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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1899)
THE GOUR1BR. ?-- ; ' , 4 r-. -! TH COURIER CfeUBS WITH ANY MAGAZINE. WRITE FOR TERMS. - t,aw" . ' j1 -' Bishop Portley Oh, wall, neither are craba nor lobstore, for that matter. Mrs. Portley But they are shellfish, are they not, Alfred? Bishop Portley Well, haven't turtles and terrapins shells? Mrs. Portley (after a pauBe) So they have, to be sure. But Bishop Portley (quickly interrupting) Very well, thn, let us have them in future. It is not at all conducive to health to carry abstinenco too far. Evjd the laborer in the vineyard of the Lord must eat, and the Holy Scriptures ex preRsly command: "Thou shall not muzzle the ox that thrashes." Mrs, Portley (fervently) -Amen! HEART 3ISKiVSI5 And nervous other diseases ailments are as curable as I treat nothing else J. S i;eoniarcltf Ufcl.D. Office 1427 O Sr., Lincoln, Neiir. SEND US ONE DOLLAR ?Jmi you This biiS-ii. ISIIO aalltra kick-grid KKHKHVUIH COAL AMU WIXIU iwm htutk, by freight U.U.I)., subject to examination. rAuillllio I ni your freight ileK)t and If (uuml iierfect ly satistaclory u Ik irtilNl HU.o BiR. MAW you ever saw or heard nf.nar the WhlUHT AUMT ear flfKCUL WIIIC, No Wtn.der it's L'rai. The silver question, ae it is under stood In some parts of Kentucky, If graphically illustrated by a letter which one of the statesmen at the cap ltol received from a correspondent lxi that state. It appears from this epis tolary evidence that a controversy wai being waged between a sound-money man and a silver champion. The gold man thought he had the best of the argument. He asked his adversary why he thought that the free coinage of sil ver would make times better. "Simply because it would put more money In circulation," said the white metal crank. "But how will it put more money in circulation? " demanded the gold man, "How?" asked the sllvrr man, with a mile of contempt at his opponent "How? Why, you blamed fool, if you can take one gold dollar to the treas ury and get sixteen dollars for it, won't that increapr the circulation?" Pitta burg PlspitLb $13.00 AumI&hO ACME BIRD. WHITE KOR OtIRliKI FREE STOVE CATALOGUE. less the 11.00. tut with or- dor or 112 00 ami freight chance Till stove la site No. R. oven 1 1 lHxlxll, toiilst2xli mude from lx!t pin Iron, extra larite flues, heavy covers, heavy lintnif anil trratt, lance oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven door, handnonie nickel plated ornamentation and trliuiulnt(, extra lance deep, KenulneHUadUhporwIilallaul rtMnolr. hand some lance ornamented base. Itrat rusl burarr mtit, und we furnish fKKK an extra wood icrate, niukinir It a wr feet wood bararr. WK ItMl'K A HINUIMiui'AHA!TKk with every move and Krauteo safe delivery to your i all road station. Your local ilvaltr would ehaive you fii.vo for such (tovr, the freight U only about 11.00 for each 600 miles, we sal I at ltl SIO.IM), Address. EARS, ROIIUOK A CO.(INC.)CHICAC0,ILL (tMNi C MM UMNWJlly NlUUJWC.) Sure of Ilia Facta. "It's a great story," said the visitor to the city editor, to .whom he was sell ing Information about a coming divorce case. "McSwlgger found the co-respondent In his wife's room, and shot at him four times, but missed, and now he Is going to sue for divorce." "But how did you get your Informa tion," asked the editor. "Couldn't help It," was the reply; "I'm the co-respondent." Ex. One Faahirm KxpUlned. Little Dot Mamma says when she was a girl little girl wore white stock ro'a wat didn't make their feeta all black like these do. Little Dick Then wot did they begin weavin1 black stockin's far? Little Dot (after some thought) I guess it's because it's caaier to wash Wet than to wash atockin'a. i $ The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which The CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, alone of all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe, $25.00 $25.00 The Union Pacific has made the Great ly Reduced Rate of $25.00 to Portland and other Puget Sound points, also to Helena and Montana points, Salt Lake Oity and Utah points. For tickets and full information call on U, B. Slosbon, General Agent. MUM, Ho AfciiuW. In announcing kc office a Georgia candidate who evidently doslres to make his record plain, a newspaper ays: "I never was in the war; never aollered at the surrender and never killed anybody that let me nloae, and ihe only thing I know about the finan cial question is this: I need uoaey" AUr.ata Constitution. v V f ji V r