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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1898)
THE COURIER 9 V li l h t .,-.-. Mrs. D. A. Campbell and Mrs. E. P. Brown gave an informal reception for the f opeka ladies and the board of the Matinee Musicale. J'ra. A. Luchow and Mrs. E. L. Du quette, (borne Evans), formerly of Lin coln, but now of Council Bluffs, are vis iting at the home of Mrs. W.(A. Coffin and Miss Louise McWhinnie, 1404 L street. On Tuesday evening at the home of E. H. Munson, occurred a pretty wed ding, MissIIenrietta Line and Mr. Fred Fales being the contracting parties. Rev. G. J. Chapman perfoimed the cere mony in the presence of relatives and a few friends. The Lincoln friends of Mrs. Cross, for merly Miss Kate Wilder physical direc tor of the University send condolence to her in the gieat sorrow and trouble caused by the suicide of her husband, President Cross of the Emporia Kansas bank. Electric, wiring, gas and electric fix tures and lamps a specialty. Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Co., 215 South Eleventh street. Misses Matie and Ida Johnson enter tained chapter K of P. E. O. on Monday evening. Mrs. McKinuon, the president, read an exceedingly entertaining paper on Greek architecture. Light refresh ments were served after the program. The convention of Phi Delta Tbeta will meet in Columbus, Ohio, next week. Mr. Jack Sumner is the delegate from the Lincoln chapter. He left yesterday and was accompanied by Mr. Will Ray mond and Mr. Earl McCreery. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kimball are to be at home next Monday evening, Nov ember 21st, to meet Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eaines. The entertainment will be a lecture recital. The B. B. whist club met on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Herzog. The prizes were won by Mrs. Speier and Mr. Wessel. A delicious luncheon was served. Major J. J. Pershing, of the Tenth United States cavalry, who has been visiting his sister Mrs. D. M. Butler for a few weeks left on Tuesday for Wash ington, D. C. Mrs. Nelson Levi Pollard of Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting her parents. Mrs. Pol lard was formerly Miss Anna Dunn of this city. William Reed Dunroy leaves on Mon day with the Wesleyan quartette to fill several engagements throughout Kansas. Mies Nellie Gallagher of Omaha is a guest of Mesdaraes Newman and Thomas at their residence, 1724 L street. Miss Anne Rivett, hairdreceing and Ebfcmpooing, moved fiom Burr B.k to tne Emporium, U3 South Twelth. Mrs. John B.Wright and Mrs. Charles O. Robinson left Friday for Sioux City to spend a few days with their sister, Mrs. Rody. The Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity gave an informal chafing dish party, at the home of Miss Emma Outcalt on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Legore entertained the Iowa Whist club very delightfully on Monday evening. Dentist Hill, over Miller & Paine. Mr. and Mrs. Lindley gave a pleasant card party on Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Charles Leighton and Mies Ray. Mies Rose Foster was at home to about twenty of her friends; very inform ally on Monday evening. Mrs. Jennings of Chicago is visiting Mrs. Beeeon and Mrs. Green. Mrs. Richardson of Franklin, New Hampshire, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. H. Morrill. The Kappa Sij;ma fraternity give a dancing party in their rooms oj next Tuesday evening. The Freshman lines of the State uni versity gave a hop last evening. f Mrs. Harry Hermance left on Thurs day for Norfolk, Va. to spend the winter. Mrs. Frank Ballentine, of Seattle, Washington, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Leonard. Mies Rinehart, of Lafayette, Indiana, is the guest of Mrs. George Woods. Mrs. Loveland, of Michigan, U enjoy ing a visit with Mrp. W. C. Wilton. Mits Helen Nance has gone to Califor nia to spend the winter. Miss Leta Lowe is the guest of Miss Winifred Hill. Mr. Harry Frank was in the city on Wednesday. , Died in this city of cancer, at the residence of her father Dr. J. O. Carter, 1220 L street, Mrs. C. F. Damrow of Ontario, California. As Phoebe Carter, Mrs. Damrow was a popular young lady in the days when Charlie Caldwell and Charlie Carter were beaux in the Pleas ant Hour club of this city. She was a charming and sweet tempered girl and made warm friends wboe friendship has servived the tests of distance and time. She leaves desolate a mother and father, h r husband and son, two sisters and two brothers. The funeral was held yesterday at the Carter homestead. CITY IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIA TION. The City Improvement Association held its regular fcrtnightly session in the rooms of the Union Commercial club on Thursday morning. Three mem bers of the Council, Mr. Mockett, Mr. Websterand Mr. Guthrie were present and very good naturedly answered the questions of the women who are trying to understand why the alleys are so filthy, the sidewalks are so bad and the weeds not cut. The members of the association were greatly encouraged by the visit of these member of the coun cil and the appreciation which they ex pressed of their efforts. In this one point of official sympathy encourage ment and in so far as possible aid by the oouncil and officials, the City Improve ment society of Lincoln has had an unique experience so far as can be learn ed from correspondence with other soci ties and at nearly every session commit tees which have consulted with the city officials express appreciation of this treatment. After a discussion of the practice of emptying broken glas3 on the street, so destructive of the pavement, bicycle tires and injurious to horses feet, the creation of sidewalk districts etc, the meeting adjourned for two weeks while expressirg thanks to the councilmen for their presence. The time has come to lay In your WINTER'S COAL and wood. See Gregory, corner Eleventh and O, be rora buying. HEART DISEASE And nervous ailments are as curable as other diseases. I treat nothing else- J. JS Leontiardti AT.D. Office 1427 O Sr., Liscoln, Nebr. We nave just put in a complete stock of Mrs.-Gervaise Graham's excellent preparations, including her celebrated Hair Restorer, Gaelic's Hair Grower, Cu. cumber and Elder Flour Cream, snd various facial remedies. Visit the DEM ONSTRATION there this week. Free treatments and free applications given, also fre samples and booklet "How to Do Beautiful'" Special exhibit of Mra. Graham's Hydro Vacu, the latest and most scientific Invention for treating the "palace beautiful Near Oliver Theatre. 121 so 13th The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive caBle dispatches which The CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record, alone of all American newspapers outside New York city, now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. Our FALL SHOES of 3 and $3.50 ARE THE BEST Tr' them. H 8 ROGERS 1043 O Street. THE TIME IS BRIEF. O Love the time is brief, give me thy pout ing lips to kiss, Too soon our passions cool, too soon 'tis but rememberd bliss. O Love the time is brief, at love's fair feast thou art my guest O fly to my embrace and ease my passion tortured breast. O Love the time is brief, on wings of wind the years take flight, O let us love awhile, before the falling of the night. O Love the time is brief, pale Death is knocking at the door He stands and mocking cries. "Your dream of love wiil soon be o'er." O Love the time is brief, the flush of youth soon fades and dies O give me now I pray, the noonday splendor or thine eyes. William Reed Dunroy. Mr. Puffer I don't understand your sudden aversion to tobacco, my dear. Before we were married you used to say you adored the smell of a c:gar. Mrs. Puffer That was campaign etiategy, Puffer. First Publication Nov. 10. 4 Abraham B. Waltcer, Samuel A. Walk er. Martha Walker, widow of Henry T. Walker, deceased. Mollis Walker, widow of William Walker, deceased. Fannie Walker, Bessie Walker, Henry Walker, Ruby Walker, Margaret Walker, Leirs of William Walker, de ceased, Charles Wbitaker and Fannie Frick, children of Elizabeth Fridr, for merly Anna El:zabetb Walker, now de ceased, ana Mrs. Walker, whose first name is to the plaintiff unknown, the wife of John S. alker, will take notice that on this 18th day of Novem ber, 1898, William A. Green, tha plain tiff herein, tiled his petition in the dis trict court of Lancaster county, Ne braska, against the said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain morae executed by Mary J. Walker, now deceased, to the Pheonix Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Hartford, Conn., and by the Pheonix Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn., assigi eJ to the plain tiff, upon the North half of the South east quarter of section number twenty three (23) town nine (9) North, Range numbrr six (G) East, in Lancaster Coun ty. Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promitsary to'e, dated the 27th day of July, 1880. for the sum of 8300.CO, due and payable in five years ftom date thereof; that there is now due upon said noto and mortgage the sum of 8515.00 for which sum, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a de cree, that defendant be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 26th day of Decem ber, 1898. William A. Gkkex, Plaintiff. Dated November, 18tb, 1898. The following bit of repartee, printed now for the first time, is reported of Dr. Stratton, now of Portland. Oregon, and the well known lecturer, Mrs. Edholm. While they were going off a boat at Oakland, California, a heavy rain began, and the doctor gallantly offered a share of his umbrella to Mrs. Edholm. saying "Will you come under my umbrella, Mrs. Edholm?" "Thank you," she re plied, "then you will bo my raii-beau, will you not?" "Yes,"' said he. "and you will be my rain-dear, I suppose," to which she answered, "But I won't be a Lap-lander."