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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1897)
8 THE COURIER. "SPIKE."- Ai I t in the twilight and gaze in the firr 'watching it flicker and glow, My thoughts wander tack and I greatly desire That umbrella you got long ago. While I had the dum thing it never did rain, We've had a drouth for four years as you know, Since it's gone it has poured all the time and Vd fain Have that umbrella you got long ago. I have carried it often on bright sunny days And lugged it around through the snow, ,4 But this season I've not had the pleasure to raise That umbrella you got long ago. The hour's growing late, and the fire's growing dim, And the rain's coming down through the chinks. If I can't put it up to keep off the rain Fd be glad to put it up fo the drinks. Yours with slight hopes of recovery, F.S.BURR. The Azures about the opera season have now been published. The season produce! vary nearly ?4,00D; so, alto getker, the new syndicate cannot grum ble much. This estimate inc'.udfs the Jubilee gala ni'ht, which brought in 9,600. The big 6ucsj of tin teason is pronounced to be '-Siegf ried."' Did you hear what Anton Seidl did before leaving England? Ho put his pen through the names of oao third of the Covent Garden orchestra, including seme of the wry be-t players! How ever, Maocicelli calmly undid all this; and a very wise thing tx. What is good enough for Mancinelli is good enough tor us; moreover, the Italian conductor is suro to b bicked up in his decisions by thi Marlborough House set, a; he U such a favrite with the Princess. She declares that she prefer Wagner under bis rendering to the version given by anyone else. OTHER PAPERS PLEASE COPY. Missing from home since May 1G, 1S97. Eoy 14 years of age, o! large frame, easily taken to be 15 or 1G 3 ears old; h-sight, 5 rcjt; weight 100 to 110 pounds; square shoulders, awkward gait; head large, very long from before back wards with Hat crown; ejej brown, hair, brown; dtspDsitioD, genial; expression, bright, decided and merry; when he left home, wis dressed in a light gray suit, buttons of which tore tha name of Ir W. Mueller, Providence, R. I. Father is inclined to believe that toy is dead, death rccal ting ftom foul play. Any defisite intmsaation leading to the dis covery of the bo3y or the whereabouts of the child, if living will be thank fully received and duly rewarded by the father. Dr. W. H.Stoae,151 Orms street, Providence, R. I. Ovr complete Kae of novelties a now on display hi our tailoring department. A eok throHgh will interest you. Paine & arfeL First publication September 11. SHERIFF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Julian C. Gregory is plaintiff, and John D. Slade et ht.,defend aoti. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m ,on the 12th day of O-taber, A. D., 1897, at the east door of the court bouse. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the fol owing ilts:ribed lands and tenements o wit: Lot one (1), in Mock five (."), lot four (1), in block ten (10), lot one (1), in block i &AA PUNKAS S BOOTSandSHOES 1129 0 St, - & . J) f &r J. W. MITCHBLU Wholesale ard Retail WIL.L JVIPER. !??8 street and 14? so iSllj si clcpl2onc 2?f. SIGN PAINTING AJVT DECORATING, AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. LINCOLN, NEB. S. H. Burnham, A. J. Sawyer, President. Vice president D. G. Wing, Cashier. CAPITAL 82T0,000. Directors A. J. Sawyer, S. II. Burn ham, E. Finney, J. A. Lancaster, Lewis Gregory, N. Z. Snell, G. M. Lambert son, L). G. Wing, S. W. Burnham. eleven, (11), lot thre?, (3) in block twelve (12), lotfour (4). in block twenty oao (21). lot one (11. in block twenty-nino (29), and lots one (1), two (2). three (3) and four (4), in block thirty (.TO), all in Washing ton Heights, an addition to the c;ty of Lincolo,.Larcaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hard this 8th day of September, A. D.. 1897. JOHN J. TROMPEN. Sheriff. 09. SHERIFF SALE. (First publication September 18 ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue of an order of sale issued by he cleric of the district court of the Third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Seaburg L. Sears is plaint"-ft", and Nils Blomstrom ct al.. de fendant, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 19th day of October, A. D. 1897, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following-described lands and tenements, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section nine (9), in township twelve (12), north, range seven (7). east of tne sixth principal me ridian, in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my band this 16th day of September, A. D. 1897. John J. Trompen, Sbenff. (First Pub. Sept. 11) NOTICE XO NONRESIDENT DE FENDANTS. In the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska. Leonora M. Perry, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Matby, et al., . Defendants. J 21176. To Charles A. Hanna. trustee: Charles A . -Hanna, E.P. Woodward, (fire t name unknown). The M. E. Pago Confec tionery Company, (a corporation). You and each of you will take notico S.MOH Lmcolrx Neb V - 3 J 9 H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Wliitlne'a Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street, j PHONE 68. ) KJJUO that on the 14th day of August, 1897, the above named plaint ff tiled her peti tion in the court aforesaid egaicst the said defendant?, the object and praer of which are to foreclose certain articles of agreement executed by the defend ant, Thomas Malby to the defendant Charles A. Hanna, trustee, and Charles A. Hanna, to secure the payment of four (1) certain promissory notep, dated June 28. 1892, for the sUm of 8200 each and dua and payable, respectively on the 28th davof Junejin tho veais of 1S94. 1895, 1896 and 1897. That there is now due upon Baid r.ote3 the sum of S8C0 with interest ' at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the maturity thereof. Said articles of agreement were executed to se cure ssi 1 notes upon the northeast quarter (n. e. v,) of section eleven til), township ten (10), north of range five (F) east of the sixth P. M., situated in the county of Lancaster, state of Nebraska. Plaintiff prays for a decree that de fendant be required to pay the sum due thereon or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said peti tion on or oefore Monday, the 18th dav of October. 1897. Leonora M. Perry, By Field & Brown, Plaintiff. Her Attorneys. 0-2 NOTICE. (First Publication September 25 ) New England Loan & Trust Co., vs. Thompson 21-147. To Thomas Jenkins, as executor of the last will and testament of John Thompson, deceased, Annie Pitts, Will iam Pitts, her husband, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that ou August 5th, 1897, the New Ensland Loan . Trust Company, an Iowa corporation, as plaintiff, began an action against you and other defendants in the district court of Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska, .and on the 18th dav of September, 1897, filed it supplemental petition therein, the object of which action and supplemental petition is to foreclose a certain mortgage on the fol io Ting land in said county, to-wit: The W m 3fe southwest quarter of ee:tion number 21, in town number 12. north of range number 5, oast of the tiih principal me ridian, made by James Thompson and Sarah Ellen Thompson to the New Eng land Loan ifc Trust Company, dated Apiil 25, 1887. to secure the payment of promissoiy note? of said James Thomp son to Baid New England Loan & Trust Company for the sum of 81375, on which there is now due the sum of 81343.99 with interest from May 1, 1897, at 10 per cent per annum, pursuant to coupons. Plaintiff pra) a for decree of foreclos ure and sale of said land to satisfy 6aid lien, for deficiency judgment and gen eral relief. You are required to answer the plain tiff's petition and supplemental petition on or before the first day of November 1897. New Encland Loan & Trust Com pany. By S. L. Gelsthardt, Attorney. Oct 16. MRS. INA DILLON TABER J Voice Culture. Pupil of Signor Gedeoni Olivieri, the teacher of Emma Eames, Emma Calve, Jean and Edward DeReske and Jean Lasalle. For terms and particu lars address Mrs. Ina Tabor, 673 Boy I stun Street, Bcpton, Mns3. 1 tofcHTS BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. If you are willing to work, we can cive vou em p!oment with GOOD P"AY, andyju can work all or part time, and at home or traveling. The w k is light and easy. Writo at once fa terms, etc., to THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wis. There are all kinds of paints and var nishes, mostly inferior, of course, and therefore expensive at any prlcj. We buy only the best paints and varnishes to be had in the market and you will be pleased with their plainly evident super iority when you see them. Paint', brushes, varnishes and all painters" sup plies at B. O. Kostk3, 1211 O street. ooocooo cooooooooooooooooo O CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS o o ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS O PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS g EXTERIOR VIEWS o o s o 8 o o -t THE PHOTOGRAPHER 1! South Eleventh Street. o ocooooo 000s ooco oooocooo AmrCIDo You Know that LAUIIld!"A1etrciir."-llr.Alt'y's home treatment tor Diseases 01 Women will, without :ui operation, use of Instruments. or or mil exposure, cure all forms of Female Complaint? l'or particulars niltli ess HIRaTINF RFMFDY CO . 1448 0 St . Lincoln. Ntb. J For thirty days samples free.- 1 WU&ri&Mfy