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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1898)
-JfH" ;r -$- 10 THE COURIER. t I'' fc' tv , THE THEATRE The scond of the 6eriee of Philhar monic Orchestra concerts, promises to be a great event. A program of excel lent orchestra numbers will be given, and Mr. George Hamlin, the eminent tenor and artist from Chicago, will make his firet appearance before a Lincoln audience Mr. Hamlin's name as a remarkably gifted tenor soloist, is known all over, and Mr. Hagenow hae insured a rich treat for the patrons of the Phil harmonic coccerts. The 6econd concert will be given Monday eve, December otb, st the Oliver Theatre. Seats on sale Saturday, December 3rd. Usual prices. "The Girl I Left Behind Me," which will be seen at the Oliver theatre Thanksgiving matinee and night, No vember 24, is one of the strongest book ings of the season, in the estimation of those familiar with the strongest. The play has been one of the greatest suc cesses of the'past live years in America, and when it was produced in London two years ago, it took that city by storm. The pity deals with the mili tary life of Post Kennfon, in the Black-foot- country, Montana, during the In dian uprising of 1890, and there are many scenes of an intense and exciting kind, particularly the one where the In dians attack the little garrison at sun rise. The lightsr sides of the play rest on the love making of several couples, all of whom are the young people of the gprrison. Matinee prices, 75c, 50c and 25c Evening prices 81.75c, 50c and 25c. Seatson Bale Tuesday morning. Evans and Hoey's evergreen farce comedy, Hoyt's beat play, "A Parlor Match," will be at the Oliver theatre on Wednesday evening, November 23, for one nigth only. It is needless to tell in detail what "A Parlor Match" is. It is known as the mo3t amusing, the wittiest and the most eparklintr of all the plays that have been built expressly to enter tain. This is its purpose and it could hardly have a higher one. There it a very large company, including Phil H. "' Ryley, Mark Sullivan, James Galloway Tom Browne, the Olynpiaquartet.Kdith Hoyt, Harriet Sheldon, the throe Sisters Aubre and others well known, with a bevy of the prettiest young girls ever gathered on a stage at one time. The scenery and costumes are new and the music includes all the gems of the day, with much that its original and written expressly for "A Parlor Match ."' It is a big, beautiful show, and no one can afford to miss it. Prices SI, 75c, 50c and 25. Seats on sale Monday morning at 10 sharp. Secure your Beatf early.- When a man marries, his wife's trou bles bsgin. THE OLIVER THEATRE JN(D. (DWBEN, J. Manager. I 1 II on Second Season.) August Hagenow (JonductoF Second Concert Monday Eve ning, DeCo 5, at 8:15- SOLOIST: (Seirg Hafflltaj TMr. Seats on sale Saturday, Dec. 3. Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $i. ONE NIGHT ONbY Tednesday Eve. No-v EVANS & HOEY'S - EVERGREEN SUCCESS A PARLOR MATCH (HOYI'S BEST PLAY.) Presented by a phenomenal cast of Comedians. Was always the best. Is still the best. Enough said. Prices SI, 75c, 50c and 25c. Seats on sale Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Secure your seats early. THANKSGIVING IMATINJ AND BJVN- ING, NOV. S- BRIGHTER AND RICHER THAN EVER 3" The Oii-1 Behind Ifcte By Belasco and Fyles. Endorsed by the press, the public and United States army as the best American play ever produced . Matinee prices 75, 50 and 25c. Evening prices $11 75, 50 and 25. Seats on sale Tuesda' morniwgj Opera House Corner O and Twelfth. Telephone 355. F. C. ZEHRUNG, Mgr. Thanksgiving Attraction ! Wednesdaj- & Thursday, Thanksgiving Matinee, Nov. 23&24 THURSTON'S Musical Comedy Co Wednesday Night "Muldoon's Picnic." Thursday Night "Too Much Tompkins." Thanksgiving Matinee "A Booming Town." Prices 10, 20, 30 and 50c SPECIAL Any lady admitted ree Wednesday night if accompanied by a person holding one paid 30c or 50c ticket. Foct-Wear m-A.i "'oNCRM gggWy 1813 O Street:. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Low rates on our personally conducted tourist exclusions. Leave Omaha every Friday via Colo rado Springs and Scenic Route. These excursions cars are attached to fast passenger trains and their popu larity is evidence that we offer the best. Write f,r handsome itinery which gives full information and new map, sent free. For complete information, rates and berth reservations, see your local ticket agent or address E. E. Mac Leod, A. G. P. A., Topeka, Kan. JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. Cn-'-Hgo, III. P. A. 11 MtJtfS BOTH MEN A2fD WOMEN. If you are willing to work, we can give you employment with GOOD PAY, and you can work all or part time, and at home or traveling. The work is light and easy. Write at once for terms etc., to THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY MilwaulceeT 'Wla. NO DUST A I L COMFORT VIA Chair cars, buffet.library and smoking cars, Pullman palabe and tourist cars; alsh those elegant dining cara with meals on the European plan All by the BURLINGTON ROUTE G. W. BONNBLL. 6. P. & T.A. Lincoln, Nebr. Mrs. Benham I am sorry I married a fool. Mr. Benham Don't worry, you could not have married anybody but a fool.