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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1899)
;?.--V- 6 THE COV1.J.L tit. W r K M-- &' & j Phone. OHIco CM ProfeMsional Directory. Ofllco Houtb Rr. Dr. O.C.Reynolds i uiuco rooms is-i, iiutoia n.ra liurr Mock :ito&p.m us. ?oibu tit l sun. :i to omco j,,IW. L. Dayton, M. D. onico,iaoBtroot no to i iDlsensosofEyo, Kill, v,'i nmlThrontf Uos. 18210 Stroot J2:30 to5p m I Dr. S. E. Cook j Bye, Ear, Nobo unci Tbrout I 1215 o st. 1 0:30-13 :.'J ntn 2-5 p m OHIco, KuhruiiK Mock I to 10 n in 12 to 12:110 KohIiIoiicp. mill (3 Htroot I 2 to 4 i in KvoiiIiiks, by nppolntmont. Sumlny'B 12 to 1 p. m, and liy nppolnttnent. m e'nDr-BenJ-P-Bailey ton 671. 1 . . . . . 1 I Dr. J.B. Triokev, f RofmctioniBt only Ofllco, 1035 O stroot. 0 to 12 n. in I to 4 p. m. Hklfc J .. 41ft tAusui cuiu vtkM m Jit Wii, J- W 9 m m . an ir WW DENTISTS. I . . . . 1 OHIco, rooms 20, 27 unci 1 lco KW.J-LOUIS N. Wente.D.D.S.1 l.Hrownoll Hlock,13n ) I eolith street. ) flVJ!Dr. F. D. Sherwin DENTIST. I OHIco, room 10 llurr Hlk 1 0 to 12 a ; 2nd floor ) t Hog. 2520 Q nt . t I to p . Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. The Courier would recommend that you sec the If you want the best coal for domestic use. IOOO O St. 1el 105 Just Received a Fresh Line of Giant tier's Famous Olii" 9 oaq;o y Chocolates liic! BonBons 9 J (Under Funke Opera House) ? M" 0 ttttXXKXXXW 00O0Q0O00qn Omm000(g ri v .. sit. m . . jj w (Successors to Sutton & Hollowbusb.) Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681 I LWo have tho only oyster parlor in tho city. Call and see for yourself . o MMOOMMMM KK0 MHX 4 '6AAA Ladies' ! Dress Skirts i We have just received largo lines of Ladies' Dross Skit tsin up. to. dato shapes and Btylea-all well mudo and finished; vii I lies unsurpassed. BROCADED MOUA1RS-82, 82 50, 82 75, 8:$. 00, 83 50, 8.') 75 and $1 00 each. STORM SERGES- 8'.00,$G 00, $0 50, $7.50, 88.00 and 89 00 each. NOVELTY CLOTHS -In check, stripes, plaids, etc., all vyojI, n largo lot your choico $3.00 etch. SATIN AND SILK-Plan or trim-med-87.00, 88.00, $9.00, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815 and up to 820 each." MlfebER & PAIN otoMmowMnni mttminiiQi As usual, lust week ended up with a hoet of parties on Friday and Saturday evenings. To bring the week to n hap py clo30 several people gave parties. Miss Mao Burr onlottained informally Friday evening. Music wbb tho thomo of enjoyment and a chafing dish supper brought tho evening to a close. Those present were: Misses Hoover, Hollow bush, Oakley; Messrs. Joyce, Thatcher, Lofcmer. Another party whore music was the main enjoyment was that given the sumo evening by Messrs. M. J. and T. L. Janowilz at the Windsor hntoi An informal program was participated in by Mif8 Ella Givens, Mr. J. L. Jano. witz, Messrs. and MeBdames Scott and Ferguson and Mr. Kottering. Other guests present were: Messrs and Mes dames Gardner, Winters; Misses Mor risB, Davisson, Crawford; MeBsrs. Austin and Husband. Refreshments were eorv3d at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Fermi., no. sisted tho Messrs. Janowih'. in entertain- ing the company. The girl members of tho Union society of the university re ceived the girls of the Palladian and Delian societies Saturday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. H. II. Wilson. Th gueBts represented different books ani a norary or seventy-five volumes was the result. Refreshments were served. Mesdames MacLean and Manning, Mis ses Bouloa, Barr and Conklin assisted in receiving and entertaining. The re ception given by Mrs. I. S. P. Weeks for Mrs. Marsh, wifo of Rev. Marsh of tho Unitarian church, was a bright and E02iablo ono. Tho ladies of tho church wero present and the afternoon was hap pily spent in social converse. Mm. Ait ken and Mrs. 11. W. Brown presided at tho tea and coffee urns and I isses Marsh, Edgren, Lewis and Weeks served. l':o house was bright with Mowers for the occasion. Mrs. W. B. Ogden gave a Lenten tea Thursday afternoon to a company of ladie3 that was one of the pleaeantest events of tho week. The guests arrived abcut 3:30 and were seated in rooms brightened by great bouquets of roses. After greetings were exchanged, Mis. Hinman was introduced to speak con cerning Armenia and tho people of that land. The address was one of extreme interest, Mrs. Hinman having been a resident of'that land where her father was a missionary, and she was able to give fine word pictures of the land of massacres. She prefaced her address with a historical toview and then pro ceeded to describe tho country as it !b loaay. uer word pictures of tho mosque of San Sofia were graphic and full of poetical phrases. She told some BtorieB of Armenian boys who bad become edu cated and said that they had made groat advances einco tho American echnnln had been opened there. After tho loc ture which was thoroughly enjoyed, re freshments were served. Mrs. D. D. Muir presided at tho coffeo urn and Mrs. Gail Funko assisted in serving. To bring the afternoon to a close Mr. Will iam Reed Dunroy gave somo readings from hh poems. Ho gave a group of Nebraska poems, followed by somo of a philosophical turn. Ho read in a clour. unaffected manner and the ladies were delighted with the opportunity to hear Mr. Dunroy read his own verse. The guestB expressed themselves as highly indebted to Mrs. Ogden for the privilege WW of attending the gathering and for being allowed tho ptivilego of contributing to tho support of somo poor Armenian child, for the meeting was for the pur pose of raising money to support ono of the little children made orphans by the cruelty of tho Turk. DJta Tau Delta fraternity gave a smoker at its chapter house at 17th and Q streets Wednesday night. About fifteen alumni from Lincoln and Oma ha besides the active members of the fraternity were present. Following the cigars tbe guests wore served with light refreshments. Those present were: J. P. Saylor, J. L. Teeters, C. C. Marlay, W. T. Stevens, W. S. Summors, M. I. Ai'keo, N. S. Harwood, E. C. Strode, Horace Whitmoro. D. L. Lova. R j n ,..- nisb, Lincoln; Representatives H. A. Meyers and R. H. Olmstead, Senator Joseph Crow, Omaha; Representative W. T. Thompson, Centrnl City; Repre sentative A. J. Weaver, Falls City. The active members present were: A. L. Browne, J. P. Cleland, W. Christensen, O. G. Whipple, C. W. Weeks, J. L. Kind. C A. Atwcod, G. Barnes, A. K. Barnes, L. M. Weaver, B. A. Yoder, B. K. King, W. W. Burt, R. A. Drain, A. Watkinp, Jr., A. E. Parmelee, E. M. Bauman, V. A. Henderson. Friday night of this week was gala night with the members of the L. A. Kensington club. They met at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kennard for a banquet and a good time. The members were joined by their husbands and the evening wbb very pleasantly spent with euchre and conversation The house waa decorated elaborately with cut Mowers in honor of tho occa sion and the refreshments served during the evening were exquisitely arranged. The club has met every two weeks all winter at the homes of the different members for quiet games of euchre and tho meetings have been full of enjoy, ment. In order to give their husbands an inkling of the good times enjoyed, the members invited them in for this occasion. Tuesday at 1 o'clock, Mrs. Frank Ir vine gave a Lenten luncheon for Mre. Gordon of Omaha, who is a guest of friends in tho city. Mrs. Gordon for merly resided in this city, where Dr. Gordon was pastor of the First Presby terian church, and therefore she is not a total stranger in Lincoln society. The party wbb a quiet little one, not oetenta tious but full of informal pleasantness. The ladies wore beautiful gowns and the rooms were brilliant with meteor roses in abundance. Covers wore laid for ten. The guests were: Mesdamea Gordon, MajLean, Lambertson, Burnham, Ray-' inond.Muir, Yate9, Baker, Irvine and Ralph Taylor of Vermont. Mrs. W. B. Ilargreaves gave a de lightful luncheon Tuesday, for Mrs. Loveland. The house was brightened with a profusion of beautiful flowers, the curtains were drawn and gas light softened and subdued the scene. The dinner was most elaborate, served in courses and was a marvel of dainty creations. Covers were laid for Mes dames Loveland, Stebbins, Wright, Har. greaves, Griffith, Puoke, Wilson and Wilson. Miss Hand, who has been the guest of r v v y V