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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1897)
3W --. K u- 10 THE COURIER. All-iaafe!! known works en these writer r" found in the library. -The looms era prettily decorated with palms and flags, and many cut fovets. the gifts of friends of the iosti Ration. The managers were well re aW for tneir ,&bor y tne P'eaBure of Stlle children, who thronged the broad room after school hours, sitting on the floor to read the attract ire books ar ranged for them, or gazing-with delight on the many colored pictures on the wall. This was intended as the first of a series of such days. The program of the Matinee Musicale, to be given on Monday afternoon in the club room, consists of variations, etudes and serenades as follows: Current Events Mrs. E. Lewis Baker and Mrs. D. A. Campbellt Talk Music in Germany Mrs. A. B. Raymond. 'Wake Not, But Hear Me, Love" Gsorge Osgood Miss Grace KeynoIdB. Variations The Harmonious Black smith i Handel Mrs. Joseph Wurzburg. Serenade "Open Toy Lattice Mrs. Chas. S. Lippincott, Violin Solo a Etude No. 10, Op. 73 , i. Dancla b Die Spinnerin. ....... ...DeBeriot . Miss Silence Dales. Serenade. k.i ....Schubert - Miss Bessie Turner, Mrs.CS. Raymond. Accompanist, Miss Give's. The New Book Review met with Mrs. I. N. Baker on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Els Baker gave a sketch of Mr. James Whit comb Kiley. Knowing he was so s;oa to be in Lincoln, it was in teresting to hear of all the paths of hie life that have finally led to poasy. Mu sic on the guitar by Miss Clark varied the program. Poems, from the author were read by Mrs. Khaelander and Mrs. Stonebraker. Miss Edna Baker sang very susetly "They Have Broken Your Dol', Little Girl." Miss Holland recited the "floosha" and ' Do They Miss Me At Home, with banjo accompaniment by Mis Clark. Adjourned to meet with Mks Erb, November 10. THE THEATRE. ' Continued from page 7 tion here the cast that has been win ning so much favor in the play will take part. The play is in three acts and all of its scenes are laid in New York. Chief among the dramatis persona: is Elisha Cunningham, who has grown wealthy in Wall street. Cunningham is ashrewd ojierator who went into New York with hardly a .shoe string and he is now the posses sor of a million. A deal in wheat having turned out well the broker goes to Europe with his daughter, Marjorie. and returns to discover that his nervous, impressionable partner has gone into a deal to corner the stock of of a small railroad. A big operator has tipped him that the road is shortly to be consolidated with a powerful rival which, of course will immensely increase the value of ihe stock of the smaller road and its hold ers be enabled to win out a fortune. When Cunningham learns of this state of afiairs his firm is on the verge of failure and he is compelled to put his shoulder to the wheel and endeavor to stem the tide. But through the treachery of the big operator he is shorn of all his money. The year that follows is a tough one for the broker, and when he is again seen he is but a shadow of his old self. Seedy in ap pearance, broken in health and a fre queaf visitor to the bar rooms, he roams about the stock market fever ishlv waiting and praying for a turn of luck. Through the fidelity of an old suitor for the hand of his daughter lie is placed in possession of a block of stock and through its manipulation he isagain brought back to riches and is enabled to carry down in his success the man who was responsible for his ruin, nis victorj- complete, he sits down at a desk and drops off apparent ly to Hleep. In reality he Is dead. Tlie comedy element is furnished by the love affairs of a French count. In the presentation Mr. Crane will beMr. Cunningham, a character in which he does the best work of his career. Seats on sale Saturday at 9 a. m., at box of fice. Prices. 1.."0, $1, T.'i, ."M and 25 cents. W. A. Tremavne has written a new play called "A Secret Warrant' which will le presented by Robert Man tell at the Lansing theatre next Thursday, November 4. The romance is exciting and savors of the Dumas school. Love and rapiers clash through it. Heroism and chivalry meet intrigue and treachery. It is a1 war of right against might, of virtue against regal power. Louis de Beau mont is a splendid fellow of the D'Ar tagnan type and it is not surprising that more than one lady falls in love with him. He, however, favors only the ingenuous daughter of Bertrand, the goldsmith. He has no time for the demi-monde of the Court and does not appreciate the love of the Lady Gabrielle, especially as she al ready holds the position of mistress to the Regent. Of course it is un wise to thwart the wishes of a Court favorite- who can secure a lettre de cachet for the asking, but Louis takes his chance and with the Bastile star ing him in the face, tells the vexed beauty to go to the Tropics. The production is under the management of M. W. Hanley, who never fails to do things well and thoroughly. Seats on sale Tuesday at 7 a. m.. Prices, II, 7.1. 50 and 25 cents. Manager Zehrung has booked as a special engagement Litz & Davis' big scenic production of H. Rider Hag gard's oriental romance, "She.' The dramatization of '-She is by 31 r. Ed win Barbour, author of the ''Legal Document. The story as told by Haggard is developed in every partic ular, and the strange characters of fiction, are depicted in real life. Hag gard's story opens in the nineteenth century, while Mr. Barbour goes be yond and opens his play 440 years before Christ, giqing to the public the char acters in life that Haggard mentioned as mythical. The mechanical effects are startling showing a real live per son slipping into a roaring volcanic flame, and in an snstant. before the very eyes, he is shrivelled into a mum my. The scenery used in the play is the handsomest ever tainted for a production of this kind, and covers some 16,000 feet of canvas. The com pany, numbering twenty-five people, are picked from the best ranks of the profession and are -selected for their ability to portray the characters for which they are cast. The play has an abundance of comedy tnat keeps the audience in good humor throughout. At the Funke Friday and Saturday nightsand bargain matinee Novem ber 5 and 6 Prices, $1. 75. 50 and 25 cents. Scats on sale Thursday at 10 a. m. NOTICE. (First Publication October 23.) Notice is hereby given that William W. Lottridge, Harry P. Hermance, and John N. C. Lottridge, puisuant to the laws of tho stats of Nebraska, have as bd ciated themselves together as a corpora tion, and have"adopted articles of incor porat'on, providing among other things as follows: First. The name of the corporation shall be The Lincoln Coal Mining Com pany. Second. The principal pi ice of trans acting its business Bhall ba at Lincoln, Nebraska. Third. The business of the corpora tion thall consist in the mining of coil, fire day, and minerals, and in the own ing and leasing of any real estate or per sonal property necessary for the carry ing on of said business, and the doing of all acts or things appertaining to or necessary for the proper conducting of said business. Fourth. The amount of the capital atoc'i of the corporation bhall be Two Tnousand Dollars (12,000.00) and shall be divided into twenty shares of One Hundred Dollars (8100.00) each, and shall be fully subscribe! for and paid in before the commencement of business, and shall be non -assessable. Fifth. Tha corporation aball com mence business on the 28th day of Sep tember, 1897, and shall continue in busi ness until the 23tb day ot September, 1917, unless sooner dissolved by the written .consent of two-thirds of the stock holders holding two thirds ot the FUNKE H HE Two big nights, Friday and Bargain matlnoe LITI S DHISMIMMOTH SPEGTieULIR SHE! TWO GIRLOUDS OF SCENERY, HEW SPEGIHLIIES. rlEW SONGS, NEW DIES. Prices 91.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. Seats on sale Thursday 10 a. m. iseeeMMseeaeee bADlES! Go to Seitz, "Good Imck" grocer' for fruit cake stock, including' the best Corsican citron, lemon and Grange peel. Also a ! FRESH SUPPLY OF Don't forget the number GOOD LUCK GROCERY. HOT O Street. OQQ10MB88CaWf)tDSll)IXDS stock of the corporation. Sixth. The highest amoant of indebt edness to be contracted by the corpora tion shall not exceed two thirds of the amonnt ot its capital stock. ' Seventh. The corporation shall ba managed by a board of directors con sisting of three persons, who shall be the officers of the corporation, and shall be designatsd: first. President, seconl. Vice president, third, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board of Directora may elect a general manager for the corporation, who may or may not be a stockholder therein. William W- Lottkidge, Habry P. Herxanue, John N. C. LorrRirxiE, By F. W. Woods, their Attorney. S. L. GeistLardt, Attorney. 148-150 Burr Block. NOTICE. (First publication October 9.) United States Circuit Court, District cf Nebraska. At a eesrion ot the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Nebraska, continued and held pursuant to adjournment at the court room in thi city of Lioco'n on the Gth day of October, 1897, present, the Honorable W. H. Hunger, Judge presiding, the following among other proceedings were bad and done, towii: Francis O. Faulkner as 1 Assignee of the Con- ings Bank, Complain-J, In cTjaocery. not. I VB. George E. Timbliin, et. a!., Respondents. j ORDER ON ABSENT DEFENDANTS. Now on this Gth day o! October, 1897, at the October J397 term of said court, it having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the said court that this is a Buit to enforce a mortgage lien by for closure on real property within the Dis trict ot Nebraska, and that Benjamin A . Gibson is defendant herein, and is not an inhabitant of and has not been found within said district, and has not volun tarily appeared in this suit, now on mo tion ot 8. L. Geisthardt, solicitor for the complainant, it is considered by the eaart and ordered that said defendant, Benjamin A. Gibson, ba and he hereby is ordered to appear and plead, answer or demur to the complainant's , bill ot complaint on or before the Gth day of December, 1897, and that in default thereof, an order be entered in this cause taking said bill pro confesso. it is further Ordered, That at least twenty days before said Gth day of December, 1897, a copy ot this order, be -served upon said Benjamin A. Gibson wherever found, if ? F.C. ZEHRUNG, Mgr. Corner O and Twelfth streets Saturday. Nov. 5 and 6 Saturday 2:30 PRODIieTION OF RIDER Hi - PICKLES AND ONIONS practicable, and also upon the percon . or Lersons in possession or chargo ot the. reil property des:ribd in the c impl.iin- ant's bill of complaint, if an there b , or in lieu thereof,thatacopy of this r l r ba published for b'x cinsc.utive uu-ka ia The Courier of Lincoln, a news paper published and in gen?r.l circula tion in eaid district or N-'l-rjska. W. II. Munger, Judge. The United States of America ) District of Nebraska. ss I, Oscar B. Hillis, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States for the dis trict of Nebraska, do hereby certify that tho above and foregoing is a true copy ot an order entered upon the journal ot the proceedings of said Court in the cause therein entitled; that I have com pared the same with the cr'giual entry of Biid order and it is a true transcript the rifrom and of tho whole thereof. Witneea my otlL-ial signature and tho seal of said court at Lincoln, in siid dis'rict, this Gth dav of October, 1697. seal. Oscar B. Hillis, Clerk. NOTICE. (First Publication October 21.) Wm. M. Buckman vs. Edward T. Huff, 21-257. To Albert Huff, Jessie Huff, his wife, and 1 nomas L. Teasdale, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on September 18th, 1897, Will iam M. Buckman, as plaintiff, began an action agaiost you and other defendants in the D.6tricl Court of Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska, tho object ot which is to foreclose a certain mortgage on the fol ljwinglandia said county, to-wit: Lot number 12 in block number 13, in the city of Lincoln, according to the record i ed pl-tt therof. madn by Edward T. Huff and Emma E. Huff to the Lombard In vestment Company, dated September 1st, 1890, to secure the payment ot a promissory note of said Edward T. Huff, and Emma E. Huff to said Lombard Investment Company for 81.C7J.00, On which there is now due S1.7S0.G9 with interest from September 1st, 1895, at ten per cent per annum. Plaintiff prays for decree of foreclos ure and sale ot said land to satisfy sjitl liens as aforesaid, for deficiency judg ment and general relief. You are required to answer plaintiffs petition on or before the 23th day of November, 1897. William M. Buckman. Plaintiff. By S. L. Geisthardt, Attorney. Nov. 13. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tako LaxatWn Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money It" it fails to cure. 2Zc -