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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1899)
PW ori Soctety, Uni Libr.ry 12 THE COURIER The Nebraska Sanitarium. 11 LVUI I & WHOLESALE and RETAIL BAKERY 012 p str. I iiinni ii I Phono. i42 liniiuln, W 69 Wfc HER SHOULDER BLADE. From tip of toe to flying curl. From dainty gown to hat, Myrtilla is a pretty girl, There is no doubt of that; , If e'er there was a shoulder blade Worth going mites to s, Why, it belongs to this fair maid, This maid adored by met But, being so superbly armed, This shoulder blade has been My sad undoings by it charmed, I sought the maid to wins And when I fondly begged that she Would name the day to wed, She gave the shoulder cold to me, And straightway cut me dead! -The Jilted. Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following" inducements to the tired and suffering public who are seeking" Health, Rest and Comfort: THE institution Ib Bituated on an olo- Scientifically classified dietary, vated Bito, overlooking tho city of Lincoln, which lies throo miles to Laboratory of hygiene forlbactonologi nnrthwnnt. nnl with whinh it cal and tnicrosconichl investigation. ! z:r... ;"" r:'t "r:.." in uumii'uieu uy mi uiuuinu Biruei run U7IIV. Ono of tho nioet healthy locations bo twoon tho MiBBiBsippi Kivor and tho Rocky Mountains. A woll regulated institution for tho troatmont of nil chronic diseases. Wator of uniiBUul purity. Baths of every description, including tho Electric-light bath. Skillful uttontion given to the treat raont of Diseases of tho Stomach and Digestive System. Stomach fluids analyzed for dvsnon A 11CB Diseases of the Eyo, Ear, Noto, Throat, Aseptic oporating rooms and surgical an(j j, wards. Pour physicians, well-trained, with Diseases peculiar to women. largo experience in Biiniiunura mouicai n . , , , . ... ri. Best of advantacrefl for thn frAatmn of all formB uf chronic diseases. Incur- work. Trained nurses of both sexes. able and oflenBive patients not received. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA (SANITARIUM, College View, Nebraska. ARE YOU GOING TO C2iiiocifo or tine J&ekmt. THE TllKOUnil EXl'ItESS FROM llnitl K Hw Kitk I'm rift. Tho Toim'isIoiio Prospector suys : Sinco tho duty on ts Iiuh been the rule ninny devices have boon thought of for nmiiiiru luring-them. Tho idea ol- a NoiiIuh man i.s, however, tho only leiisihlu Hcliemo up to date. His prop osition Ih to feed hens on the cheap grain of Mexico and have tliem lay in tho United Slate. For (his purpose a long building will bo placed on the line, hall' in Mexico nnd half in the United Stales. They will feed and water in the Mexican end, and when thy want to lay they go to the further end of the building, and in that way esc pe pay in - (he duty. The rojector ol this enterprise lame from Maine. lrtliiriit. The force and value ol' a remark de pends largely on the nge and standing of the person who utters it. Leslie Robinson is a boy about 4 years old Mis father was employed for a few diys by two maiden sisters, who bad .some work to be done about their plni-e Cue of them, wishing to see him. said to the other, "Where is Robin son?" Leslie overheard the question anil res. ondod at, nnce ina very demure and drawling r nn-i': "How w u!d it do to -call him Mr. Robinson?" Ilonivo'ft Hcflcrtlon. Heo how she leans her cheek upon her head; Ah, t'-ut 1 w ro a rIovo upon that hnnd, That I might touch that cheek; but then I fear That If 1 were black kid I'd ho snolled Vi's. ruined for Rood and all beyond reclaim From too close contact with hor rosy blush, Which, like her dresses, she can don and doff. And which, llki newly whitewashed walls, 'ooiiinu ((T VIA OMAHA AND THE Chicago Express from Kansas City In aJdition to Pullman Sleepers, Free Chair Carp, and tho Best Dining Car Service in the World, are equipped with Buffet Library Smoking Cars furnished in club Btyle and supplied with latest periodicals, illustrated papers and a select library of recent Action. AKK YOU GOING TO Colorado or tlio WetV j TKY THE "COLORADO FLYEIt" Past, carries Dining Cars and Pullman Sleeners. Leave Omshn. nan nm Kan. Baa City, G 30 p.m.; St. Joseph, 4.50 p.m. nmve at uenver ana uoiorado Springs, next morning. JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A. ChicHgo, III. E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P. A. Topeka, Kan. FRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A., 11th and O Streeta, Lincoln, Neb. News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SVlH Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a yeai Daily and Sunday by mail $8 a year POINTS WORTH REMEMBERING SVlflDIW SUN is the greatest Sunday newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun, New York. For official map of city of Los A nee- lea and N.E. A. pamphlet, address E. B Slosaen. t BUCKSTAFF BROS. 2fcTA.SJUHA.OTURI$ the iv-w mjvooiv IJL, RAXG . . . Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alone being- economy. These Ranges would be a comfort in any home. For what they ape They are the cheapest you can buy. At least give one a trial. We warrant you complete satisfaction. Write us for full particulars. ao O St., MJVOCMWV, JVeto, NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL AS- SOCIATION MEETING. For the nieotlngof the National Ed ucational Association at Los Angeles, Cal., July 11-14 1899, the Union Pacific will make the greatly reduced rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. The excellent service given by the Union Pad tic was commented on by all who had the pleasure of using it to the convention at Washington in 1898 This year our educational friends meet in Los Angeles, and members of the Association and others from points imwi biiouici by ail means take the union Pacific. The service of the Union Pacific is un excelled and consists of Palace Sleep. ing-Cars, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, Dining Cars, meals a la-carte. Free Keclining-Chair Cars and Ordi nary Sleeping Cars. The Union Pacific is The Route for summer travel. Eor full information about tickets, stop-overs, or a finely illustrated book describing "The Overland Home" to the Pad lie Coast, call on K. B. Si.ossox, (Jen. Agt. TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due con eidoration snould be given to the amount of time ennnf. 5 i. journey. r ","","B your The Union Pacific is the beet line and makes the fastest time by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cal! fornia points. hrUrae bl0B' ,o(lerfl' illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044 U " E. B. Sloshon, Con. Agent. If you want the most reliable Bio;ycl to ride, let us show you the superb points of merit in the RlnrniA carrying this most liberal g-uarantee on earth Should dofectivo parts bo found in Wittmann Bicycles wo will roploco froo at our storo and nay all trnuspor tion chargos if any. H. Wittmann & Co. B'ine anxl most cliff lottlt - pairing; is specialty HARNESS, BICYCLES, PHONOGRAPHS. 11 8 B Established 1870 MO-ltt So. lOtli Wnooln, J?ebi DH ie:onhardt9 hlw? BAe? MrwM and the pill nDD nActJon, not snowed by oostfvo. ff"' ft01' M Try it. Sample free. Druggists, 25c, or addrew ANTI'PILL UO , Lincoln, Neb LSr"" - iiiniinhfiiitiriaafiirjiir'. ii-nn- nn. v r I