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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1899)
1 THE COURIER. -r - - London Letter. The engagement is announced of Lady Sybil Beauclerck, niece of the CounteBB of Minto (wife of the Governor-General of Canada,) to Mr. Wra. F. Laecellee, of Scots Guards, aide-de-camp to the Governor-General. Lady Sybil is the younger daughter of the late Duke of St. Albans by his first wife, and is there fore a descendant of Charles II and Nell G wynne. Mr. Laecellee is the elder son of Sir Francis Laecellee, British Ambas sador to Berlin. His mother, who died a few years ago, was a daughter of Sir Joseph Olliffe, a celebrated physician in Paris in the days of the second Empire, whom Alphonse Daudet cruelly malign ed under the name of Dr. Jenkins in "Le Nabab.'' Another engagement an nounced from Canada is that of Miss Sykes, niece of Colonel Straubenzie, to an Englishman named Falls. Interest in the matrimonial prospects of Lord Crewe increases every day. He is forty-one; Lady Margaret Primrose was eighteen on January 1st. The day of her birth is responsible fot her hav ing been christened Margaret Etrenne (New Year's gift.) When she becomes Countess of Crewe she wilt chaperone a stop-dhughter only five months younger than herself. Lord Crewe is not only a etrikicgly handsome man, with winning manners and an expression of gentle melancholy befitting his past sorrows, but he is also a poet of the gentle, dreamy order. I advise your fair read ers to get his "Stray Verses," published when he was Lord Houghton . His first wife, whim he married when he was twenty-two, was a Graham, of Netherby. She inherited great beauty from her grandmother, the mad Duchess of Somerset, who sixty years ago, then Lady Seymour, was the Queen of Beauty at the Eglinton tournament. The Duchess was a granddaughter of Rich ard Brinsley Sheridan and the lovely Betty Linley. Seven years after her marriage Lady Houghton died, leaving her disconsolated husband with three daughters and a son. The boy died at the age of seven. So the "preux cheva lier" has had his troubles. By way of distraction he went in ardently for political life, and became Mr. Glad stone's Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland; but as he held the post during the heat of the Home Rule controversy, he found himself boycotted by Dublin society. It rumor is to be believed, Lord Crewe's political convictions cost him more than mere popularity; they caured him a bit ter heart ache. He had conceived an affection for the lovely daughter of a proud old house wedded to Tory tradi tions. For a while society speculated as to which would be the stronger, the personal magnetism of the man or the cut-end dried opinions of the beauty's family. How the romance ended I do not know, but Lord Crewe suddenly withdrew from the field. Those who should know say that he never ventured A to put the decisive question; but that he deemed himself repulsed is evident to all who know (he poem, written in that eventful year, wherein he tells his lady that he "shall watch her footsteps down the road;" and adds: "Till you turn and beckon I stand and wait!" That, how ever, was nine years ago. No one would guess, to see them, that he and Lady "Peggy" have so many years between them. She is very self possessed and sensible, as well as charm ing. The Prince of Wales, who ia a great friend of Lord Crewe, as well as of Lord Rosebery, and is fond of the lat ter's motherless girls, was delighted at the engagement. The wedding will be one of the events of the season. Of course Lady Peggy will be very rich, as her mother was a Rothcbild. People -Vife saying that the elder girl, Lady Sybil, will probably marry soon and that Lord Rosebery will then be forced, in self defense, to make that declaration which has been banging back for so long. You romembor that exotic novel, "Via Lucie,'' which your able reviewer "slated" eo unmercifully some months vgo, but which mado quite a sonsation here? 1 hear from Rome that the au thoress was married recently to her publisher, Mr. William Ileinemann. Anion? the guostt. at the wedding was Mr. Whistler, who had come from Pario specially for the occasion. The bride's real name wbb Magda Stuart Sindici. Her father was formerly an officer in the Italian army, and her mother is first cousin of the Duke of Berwick. That ducal family doEconds from the Royal StuartB. The first Duke was an illegiti mate son of James II. Magda Ileine mann (or "Kaesanda Vivaria," to give her the literary title) is only two-and-twenty. Her remarkable book wbb written while ebe was yet in her teens. The death of the amiable Counteis of Sefton is much regretted. You re member that she lost her husband not long ago and that her son, the young Earl, is confined in a private asylum. Her death is the more sad as, contrary to all expectations, the young heir is getting well, and the doctors confidently predict bis return to perfect sanity and to active life. His aberration was caus ed by an injury to the head, the result of a fall from his horse, not by any brain disease. I wonder whether the fair young girl, whose engagement to him was so sadly broken off, will welcome him back. Magnificently Equipped Via rtr --ai . " hf l9kSr5 FOR ALL III PR WIN MR Only 1 night to Utah. 2 nights to California from Missouri river. For time table, folden, illustrated books pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra versed, call onE. B.Slouon.Gener-J. Agent. All Coal Well Screened at Give us a trial order. Tel ephones 240 and 234. Office 109 South Eleventh. SWIFTEST RACING EAST AND WEST . If you would travel rapidly, and with comfort and ease, please note that the North Western line and its connections provide the fastest service to eastern cities, and many hours the fastest to western points named below: To Buf falo &3 hours. New York 45, Boston 48, Ogden 31, Salt Lake 33, San Francisco 62, Portland GO. Why not save your, self weary hours of traveling by getting tickets via the North Western? A. 8. Fielding, O. T. A.. 117 South 10th street. SEND NO MONEY you OUR HIGH-GRADE BUHOICK StWlNQ MACHINI WITH VOUI OROI R, cut till All. IMIt 4llll aOlltl tn tin. and wo will Henri you OUII IIIUH'UHAUt BUHDIUK 81WINU MACHINE b,frlht I. if. II.. fiijrti lortaaiiaaiiaa. you Pan sa.minolt Kt jnrnf t frrliM depot ami If found priTrrll, allarartar;, exactly an rcpivMMltPtl. ritual I aaarhlnra olhrra atll at Mik at 10.00, anil TIIK IIIIKATKHT 11 HUM I Hill KTKR UK Hit 01', par mir freight afai our Special Offer Price 11 5. BO anilrrolitlitclmritca. 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AtliA M Bo mnrio rMyTlllM-r isn I iwtsm II m0mIK !? j nii r--4 ' 'I K lh-------Wr-n5a-----a----------------- larVM-x .1Kv !?I1b2-'SBH5k Bftliik--f55SPl-------F' HARPER'S ROVND TABLE 1 I 8 KukMunioe Trains 9) n CruiC Adamt tf if. Julian Ralph jl Ji Mnll)-I'lliot Sciwtll m thitliiR 1899 will lie tlevntcd tn Fiction, Travel, .nut Sport, and will be the licit all-around boy's paper ptiblWIicd TWO SERIAL STORIES Forward, March!" Gavin Hamilton lly KIUK MUKOR OyMOI.I.Y KI.LIOT SRAWKI.L is .1 story of .1 young tiernwiiliiWse. Un slnrynftlie time nl King clts Huunli Kiders. Frederick the Great. SOME SHORT STORIES SCOUTING ON THE PLAINS lly "IlLH'AI.O Hll.1." WOLVES vs. DISCIPLINE Hy IIknkv V. 1'lsClltK A DANDY AT HIS BEST lly JL'UIAN.ItALI'll AN EXCHANGE OP SHIPS lly (iKomok K. Wai.sii THE GUNSHOT MINE lly CllAIII.I" I'. 1.1,'MMIS THE KING'S TREASURE-SHIP Hy Hkoinai.I) Gouhlav STORIES OF THE WAR TIicjc stories are founded on l.ict, anil in many cases are the actual esperl eucc of (lie aulliors THE RESCUE OP REDWAY CRUISING WITH DEWEY lly Hamoi.d Makti.n lly W W. Stonk A SCARED FIGHTER BILLY OP BATTERY B Hy W.J. IlKNIIFMSON IICOLOATI- llAKKM A WARiCORRESPONDENT AFLOAT lly Caiii.ton T. Ciiai-man WITH CAPRON AT EL CANEV lly I'l.r.TCIIKM C. HANbOMK ARTICLES ON SPORT AND TRAVEL These articles will br of especial Interest to cwry live and energetic boy who love adventure and out-door sport. ALASKAN FISHERMAN Hy I I.C. JhMiiMK ART OF FLY-FISHING Hy l. C. Kknt TREE-TOP CLUB-HOUSES lly Pan Hkakii ' ARCTIC WAYFARERS Hy Cyhi-s C Ahavs TWO-FOOTED FIGURE-SKATING lly W. O. VAN T. SUTI'IIKN BICYCLE POLO lly A, II. GonpREV THB EDITOR'S TABLE STAMPS AND C0IN5 THE CAMERA CLUB PROBLEMS AND PUZZLES All will receive attention each month in the HOUND TAIII.K 10 (Vi n Copy SubtfrlpllMH.SI 00 a Yrat Address HARPER ft BROTHERS, PublUhcrt, New York, N. V. $3220 $32.50 Tho above greatly reduced rate has been made by the Union Pacific to Cali fornia polntp. Through Tourist Sleep, era, quicker than any other line. ! or tickets and full information call E. 73. Slohson, General Agent. on We have the new stock for 1899. No job lots. Our men have reputations. Do you want your work done nice. Do you want your house painted good? If so we are the people. J. W. MITCHELL CO. 1338 O Street. Telephone 237. Subscribe for The Courier $1 a year. The Rock Island playing card a are the slickest you over handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stampe, yV money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. They will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. 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