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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1897)
the com irEsr SE Trtrs. , BreaWBaai . . where they will make Iheir future home. Mrs. P. M. Hull, astisted by Mr. and g . t m The Telephone company, !n their new Mr. L. C. Richards and Miss Wild will ife- illl51Cfl.l ilCntlOn building en Thirteenth street, received give a reception at the home of Mr. and r m i. lVlltlVll their Mends, the newspaper fraternity Mrs. Hall to the W. and V. W. C. A. to JOHN RANDOLPH. of Lincoln foot Snriirrlav mnrnir- Th All member of the association and their JKS ir s- l t York The master of ceremonies was Mr. X. S. Harwood leaves today for The mu3ica, eea80n in Lincoln g5ve8 ber of the facully of the School or Mu- iSlS-T .! w TJJ vMr Nwlork from whence in a week or so -0 of UDU8ua, in,ere8t thia year, sic, and in what win practically the AugU9tE:chewho.ntrucedMr.o3t, he will sail for Europe to meet h.s To BUre we are to be deprived for a Hut public appearance of Mrs. Will present of the Nebraska Telephone daughter. They will travel about in time ot the arti8tic presence of Mrs. P. Owen Jones m Lincoln since her year ot company and Mr. Brooks and Mr. How- the -old country for a few months re- w. Plank and ot Miss Marie Hoover, study with JefTy. Mrs. Jones aim, Piuy to the foUowin P Cm' thete000'" abUt the,uM3,ef Miss Harriet Reynold fas accepted a made her debut as a teacher in the , V it owing newspaper repre- permanent position in Chicago, and school. The two ladies were axsisted by EI r Mi ?7, o ?"?'; The membership committee o! the ,here aro rurnorBit ig to be boped the Ilagenow String Quartet, not a nov- Mr. Auelin or the Call Mr. Schwind of matinee musicale will hear applicants without foundation-that Mrs. C. S. elty but, always tilling a dignilied posi- the Poaf, Miss Harris of 1 he Coukikk, for active membership at Mrs. R. A. Lippincott, tne be8t known of L;ncoIn , upon program. Mr. Harrison or the Omaha ifce, and Air. Holyoke's. 425 South Fourteenth street. cont9mplat.8 Ioaving the city. MieB Treat hag been heard In LhlC0,n radley or the 11 arid Herald. They Wednesday morning. S.ptember 29, at But we eipxt to have Mm. Plank and in oratorios, but not before. I believe, a. conversed with the chier operator in the 10 o clock. ,f . . . ,. ... . , , . . . . ' r,. . . , . , ., , XT ,. . Miss Hoover again, no doubt with added a singer ot chamber music. Nevertbe- Chicago office who is ncsse6sed of a The death of Mr. Martin H. Brush, . I i .u i iT u . ,., , '. .. u -iu- musical attainment, and in the mean- less her charming presence and pleas ready wit and a resonant voice. He was who, for twenty-two years has made his . , ,., ,. . ., . .. . . ... -i rv t . time locally we can congratulate our- ing manner are well known to many assured 1 hi the was talking with the home with the family of Dr. Latta, re- ' . ? , ""' ..-... .u l - . selves upon the return of Mrs. D. A. Lincoln people who have heard her newspaper people or Lincoln, Nebraska, moves a very familiar, though quiet ..., .. . . 4. , . - tu . . , . . . which meant only to him the home o figure from the streets. He was familiar Campbell the former president or the elsewhere ,n the state, and she received R h i- i , , - to tho eyes, though known to but tow ot Matineo Musicale. fresh from study in a hearty welcome from her audience urjan. tie intimated that having so the residents of this cily. Hisonlyrela- Europo. I, personally, hope to hear Miss Treat's singing was wholly unar- cu.ed telephonic connection with the tire in thia city ia a nephew. Mr. J. L. Mre. CampbeH in a re,5tal before the fecteJ and agreeable. Personally I found country Mr. Bryan would now discover Woodward. He has relatives in New .... .. .. . . " .. , :, . that his liews on silver weie movincial York and ln6 funeral arrang. ments close ot tne 8;as3n. Moreover there is her appearance as a "liedcr' singer , . Ml t, . , .. 7 will not be made until thev are heard reasonable ortaioty of live orchestral even more attractive than her recent and revue them. But when bis words fm " v .4u.u !. L , , .. B , "o jrotn- concerts, each concert to have tho as- performinco in oratorio, which waa ms. d Mj . wind he Bp a o"s Mr.D.D.Muir spent Saturday and eistance of a soloi, by the vivified and favorably received last June. It is in- distance editorial to the new young man Sunday in Denver. rejuvenated Philharmonic orchestra, deed uncommoa to lind a singer so wh.chfet him to talking about the Mrs. JohnDorgan isvis.fngher sister Mr A t Ha . has Iuaterially richly endowed with voice, presence. weather. With the new connections in Denver. etreogtbeoed the forces under his baton, charm of manner and that ueplns ultra Lincoln is in the circuit, of big citie8ar.d I felt quite sure that even the .after- f heafd th orch,stra rehear6e a few g, training. Tho tono production of can talk with New York for sometbiiig sei-s.n at Bar Harbor would not pass i i u .ifi.- u . " over ten dollars for Hve minutes, and without some characteristic and unique dijs ago and was pieced to observe the he e.nger seams to have gained in p.. f . . , ' peifoimance oa the part of Mr. or gain in the woodwind, which now has freedom during the summer and I am cnicagoror half that sum. The No- Mr,. Frederick Gebhard. Mr. arid Mrs. an oboe player, and in the added sonor- compelled to speak in the highest terms brasTelephoco company h.s shown "Ua ity gained by the use of frettle drums, ot her vocal delivery and general style. I faith in Lincoln by the very handsome hive, at stated intervals since their mar- B . ' . ', A and modern buildioe which thfv have riage. managed to produce some.sortor The violins are to have the assistance or have never been arraid to praise that T . ' a6enEa'ion, and another manifestation Mr. Menzendorf and of his talented pu- which is good and 1 have frequently built, and in the interes. wLica the from either one or the other warfdue in pil.Miss Silence Dales. MissInaEn- urged in these columns that the fact of manager, Mr. Hermann Eiche has shown August. There were rumors at Bar - . , iu ni(, . M t;,i,,..,;ri- t. . i j .l , ... , , ... , tt k , u.- t..i m,t k- sign has returned from the Cit ot Mex- residence in Lincoln coe not precude the by his handsome dona'nn of two hun- Harbor, a3 far bacK as July, that the . 6 ' " ... , dred atd firtv dollira to !h luditorinm Gebhards would repeat the midnight ico to continue her study with Mr. Hag- possibihtyof artistic excellence, while it a tea acai nuy uouarsio me auauonum clarabake with attendant excitamenu enow, and she loo will be heard among does not assure it. Occasionally our fund. The reception was a . enccM-ful of the summer or 189G, but the antici- the violins. Of course Mr. Charles local critics seam afraid to say that any- function. More or these little affairs pated feast did not materialize. It re- u :n , ni ,:( k: h,;:0 j :i i , . , Lr j t nr'..on -..m Hagenoy will, ai usual, as3ist bis thing is good without numerous reser- which br ng mimbersor tho tame pro mained for Mrs. Lawrence Green, form- . j . -j t . i., . . . fession fcethrr miht result in real erly Miss Bank , of Albany, to give Mrs. brother, and almost every resident com- vatioas-presumably born of a convic- itrsei n g , eai Gebhard tho opportunity to produco a potent player of an orchestral instru- tion that nothing good can come out of harmony whether it appeared m tho ensation and thus live up toher record. ment will be pre3ent this year in the Nazareth, newspapers or not. Mrs. Green sent out invitations for a t,:ii,..: i,m t mi., .:.i u. T- i T .1 . , x.- r - x , costume "hen" dinner on a recent even- Philharmonic orchestra. I am only afraid that Lincoln may not List Saturday Miss Louise Pound ar- inp, and these invitations were eagerly There is promise of a series or ar- be able to keep a s:nger who is so ob rived at home and that nig it L street responded to. The hostess herself was titt chamber concerts during the year, viously endowed for a career as a public for two blocks, was illuminated in honor arrayed, as was alto her friend. Mrs. Datej and names are not yet secured, singer. Mies Treat's voice is a clear and of the conquering heroine, ana the omon, fo?mly Mtai ach, of but there is talk of Rosenthal, the great reeonant soprano, young and not as yet neighbors made a Iit'b congratulatory Washington, personated "Little Lord pianist, and of the vocal artists, Georg with the absolute finish or the assured procession to her home. Miss Pound Fauntleroy,' and Miss Jean McLean was and Lillian Henschel. art's' the last touches will no doubt be received them with modesty but with "'a little girl in blue'attired in a frock rhe actual opening of the musical put upon it by foreign study but in real pleasure pnd the occation was a if u" M?es Ele"or Sedle'y, madT a most season occurred, so far as local events Torcod and admirably used. I was glad very happy ono. effective "Gismonda." in a gown or white are concerned, in the first faculty recital that sho did not yield to the common Th fllno:inT uflip havo loon an Bilk, with a crown ot Iilie3 on her Mowing ot the University School ot Music. This error of singing very loudly in a hall the - , h rZ i .p,r Tth nmh.r A-" !hp83 ,,d,eB..wllh othelr8- ,.ar concert took place on Wednesday even - size ot tho chapel of thestate university point3d for tne season on the member- rved a little early, and were chatting . . . . . .. , , ., . , . ; n j uuivcrsiiy. ship board of the Haydon Art club: and discussing costumes, when suddenly mg, September 22. at the chapel ot the She manifested no desire to split the Chairmin Mrs. V. M. Halli Mesdames Mrs. Frederick Gebhard was announced. State University before a large audi- earsof the groundlings, but sung with uv:M x ? Rivmnnd Giffnn Mac The Baltimore beauty glided into the ence. As a matter of record I present abundant reserve force. On the whole Z&L&222Zf5a SS3KRi,SSiS " '": - -? "- in '"' upon the members of the club immedi- and could, through their expressions ot Allegro Vivace As3ai, fr. quartet in B present position was a decided success. ae!y tor duesanl will be most happy o at tinish ment and peals of laughter, ex- Flat Mozart Mrs. Will Owen Jones has ben heard add new meaibers to the roll. The first amin ah gfjf "Sef I The HageDW StriDB Qu"tet- 1" L!n,coln-o;t2"' bat never- X "m ". meeting of the club will occur Monday J&e th-Tth" mSt prominent feature Piano Solo-Scherzo, C sharp minor. to .nchaood advantage as in this re evening, October 2, in the exhibition or Mrs. Gebhard's costume was-or were Nocturne op. 13, 1 Chopin ital. Bui techmciHy and arhsfcally, room of thtart depaitment. Miss Cora a Pair r Mr- Oehhard's trousers, Mrs. Will Owen Jone?. Mrs. Jones has made a decided advance Parker will be in chargeand will talkon j" J" fi """"fjj ul Soprano Solo-Hark! Springtime since her appearance l..t w.nter. She -American Painters of Today." Her JSSiS fabove the , kneTthS fafc -V"": " ""ands the rame velvety touch, the lecture will be illustrated by seventy-five ened with a pink silk ribbon, and the a,Be rac,e Coerne same beautiful tone. But there is much line lintrn s'ides This is the first of a Irg below the knea was encased in pink Miss Marian Treat. more of power in intcrpritation. much series ot six meetings at which Eome ot XcorrpfeeK Violin Solo-Fantasia Appass-onate.. more or finish and artistic repose. This the best known artists and lecturers in w Sl.! K W" -.Veuxlemp. was especially noticeable in the im- America will preside. The midwinter feather duslcr, whose handb was fatt- Mr- August Hagenow. pissiooed echerzo of Chopin. The F i,-K-f-;ii h ih fir.ot the dub has ened at the back of the head by a broad Piano Solo Firecharm, fr.-DieWai- sharp maor nod urne was of course ad exhibit will be the hr.est the club has J mirably rendered, that is usually the ever gathered. Already pictures have b(JW above tfae' forehead. Mr8. Geb- m !!. style of dreamy composition we excect been promised by Howe, the great bat'le harJ's black hair was divided into two 0 , ,.,.,, t. to hear Mrs. Jones p'ay best, but since naintr and by Irvine R, Wiles, the fa- p!eat, whi:h were brought over ber Soprano Solo Irish 1-oik Song.... Foote hir return from study there iia deci led -" a.M nnimr n effort ia rw-intr shoulders and looped under her chin. Tne Throstle Whlta Eain in her interpretation of more im- mous figure painter. An effort is being k pass.on-d co-npositions. The "Magic made to secure Hovendens "Breaking an( bove' al tge 4waving feather " !"", Fire mus.cfro,,, tho "Valkyrie" was Home Ties." Tho ready response of duBter, made a most striking picture; 3Z0ne"a, ir-serenade ... most baaii,fuW pbjed. elicng a mnmbers who have been aprciled to by but even this effect piled before the . ictor Heroe.-t heartvrecill No encores we'e, how- heoarn ot directors of tho Haydon enaation caused by the trausnaand the Ueverie-"Au Bord de la Mer' racceplej by either Mi.s Tat or ineuuaiu tight3. The immediate guests at the Dunk'er ''.c ' Art c'ub shows the undiminished inter- dner could not keep eyes eff ' ' ' ThVniX v.'.ur! The Hagenow String Quartet was as est in art and appreciation ot what the Mrs. Gebhard, who seemed to enjoy the 1De "aenow 8iog. ruane.. usuai capable anddignili d. Mr. August club has done for that branch of intelli- excitement sho had caused, and by noon It will be seen that the interest of the Haeenow wa also hpard in a brilliant here and the directors are much of the next day the occurrence was the occasion centered in the first appear- faa ' of, v'ciips-a number be gencenere, ana talk of Bar Harbor.-Toicu topics. annnfM. fnp:, Tv-ai r,m;,-f 5 n.ot' l be,,eve- Pyed before in TTIb-TlIuSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE . -nee of Mwj Marian Treat, form-r y or Lincoln. WawilemenorlaJiesiii travel for iwp Mrs. Amu Rivctt has charge of the hair Chicago, bu. now or Linoln. as a m-ui- jt5.ouaud uiHMiscs. iwtiwi steady. Keftr- dressing parlors of Mrs. Gosper's miliinery Turpin's school of dandn?. 1132 N St. AUCLXr. A COLD IN ONE DAY pece. Knctii-c.belf-aililresswl staroped :nrct- . Classes now formtnv Hall fnrrmt .Take Lnxaliva Bromo QuJnin Tablets All i. e. Tlio Dominion ctmi..iiir. I-t. Llucngo parlor. Classes now lOimtng.nall lor rent. uruK8Ut refund tlicm-.nif it fails tocute.K-