composers g fevGISfe- reater V,'lIue to yOU to& Goodbye Sweet Day Kate Vannah W? 'LJl Place before yotl, asfp Three Roses Red Homer A. Norris 0 " Sg1 - SLa!!!, heretofore, the best ob- LottaTalcoit S tainable values for thej Tenor solo-1 Love l'ou CarlSobeski z smallest possible prices and to make it possible for George Johnston jg yOU to make your selections here, from a stock con- ux Contralto solo-The Meeting Waters taiuing as complete assortments as are usually found W E. M.Young m jn the la C-Jt;es We thank go Leta Trigg tI$? J g? Piano solo The Waj side Inn 0Q -- it 1 xy & Piano boIo Introduction and Allegro "SkT - - -m -m ury -rm, m, -ni w n aitk ttfih. jSTOi -0Xi).jKDx Violin solo Romanza Mrs. H. H. A. Beach May Belle Hagenow German and French songs Soprano solo Folk Song of Thuringia When Mute and Sad Johannes Brahms L-MUUm M Contralto nolo The Cross of Calvary A HbiII Unas. Gounod H Tenor solo Forget Me Not JJr HHBIHHilHK W J. S. Bach 0k w"l,8,hLnB-u schube" Elegant Equipment; i Soprano solo Air Judex from Mors T Josephine Keane "" t OlTlOOth iTQCKand J Contralto Solos The Lotus Flower, a Folk Song, I dare not, cannot believe it, foO"F jyy 1 from Woman's Love Schumann I CIO L I llllwa ' Edith Curry Piano solo-Capriccio Brilliant B I Makes The Burlington the popular line, Lincoln A minor 0P. 22 Mendelssohn X to Ch;cago peoria, Kansas City, St. Louis & Denver J George Mosshart (Orchestral parts on Second Piano) P S City Ticket Office 5 Burlington Depot J The following is taken from a Rock jGor. lOtn and O Streets. 50S7th st Between p and Q5 Island, Ills., paper: l Telephone 235. Telephone 25. ''There was a wedding at the Metho- 7 i diet church at Muscatine, August 3rd, J . w last, in which Rock Island was interest- 9!fJ?'9':k'9"rP9L'9'!P?'9J& ed, but the news of the happy event was , kept secret until Saturday when Mr gs)SXsXISff and Mrs. Charles J. Smith announced &b to their relatives that they had furnish- IXhsvi I IDC V AAl'AlNlH ed a flat in the Hurst block on Twenti- I VlV L, LJ l C O i VlA VjMZ-. 1 I N ID eth street and would at once go to house Crtn ont..n I".- io. keeping. Mrs. Smith, before her mar- I SlFOn FlUreS lOF 1900. riage, was Miss Agnes Julia Leveen, f W M "TWBT daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Leveen. JK. -M JL-JL tt ZtirSZ? 1 RUDYARD KIPLING'S NEW NOVEL mechanical department of The Argus. The couple have a host of friends, all of fj Tfae most important and longest piece of work Kipling whom will unite in wishing them well 9 haB yet nndertaken li Ia a " of lifo in India- .. their wedded life." I "NEW DOLLY DIAL0OUES " I By ANTHONY HOPE. Miss Edith Shaw, post-graduate pu- fj Short stories by such Authors as pil of Mrs. Henry Eames, gave a .ecital Joel Chandler Harris, Robert Barr, at the new chapel of the University last Sara j Orne Jewett, and Hamlin Garland. fmwMSe"g' The f0HWiDg Pr' 1 Short Articles on subjects in 8rMlcDao9wCeTrSonateEroicaoP. 50: l, 1 Popular Science, Biography, Nature Studies, Slow with nobility-fast and furious; 2, f New Inventions, and History, EltJike and Swifr;3, Tenderly with pas Ky thoee m06t competent to write them sion; 4, Fiercely and very fast fj Illustrations by the Best Artists. w7vl'Betc??op'12'?2' I Tbe JS. S. McCLURB CO. i; Araoesque op. i to. d: berceuse op. 1 aCopy j?-ju w-'v- -m. r.-:m. a Votar Iso. 5; Impromptu op. 13 No. 2.